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Directions: Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.

The Enchanted Garden
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, there
was a mysterious garden. Legend had it that the garden was enchanted, and anyone who
entered would be granted a single wish. The villagers spoke of its beauty, but none dared to
step inside, fearing the unknown magic that lay within.
One day, a curious teenager named Alex decided to explore the garden. The entrance
was concealed by overgrown vines and vibrant flowers. As Alex entered, the air sparkled with
an otherworldly energy, and the surroundings seemed to come alive with color.
Inside, the garden was a mesmerizing blend of flora from around the world. Exotic
flowers with petals that glowed like stars, and trees with leaves that whispered secrets as the
wind rustled through them. A fountain at the center bubbled with water that sparkled like
While wandering through the garden, Alex encountered a wise old owl perched on a
branch. The owl spoke, "Greetings, brave traveller. To unlock the magic within, you must
answer three questions with honesty and wisdom."
As Alex answered each question, the garden responded with a soft glow, and the air
seemed to hum with magic. Finally, after answering the third question, a gentle breeze carried
Alex's wish into the universe.
The moment Alex exited the garden, the entrance vanished behind them, leaving no
trace of the enchanted place. The village, however, noticed a positive change in Alex, who had
gained a newfound wisdom and a deep appreciation for the beauty that lies beyond fear.

1. Why do you think the villagers were afraid to enter the enchanted garden?
2. What do you think the enchanted garden symbolizes in the story?
3. How does the theme of facing fears and embracing the unknown contribute to the overall
message of "The Enchanted Garden"?
4. If you were Alex, what would your wish be and why?
Possible Answers:
1. The villagers were afraid to enter the enchanted garden because of the unknown magic
and potential risks associated with it. It represents the fear of the unfamiliar and the
uncertainty of what lies beyond.
2. The enchanted garden symbolizes the journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It
represents the idea that facing fears and embracing the unknown can lead to positive
transformations and valuable insights.
3. The theme of facing fears and embracing the unknown is central to the story as it
symbolizes personal growth and self-discovery. Alex's decision to enter the enchanted
garden despite the villagers' fear represents the transformative power of courage and
4. Answers will vary. Encourage students to provide thoughtful and creative responses,
considering the potential consequences and the impact of their wish on themselves and

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