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Earth Science Quarter 2 Quiz 1

Name: ________________________________________ Year/Section: 11-Einstein Date: 1-9-2024 Score:

Test I. Direction. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.

_____ 1. What is one example of Biomass?

a. Electricity b. Trees c. Wind d. Water
_____ 2. Which example is NOT a renewable resource?
a. Trees b. Wind c. Solar d. Uranium (Nuclear)
_____ 3. What is one disadvantage of coal?
a. Coal produces air pollution.
b. There isn’t a lot of coal left which makes it expensive.
c. The world isn’t using a lot of coal which makes it an undesirable job.
d. You can only use it to roast hot dogs and cook hamburgers.
_____ 4. All are examples of Nonrenewable energy sources EXCEPT…
A. Coal B. Petroleum c. Hydropower d. Uranium (Nuclear)
_____ 5. What is one disadvantage of renewable energy?
a. Electricity and power could become much cheaper
b. Third world countries could have affordable energy
c. Many people could become energy independent
d. Most resources are expensive to get started.
_____ 6. What is the main difference between renewable and non-renewable resources?
a. Where they are found on Earth c. How quickly they can regenerate
b. How they are used in our everyday lives d. How long they can be stored
_____ 7. Why is recycling so important in the environment?
a. It prevents the waste of both renewable and nonrenewable resources
b. It prevents the waste of non-renewable resources only
c. It prevents non-renewable resources from being extracted from the ground.
d. It decreases the amount of time a renewable resource takes to regenerate.
_____ 8. Non-renewable energy is a type of energy that______.
a. Cannot be used up c. Can be made in the lab
b. Can ran out d. Is always available
______ 9. Fossil fuels are the decomposed remains of ____ that were buried underground million years ago.
a. Rocks b. Sand c. Plants and Animals d. Concrete
______ 10. Sunlight is ……
a. Very bright c. A renewable resource
b. Will eventually run out soond. A nonrenewable resource

Test II. Essay

1. Why is it important to find alternative energy source aside from Petroleum? Justify your answer in 3-5
sentences. (5pts)
2. Since we are using Petroleum as a source of energy even though it has negative impact of using it, how
would you help to lessen the pollution it emits? (5pts)

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