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Couple’s Dialogue: Mirror Mirror

Use this conversation exercise/structure when you and your partner are having
difficulty hearing each other.

“Mirror mirror The Setup

on the wall”
Use the Trigger Phrase

If needed, take a moment to breathe

Decide who will be the sender & receiver

(Flip a coin about it if necessary)

The Sender Begins

Use “I” centered language

I feel....
Avoid Criticism

“You’re always late” “When you’re late, I feel frustrated”

Try to keep it bite-sized!

No worries if it gets long! Just be prepared

to repeat yourself if your partner needs!

I’m hearing that... did I get that The Receiver Follows

Reflect/summarize what your partner said
Is there more about that?
Finish by asking, “Did I get that right?”

If yes, ask , “Is there more about that?”

If no, have the sender clarify and reflect

again until they say, “yes.”

Remember: reflect what you’re hearing and

don’t be afraid to keep it simple!

Repeat the cycle until the sender doesn’t have more to say, then switch roles!

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