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Kat Stratford

Patrick Verona

Bianca Stratford


Joey Donner


Mr. Morgan

Ms. Perky



Cameron is a new student at the Padua school, while walking around the school he sees a girl he
falls in love with. The name of the girl was Bianca Stratford. The problem was that another man
was trying to conquer her, the man's name was Joey. Joey gave a ride to Bianca, and she started to
become interested in him. Bianca tells his dad about him but he doesn´t let her date unless her
sister dates someone. Her sister was an antisocial girl who was utterly un-dateable because of her
attitude. Cameron poses as a French teacher to ask Bianca to go out with him, but Bianca tells him
that her sister needs to date first. Cameron plans to have a date with her, and through his friend
Michael, he convinces Joey to pay a mysterious man called Patrick Verona to date Bianca’s sister
Kat. After some negotiation he ag to do so in exchange for 50 dollars.

Patrick tries to conquer Kat, but she refuses to talk to him. Patrick finds out that Kat will be at
Skunk Club, so he goes there and has a little talk with Kat, Patrick asks Kat to go to Bogey
Lowenstein’s party with him and she accepts. In the party Kat gets drunk an starts to dance
everywhere, Bianca is disappointed by Joey’s attitude and asks Cameron to take her home and Kat
asks Patrick to take her home too. When Kat arrives, she tries to kiss Patrick but he doesn’t accept,
Bianca tries to kiss Cameron and he accepts. Days after Patrick tries to gain Kat’s love again
through a song and it works, and kat and Patrick date. Patrick asks Kat to go with him to Prom
party but she starts so suspect about Patrick’s intentions. Cameron asks Bianca to go to prom party
too and she accepts.

Kat finally accepts and she and her sister go to prom party. In prom party Kat and Bianca have good
time with their partner until Joey gets into the party and tells Kat the truth about her relation with
Patrick and hit Cameron. Bianca defended Cameron and hit Joey on the nose and testicles, leaving
him on the ground. Kat gets mad with Patrick and leaves the party. The next day in class Bianca
recites a poem , Patrick apologizes for what he did and buys her a guitar. At the end Kat and
Patrick, and Cameron and Bianca date happily.

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