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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Lingig I District


English 9
SY 2023-2024

Test I- Multiple Choice: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of your answer in your answer sheet.

1. The most polite and formal way to ask and give permission.
a. can c. may
b. could d. must
2. They are auxiliary or helping verbs that are used to express permission, obligation, prohibition,
certainty, probability, possibility, ability, advice, and request among others.
a. articles c. noun
b. modals d. verbs
3. A modal of prohibition that is used when something is not allowed in which the rules are set by the
a. can c. must
b. can’t d. mustn’t
4. An example of modal expressing prohibition that is used in dealing with something that is against the
rule, law or signs posted.
a. can c. must
b. can’t d. mustn’t
5. The most polite and formal way to ask and give permission.
c. can c. may
d. could d. must
6. Used as more polite and formal modal in asking permission.
a. can c. may
b. could d. must
7. It is the least formal of the modal verbs used to ask permission.
a. can c. must
b. can’t d. mustn’t
8. Which of the following statement is correct about modals?
a. Just like main verbs modal verbs change their form (spelling) and cannot be used alone in a
b. Modals are often placed after the base form of the verb.
c. The main verb that comes after the modal should always be in base form.
d. It is used in the sentence in order to know the tense of the verb in the sentence.
9. This modal is used when the obligation is set by an authority, rule or law.
a. Has/have to c. must to
b. must d. should
10. This modal is used if the obligation comes from the speaker.
a. can c. must
b. can’t d. mustn’t
11. This modal is used when expressing a weaker obligation and expressing recommendation and moral
a. Has/have to c. must to
b. must d. should
12. A conditional sentence that gives us factual information.
a. Zero Conditional c. Two Conditional
b. One Conditional d. Three Conditional
13. A type of sentence that expresses a condition and the result of the condition.
a. Conditionals c. Independent Clause
b. Conditions d. Main Clause
14. This is the type of conditional that speculates a condition that is unlikely to happen.
a. Zero Conditional c. Two Conditional
b. One Conditional d. Three Conditional
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Lingig I District

15. A conditional that describes a situation that is possible to happen in the future.
a. Zero Conditional c. Two Conditional
b. One Conditional d. Three Conditional
16. A type of conditional that speculates a situation which did not really happen or occur.
a. Zero Conditional c. Two Conditional
b. One Conditional d. Three Conditional
17. What is the tense of the verb in the main clause in one conditional sentence?
a. Perfect Present Tense c. Simple Present Tense
b. Perfect Future Tense d. Simple Future Tense
18. What composes the conditional sentences?
a. If Clause and Main Clause c. Independent Clause Only
b. If clause Only d. Main Clause Only
19. The verb in the ‘if clause’ of two conditional must be in what form of tense?
a. Perfect Present Tense c. Simple Past Tense
b. Perfect Past Tense d. Simple Present Tense
20. The verb in the ‘if clause’ of one conditional must be in what form of tense?
a. Perfect Present Tense c. Simple Past Tense
b. Perfect Past Tense d. Simple Present Tense
21. What is the past participle tense of the verb become?
a. become c. becoming
b. becomes d. became
22. It is the form of language that the speaker uses which characterized by the degree of formality.
a. Colloquial language c. Slang language
b. Communicative Style d. Technical language
23. This is a communicative style that is used by participants who share a very close relationship.
a. Casual c. Intimate
b. Consultative d. Formal
24. It is a communicative style that is relaxed or informal dialogue between friends, peers, colleagues, or
a. Casual c. Intimate
b. Consultative d. Formal
25. It is a communicative style that is also considered to be a straightforward speech.
a. Casual c. Formal
b. Consultative d. Frozen
26. It is also called the oratorical style and considered as the most formal communicative style.
a. Casual c. Formal
b. Consultative d. Frozen
27. It is used in semi-formal situations in which a speaker needs to provide background information
because the listener may not be able to understand without it.
a. Casual c. Formal
b. Consultative d. Frozen
28. Which of the following is true in intimate communicative style?
a. Conversations are in private
b. It always uses complete utterances.
c. It requires grammar and proper word choice.
d. It uses nicknames in addressing each other.
29. Which of the following statements is not true about frozen communicative style?
a. It uses slang language.
b. It is reserved for very formal situations.
c. It is used to address or is given before an audience of absolute strangers.
d. It is typically prescribed by law or it is a ritual that involves certain fixed statements
(verbatim) that are never changed.

30. Which of the following is true about casual communicative style?

a. Very formal in tone.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Lingig I District

b. Interruptions are not allowed.

c. Technical words are used rather than general ones.
d. Nicknames are used in addressing one another.
Number 31-34: Choose the correct modals to complete the sentence.
31. You ________ eat early so that you won’t be late.
a. can c. must
b. can’t d. mustn’t
32. You _______ enter the school without washing your hands.
a. can c. must
b. can’t d. mustn’t
33. Businessmen _________ to pay her taxes annually.
a. has to c. must
b. have to d. should
34. You ______ stop people from talking negative against you.
a. has to c. must
b. have to d. should
35. Choose the correct clause that should be added to make the one conditional sentence correct.
If you follow strict health protocols, _______________.
a. you are safe from COVID-19 c. you will be safe from COVID-19
b. you were safe from COVID-19 d. you should be safe from COVID-19
36. Choose the correct clause that should be added to make the zero conditional sentence correct.
If it doesn’t rain, ______________.
c. the flowers die c. the flowers will die
d. the flowers dies d. the flowers would have died
37. Choose the correct clause that should be added to make the two conditional sentence correct.
_______________________ if she were rich.
a. She will travel all over the world
b. She would travel all over the world
c. She would travels all over the world
d. She would have travelled all over the world
38. Choose the correct communicative style employed in this situation: Classmates talking about the
activity in the school.
a. Casual c. Intimate
b. Consultative d. Formal
39. Which of the following situation is an example of a consultative speech style?
a. Exchange of vows in Roman Catholic wedding.
b. Elected President reciting his oath of office.
c. Doctor sharing his diagnosis to his patient.
d. Company stockholders conversing in their meeting.
40. Which of the following situation is an example of a formal speech style?
a. Children reading bible verses.
b. Medical intern seeking advice to his attending doctor.
c. Teachers sharing their stand during Teachers’ Conference.
d. CEO delivering his quarterly report.

Numbers 41-43: Choose the appropriate statement to say according to the situation given
41. You are at a birthday party with your friend. You meet your teacher and would like to borrow his
phone.You say:
a. Can you give me your phone?
b. Could I use your phone for a minute, please?
c. Should you lend me your phone?
d. May I borrow your phone for a moment, please?

42. You want to ask a question about modals to a friend. You say:
a. Can you help me answer this question?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Lingig I District

b. Could I ask a question to you please?

c. May you answer this question please?
d. Should you answer this?
43. You have an urgent appointment with your dentist, but you forgot it and you ask to reschedule it. You say:
a. Can I ask for my next schedule of appointment with you doc?
b. Could you reschedule my appointment with you doc?
c. May I ask to reschedule my appointment with you doc?
d. May you reschedule my appointment?

Numbers 44-47: Choose what type of conditionals are the following sentences.
44. If there’s nobody at Roger’s house, he is living alone.
a. Zero Conditional c. Two Conditional
b. One Conditional d. Three Conditional
45. If Roger had asked the woman for money, she would have given him what he asked for.
a. Zero Conditional c. Two Conditional
b. One Conditional d. Three Conditional
46. If you eat vegetables, you will be healthy?
a. Zero Conditional c. Two Conditional
b. One Conditional d. Three Conditional
47. If I exercised before, I would become healthy.
a. Zero Conditional c. Two Conditional
b. One Conditional d. Three Conditional
48. Ms. Ramirez and her husband are going to the school to talk to the principal. What should they NOT do?
a. Avoid the use of jargons and slang.
b. Use more formal words when speaking with others.
c. Use proper sentence structure and grammar when speaking.
d. Use the intimate communicative style when talking to each other.
49. Which of the following may be used when the speaker is using the formal communicative style?
a. “Hey, dude! I have here some…”
b. “Hello to you all. Let’s all welcome…”
c. “Bros and sisses, I’m happy to introduce to you…”
d. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present to you…”
50. What communicative style is employed in this dialogue?

a. Casual c. Intimate
b. Consultative d. Formal

------------ GOD BLESS 😊 ------------

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

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