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WRITING SKILL- Debate writing

CW Notes-2023-24
Class: XI
Subject: English


An ideal debate must consist of 4 paragraphs, namely, Introduction/Salutations,

Problem, Solution and the concluding part.

Address & Introduction- This includes salutations and the topic (including FOR/AGAINST
the motion).
For Example:- Good morning everyone. Esteemed judges, honourable guests, respected
teachers and my fellow students. I, (name given in the question or else, XYZ) feel
honoured to have been given the opportunity to speak (FOR/AGAINST) the topic- (name
of the topic).
Body (Problem)- This is the main paragraph or the body of your answer.
• Always begin with the meaning of the topic or the explanation of the topic in not
more than a line.
• Then start quoting the issues. Now here, it is important you follow a sequence.
When you have a lot of varied points, it is better you choose a few best ones and
write a line on each. In case you have very few already, explain them in at least
two lines each.
Solution- “For every problem, there is a solution.”
This paragraph needs to be short and crisp whereby; you are supposed to give a rational
and practical solution for all the above problems.
• In case you are not able to figure one out, keep in mind a few general ones. It
could involve spreading awareness, campaigns, firm laws and their strict
implementation, education, etc.
• Using a quote never hurts. It can be general ones like, on working together. Every
situation can be faced and solved if there is unity. So here are a few handy ones.
“Wherever there is unity, there is always victory. “
“Unity is strength.”
“United we stand, divided we fall.” And many more.
Conclusion- This part involves clarification of your statement and stance along with
thanking the audience for being such patient listeners. This paragraph needs to be short
and precise.
(Appropriate conclusion is desirable. Due credit to be given for creative responses.)

GT Aloha VidhyaMandir : No.4/828, Vaithiyalangam Salai, Neelankarai, Chennai – 600115. Page 1

of 2

You are Mukul / Mahima of GTAVM. Your school has organized a debate on "Social
Media and It's Effects" and you will be participating from your school. Prepare your
views against or in favour of the motion. (150-200 words)



"We are all now connected by the internet, like neurons in a giant brain"

Honourable judges, teachers and my worthy opponents, thank you for giving me the
opportunity to join this debate on the topic, "Social Media and It's Effects". I am Mukul/
Mahima and I would like to speak in favour of the motion.

How many people do not have a smile on their faces on finding an old friend on
facebook? Well, social media has removed all the barriers and boundaries to
communication by bringing the globe on a single platform. While business opportunities
have widened, marketer's reach has broadened. It keeps us updated about everything
going on in every nook and corner of the world on a real-time basis.

From emergency alerts, announcements and declarations to knowing how our friends
are doing has all become so convenient. It provides freedom of speech and thus,
enables everyone to speak their mind. Not to forget the incalculable access it provides
to the extensive information.

With so much advancement and innovation, it would be an unimaginable world without

having social media in it. Someone has rightly put it into words by saying, "Social media
is addictive precisely because it gives us something what the real world lacks: it gives us
immediacy, direction and a value as an individual."

Thank you.


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