Klu Klux Klan

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The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was formed in 1865, immediately after the American Civil War (1861-1865). Its origins can be traced to Pulaski, Tennessee, where a group of Confederate veterans, led
by former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, founded the organization.
Some of the reasons as to why the Ku Klux Klan was formed is
1. Resistance to reconstruction. The Ku Klux Klan emerged during the reconstruction when the states were undergoing a significant amount of political, social and economic changes. The
Klan said no to a reconstruction which resulted in less slaves being freed.

2. White Supremacy. The Klan was rooted in the ideology of white supremacy. Its members sought to maintain the social order that existed before the Civil War, where white dominance
and control were unquestioned.

3. intimidation and Violence. The KKK used violence and intimidation as tactics to undermine the political and economic power of African Americans. They targeted not only African
Americans but also white individuals who supported or collaborated with Reconstruction efforts.

4. Terrorizing African Americans. Klan members engaged in acts of terror, including lynching, burning of homes, and other violent acts, to suppress African Americans' political and social
advancement. Their goal was to create a climate of fear and discourage African Americans from exercising their newly acquired rights.

5. Political Influence. The KKK played a role in influencing Southern politics by intimidating and sometimes outright attacking individuals who supported equal rights for African Americans.
This contributed to the establishment of white supremacist governments in several Southern states.
The KKK has a long and troubling There was also a big suppression of
legacy in American history. The civil rights during the KKK's time, and
KKK had a history of racism and we can see how it has affected
modern america. The clan was
treating people of color unfairly.
always focused on trying to maintain
We can see how these effects
white supremacy and to make sure
have passed on to our current that african american citizens were
society with many reports and never treated with the same respect
protest for movements like Black and fairness. We can see how this
lives matter. We have seen how used to be in slight effect in the past
people of color have been treated but now there has been a large
unfairly and how their legacy was change in the way people of color
are treated.
carried on.

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