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FRI | 05/05/2023 b.

They shall at all times uphold the constitution

10:00-11:30AM –– SJH-408 and be loyal to our country, people and the police
CPROFCOND organization above their loyalty to any person.
WEEK 13: PROPER DECORUM AND ETIQUETTE 2. Commitment to Public Interest
Decorum is (uncountable) appropriate social behavior
Etiquette is the forms required by good breeding, or prescribed
a. PNP members shall always uphold public
interest over and above personal interest.
by authority, to be observed in social or official life; observance
of the proprieties of rank and occasion; conventional decorum; b. All government properties, resources and
ceremonial code of polite society. powers of their respective offices must be
employed and used effectively, honestly and
Fun Facts efficiently, particularly to avoid wastage of public
The practice of saying "Bless you" to a person who sneezes funds and revenues.
dates back to the era of Pope Gregory I in 590 CE, when he c. PNP members must avoid and prevent the
commanded that a person who sneezes needs to be blessed in “malversation” of human resources, government
case, they had the Plague. time, property and funds.
3. Non-Partisanship
Family Etiquette PNP members shall provide service to everyone without
The place to start with etiquette is at home with the family. discrimination regardless of party affiliation in accordance with
When you get married, you instinctively know you are better off existing laws and regulations.
getting along with your new in-laws, so you show them that you 4. Physical Fitness and Health
are poised and gracious. PNP members shall strive to be physically and mentally fit and
You’ve also learned that your spouse responds better when in good health all times. Toward this end, they shall undergo
you say, “Please,” and, “Thank you,” than when you issue an regular physical exercises and annual medical examination in
order and refuse to acknowledge cooperation. Children who any PNP hospital or medical facility, and actively participate in
are taught good manners and to respect their parents take their the Physical Fitness and Sports Development Program of the
lessons out into the world. PNP
5. Secrecy and Discipline
Social Etiquette All PNP members shall guard the confidentiality of classified
Social etiquette involves how you behave out in the public, with information against unauthorized disclosure, including
friends and strangers, whether you are at someone's home, at confidential aspect of official business, special orders,
the symphony, or in a restaurant. communication and other documents, roster, or any portion
Professional Etiquette thereof, contents of criminal records, identities of person who
Following professional etiquette allows others to see that you may have given information to the police in confidence and
are a polite, civilized coworker who knows how to be nice and other classified information on intelligence materials.
can represent the company in a positive way. a. Official Business
Members of the PNP shall treat official business confidential
WEEK 14: PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT AND ETHICAL and shall not impart the same to anyone except those for
STANDARDS whom it is intended, or as directed by their superior officer, or
PNP members shall perform their duties with integrity, b. Special Order
intelligence and competence in the application of specialized PNP members shall not divulge to any unauthorized person
skill and technical knowledge with excellence and expertise. any special order or classified document which they may be
Professionalism in policing is of extraordinary importance made accessible to or may receive or may pass their hands.
because of the authority vested in law enforcement officers. It c. Roster
reflects an implicit guarantee that the experience, education, PNP Members shall not divulge the roster or any portion
and training of officers uniquely qualify them to meet the thereof to any individual, firm or corporation, or similar entity.
challenges present in a changing and dynamic society. d. Criminal Record
` Contents of criminal record shall not be exhibited or divulge to
Professionalism refers to the conduct and qualities that any person other than duly authorized police officers or upon
characterize a particular profession. approval of their superior officers, or as required by law.
Professionalism in policing necessitates viewing the position of e. Identify of Person
police officer as a profession, rather than simply as a job. A PNP members shall respect the confidence of persons who
profession is a calling that requires specialized knowledge and may give information or seek the aid of the police names and
particular academic training. business, or addresses be not made public except when
required by law, or which it is necessary in the performance of
Police ethics refers to a system of moral values that are
generally accepted as professional standards in policing. In 6. Social Awareness
policing, ethics includes values such as allegiance, honesty, All PNP members and their immediate family members shall
loyalty, and courage. Basically, ethics is 'doing the right thing. be encouraged to actively get involved in the religious, social,
and civic activities to enhance image of the organization
All members of the PNP shall observe the following without affecting their official duties.
professional police conduct: 7. Non- Solicitation of Patronage
1. Commitment of Democracy All PNP members shall seek self-improvement through career
a. Uniformed PNP members shall commit development and shall:
themselves to the democratic way of life and a. Not directly or indirectly solicit influence or
values and maintain the principles of public recommendation from politicians, high-ranking
accountability. government officials, and prominent citizens,
persons affiliated with civic or religious
organizations with regard to their assignments, appropriate authorities within the chain of
promotions, transfer or related advantage. command.
b. Nor shall they initiate any petition to be b. They shall readily accept whenever they are
prepared and presented by citizens in their assigned anywhere in the country.
behalf. c. Therefore, it is taboo for any personnel to
c. Moreover, they shall advise their immediate petition in court or in any public forum his
relatives not to interfere in the activities of the assignment.
police service particularly in the assignment and 15. Command Responsibility.
reassignment of personnel. a. In accordance with the Doctrine on
d. Not, at any time, suggest, solicit, or Command Responsibility, immediate
recommend to any party or accused with Commanders/Directors shall be responsible
pending case, the employment of any particular for the effective supervision, control, and
bondsman or counsel for his defense or release. direction of their personnel, and
b. Shall see to it that all government resources
8. Proper Care and Use of Public Property shall be managed, expended, or utilized in
a. PNP members shall promote and maintain accordance with laws and regulations and
sense of responsibility in the protection, proper safeguard against losses thru illegal or
care and judicious disposition and use of public improper disposition.
property issued for their official use or entrusted
to their care and custody just like “a good father POLICE ETHICAL STANDARDS
of the family”. 1. Morality
b. When the Commander/Director is relieved a. PNP members shall adhere to high
from his post, all properties/equipment belonging standards of morality and decency and shall set
to the government must be turned over to the good examples for others to follow.
incoming. A committee for the purpose shall be b. In no instance during their terms of office,
proper. Hence, it is a taboo for outgoing among other things, shall they be involved as
Commander/Director to detach, remove and owners, operators, managers or investors in any
bring home or to his new assignment properties house of ill-repute or illegal gambling den or other
which do not personally belong to him. places devoted to vices, nor shall they patronize
such places unless on official duty and tolerate
9. Respect for Human Rights operations of such establishments in their
a. In the performance of duty, PNP members respective areas of responsibilities.
shall respect and protect human dignity and c. They shall be faithful to their lawfully wedded
uphold the human right of all persons. spouses.
b. No member shall inflict, instigate or tolerate 2. Judicious use of Authority
extra-judicial killings, arbitrary arrests, any act of PNP Members shall exercise proper legitimate use of authority
torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading in the performance of duty.
treatment or punishment, and 3. Integrity
PNP members shall strive constantly to respect the rights of
c. Shall not invoke superior orders or others so that they can fulfill their duties and exercise their
exceptional circumstances such as a stateof-war,
rights as human beings, parents, children, citizens, workers,
a threat to national security, internal political
leaders, or in other capacities and to see to it that others do
instability, or any public emergency as a
justification for committing such human rights
4. Justice
All PNP members shall strive constantly to respect their rights
10. Devotion to Duty
as human beings, parents, children, citizens, workers, leaders
a. All PNP members shall perform their duties or in other capacities and to see to it that others do likewise.
with devotion, and manifest concern for public 5. Humility
a. PNP members shall recognize the fact that
b. He shall refrain from engaging in any activity they are public servants and not the master of the
which shall be in conflict with their duties as people and toward this end; they should perform
public servants. their duties without arrogance.
11. Conservation of Natural Resources
PNP members shall help in the development and conservation
b. They should also recognize their own
inadequacies, inabilities and limitations as
of our natural resources for ecological balance and posterity as
individuals and perform their duties without
these are inalienable heritage of our people
attracting attention or expecting the applause of
12. Discipline
PNP members shall conduct themselves properly at all times
6. Orderliness
keeping with the rules and regulations of the organization.
PNP members shall follow logical procedure in accomplishing
13. Loyalty
task assigned to them to minimize waste in the use of time,
PNP members shall be loyal to the Constitution and the police
service as manifested by their loyalty to their superiors, peers money, and efforts.
7. Perseverance
and subordinates as well.
Once a decision is made, all PNP members shall take
14. Obedience to Superior.
legitimate means to achieve the goal even in the face of
a. PNP members shall obey lawful orders and internal or external difficulties, and despite anything which
be courteous to superior officers and other might weaken their resolve in the course of time.
Rule X: Grounds for Administrative Disciplinary Action This prohibition shall not include:
Section 1. In addition to the grounds for administrative (1) Unsolicited gift of nominal or insignificant
disciplinary action prescribed under existing laws, the acts, and value not given in anticipation of, or in exchange for, a
omissions of any official or employee, whether or not he holds favor from a public official or employee or given after
office or employment in a casual, temporary, hold-over, the transaction is completed, or service is rendered.
permanent or regular capacity, declared unlawful or prohibited As to what is a gift of nominal value will depend on the
by the Code, shall constitute the grounds for administrative circumstances of each case taking into account the
disciplinary action, and without prejudice to criminal and civil salary of the official or employee, the frequency or
liabilities provided herein, such as: infrequency of the giving, the expectation of benefits,
a) Directly or indirectly having financial and and other similar factors.
material interest in any transaction requiring the (2) A gift from a member of his family or relative
approval of his office. Financial and material interest is as defined in the Code on a family celebration, and
defined as a pecuniary or proprietary interest by which without any expectation of pecuniary gain or benefit.
a person will gain or lose something. (3) Nominal donations from persons with no
regular, pending, or expected transactions with the
b) Owning, controlling, managing or accepting department, office, or agency with which the official or
employment as officer, employee, consultant, counsel, employee is connected, and without any expectation
broker, agent, trustee, or nominee in any private of pecuniary gain or benefits.
enterprise regulated, supervised or licensed by his (4) Donations coming from private organizations
office, unless expressly allowed by law; whether local or foreign, which are considered and
c) Engaging in the private practice of his accepted as humanitarian and altruistic in purpose
profession unless authorized by the Constitution, law and mission.
or regulation, provided that such practice will not (5) Donations from government-to-government
conflict or tend to conflict with his official functions; entities.
d) Recommending any person to any position
in a private enterprise which has a regular or pending As to gift or grants from foreign governments, the
Congress consents to:
official transaction with his office, unless such
recommendation or referral is mandated by (1) law, or (i) The acceptance and retention by
(2) international agreements, commitment and public official or employee of a gift of nominal
obligation, or as part of the functions of his office; value tendered and received as a souvenir or
These acts shall continue to be prohibited for a period of one mark of courtesy;
(1) year after resignation, retirement, or separation from public (ii) The acceptance by a public official
office, except in the case of paragraph above, but the or employee of a gift in the nature of a
professional concerned cannot practice his profession in scholarship or fellowship grant or medical
connection with any matter before the office he used to be treatment; or
with, within one year after such resignation, retirement, or (iii) The acceptance by a public official
separation, provided that any violation hereof shall be a ground or employee of travel grant or expense for
for administrative disciplinary action upon re-entry to the travel taking place entirely outside the
government service. Philippines (such as allowances,
e) Disclosing or misusing confidential or transportation, food and lodging) of more
classified information officially known to him by reason than nominal value if such acceptance is
of his office and not made available to the public, to appropriate or consistent with the interest of
further his private interests or give undue advantage the Philippines, and permitted by the head of
to anyone, or to prejudice the public interest; office, branch, or agency to which he
f) Soliciting or accepting, directly or indirectly, belongs.
any gift, gratuity, favor, entertainment, loan or Nothing in the Code shall be construed to restrict or prohibit
anything of monetary value which in the course of his any educational scientific or cultural exchange programs
official duties or in connection with any operation subject to national security requirements.
being regulated by, or any transaction which may be g) Obtaining or using any statement filed under
affected by the functions of, his office. The propriety or the Code for any purpose contrary to morals or public
impropriety of the foregoing shall be determined by its policy or any commercial purpose other than by news
value, kinship or relationship between giver and and communications media for dissemination to the
receiver and the motivation. A thing of monetary value general public;
is one which is evidently or manifestly excessive by its
very nature. h) Unfair discrimination in rendering public
service due to party affiliation or preference;
Gift refers to a thing or a right disposed of gratuitously, or any
act of liberality, in favor of another who accepts it, and shall i) Disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines
include a simulated sale or an ostensibly onerous disposition and to the Filipino people;
thereof. j) Failure to act promptly on letters and request
Loan covers simple loan and commodatum as well as within fifteen (15) days from receipt, except as
guarantees, financing arrangement or accommodation otherwise provided in these Rules.
intended to ensure its approval. k) Failure to process documents and complete
Commodatum refers to a contract whereby one of the parties action on documents and papers within a reasonable
delivers to another something not consumable so that the latter time from preparation thereof, except as otherwise
may use the same for a certain time and return it. provided in these Rules;
l) Failure to attend to anyone who wants to document reasons for cause and maintain any evidence as
avail himself of the services of the office, or to act support.
promptly and expeditiously on public personal
One of the most important topics that you have to mainly
m) Failure to file a sworn statements of assets,
review is Republic Act 6713, known as Code of Conduct and
liabilities and net worth, and disclosure of business
Ethical Standards of Public Officials and Employees. This law
interests and financial connections; and
contains the standards which public employees must follow
n) Failure to resign from his position in the and contains penalties for its violation.
private business enterprise within thirty (30) days It establishes the independent office of the Ombudsman who
from assumption of public office when conflict of can recommend a case to the Sandiganbayan, a specialized
interest arises, and / or failure to divest himself of his court who hears cases of graft and corruption in the
shareholdings or interests in private business government. It also contains Impeachment Procedures. This is
enterprise within sixty (60) days from such assumption important as these govern the rules and regulations that
of public office when conflict of interest arises,: government officials and employees must follow. You must be
Provided however, that for those who are already in aware of the restrictions stated in this law.
the service and a conflict of interest arises, the official Section 11. Penalties. –
or employee must either resign or divest himself of a) Any public official or employee, regardless of
said interests within the periods here-in above whether or not he holds office or employment in a
provided, reckoned from the date when the conflict of
casual, temporary, holdover, permanent or regular
interest had arisen.
capacity, committing any violation of this Act shall be
punished with a fine not exceeding the equivalent of
What Is a Code of Conduct Violation?
six (6) months' salary or suspension not exceeding
A code of conduct is a document developed by a company's
one (1) year, or removal depending on the gravity of
human resources department. It lays out standards of ethical
the offense after due notice and hearing by the
behavior and professional conduct employees are expected to
appropriate body or agency. If the violation is
maintain internally and during interactions with clients and
punishable by a heavier penalty under another law,
partners. A violation of the code means you have acted in a
he shall be prosecuted under the latter statute.
way that goes against the code. Doing so leads to
Violations of Sections 7, 8 or 9 of this Act shall be
consequences, as outlined in the document.
punishable with imprisonment not exceeding five (5)
years, or a fine not exceeding five thousand pesos
Workplace codes of conduct typically outline consequences for
(P5,000), or both, and, in the discretion of the court of
behavioral violations based on level of severity. Minor
competent jurisdiction, disqualification to hold public
violations are usually treated with an initial verbal or written
warning. Repeated minor offenses can ultimately lead to more
strict consequences. Common examples of violations treated b) Any violation hereof proven in a proper
as more minor or typically receiving warnings include administrative proceeding shall be sufficient cause for
unexplained tardiness or absences, inappropriate or removal or dismissal of a public official or employee,
unprofessional language with colleagues or clients, abuses of even if no criminal prosecution is instituted against
workplace resources and computer usage and simple him.
instances of insolence or insubordination. c) Private individuals who participate in
Major conspiracy as co-principals, accomplices or
Major violations are more significant or escalated in nature accessories, with public officials or employees, in
compared with minor violations. More aggressive violation of this Act, shall be subject to the same
confrontations with colleagues, supervisors, or customers, for penal liabilities as the public officials or employees
instance, could lead to harsher penalties. Written, documented and shall be tried jointly with them.
warnings and suspensions are examples of possible penalties d) The official or employee concerned may
for major conduct code violations. In some instances, if the bring an action against any person who obtains or
violation is related to misuse of resources or abuses of power, uses a report for any purpose prohibited by Section 8
the employee may be stripped of some privileges or duties. (D) of this Act. The Court in which such action is
Severe brought may assess against such person a penalty in
Often referred to as terminable offenses, code violations any amount not to exceed twenty-five thousand pesos
considered severe normally result in either a demotion or (P25,000). If another sanction hereunder or under any
automatic firing for cause. Valid claims of sexual harassment, other law is heavier, the latter shall apply.
physical threats made against others, bringing a weapon to Section 12. Promulgation of Rules and Regulations,
work, destroying work property and theft are all examples of Administration and Enforcement of this Act.
more severe conduct code violations. Codes normally indicate The Civil Service Commission shall have the primary
in the consequences section which types of behavior lead to responsibility for the administration and enforcement of this
automatic termination. Act. It shall transmit all cases for prosecution arising from
Procedures violations of this Act to the proper authorities for appropriate
The conduct code lays out the basic steps when violations action: Provided, however, that it may institute such
occur. If a colleague or client brings a claim against an administrative actions and disciplinary measures as may be
employee, management or HR usually investigates. When warranted in accordance with law. Nothing in this provision
supervisors deal with minor violations, they simply go through shall be construed as a deprivation of the right of each House
the verbal or written warning steps. Getting documentation of Congress to discipline its Members for disorderly behaviour.
even on simple violations is important to establish a pattern. If The Civil Service Commission is hereby authorized to
an employee is fired for repeated offenses, the company needs promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out the
evidence against wrongful termination or discrimination claims. provisions of this Act, including guidelines for individuals who
For firings with cause, the company needs to thoroughly render free voluntary service to the Government. The
Ombudsman shall likewise take steps to protect citizens who (8) The Congress shall promulgate its rules on
denounce acts or omissions of public officials and employees impeachment to effectively carry out the purpose of
which are in violation of this Act. this section.
Another one is Article 11 of the Philippine Constitution, Section 4. The present anti-graft court known as the
Accountability of Public Officers. Sandiganbayan shall continue to function and exercise its
jurisdiction as now or hereafter may be provided by law.
ARTICLE XI Section 5. There is hereby created the independent Office of
ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS the Ombudsman, composed of the Ombudsman to be known
Section 1. Public office is a public trust. Public officers and as Tanodbayan, one overall Deputy and at least one Deputy
employees must, at all times, be accountable to the people, each for Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. A separate Deputy for
serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and the military establishment may likewise be appointed.
efficiency; act with patriotism and justice and lead modest Section 6. The officials and employees of the Office of the
lives. Ombudsman, other than the Deputies, shall be appointed by
Section 2. The President, the Vice-President, the Members of the Ombudsman, according to the Civil Service Law.
the Supreme Court, the Members of the Constitutional Section 7. The existing Tanodbayan shall hereafter be known
Commissions, and the Ombudsman may be removed from as the Office of the Special Prosecutor. It shall continue to
office on impeachment for, and conviction of, culpable violation function and exercise its powers as now or hereafter may be
of the Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and corruption, other provided by law, except those conferred on the Office of the
high crimes, or betrayal of public trust. All other public officers Ombudsman created under this Constitution.
and employees may be removed from office as provided by Section 8. The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall be natural-
law, but not by impeachment. born citizens of the Philippines, and at the time of their
Section 3. appointment, at least forty years old, of recognized probity and
(1) The House of Representatives shall have the independence, and members of the Philippine Bar, and must
exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachment. not have been candidates for any elective office in the
(2) A verified complaint for impeachment may immediately preceding election. The Ombudsman must have,
be filed by any Member of the House of for ten years or more, been a judge or engaged in the practice
Representatives or by any citizen upon a resolution or of law in the Philippines. During their tenure, they shall be
endorsement by any Member thereof, which shall be subject to the same disqualifications and prohibitions as
included in the Order of Business within ten session provided for in Section 2 of Article 1X-A of this Constitution.
days and referred to the proper Committee within Section 9. The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall be
three session days thereafter. The Committee, after appointed by the President from a list of at least six nominees
hearing, and by a majority vote of all its Members, prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council, and from a list of
shall submit its report to the House within sixty three nominees for every vacancy thereafter. Such
session days from such referral, together with the appointments shall require no confirmation. All vacancies shall
corresponding resolution. The resolution shall be be filled within three months after they occur.
calendared for consideration by the House within ten Section 10. The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall have the
session days from receipt thereof. rank of Chairman and Members, respectively, of the
Constitutional Commissions, and they shall receive the same
(3) A vote of at least one-third of all the
salary which shall not be decreased during their term of office.
Members of the House shall be necessary either to
Section 11. The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall serve for
affirm a favourable resolution with the Articles of
a term of seven years without reappointment. They shall not be
Impeachment of the Committee or override its
qualified to run for any office in the election immediately
contrary resolution. The vote of each Member shall be
succeeding their cessation from office.
Section 12. The Ombudsman and his Deputies, as protectors
(4) In case the verified complaint or resolution of of the people, shall act promptly on complaints filed in any form
impeachment is filed by at least onethird of all the or manner against public officials or employees of the
Members of the House, the same shall constitute the Government, or any subdivision, agency or instrumentality
Articles of Impeachment, and trial by the Senate shall thereof, including government-owned or controlled
forthwith proceed. corporations, and shall, in appropriate cases, notify the
(5) No impeachment proceedings shall be complainants of the action taken and the result thereof.
initiated against the same official more than once Section 13. The Office of the Ombudsman shall have the
within a period of one year. following powers, functions, and duties:
(6) The Senate shall have the sole power to try (1) Investigate on its own, or on complaint by any person, any act or
and decide all cases of impeachment. When sitting omission of any public official, employee, office or agency, when such act or
omission appears to be illegal, unjust, improper, or inefficient.
for that purpose, the Senators shall be on oath or
affirmation. When the President of the Philippines is (2) Direct, upon complaint or at its own instance, any public official or
employee of the Government, or any subdivision, agency or instrumentality
on trial, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall thereof, as well as of any government-owned or controlled corporation with
preside, but shall not vote. No person shall be original charter, to perform and expedite any act or duty required by law, or to
convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of all stop, prevent, and correct any abuse or impropriety in the performance of duties.
the Members of the Senate. (3) Direct the officer concerned to take appropriate action against a
public official or employee at fault, and recommend his removal, suspension,
(7) Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not demotion, fine, censure, or prosecution, and ensure compliance therewith.
extend further than removal from office and
disqualification to hold any office under the Republic
(4) Direct the officer concerned, in any appropriate case, and subject to
such limitations as may be provided by law, to furnish it with copies of documents
of the Philippines, but the party convicted shall relating to contracts or transactions enter d into by his office involving the
nevertheless be liable and subject to prosecution, disbursement or use of public funds or properties and report any irregularity to
the Commission on Audit for appropriate action.
trial, and punishment, according to law.
(5) Request any government agency for assistance and information
necessary in the discharge of its responsibilities, and to examine, if necessary,
pertinent records and documents.
(6) Publicize matters covered by its investigation when circumstances so against said officer (Sec. 15(3) R.A. No. 6770; see also Sec
warrant and with due prudence. 13(3), Article XI, 1987 Constitution);
(7) Determine the causes of inefficiency, red tape, mismanagement, Direct the officer concerned, in any appropriate case, and
fraud, and corruption in the Government and make recommendations for their subject to such limitations as it may provide in its rules of
elimination and the observance of high standards of ethics and efficiency. procedure, to furnish it with copies of documents relating to
(8) Promulgate its rules of procedure and exercise such other powers or contracts or transactions entered into by his office involving the
perform such functions or duties as may be provided by law. disbursement or use of public funds or properties, and report
Section 14. The Office of the Ombudsman shall enjoy fiscal any irregularity
autonomy. Its approved annual appropriations shall be to the Commission on Audit for appropriate action (Sec. 15(4)
automatically and regularly released. R.A. No. 6770; see also Sec. 13(4), Article XI, 1987
Section 15. The right of the State to recover properties Constitution);
unlawfully acquired by public officials or employees, from them
Request any government agency for assistance and
or from their nominees or transferees, shall not be barred by
information necessary in the discharge of its responsibilities,
prescription, laches, or estoppel.
and to examine, if necessary, pertinent records and documents
Section 16. No loan, guaranty, or other form of financial
(Sec. 15(5), R.A. No.6770; see also Sec. 13(5), Article XI,
accommodation for any business purpose may be granted,
1987 Constitution);
directly or indirectly, by any government-owned or controlled
bank or financial institution to the President, the Vice- Publicize matters covered by its investigation of the matters
President, the Members of the Cabinet, the Congress, the mentioned in paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) hereof, when
Supreme Court, and the Constitutional Commissions, the circumstances so warrant and with due determine what cases
Ombudsman, or to any firm or entity in which they have may not be made public: Provided further, that any publicity
controlling interest, during their tenure. issued by the Ombudsman shall be balanced, fair, and true
Section 17. A public officer or employee shall, upon (Sec 15(6)
assumption of office and as often thereafter as may be R.A. No. 6770; see also Sec 13(6), Article XI, 1987
required by law, submit a declaration under oath of his assets, Constitution);
liabilities, and net worth. In the case of the President, the Vice- Determine the causes of inefficiency, red tape,
President, the Members of the Cabinet, the Congress, the mismanagement, fraud, and corruption in the Government and
Supreme Court, the Constitutional Commissions and other make recommendations for their elimination and the
constitutional offices, and officers of the armed forces with observance of high standards of ethics and efficiency (Sec
general or flag rank, the declaration shall be disclosed to the 15(7) R.A. No. 6770; see also Sec 13(7), Article XI, 1987
public in the manner provided by law. Constitution);
Section 18. Public officers and employees owe the State and Administer oaths, issue subpoena and subpoena duces
this Constitution allegiance at all times and any public officer or tecum, and take testimony in any investigation or inquiry,
employee who seeks to change his citizenship or acquire the including the power to examine and have access to bank
status of an immigrant of another country during his tenure accounts and records (Sec 15(8), R.A. No. 6770);
shall be dealt with by law. Punish for contempt in accordance with the Rules of Court
and under the same procedure and with the same penalties
WEEK 17: ROLE OF OMBUDSMAN provided therein (Sec 15(9), R.A. No. 6770);
Powers, Functions and Duties Delegate to the Deputies, or its investigators or
The Office of the Ombudsman shall have the following powers, representatives such authority or duty as shall ensure the
functions, and duties effective exercise of performance of the powers, functions, and
Investigate and prosecute on its own or on complaint by any duties herein or hereinafter provided (Sec 15(10), R.A. No.
person, any act or omission of any public officer or employee, 6770);
office or agency, when such act or omission appears to be Investigate and initiate the proper action for the recovery of
illegal, unjust, improper or inefficient. It has primary jurisdiction ill-gotten and/or unexplained wealth amassed after February
over cases cognizable by the Sandiganbayan and, in the 25, 1986, and the prosecution of the parties involved therein
exercise of his primary jurisdiction, it may take over, at any (Sec 15(11), R.A. No. 6770);
stage, from any investigatory agency of Government, the
Promulgate its rules of procedure and exercise such other
investigation of such cases (Sec. 15(1) R.A. No. 6770; see
powers or perform such functions or duties as may be provided
also Sec. 13(1), Article XI, 1987 Constitution);
by law (Sec 13(7), Article XI, 1987
Direct, upon complaint or at its own instance, any officer or Constitution; see also Sec. 18, R.A. No. 6770);
employee of the Government, or of any subdivision, agency or Constitutional Guarantees Insulating the Office from
instrumentality thereof, as well as any government-owned or Political Influence and Interference the organic provisions
controlled corporations with original charter, to perform and finally approved insulated the Office from political influence or
expedite any act or duty required by law, or to stop, prevent, interference by:
and correct any abuse or impropriety in the performance of
duties (Sec. 15(2) R.A. No. 6770; Sec 13(2) Article XI, 1987
▪ giving the Ombudsman and his Deputies,
whose appointments need no Congressional
confirmation, the rank of chairman and members,
Direct the officer concerned to take appropriate action respectively, of a Constitutional Commission;
against a public officer or employee at fault or who neglects to
perform an act or discharge a duty required by law, and ▪ prescribing for them fixed term of Office
recommend his removal, suspension, demotion, fine, censure, during which their salaries cannot be diminished;
or prosecution, and ensure compliance therewith; or enforce its ▪ removable from Office only by impeachment;
disciplinary authority as provided in Section 21 or this Act: and,
Provided, That the refusal by any officer without just cause to ▪ Making it an independent office enjoying
comply with an order of the Ombudsman to remove, suspend, fiscal autonomy
demote, fine, censure, or prosecute an officer or employee
who is at fault or who neglects to perform an act or discharge a
duty required by law shall be ground for disciplinary action

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