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UNIT 1: Nouns; a/an Regular forms Singular Plural Spelling ‘a book books: ‘Add s a toothbrush toothbrushes ‘Add esatter ch, sh 5, x alibrary libraries ‘Add jes after a consonant + y. Irregular forms aor an? Singular Plural You use a before a consonant sound: @ book, @ key ‘person people You use an befare a vowel sound: am apple, achild children an umbrella woman women there is/there are; some/any Singular There's (is) There isnt (ls not) Plural There are some There aren't (are With plurals, you use some in affirmative sentences it you don't want to give an exact number. There are some people. With plurals, you use any in negative sentences and questions, Affirmative Negative beach. a restaurant people. Rot) any people. There aren't any bars. Are there any hotols? Question ‘Short answer Yes Short answer No Singular Is there acoctor? Yes, there is. No, there isn't. Plural Are there any hotels? Yes, there are. No, there aren't. UNIT 1: Exercises 1 Underline the correct form. Near my home... ® 4 t 2 Write the sentences in Exercise 1in the negative. there are any / some stores. there's a / any hotel. there are some / a bars. there's an / some italian estaurant. there's any /a park. there are some / a trees, there arent any stores, 3 Check (V) the sentences in Exercise 1 and 2 that are true for you

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