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Plan Ahead!

Self Soothing Project

When you’re in a tough spot and need to self-soothe or engage in some
self-compassion, it can be hard to access the skills you need! This activity is
meant to help you plan ahead and create a system that requires very little
thought to use in the moment. Please note that this worksheet is meant to
help you get started! Please customize anything & everything you’d like!

Instructions: Minimum Materials:

Step One: Intention A Vessel (jar, envelope, bowl, etc)
Popsicle sticks or paper
What activities you want this Vessel to A pen/marker
hold? Mindfulness strategies? Self Your brain! (minimum one brain cell)
Compassion work? Things to do when Any additional art supplies you’d like
you’re under- or over-stimulated? All such as:
of the above? Set your intention!
Stickers to decorate your vessel
Step Two: Research & Brainstorming Markers/colored pencils/crayons
Find activities that meet your
intentions that require various amounts
of time/energy to complete. Variety is
important! Some examples are in the
greenbook on pg 15 & onwards!
Step Three: Write them down!
This can be done at the same time as
step two! Write down the activities on
your pieces of paper or popsicle
sticks. Don’t put them in your vessel
Step Four: Color Code/Oraganize
This can also be done at any time.
Create a key of symbols/colors to
help you organize your activities. You
can organize based on time
commitment, energy required, type of
activity, etc. (you can color the tips of
your ppopsicle sticks or use different
colors of paper, use stickers, whatever
you’d like! Just make sure you have the
key on your vessel! How to use:
Step Five: Decorate your Vessel and Keep your vessel somewhere you’ll see it
often. When you feel the need to
put in your activities! engage in one of the activities, either
Be as creative as you have energy for! pick one at random or use the key to
You can write your intentions on the choose an activity you know you have
jar, cover it in things that spark joy, time/energy for!
what ever you’d like.

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