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Allergol Immunopathol (Madr).


Allergologia et
Sociedad Española de Inmunologı́a Clı́nica,
Alergologı́a y Asma Pediátrica


Asthma diagnosis in infants and preschool children: a

systematic review of clinical guidelines
L. Moral a,∗ , G. Vizmanos b , J. Torres-Borrego c , M. Praena-Crespo d ,
M. Tortajada-Girbés e , F.J. Pellegrini f , Ó. Asensio g

Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Unit, Alicante University General Hospital, Alicante Institute for Health and Biomedical
Research (ISABIAL - FISABIO Foundation), Alicante, Spain
Centre Mèdic i Quirúrgic, Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra
Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Unit, Children’s University Hospital Reina Sofia and The Maimonides Institute for Biomedical
Research of Cordoba (IMIBIC), Córdoba, Spain
Centro de Salud La Candelaria, Departamento de Farmacología, Pediatría y Radiología, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain
Pediatric Allergy and Pulmology Unit, Dr. Peset University Hospital, Valencia, Spain and Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics
and Gynecology, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Centro de Salud de Pizarrales, Salamanca, Spain
Parc Taulí Hospital Universitario, Sabadell, Spain

Received 22 March 2018; accepted 11 May 2018

Available online 5 September 2018

Asthma; Background and aim: The definition and diagnosis of asthma are the subject of controversy that
Diagnosis; is particularly intense in the case of individuals in the first years of life, due to reasons such
Systematic review; as the difficulty of performing objective pulmonary function tests or the high frequency with
Guidelines; which the symptoms subside in the course of childhood. Since there is no consensus regarding
Preschool children; the diagnosis of asthma in preschool children, a systematic review has been carried out.
Infants Materials and methods: A systematic search was made of the clinical guidelines published in
the last 10 years and containing information referred to the concept or diagnosis of asthma
in childhood --- including the first years of life (infants and preschool children). A series of key
questions were established, and each selected guide was analyzed in search of answers to
those questions. The review protocol was registered in the international prospective register
of systematic reviews (PROSPERO), with registration number CRD42017074872.
Results: Twenty-one clinical guidelines were selected: 10 general guides (children and adults),
eight pediatric guides and three guides focusing on preschool children. The immense majority
accepted that asthma can be diagnosed from the first years of life, without requiring pulmonary
function tests or other complementary techniques. The response to treatment and the exclusion
of other alternative diagnoses are key elements for establishing the diagnosis. Only one of the
guides denied the possibility of diagnosing asthma in preschool children.

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L. Moral).
0301-0546/© 2018 SEICAP. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
108 L. Moral et al.

Conclusions: There is generalized although not unanimous agreement that asthma can be diag-
nosed in preschool children.
© 2018 SEICAP. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

Introduction the course of childhood.23---25 All this may cause clinicians

to avoid giving a diagnosis that suggests a permanent ill-
The diagnosis of asthma in children and adults depends ness. Spanish pediatricians with expertise in asthma have
on the concept we have of the disease.1,2 This concept recently evidenced the lack of agreement referred to basic
has evolved over time, and at present asthma is seen aspects associated to the diagnosis of asthma in preschool
as a heterogeneous disorder or even as a syndrome in children.26 As a prior step to considering a consensus in
which the patient’s signs and symptoms reflect or are Spain, the present study reports the results of a systematic
attributable to a fluctuating increase in flow resistance review answering key questions on the concept and diagno-
within the intrapulmonary airway.1,3 The causes underlying sis of asthma in preschool children (i.e., children under six
this physiopathological process have not been fully clarified, years of age) given in clinical guidelines on asthma. There
although the factors (endogenous or environmental) inter- are very few reviews on the diagnosis of asthma in small
vening in each individual, as well as the natural history of children27 or in children and adults28 in clinical guidelines.
the disease and the response to treatment, are diverse --- The selected key questions for this systematic review are
as reflected by the multiple phenotypes and endotypes that presented in Table 1.
have been described.3---6 Since there are no evidences or a
gold standard, the concept and diagnosis of asthma depend Materials and methods
on the consensus reached within the scientific community.
Such a consensus is usually embodied in the form of national
Working group
and international guidelines, most of which (including the
GINA) have been produced by groups of experts selected on
This review was promoted by the working group on
a scantly systematized basis. Although the Delphi method is
respiratory allergy and asthma of the Spanish Pediatric
regarded as the best strategy for consensuses of this kind,
Society of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Asthma
it has rarely been applied in the guides on asthma.
(Sociedad Española de Inmunología Clínica, Alergología y
The issue about the diagnosis of asthma is not very
Asma Pediátrica [SEICAP]). Collaboration was requested
different from that seen in other respiratory disorders
from the working groups of scientific societies related to
characterized by airflow obstruction --- easily recogniz-
pediatric asthma in Spain: the Spanish Society of Pediatric
able from a clinical point of view, but not that simple
Pulmonology (Sociedad Española de Neumología Pediátrica
when the manifestations are atypical or overlap with those
[SENP]), the Spanish Society of Outpatient and Primary Care
of other diseases. In elderly individuals, asthma poses
Pediatrics (Sociedad Española de Pediatría Extrahospitalaria
differential diagnostic problems with chronic obstructive
y de Atención Primaria [SEPEAP]), and the Spanish Asso-
pulmonary disease (COPD) --- a circumstance that has led to
ciation of Primary Care Pediatrics (Asociación Española de
the controversial purported existence of an asthma-COPD
Pediatría de Atención Primaria [AEPap]). This resulted in the
syndrome.7---10 In the first years of life, other intrapulmonary
creation of a group of seven reviewers. Most of the commu-
airway disorders also face definition and diagnostic prob-
nications among the members of the working group were
lems, such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia11---14 and acute
made via e-mail. The recommendations of the Preferred
viral bronchiolitis.15---17 In this regard, some of the manifes-
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses
tations of these disorders can overlap those of asthma which
(PRISMA) were followed. The project received no funding
could develop during this early stage of life.18,19
and involved no direct or indirect participation on the part
Many children experience recurrent symptoms of
of any public or private institution. The review protocol
bronchial obstruction starting in the first years of life. It
was registered in the international prospective register of
is particularly difficult to establish a diagnosis of asthma in
systematic reviews (PROSPERO), with registration number
infants or preschool children, and the criteria used can vary
greatly among different guidelines or studies, and among
clinicians, even working in the same setting. This is a prob-
lem for determining the true incidence and prevalence of Search and selection of guidelines
the disease.20 In many cases, the term ‘‘asthma’’ is avoided
at such early ages for a number of reasons, including diffi- A systematic search was made of clinical guidelines on
culties in performing the pulmonary function tests capable asthma following the methodology used in an earlier study,
of demonstrating the existence of airflow obstruction,21 a with the collaboration of its main author (cited under
lack of data on the underlying inflammatory substrate,22 or acknowledgements).29 Based on the strategy defined in
the fact that many children improve and appear to heal in that study, an exhaustive search was conducted of the
Preschool asthma diagnosis: a systematic review 109

Table 1 Key questions selected for the systematic review of the concept and diagnosis of asthma in children under six years
of age in clinical guidelines on asthma.
• Is there a specific definition for asthma in children under six years of age? Is the definition of asthma at this age
eluded, or is it defined in the same way as in older children and adults?
• Can asthma be diagnosed at any age, even in infants in the first year of life? If not, is there an age from which a
diagnosis of asthma can be established in children under six years of age?
• Are pulmonary function tests necessary to diagnose asthma in children under six years of age? Is this a limiting factor
that precludes the possibility of diagnosing asthma as long as such tests cannot be made?
• Are there defined and objective criteria for the diagnosis of asthma in children under six years of age, or does the
diagnosis depend on physician interpretation of the global clinical findings (anamnesis and physical examination),
with or without complementary tests?
• Can asthma be diagnosed in preschool children even if the disease may have subsided at six years of age or later in
the course of childhood? Or is it not possible to use the term asthma in reference to wheezing (or similar
manifestations) that subside over time?

guidelines published between 2007 and 2016 in the Trip related to the age at which the diagnosis can be established
Database clinical guides registry, and in the MEDLINE and the conditions (clinical criteria and/or complementary
database of the United States National Library of Medicine, tests) for doing so. The authors answered these question-
through the PubMed browser. Search details: (Practice naires, followed by comments and discussions via e-mail to
Guideline[ti] OR Guidelines[ti] OR Practice Guideline[pt] further clarify discrepancies and the poorly defined or the
OR Guideline[pt] OR Consensus Development Confer- most controversial questions. The results of all this informa-
ence[pt] OR Practice Guidelines as Topic[MeSH]) AND tion flow were used to define the key questions best suited
(‘‘Asthma’’[Mesh] OR asthma*[ti])). No language restrictions for answering the most representative aspects of the diagno-
were applied. The search results were evaluated by reading sis of asthma in preschool children. Following the definition
the titles and abstracts in order to extract all the clinical of the key questions (Table 1) and selection of the guide-
guides or analogous documents that may contain informa- lines, these were distributed in such a way that each guide
tion on the concept and diagnosis of asthma, and which was analyzed with two reviewers answering the key ques-
included children under six years of age. These results were tions independently. The answers of the evaluators were
complemented by a free search on the part of the investiga- forwarded to the coordinator. When the answer to a key
tors participating in the study, to identify other guidelines question given by the two reviewers was identical or simi-
that might comply with the inclusion criteria, but which lar, the answer was taken to be valid. If the answer was not
had not been identified through the systematic search strat- sufficiently homogeneous, the coordinator stated his per-
egy, including guidelines on wheezing in children, as well sonal opinion in an attempt to reach collective consensus.
as more recent updates on the previously-selected guides, The aim was to secure acceptance by all the reviewers of
conducted in the course of the year 2017. The documents the key questions referred to each document, if possible.
obtained in the selection were reviewed in detail by the The authors were required to confirm their final agreement
authors. The documents included in the present study were with the result reflected in the present article.
required to contain information on the concept or diagno-
sis of asthma in childhood, including the first years of life
(infants and preschool children). We excluded those doc- Results
uments that did not meet the aforementioned criteria, as
well as those containing data on the concept and diagno- A total of 2338 references were obtained from the initial
sis of asthma that could constitute duplicated (contents search in Trip Database and PubMed. The selection process
representing a summary or extract from some other main of the valid documents is shown in Fig. 1. Finally, 23 doc-
document) or outdated publications (previous versions of uments grouped into 21 clinical guidelines were analyzed,
the same more recent guideline). We finally included those since two of the guidelines were considered to be com-
guidelines that met the criteria established with the agree- prised by two different documents that were judged to be
ment of all the investigators. complementary. The selected guidelines, the constituting
documents, and the answers of the guidelines to the key
questions are summarized in Table 2. Ten of the selected
Analysis of the guidelines guidelines were referred to patients of all ages; eight were
pediatric guidelines; and three were exclusively focused on
The guidelines included in this review were subjected to var- preschool children.
ious exploratory analyses directed by the coordinator, with The guidelines were generally quite narrative in address-
participation of all the investigators. Due to the narrative ing the concept and diagnosis of asthma. It was therefore
style of the sections related to the concept and diagnosis difficult to draw clear definitions and diagnostic criterions.
of asthma, questionnaires were presented to the review- Most of the guidelines did not offer explicit answers to the
ers to clarify the way in which the guidelines considered key questions. The answers were found in different sec-
the diagnosis of asthma in preschool children, particularly tions of the guidelines and could even be interpreted as
110 L. Moral et al.

2338 registers or citations identified from the initial search in Trip Database and PubMed

2308 eliminated documents,

registers or citations (duplicates or
not relevant to the study)

30 documents, registers or citations screened

8 documents added from the non-

systematic search of the reviewers

38 documents selected for detailed review

15 documents discarded:
• 1 due to publication in 2006
• 8 due to very little or no
information on the diagnosis of
asthma in small children

• 6 due to contents referred to or

included in another guideline

23 documents included in the systematic review

3 updates on the documents 3 previously included documents

included during the review substituted by a newly updated
process version of the same document

23 documents finally included in the systematic review

(21 guidelines, due to integration of 2 complementary documents of one same guideline
on 2 occasions)

Figure 1 Flowchart of the selection of clinical guidelines included in the systematic review.

contradictory within one same document. Table 2 shows the children and older children --- particularly when addressing
consensus results of the group in summarizing the answers the diagnosis, which was considered to be more difficult
to the key questions. in preschool children. The two Spanish pediatric guidelines
In most of the guidelines, the concept and definition analyzed made reference to the III International Pediatric
of asthma were closely related or implicit to the diagnosis Consensus to define asthma in preschool children.53
of the disease. The general guidelines made no distinction Most of the guides implicitly recognize that there is no
between adults and children in defining asthma. Although age limit for establishing a diagnosis of asthma, although
most of the pediatric guidelines (including preschool chil- they underscore the difficulty of establishing a diagnosis in
dren) defined asthma without distinctions according to age children under 5---6 years of age, and particularly in infants
with a view fundamentally oriented by the clinical mani- under 2---3 years of age. Only the document of the Euro-
festations, some of them did distinguish between preschool pean Respiratory Society (ERS) on wheezing disorders in
Preschool asthma diagnosis: a systematic review
Table 2 Guidelines selected for offering information referred to the concept or diagnosis of asthma in childhood, including the first years of life (infants and preschool
children), and their answers to the key questions.

Guideline title Key question 1. Key question 2. Key question 3. Key question 4. Key question 5.
--- Specific definition of Diagnosis of asthma Need for pulmonary Defined and objective Possibility of
First author or institution and year of asthma in children from the first year of function tests criteria for the diagnosing asthma,
publication (reference) under six years of age life diagnosis of asthma even with remission
--- over time
The Saudi Initiative for Asthma --- 2016 Etiopathogenic The diagnosis is Spirometry is not Depends on medical Not mentioned
Update definition without age possible in preschool necessary for the interpretation of the
--- distinction children, although it clinical diagnosis global clinical findings
Al-Moamary et al., 201630 is not specified
--- whether there is an
Saudi Arabia age limit for diagnosis
Saudi Thoracic Society
VA/DoD clinical practice guideline for No specific definition Although not Testing is advisable in The diagnosis This issue is not
management of asthma in children and for children addressed directly, it older children, but depends on specified
adults is admitted that does not appear to interpretation of the
--- alternative diagnoses preclude the clinical findings (case
The Management of Asthma Working Group, should be considered diagnosis in younger history and physical
200931 in infants under two children examination), and
--- years of age. can be supported by
USA some complementary
--- tests
Department of Veterans Affairs and
Department of Defense
Expert Panel Report 3: No specific definition Although not Testing is not a The diagnosis It is accepted that
Guidelines for the Diagnosis and for children addressed directly, it limiting factor, depends on asthma can subside,
Management of Asthma is implicitly admitted although it subjective and asthma
--- that asthma can be complicates diagnosis interpretation of the predictive indices are
National Asthma Education diagnosed at any age at these ages clinical data, the mentioned
and Prevention Program, 200732 response to
--- treatment, and the
USA exclusion of other
--- diagnoses
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Table 2 (Continued)

Guideline title Key question 1. Key question 2. Key question 3. Key question 4. Key question 5.
--- Specific definition of Diagnosis of asthma Need for pulmonary Defined and objective Possibility of
First author or institution and year of asthma in children from the first year of function tests criteria for the diagnosing asthma,
publication (reference) under six years of age life diagnosis of asthma even with remission
--- over time
Guía Española para el Manejo del Asma No specific definition No concrete age is Testing does not The diagnosis of This issue is not
(GEMA 4.2) for children stated, although it is appear to be a asthma in children specified
--- implicitly admitted limiting factor for the unable to undergo
Executive Committee of the GEMA, 201733 that asthma can be diagnosis of asthma in pulmonary function
--- diagnosed in small children testing is not
Spain preschool children addressed
Multiple Spanish Medical Societies
Global Strategy for Asthma Management No specific definition Diagnosis is difficult Testing is one of the The diagnosis is This issue is not
and Prevention (2017 update) for children under six under five years of factors that clinical (case history, specified
--- years of age, age, which implicitly complicates but does physical examination
Global Initiative for Asthma, 201734 although criteria are admits the possibility not preclude the and response to
--- given for making of establishing the diagnosis of asthma in therapy), can be
International diagnosis more diagnosis small children supported by some
--- feasible at this age complementary tests,
Global Initiative for Asthma and requires the
exclusion of
alternative diagnoses
UMHS Asthma Guideline Asthma is not defined Diagnosis is difficult Spirometry is not The diagnosis Not specified
--- in the document but possible from the necessary for the depends on
Kesterson et al., 201035 first year of life diagnosis at these subjective
--- ages interpretation by the
Michigan, USA physician
University of Michigan

L. Moral et al.
Preschool asthma diagnosis: a systematic review
Table 2 (Continued)

Guideline title Key question 1. Key question 2. Key question 3. Key question 4. Key question 5.
--- Specific definition of Diagnosis of asthma Need for pulmonary Defined and objective Possibility of
First author or institution and year of asthma in children from the first year of function tests criteria for the diagnosing asthma,
publication (reference) under six years of age life diagnosis of asthma even with remission
--- over time
British Guideline on the Management of No definition of No specific mention is Testing is not The diagnosis Not specified
Asthma asthma different for made, but it seems necessary and does depends on
--- children is given that the diagnosis can not limit the interpretation of the
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines be established at any diagnosis clinical findings and
Network, 201636 age the response to
--- treatment, supported
UK by complementary
--- tests and the
British Thoracic Society exclusion of
alternative diagnoses
Management of Asthma The definition is the No specific mention is Testing can be useful Depends on global Not clearly
--- same for children and made, but there is no for confirming the interpretation of the mentioned
Ministry of Health, Singapore, 200837 adults indication against a diagnosis, but is not clinical findings and
--- diagnosis at any age essential the exclusion of other
Singapore diagnoses
Ministry of Health, Singapore
Guía Mexicana del Asma A general definition is Diagnosis in children Testing can be useful The diagnosis Not clearly
--- given, although under six years of age for confirming the depends on mentioned, and
Larenas-Linnemann et al., 201738 without age is more complex, but diagnosis, but is not interpretation of the asthma predictive
--- distinctions it is not affirmed that essential findings by the index is cited
Mexico a diagnosis cannot be physician
--- made
Multiple Mexican Medical Societies
NICE Guide No specific definition Asthma can be Pulmonary function The diagnosis is based Not specified,
--- for children diagnosed in children tests are not on the clinical although objective
National Institute for Health and Care under five years of necessary in children findings and response testing is indicated if
Excellence, 201739 age, although the under five years of to treatment the symptoms persist
--- term suspected age at five years of age
UK asthma is preferred.
--- In some instances the
National Institute for Health and Care document appears to
Excellence exclude infants under

one year of age
Table 2 (Continued)

Guideline title Key question 1. Key question 2. Key question 3. Key question 4. Key question 5.
--- Specific definition of Diagnosis of asthma Need for pulmonary Defined and objective Possibility of
First author or institution and year of asthma in children from the first year of function tests criteria for the diagnosing asthma,
publication (reference) under six years of age life diagnosis of asthma even with remission
--- over time
Diagnosis --- Children Section of the Clinical definition for The diagnosis of Spirometry does not The diagnosis is A provisional
Australian Asthma Handbook children, without age asthma is possible appear to be clinical and is diagnosis of asthma
--- distinction between 0 and 5 necessary for the confirmed by the can be established
National Asthma Council Australia, 201640 years of age, but diagnosis in small response to according to clinical
--- proves difficult children, but supports treatment, but there criteria, awaiting
Australia the diagnosis in are no standardized confirmation at a
--- children where such criteria later age based on
National Asthma Council Australia testing is possible persistence of the
symptoms and the
pulmonary function
test findings
Asthma in Children --- Diagnosis and Same definition for The diagnosis of Testing complicates There are no criteria; Asthma can be
Management children of all ages, asthma is possible in but does not preclude the diagnosis is diagnosed, even if
--- although children under six diagnosis clinical and is the condition
Child Health BC and the Guidelines and differentiating the years of age (the supported by the subsides over time
Protocols Advisory Committee, 201541 diagnosis between guide considers response to
--- those over and under children from one treatment
British Columbia (Canada) six years of age year of age), but
--- proves difficult, and
British Columbia Medical Association the disease is possibly
underdiagnosed due
to the use of other
diagnostic labels
Consenso sobre tratamiento del asma The definition of the It is implicitly Functional testing This guide makes Not mentioned,
en pediatría III International accepted that asthma allows the little mention of the although the Tucson
--- Pediatric Consensus53 can be diagnosed confirmation of diagnosis of asthma phenotype criteria
Castillo Laita et al., 200742 is adopted for from the first year of asthma, but does not and asthma
--- preschool children life seem to be an predictive index are

L. Moral et al.
Spain obstacle to diagnosis followed
--- in preschool children
Asociación Española de Pediatría
Preschool asthma diagnosis: a systematic review
Table 2 (Continued)

Guideline title Key question 1. Key question 2. Key question 3. Key question 4. Key question 5.
--- Specific definition of Diagnosis of asthma Need for pulmonary Defined and objective Possibility of
First author or institution and year of asthma in children from the first year of function tests criteria for the diagnosing asthma,
publication (reference) under six years of age life diagnosis of asthma even with remission
--- over time
International Consensus on (ICON) Pediatric The definition is the Although not Spirometry is The diagnosis It is accepted that
Asthma same for children and addressed directly, it important but does depends on asthma can subside
--- adults is admitted that not seem to be interpretation of the over time
Papadopoulos et al., 201243 asthma is difficult to essential for the clinical data, the
--- diagnose in patients diagnosis in small complementary tests,
International under 2---3 years of children and the results of
--- age treatment
International Collaboration in
Asthma, Allergy and Immunology (iCAALL)
Astma hos børn No definition of The diagnosis of The diagnosis is more The diagnosis No mention of this
--- asthma is given. The asthma is possible in difficult in small depends on the issue is made
Bønnelykke et al., 201344 diagnosis of asthma in children under five children, due to the clinical history and
--- childhood is based on years of age, but difficulty of response to
Denmark the presence of proves difficult performing treatment, as well as
--- symptoms, the pulmonary function the exclusion of
Dansk Børne Astma Center detection of altered tests alternative diagnoses
or variable lung
function, and the
response to
Guía de Práctica Clínica sobre Asma Infantil The definition of the Little mention is No reference is made The diagnosis is based Not specified,
--- III International made of the to the use of on recurrent although the
Work Group of the Clinical practice guide Pediatric Consensus diagnosis, although it spirometry for the symptoms, the introduction suggests
on pediatric asthma, 201445 (1998)53 is mentioned seems implicit that a diagnosis of asthma response to that many infants
--- for preschool children diagnosis is possible treatment and the with asthma will not
Spain in preschool children absence of be ‘‘true’’ asthma
--- alternative cases later in life
Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e diagnoses. Asthma
Igualdad predictive indices are
not advised, due to
the lack of validation

Table 2 (Continued)

Guideline title Key question 1. Key question 2. Key question 3. Key question 4. Key question 5.
--- Specific definition of Diagnosis of asthma Need for pulmonary Defined and objective Possibility of
First author or institution and year of asthma in children from the first year of function tests criteria for the diagnosing asthma,
publication (reference) under six years of age life diagnosis of asthma even with remission
--- over time
Japanese pediatric guideline for the Childhood asthma is The diagnosis is Spirometry is not Depends on Diagnosis is possible,
treatment and management of bronchial defined without age possible even in necessary for the interpretation of the since remission,
asthma 2012 distinction infants under two diagnosis at these findings after clinical healing and
and* years of age ages excluding other functional healing are
Japanese guidelines for childhood asthma diagnoses. In infants contemplated
2017 under two years of
--- age it can be
Hamasaki et al., 201446 established after
and* three independent
Arakawa et al., 201747 wheezing episodes
Japanese Society of Pediatric Allergy and
Clinical Immunology; Japanese Society of
Diagnosis and treatment of asthma in Asthma is described Diagnosis is agreed to Testing is not a Depends on Not specified
childhood: a PRACTALL consensus report on the basis of its be possible, but limiting factor for the subjective
--- clinical difficult to establish diagnosis at these interpretation of the
Bacharier et al., 200848 characteristics. The in infants (first two ages global clinical
--- definition is more years of life) findings and the
International difficult to apply in complementary tests
--- infants and preschool
European Academy children
of Allergy and Clinical Immunology;
American Academy of Allergy,
Asthma and Immunology
Asthme de l’enfant de moins de 36 mois Clinical definition for The diagnosis is Spirometry is not The diagnosis is Not clearly
--- infants under 36 possible in infants necessary; the clinical and can be mentioned
Haute Autorité de Santé, 200949 months of age under three years of diagnosis is based on supported by other

L. Moral et al.
--- age, although no the clinical data tests
France minimum or limiting
--- age is specified.
Société pédiatrique de pneumologie et
Preschool asthma diagnosis: a systematic review
Table 2 (Continued)

Guideline title Key question 1. Key question 2. Key question 3. Key question 4. Key question 5.
--- Specific definition of Diagnosis of asthma Need for pulmonary Defined and objective Possibility of
First author or institution and year of asthma in children from the first year of function tests criteria for the diagnosing asthma,
publication (reference) under six years of age life diagnosis of asthma even with remission
--- over time
Diagnosis and management of asthma in Common definition The diagnosis is Testing is not The diagnosis is The diagnosis can be
preschoolers for all ages, although possible from one necessary or an clinical and is based made, although the
--- keys to diagnosis in year of age. It is not impediment for on the presence of criteria might not be
Ducharne et al., 201550 preschool children indicated whether a diagnosis signs of airflow met later on
--- are given diagnosis is possible obstruction (two or
Canada at less than one year more episodes),
--- of age clinical confirmation
Canadian Thoracic Society and Canadian of the reversibility of
Pediatric Society obstruction through
treatment, and the
absence of
alternative diagnoses
Definition, assessment and treatment of The GINA definition is The term asthma The usefulness of Depends on The fact that many
wheezing disorders in preschool children: not adopted, since should not be used in pulmonary function interpretation of the preschool children
an evidence-based approach inflammation may not diagnosing preschool testing at these ages clinical findings, become free of
and* be present in children (under six has not been well although a diagnosis symptoms over the
Classification and pharmacological preschool children (or years of age) established of asthma is not following years
treatment of preschool wheezing: may not have been advised at these ages distinguishes
changes since 2008 confirmed). The preschool children
--- guide prefers not to with wheezing from
Brand et al., 200851 use the term asthma children with asthma
and* at such ages
Brand et al., 201452
International (Europe)
European Respiratory Society
The first 10 documents are general guidelines (children and adults); the following eight are pediatric guidelines; and the last three are focused only on preschool children.
* These two guidelines are included in two referenced documents with complementing contents.

118 L. Moral et al.

preschool children recommends avoiding the term asthma in population of small children are eliminated. The present
children under six years of age and considers that the diagno- review has shown that most of the clinical guidelines on
sis cannot be established in patients under that age. In the asthma implicitly accept that the diagnosis can be estab-
analyzed guides, spirometry was not considered essential lished in preschool children, with no lower age limit. A
for establishing the diagnosis in preschool children, although recent study has observed a progressive decrease in the age
the difficulty of performing pulmonary function tests in such at diagnosis of asthma in preschool children.55
young children complicates confirmation of the diagnosis. The guidelines usually base the diagnosis of asthma in
According to most of the guidelines, the diagnosis of asthma preschool children on the reiterated presence of compa-
in preschool children is based on subjective physician inter- tible symptoms (several episodes of bronchial obstruction,
pretation of the clinical findings (more than 2---3 bronchial preferably witnessed by the physician), adequate response
obstruction episodes), the response to treatment (imme- to treatment, and the exclusion of other alternative diag-
diate response to bronchodilators or delayed response to noses. Thus, diagnosis at these ages is fundamentally of a
inhaled corticosteroids), and the exclusion of other alter- clinical nature, subjectively established by the clinician,
native diagnoses. Complementary tests may be added to and as such should be regarded as amenable to revision,
support or rule out the diagnosis. Many of the guides empha- since other more precise diagnoses may be established when
size the importance of confirming wheezing --- a key sign of justified by further data. Complementary tests (imaging
the asthmatic process --- through auscultation. studies, allergy work-up, specific tests for alternative dis-
The ERS guideline on wheezing disorders in preschool eases) play a secondary role, contributing indirect data in
children is the clearest document stating that the fact that favor of, or against a diagnosis of asthma or of other dis-
many preschool children become free of symptoms over time orders. Asthma predictive indices offer poor precision and
is what distinguishes preschool wheeze from the more per- are likewise not considered useful.56,57 Pulmonary function
sistent asthma. Most of the guidelines fail to address this tests are not regarded as necessary at these ages, since
issue, although some do accept that asthma can subside over they are difficult to perform, and studies evaluating their
time (e.g., the International consensus on [ICON] pediatric usefulness are lacking. The study of pulmonary function can
asthma and the Japanese guideline), and that this conse- contribute to the diagnosis of asthma in older children, when
quently would not impede establishing a diagnosis. Many of patient collaboration in forced spirometry can be secured. In
the guidelines refer to the phenotypes of preschool chil- some cases, such collaboration is even possible in children
dren with wheezing/asthma and to the predictive indices from three years of age.58---60 Nevertheless, the usefulness
of asthma persistence into school-age, although they lack of pulmonary function studies in establishing the diagno-
accuracy so they are not indicated or are even not consid- sis of asthma has been questioned even in older children
ered useful for diagnosing asthma in preschool children. and adolescents.61 Another systematic review of the diag-
nostic criteria of asthma in clinical guidelines also detected
discrepancies regarding the need for objective lung func-
Discussion tion tests in order to establish a diagnosis of asthma in both
adults and children.28
The concept and diagnosis of asthma is an unresolved issue It is well known that many young children improve and
affecting patients of all ages, although it is particularly become symptom-free over time, although it is difficult to
relevant in childhood since this is the period in life when precisely predict such improvement or to know whether the
most patients develop the disease. The concept of asthma disease can reappear after remission.62,63 Only the Japanese
has gradually broadened and become more diffuse. It is guideline clearly speaks of remission (absence of symptoms
presently understood to be a heterogeneous disease or a during one year), clinical healing (absence of symptoms dur-
complex syndrome --- this being an umbrella term encom- ing five years) or functional healing (clinical healing and
passing patients with similar clinical manifestations but with normal pulmonary function test results). On the other hand,
a diverse or uncertain etiopathogenesis.3,4 The ambiguity of only the ERS document on wheezing disorders in preschool
this concept has led some authors to consider it to be use- children deviates from the preponderant view and consid-
less, and therefore propose its elimination.54 However, the ers that the term ‘‘asthma’’ cannot be used in preschool
term asthma remains necessary in designating patients with children with wheezing episodes that can disappear over
symptoms attributable to variable bronchial obstruction, time. It thus defends a fundamentally etiopathogenic vision
at least when no alternative diagnosis can be established, of asthma (chronic inflammation of the airway that cannot
capable of more precisely describing the process underlying be confirmed at these ages), versus the much more usual
the symptoms. view based on clinical manifestations.
Many children present symptoms consistent with asthma It should be mentioned that the information referred to
in the first years of life, and the course of the disorder over the concept of asthma was not always contained or well
the subsequent years is highly variable, making it difficult defined in the analyzed guidelines, and that some made
to predict persistence or remission with sufficient reliability. very little mention of the diagnostic process. It is notori-
Therefore, and since the physiopathological basis underlying ous that while treatment was one of the main objectives
each individual patient is not known, it has been difficult to of the guidelines, the lack of definition made it difficult to
establish a diagnosis of asthma in patients of this age. How- know to what patient population treatment was targeted.
ever, as the concept of asthma broadens and the clinical It therefore proved complicated to offer simple answers
features gain a more prominent role versus the underly- to the established questions, and in many cases indirect
ing etiopathogenic processes or the subsequent course of conclusions had to be drawn in order to answer them. This
the disorder, many of the obstacles facing diagnosis in this element of subjectiveness in interpretation may have been a
Preschool asthma diagnosis: a systematic review 119

principal limiting element in our review, and we attempted Ethical disclosures

to overcome it through the participation of several review-
ers with expertise in childhood asthma. Another possible Confidentiality of data. The authors declare that no patient
limitation is the exclusion of guidelines that could not be data appear in this article.
retrieved from the databases or through personal searches
by the reviewers. There undoubtedly may be more guide- Right to privacy and informed consent. The authors
lines on asthma, particularly at a national level. However, declare that no patient data appear in this article.
we feel that the selected documents are the most significant
and best-known guidelines, and that those which could not Protection of human subjects and animals in research.
be obtained with our strategy were probably few and were The authors declare that the procedures followed were in
unlikely to afford relevant information different from that accordance with the regulations of the corresponding Clini-
analyzed in the present review. cal Research Ethics Committee and with the guidelines of the
The results of this review are supported by the very World Medical Association and the Declaration of Helsinki.
recent report of a Commission publishing its vision of how
asthma should be understood and studied in order to over-
Conflict of interest
come the apparent lack of advances in the last 10 years.64
The first of its recommendations has been to ‘‘use asthma
The authors have no conflict of interest.
solely as a descriptive label for a collection of symptoms.
We make no assumptions about physiopathology. The label
asthma thus becomes the start, not the end, of the diagnos- Acknowledgements
tic and therapeutic process.’’ This vision allows expansion of
the syndromic concept of asthma at all ages, thereby elimi- We thank Agustín Acuña Izcaray for help in the system-
nating the previous difficulties in establishing a diagnosis of atic search of asthma clinical guidelines, and Ulla Aguilera
asthma in preschool children. Neither lung function nor the Jacobsen for the Spanish translation of diagnostic aspects of
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