Activity - Tell Us Something About Yourself

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Activity – Tell us something

about yourself
Activity – Tell us something about yourself

1. Name , Age , Place of birth ( do not tell the state

you belong to )

2. Present status ( Studying in UIET , Branch , CGPA )

3. Academic qualifications

a) Class XII , year , % , Board , school

b) Class X , year , Pointer , Board , school

Everything to be supported with a certificate

Activity – Tell us something about yourself

4. Academic achievements

a) Subjects in which scored > 90 marks in XII.

b) Participation (and certificate) for Olympiads,
KVPY, NTSE etc. You need a achievement/
appreciation certificate and not participation.
STAGE 1 / 2
c) Participation (and certificate) for Science quiz,
science exhibition.
d) In UIET………
Everything to be supported with a certificate
Activity – Tell us something about yourself
5. Extra Curricular Activities

a) Participation in Games , declamations , dramatics,

and debates

b) Organized an event in school

c) Worked on some project , NGO

d) Member of committees in UIET

e) NCC

Everything to be supported with a certificate

Activity – Tell us something about yourself

6. Position of responsibility held

a) School captain , House captain, Sports captain

b) Convener of committees in UIET

Everything to be supported with a certificate

Activity – Tell us something about yourself

7. Papers presented , Projects done , Summer training,


Everything to be supported with a certificate

Activity – Tell us something about yourself

8. Brief information about parents and siblings

a) Do not tell your father’s and mother’s name just

tell about their occupation ( as applicable)

b) I have a younger brother……elder brother…….

I have a younger sister……….elder sister……….

If siblings are working then name of organization

where working
Activity – Tell us something about yourself
9. Mission / objective in life
a) I want to be a scientist because…….
b) I want to be an IAS/ IPS/ IFS officer because….
c) I want to join the corporate world because……
d) I want to join a government organization because….
e) I want to be an entrepreneur because………
f) I want to join my family business because…….
g) I want to be a professional photographer /
environmentalist / start a NGO
h) I want to be an engineer / successful engineer
i) I want to join teaching profession
j) As of now I do not know what I wish to do. I will plan
later on.
k) I want to join Armed Forces…..
Activity – Tell us something about yourself
10.Personality Traits ( strong and weak points)

Strong points

Hard working Have leadership skills

Sincere Can work in a team
Trustworthy Creative
Focused Perfectionist
Dependable Have good communication skills
Disciplined Cheerful
Positive Attitude Confident
Eager to learn Strong will power
Activity – Tell us something about yourself
Weak points
If asked to tell about your weak points do not say
“ I have no weak point “

Emotional Over think

Lazy Talkative
GK is weak Introvert
Bad handwriting Procrastinate
English Grammar is weak Rigid / Stubborn
Cannot manage time Dominating
Cannot take decision quickly Overambitious
Get confused easily Over confident
Cannot concentrate for long Straight forward
Egoistic Blindly trust people
Careless Adjusting / Flexible
Activity – Tell us something about yourself

11. What I like doing (do not use the word hobbies )

Listening to music
Playing a musical instrument
Outdoor activities
Reading books…..
Watching YouTube Videos / Surfing the net

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