sb92 - 2 ARCS Permit and Pin Numbers

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Service Bulletin No. 92 (Release 2)

Product: VisionMaster FT series Displays

Subject: Obtaining the ARCS User Permit & Pin numbers

For Displays with software version 3.2.0 or higher the Permit and Pin numbers can be
exported to memory stick via the VisionMaster application …

Main Menu – Charts – Chart Tools – Export ARCS Permit/Pin

On Displays with software versions 3.0.0, 3.1.0 and 3.1.1, when required, the ARCS User
Permit & Pin numbers can be obtained by following the instructions below.

1) Start up the VMFT Chart Installer. At the welcome screen click Next.
2) Select the ARCS option and click Next.
3) Click the Run ChartHandler button.
4) If no ARCS charts have been installed yet, a message box will display just that. Click OK.
4) Once ChartHandler runs up, click on the "Show Registration Info" button at the bottom.
5) You can now read off the ARCS User Permit and Pin numbers. See below.

IMPORTANT: The numbers must NOT be the same as shown below. It they are then the ARCS
Engine has been set to ‘Demo’ mode and is NOT the correct numbers for your system. In this
event you will have to request for a VisionMaster trained service engineer to re-configure and
remove the ‘Demo’ mode.

sb92_2.doc Page 1 of 1 June 2009

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