Robertplant Bioac Cell 2023

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Plant bioacoustics: The sound expression of stress

Daniel Robert1,*
1School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, 24 Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TQ, UK


Plants are not exactly known to be great conversationalists. In this issue of Cell, a new study highlights that
when stressed by desiccation or cutting injury, tomato and tobacco plants can produce airborne ultrasonic
emissions. These sounds are loud enough to be heard by insects and can be analytically categorized using
trained neural networks, pointing to their potential informative value.

Like all organisms, plants are inescapably happen in situations of stress or result in intentional, evolutionarily adaptive acous-
coupled to the world of acoustics. Sound, actual irreversible injuries to the plant. tic information, a bespoke signal, as they
be it chronic or evanescent, loud or The question of acoustic detection would do for example using volatiles to
vanishingly faint, is a pervasive form of and emission has been investigated and attract the predators of their undesired
energy in all biomes, propagating in air, debated for some time,6–8 with one herbivore visitors.10
water, living tissue and soil substrates. emerging consensus being that more Interestingly, broadening the scope,
From roots to shoots, plants are therefore experimental evidence is required to Khait et al. also obtained acoustic record-
subjected to a flow of acoustic energy, establish the role of acoustics in plant ings from wheat, corn, young grapevine
like all matter on Earth. In essence, as behavior and life history. Evidence exists branches, and tomato plants infected
sounds make matter vibrate, vibrating of sound affecting plant behavior, such with tomato mosaic virus (TMV).1 As
matter generates sounds. as sonotropism6 and changes in nectar TMV directly affects leaf growth and fruit
Whether and how plants are generally production9 (Figure 1A), yet many ques- yield, this is an important finding. Sound
actively involved in the world of sound tions as to the proximate how and ultimate emissions can now become a useful diag-
and vibrations remains a fertile research why of putative acoustic communication nostic feature. Further tests may seek to
question. Publishing in this issue of Cell, remain open to this day.7 Remarkable establish whether ultrasonic acoustic
Khait et al. succeeded at measuring and recent evidence demonstrates that emissions take place at early stages of
characterizing the acoustic emissions of beach-evening primroses (Oenothera viral infection and whether those are
non-woody tomato and tobacco plants drummondii) enhance nectar concentra- distinguishable from emissions occurring
experiencing physiological stress.1 Plants tion in response to sound playbacks simu- during healthy growth. Time being of the
placed in different, well-controlled condi- lating the presence of insect pollinators.9 essence, acoustics may inform presymp-
tions, including a gradually increasing state Albeit not the answer to all questions tomatic treatments that reduce systemic
of desiccation, or a cut through the stem, about plant acoustic behavior, such evi- and population spread of TMC and
generated ultrasonic clicks that were dence provides an insight into the distinc- reduce cost and impact of chemical
remarkably intense, reaching ca. 63dBSPL tive sensory ecologies of autotroph applications.
(a logarithmic measure of sound pressure organisms that could not be conceived From a sensory ecological viewpoint,
level). For reference, a considerate human of before. some horizon scanning might reveal
conversation in a living room would take Similarly, the new study by Khait et al. of- some far and hitherto hidden features
place at similar sound pressure levels. fers a fresh and solid view, demonstrating and implications of plant acoustic emis-
Plant sound emissions have been known clear variations in air-borne ultrasonic sions. The fact that acoustic energy is
about for quite a few years,2 yet their emissions propagating from the plants, propagating across the surrounding air
detection had been restricted to contact and constitutes a most valuable addition makes it potentially available to other or-
vibrometric measurements, reporting vi- to previous phenomenology (Figures 1B ganisms. Cavitation crackling is not private
brations from lignified tissues, such as and 1C). Hence, airborne sound emissions anymore; the bearers of ultrasound-sensi-
branches and trunks from mostly coni- are not necessarily a matter private to the tive ears could potentially exploit such
fers.3–5 The origin of these crackling plant; other organisms can potentially sounds. Could herbivorous insect or ro-
sounds has been proposed to stem from exploit them and derive information from dent species assess the health of a plant
the physical process of cavitation, them. This is what evolutionary sensory via cavitation sounds? Could egg-laying
whereby abrupt discontinuities in the water exploitation enables; acoustic energy that lepidopteran species seek to avoid a plant
column generated by the ingress of air in inevitably reveals a physiological state under hydration or viral stress? By the
the tree’s xylem vascular system cause en- can potentially become an informative same token, would a crackling noisy plant
ergetic implosions, or vascular embo- cue within the sensory ecological niche of be less attractive to herbivores, leafminers,
lisms.2 The exact etiology and biophysics other organisms. The distinction between or other grazers? Further recordings could
of mechanisms at play remain unknown, cue and signal is important, as here no ev- test whether acoustically active plants, not
including whether such sounds only ever idence exists thus far that plants broadcast necessarily stressed, incur fewer attacks

Cell 186, March 30, 2023 ª 2023 Elsevier Inc. 1307


Figure 1. Plant bioacoustics in context: acoustic sensitivity and emission

(A) Plants such as the tobacco plant can respond to the mechanical perturbations generated by incident sounds. Various physiological responses, with different
dynamics (inset) can involve change in growth rate, root navigation, increased nectar production.
(B) Healthy plants without environmental or physiological stress can generate vibrations that transmit only weakly into the surrounding air and may not be
detectable by insects. Here, vibrations are mostly confined to the shell of the plant and detected by surface dwelling herbivorous insects via their subgenual
organs in their mechanically sensitive knee joints.
(C) Plants under stress, such as desiccation or cutting injury, generate air-borne ultrasonic emissions that are loud enough to be detected by insects and other
ultrasound-sensitive organisms.

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1308 Cell 186, March 30, 2023

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