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Digital Systems I

ITI 1100
Summer 2023

Omid Fatemi
SITE Hall, Room 4065
University of Ottawa

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 1

Omid Fatemi, Ph.D.
Ph.D. – Electrical Taught courses in:
and Computer ◦ Digital Systems
Engineering ◦ Computer Architecture
University of Ottawa ◦ Microprocessor based
– 1999 design, IoT and
embedded design
More than 20 years –
◦ Web programming
teaching in university
◦ eLearning
◦ Multimedia
◦ 7 Ph.D. ◦ Python / Machine
◦ 53 M.Sc. learning

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 2

Why Digital Systems?
Course info
Active learning
Flipped classroom
Schedule of the class

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Why Digital Systems?
Digital Systems
What is
behind all the

How to
How to debug
hardware and

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Course Description
Digital computers and information.
Number systems and alphanumeric codes.
Binary arithmetic.
Boolean algebra.
Logic functions representation, minimization and
Analysis, design and implementation of
combinational circuits.
Basic sequential circuits. Latches and flip-flops.
Analysis and design of simple sequential circuits.
Registers and counters.
Implementation of digital circuits.
Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 5
Topics (1)
Transistors and gates to complete RT level designs
Separation of communications and processing
Digital systems and design flow
Switch based electronics, timing models, and RC
Verilog representation of switches
2's Complement arithmetic
Gates and transistor-level correspondences
Karnaugh maps
Combinational packages

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 6

Topics (2)
Programmable devices and array logic
Sequential and memory elements
Registers and State machines
RTL design, RTL methodology
Controller and Datapath
RTL processing elements and accelerators
Bussing and connecting RTL components
Interfacing RTL components
Complete systems
Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 7
Course Info (1)
Instructor / Facilitator
◦ Omid Fatemi
◦ Office Hours: Friday 10:00 – 11:30 or by appointment
◦ Class hours: Tuesday, Friday 11:30
◦ Long Libo
◦ Negin Ayoughi
◦ Pranav Pawar
Labhours: Thursday , Wednesday 7:00PM
TUT hours: Monday / Friday

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 9

Course Info (2)
Lab work:
◦ 6 labs. Group of 2.
Final Exam:
◦ 7/30/2023, Sunday 2:00PM - 5:00PM, 100 Louis
Pasteur (CRX) C140
Text book:
◦ Digital Logic Circuit Analysis & Design"
Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, Bill D.
Carroll J. David Irwin, Prentice-Hall, Inc

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 10

Course Delivery
Blended Learning
◦ Materials in site:
 Table of Contents - ITI1100*[Z] Digital Systems I [LEC] (ITI
1100Z) 20235 (
◦ In-person class for higher level of learning
Main features of the course:
◦ Learner centered
◦ Activity based
◦ Social learning
Omid Fatemi
◦ Digital Systems - Introduction 11
Learner Centered
Teacher as facilitator.
One member of learning community
Guide on the side.
Your own pace and preferences.
Having a very clear scheduling
Learning needs work.
You are on your own.
Nobody pushes you

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 12

Activity Based
 learners are not passive recipients of information
 After every content delivery, there are activities that
should be done.
 Reflection – feedback
◦ feedback comes into existence in the production process of
knowledge or skill
 Discussion / Reflection
 Peer assessment
 Online Quizzes
 Class work
 Lab work
 Assignments

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 13

Social Learning
Humans learn better when they learn
Critical thinking and discussing
In-person discussions in class.
Asynchronous Forum discussions
◦ In General section
Group work
Peer assessment

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 14

Flipped Classroom:

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 15

Are you familiar with
flipped classroom idea?
Please share your response in Wooclap.

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 16

Johnathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams
(2007), science teachers at Woodland Park
High School in Colorado

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 17

Johnathan Bergmann

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 18

The Traditional Classroom

Teachers: Lecturing✔
Students: Listening✔

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 19

The Traditional Result

✔Teachers: Still Lecturing

✔Students: Out Cold
Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 20
The Problem
✘Students: Passive Learners
✘Teachers: “Sage on the Stage”

The Solution
✔Students: Active Learners
✔Teachers: “Guide on the Side”
Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 21
Cognitive Levels of Learning

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 22

Which one is achieved in a traditional

1. Knowledge
2. Understand
3. Apply
4. Analyze
5. Evaluate
6. Create

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Flipping the classroom:

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 24

The steps
PrepareMaterials & Post Online
Assign Video/Recourses as Homework
Use Class for Activities

The Method
Lecture Class
Activities Home

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 25

How to perform the class?
Putting content on Virtual Campus.
Making activities (before, during and after
reading the resources)
◦ Reflection
◦ Formative assessments (Quiz)
◦ Problem (class work)
◦ Lab work
◦ Projects, assignments, ..
Discussion,Q&A in the synchronous /
asynchronous part.
Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 26
The Schedule (version 1)
Class Home / Lab /
Duration Task Duration Task
5 Review / Q&A 60 Assignment
10 Reflection / 120 Lab
10 Online Quiz / 60 Lab report
25 Lecture / New 90 Hands on exercise
material / Group work
5 Q&A 30 Peer Assessment .
20 Lecture / New
5 Q&A

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 27

The Schedule (version 2)
Class Home / Lab /
Duration Task Duration Task
5 Review / Q&A 90 Lecture
10 Reflection / 120 Lab
10 Online Quiz / 60 Lab report
50 Hands on exercise 60 DGD / Hands on
/ Group work exercise / Group
5 Q&A / Recap 30 Peer Assessment .


Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 28

Grade Composition
15% reflection on content
◦ After topics, you should reflect
15% Assignment / class work
5% peer assessment
10% activities (online – (A)synchronous )
10% Online / Real-time quiz
20% Lab work
20% Project (bonus)
10% bonus for other activities (needs approval)
40% Final Exam and Mid-term
Sum: 115+30%

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 29

Computer Engineering

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 31

CEG 2136 Computer Architecture I

Study programs at School of EEICS

Computer Engineering
requires mastery of both:
• hardware (overlapping
with Electrical Eng.) C EG
• software (overlapping
with Computer Science &
Software Engineering) CSI

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 32
CEG 2136 Computer Architecture I

SEG Technology

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 33

Next Activities
Introduce yourself
You may download
presentation file.
Deadlines: 9:00 PM the
day before the class.
Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 34
Next Chapter:
Switches to Systems

Omid Fatemi Digital Systems - Introduction 35

Thank you – Any comments?

Omid Fatemi

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