Unit Ii

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Module Code: 351CS25


Unit II Detail Notes

School of Computer Science

Module Teacher: Fanny Chatola

Unit II Advanced Excel: Creating a Default Chart, Creating a Chart using Chart Wizard,
Modifying: Chart, Chart Type, Chart Area, Plot Area, Gridlines, Titles, Axes, Legend, a Data
Series - Adding data to a chart, adding data Tables and Trend lines - Changing to Another Sheet,
Naming Sheets, Referring to Data From Other Sheets in Formulas, Consolidating to a Sheet,
Naming Ranges, Auditing a Workbook, Seeking Goals, Tracking Changes, Reviewing Changes,
Inserting Comments, Protecting and Sharing a workbook, merging workbooks - Making a Bill in
Creating a Default Chart................................................................................................................................2
CREATE A CHART......................................................................................................................................2
REFERRING TO DATA FROM OTHER SHEETS IN FORMULAS.........................................................7
How to merge two Excel sheets into one by the key column(s)..................................................................11
Creating a Default Chart.

1. Select the data for which you want to create a chart.
2. Click INSERT > Recommended Charts.
3. On the Recommended Charts tab, scroll through the list of charts that Excel recommends
for your data, and click any chart to see how your data will look. ...
4. When you find the chart you like, click it > OK.
5. Use the Chart Elements, Chart Styles, and Chart Filters buttons, next to the upper-right
corner of the chart to add chart elements like axis titles or data labels, customize the look
of your chart, or change the data that is shown in the chart.
6. To access additional design and formatting features, click anywhere in the chart to add
the CHART TOOLS to the ribbon, and then click the options you want on the DESIGN
and FORMAT tabs

A worksheet is a collection of cells where you keep and manipulate the data. Each Excel
workbook can contain multiple worksheets.

Select a Worksheet

When you open an Excel workbook, Excel automatically selects Sheet1 for you. The name of the
worksheet appears on its sheet tab at the bottom of the document window.
Insert a Worksheet

You can insert as many worksheets as you want. To quickly insert a new worksheet, click the
plus sign at the bottom of the document window.


To give a worksheet a more specific name, execute the following steps.

1. Right click on the sheet tab of Sheet1.

2. Choose Rename.

3. For example, type Sales 2016.

Move a Worksheet

To move a worksheet, click on the sheet tab of the worksheet you want to move and drag it into
the new position.

1. For example, click on the sheet tab of Sheet2 and drag it before Sales 2016.

Delete a Worksheet

To delete a worksheet, right click on a sheet tab and choose Delete.

1. For example, delete Sheet2.


Copy a Worksheet

Imagine, you have got the sales for 2016 ready and want to create the exact same sheet for 2017,
but with different data. You can recreate the worksheet, but this is time-consuming. It's a lot
easier to copy the entire worksheet and only change the numbers.

1. Right click on the sheet tab of Sales 2016.

2. Choose Move or Copy.

The 'Move or Copy' dialog box appears.

3. Select (move to end) and check Create a copy.

4. Click OK.

Note: you can even copy a worksheet to another Excel workbook by selecting the specific
workbook from the drop-down list (see the dialog box shown earlier).


You can also reference cells from completely different files.

1. Click where you want to insert the reference. ...

2. Type = and start building the reference.
3. Click on the Excel icon in the task bar.
4. Select the workbook with the cell(s) you want to reference.
5. Select the cell(s) you want to reference.
6. Click or press Enter.


The quickest way to consolidate data in Excel (located in one workbook or multiple workbooks)
is by using the built-in Excel Consolidate feature.

Let's consider the following example. Supposing you have a number of reports from your
company regional offices and you want to consolidate those figures into a master worksheet so
that you have one summary report with sales totals of all the products.
As you see in the screenshot below, the three worksheets to be consolidated have a similar data
structure, but different numbers of rows and columns:

To consolidate the data in a single worksheet, perform the following steps:

1. Arrange the source data properly. For the Excel Consolidate feature to work correctly,
make sure that:

o Each range (data set) you want to consolidate resides on a separate worksheet.
Don't put any data on the sheet where you plan to output the consolidated data.

o Each sheet has the same layout, and each column has a header and contains
similar data.

o There are no blank rows or columns within any list.

2. Run Excel Consolidate. In the master worksheet, click the upper-left cell where you
want the consolidated data to appear, go to the Data tab and click Consolidate.
Tip. It's is advisable to consolidate data into an empty sheet. If your master worksheet already
has some data, make sure there is enough space (blank rows and columns) to contain the merged

3. Configure the consolidation settings. The Consolidate dialog windows appears and you
do the following:

o In the Function box, select one of the summary functions you want to use to
consolidate your data (Count, Average, Max, Min, etc.). In this example, we
select Sum.

o In the Reference box, clicking the Collapse Dialog icon and select the range
on the first worksheet. Then click the Add button to have that range added to
the All references Repeat this step for all the ranges you want to consolidate.

If one or some of the sheets reside in another workbook, click the Browse bottom to locate the

4. Configure the update settings. In the same Consolidate dialog window, select any of
the following options:

o Check the Top row and/or Left column boxes under Use labels if you want the
row and/or column labels of the source ranges to be copied to the consolidation.
o Select the Create links to source data box if you want the consolidated data to
update automatically whenever the source data changes. In this case, Excel will
create links to your source worksheets as well as an outline like in the following

If you expand some group (by clicking the plus outline symbol), and then click on the cell with a
certain value, a link to the source data will display in the formula bar.

As you see, the Excel Consolidate feature is very helpful to pull together data from several
worksheets. However, it does have a few limitations. In particular, it works for numeric
values only and it always summarizes those numbers in one way or another (sum, count,
average, etc.)

If you want to merge sheets in Excel by copying their data, the consolidation option is not the
way to go. To combine just a couple of sheets, you may not need anything else but the good old
copy/paste. But if you are to merge tens of sheets, errors with manual copying/pasting are
inevitable. In this case, you may want to employ one of the following techniques to automate the

How to merge Excel sheets into one

Overall, there are four ways to merge Excel worksheets into one without copying and pasting:

How to merge two Excel sheets into one by the key column(s)
If you are looking for a quick way to match and merge data from two worksheets, then you can
either employ the Excel VLOOKUP function or embrace the Merge Tables Wizard. The latter is
a visual user-friendly tool that lets you compare two Excel spreadsheets by a common column(s)
and pull matching data from the lookup table. The following screenshot demonstrates one of
possible results.

To name a cell or range, follow these steps:

1. Select the cell or cell range that you want to name. ...
2. On the Formulas tab, click Define Name in the Defined Names group. ...
3. In the Name text box, type up to a 255-character name for the range. ...
4. Click OK


In a complex worksheet, it can be difficult to understand the relationships between cells and
formulas. Auditing tools enable you to clearly determine these relationships. When the Auditing
feature is turned on, it uses a series of arrows to show you which cells are part of which
formulas. When you use the auditing tools, tracer arrows point out cells that provide data to
formulas and the cells that contain formulas that refer to the cells. A box is drawn around the
range of cells that provide data to formulas.


1. Click the Formulas tab.

2. Use any of the following options: Click the Trace Precedents button to find cells that
provide data to a formula. Click the Trace Dependents button to find out which formulas
refer to a cell. ...
3. If necessary, click OK to locate the problem

What is Goal Seek in Excel?

The Goal Seek Excel function (often referred to as What-if-Analysis) is a method of solving for
a desired output by changing an assumption that drives it. The function essentially uses a
trial and error approach to back-solving the problem by plugging in guesses until it arrives at the
How to Use Excel Goal Seek

1. Create a spreadsheet in Excel that has your data. ...

2. Click the cell you want to change. ...
3. From the Data tab, select the What if Analysis… ...
4. Select Goal seek… from the drop-down menu.
5. In the Goal Seek dialog, enter the new “what if” amount in the To value: text box


Here are the steps to enable track changes in Excel:

1. Go to the Review tab.

2. In the Changes group, click on the Track Changes option and select Highlight Changes.
3. In the Highlight Changes dialog box, check the option – 'Track changes while editing.
This also shares your workbook'. ...
4. Click OK


Be certain that you want to use this method before continuing. Shared Workbooks have
limitations, and one in particular is the inability to edit using Excel for the web. Therefore we
highly recommend co-authoring, which is the replacement for Shared Workbooks.

1. Click Review > Share Workbook.Note that in newer versions of Excel, the Share
Workbook button has been hidden. Here's how to unhide it.
2. In the Share Workbook dialog box, on the Editing tab, select the Allow changes by more
than one user at the same time check box.
3. Click the Advanced tab.
4. Under Track changes, click Keep change history for and, in the days box, type the
number of days of change history that you want to keep. By default, Excel keeps the
change history for 30 days and permanently erases any change history that is older than
this number of days. To keep change history for a longer than 30 days, enter a number
that is larger than 30.
5. Click OK and, if you are prompted to save the workbook, click OK to save the workbook


To insert an Excel Comment

1. Right-click the cell in which you want the comment.

2. Click Insert Comment
3. Type your comment where the cursor is flashing.
4. Text will wrap automatically. If you want to start a new line, press the Enter key.
5. When finished, click outside the comment box

Many times you will want to protect an Excel 2013 workbook that you intend to share on a
network. That way, you can allow simultaneous editing of the contents of its worksheets
(assuming that you don’t also protect individual sheets), while at the same time preventing
anybody but you from removing the Change tracking (and thus deleting the Change History log).

If the workbook is not currently shared, you can both protect the workbook and share it by
clicking the Protect and Share Workbook command button on the Ribbon’s Review tab or by
pressing Alt+RO. Note that if the workbook is already shared, you must stop sharing the file
before you can use this command.

When you click the Protect and Share Workbook command button, Excel opens the Protect
Shared Workbook dialog box. In this dialog box, you select the Sharing with Track Changes
check box to enable file sharing and to turn on the Change tracking.

As soon as you select this check box, Excel makes available the Password (Optional) text box,
where you can enter a password that must be supplied before you can stop sharing the workbook.

If you enter a password in this text box (and you should — otherwise, there’s little reason to use
this option, because anyone can remove the protection from the shared workbook and thus stop
the file sharing), Excel immediately displays the Confirm Password dialog box, where you must
accurately reproduce the password.
When you do this, Excel displays an alert dialog box that informs you that it will now save the
workbook, and when you click the Yes button, the program saves the workbook as a shared file
and protects it from being made exclusive without the password.

The program also adds a [Shared] indicator to the filename at the top of the Excel program
window to let you know that the workbook is being shared.

To remove the protection from the shared workbook and, at the same time, stop sharing it, you
choose the Unprotect Shared Workbook command button (that replaces the Protect Sharing
button) in the Changes group on the Review tab of the Ribbon.

After you enter the password to unprotect the file in the Unprotect Sharing dialog box and click
OK, Excel displays an alert dialog box, informing you that your action is about to remove the file
from shared use and erase the Change History log file.

If you click Yes, you prevent users who are currently editing the workbook from saving their
changes. If you’re sure that no one else is using the workbook, you can continue and remove the
file sharing by clicking the Yes button.


To create an invoice from an Excel template on a Windows PC, follow these steps:

1. Open Microsoft Excel. ...

2. Search for an Invoice Template. ...
3. Choose Your Template. ...
4. Open the Invoice Template. ...
5. Customize the Invoice. ...
6. Save the Invoice. ...
7. Send the Invoice.

Important: Be certain that you want to use this method before continuing. Shared Workbooks
have limitations, and one in particular is the inability to edit using Excel for the web. Therefore,
we highly recommend co-authoring, which is the replacement for Shared Workbooks.

1. Click the Review tab, and see if the Share Workbook button is visible. If it isn't visible,
you'll need to unhide it. You'll also need to unhide the Compare and Merge Workbooks
button. This article explains how to unhide these buttons.
2. On the Review tab or on the Quick Access Toolbar, click Share Workbook Share
3. Click Allow changes by more than one user...
4. Now ask other people to open the file, and save a copy of it with a unique file name that
differs from the original's name. Also tell them to put their copies in the same folder as
the original workbook.
5. Tell them to make changes to their copy, and save.
6. Open the original Shared Workbook into which you want to merge changes.
7. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Compare and Merge Workbooks Compare and
Merge button.
8. If prompted, save the workbook.
9. In the Select Files to Merge into Current Workbook dialog box, click the copy of the
workbook that contains the changes you want to merge. To merge multiple copies at the
same time, hold down Ctrl or Shift and click the file names, then click OK.

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