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Third Language - ENGLISH

Class : IX ] (Max. Marks : 20) [ Time : 45 Mnts.

Name of the Student : ......................................................... Roll No. : ............

I. Reading Comprehension : (5 Marks)
A) Read the extract below. 3x1=3
That night there was a hue and cry in the house. Father’s great speech
for the Port Authority had been lost. Rooms were searched; servants
questioned. Finally mother came into Kezia’s room.
Answer the following questions.
1. Why was there an outcry in the house ?
2. What were searched and who were enquired ?
3. Where were the speech papers found ? [ ]
a) Port Authority b) grandmother’s room c) Kezia’s room
B) Read the following lines.
Every tinkle on the shingles
Has an echo in the heart;
Now a answer the following questions. 2x1=2
1. What will have an echo ?
2. What does it mean by ‘tinkle’ ? [ ]
a) repetition of a sound
b) high pitched ringing noise
c) wooden tile used on rpoofs
II. Vocabulary : (5 Marks)
A) weapons disquiet associated 10 years
Choose the appropriate synonym for the underlined words. 4 x 21 = 2
But over the next decade (1), Einstein got ever more involved (2) in
politics agitating (3) for an end to the arms (4).
B) dishonour fall clashed impersonal
Choose the opposites for the underlined words from the
box above. 4 x 21 = 2
Einstein’s new personal (1) chapter coincided (2) with his rise (3) to
world fame (4).
[ Turn Over
C) Fill in the blanks with right letters to make meaningful words.
2 x 21 = 1
1. intellect __ __ l 2. fr __ __ k
III. Grammar : (5 Marks)
A) Choose the right reporting verb and fill in the blanks. 5x1=5
advised asked ordered said wanted
1) Ramu __________ that he liked that song.
2) Nagaraju _________ me where my brother was.
3) Vishali _______ to know if Keerthan knew her.
4) Dronacharya __________ Arjun to shoot the fish’s eye.
5) The stuntman _________ the audience not to try that at home.
IV. Creative Writing : 1x5=5
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
In the light of above words of Einstein, write a paragraph on what are your
plans for your future in about 150 words.
Third Language - ENGLISH

Class : X ] (Max. Marks : 20) [ Time : 45 Mnts.

Name of the Student : ......................................................... Roll No. : ............

I. Reading Comprehension : (5 Marks)
A) Read the following text. 3x1=3
Since your mother died, I’ve lived part of the time with you, Amelia,
and part with you, Lizzie. Well, I shall make a new will, leaving all my
bits of things to whoever I’m living with when I die.
Answer the following questions
1. Where was Abel living after his wife’s death ?
2. Who was he going to marry ?
3. Whom did Abel want to leave his bits of things according to
his new will ? [ ]
a) Amelia b) Elizabeth c) Whoever he was living with...
B) Read the following lines.
When I was like you. I want
to unlearn all these muting things
Answer the following questions 2x1=2
1. What does the speaker want to unlearn ?
2. What are the ‘muting things’ according to the speaker ? [ ]
a) expressionless things b) expressive things c) silent things
II. Vocabulary : (5 Marks)
A) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrase from the
box given below. 4 x 21 = 2
In spite of, ahead of, by means of along with In case of
1. ___________ fire, ring the alarm bell.
2. Sravani goes to school _________ Yamuna daily.
3. I finished my project work several days _________ the deadline.
4. ____________ his poverty, he became an engineer.

[ Turn Over
B) Put these words under right headings. 4x 2
super-duper, ping-pong, chit-chat, easy-peasy
Alliterative: __________, __________ Rhyming : ________, ______
C) Use this expression in your own words. 1x1=1
1. set foot
III. Grammar : (5 Marks)
A) Do as directed. 5x1=5
1. I gave him the can of wine. (Change to passive voice)
2. Show me the way to the bus stand. (Change into polite request)
3. I ________ (be) tired because I ________________ (walk) fast.
4. Is this coffee sweet ____________ (enough / not enough) for you ?
Would you like some more sugar ?
5. Put a tick ( ) mark against the right answer.
There will be widespread rain in some parts of the state.
a) hoping [ ] B) ordering [ ]
C) predicting [ ] D) promising [ ]
IV. Creative Writing : 1x5=5
Imagine that you were the young man in the story ‘The Journey’ and write
a diarty entry expressing your-guilt after reaching your place of work.

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