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Introduction to the Course

The examination of life as a whole, evolution, root causes, and the results of human
behavior from a sociological standpoint is called sociology.

W2. What is Sociology?

I believe that Gossip Girl is an excellent programme to explore sociological topics

because it demonstrates how the lives of elites vary from those of other classes.
Despite the fact that Gossip Girl is frequently seen as a mindless drama for adolescents
about the luxurious lifestyles of Manhattan kids, I believe that it is a fantastic show to
examine sociological themes. For instance, Dan Humphrey does not come from a
wealthy family, and as a consequence, he is confronted with a variety of obstacles and
problems as a direct result of his socioeconomic level. Drug use, the quest for approval
inside, and pressure from school are some of the other topics that highlight the
sociological concerns regarding adolescent society.

W3. Ways of Knowing in Sociology

The following article examines the benefits of glycolic acid for the skin, including its
possible good and negative effects, as well as advice for its usage in a safe and
effective manner. This article examines a number of studies and research that have
been carried out in order to acquire a better knowledge of the effects that glycolic acid
has on the skin. These studies and research can be found in the references section of
this page. In order to get this level of comprehension, the studies and research in
question have used both the experimental and the observational methods. This study is
quantitative because it addresses the % improvement of acne, which serves as the
framework for analyzing quantifiable data in this article. In other words, the percentage
betterment of acne is the cornerstone for this research.

W4. Understanding Society and Social Life: Classical Traditions

I have been employed as a salesperson at a retail store, and this position is relevant to
one of Marx's four aspects of his theory of labor, namely alienation from the process of
one's own labor. This is because the nature of my job requires that I adhere to certain
rules and meet certain targets every day, and I do not have any input into how or why
the company wants to achieve their objectives. Because you grow habituated to the
cycle in this kind of profession, it has the potential to leave you feeling quite emotionally
and physically spent.

W5. Self, Society, and Socialization

I believe that learning to control one's emotions is a talent that one acquires throughout
their lifetime, and that skill may be improved upon over time as one gains more
knowledge via experience. After experiencing a series of severe anxiety episodes, I
decided to seek professional help. My therapist suggested that I begin writing about the
things that are upsetting me as well as the feelings that they evoke in me. Not only did I
discover how to confront my feelings instead of stuffing them down, but this experience
also opened my eyes to the significance of effectively processing my feelings in order to
effectively manage my feelings.

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