Queen by Midnight Rulebook

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Who will be...

The Midnight Queen is dead. As her kingdom weeps,

the issue of her succession is paramount.
To the shock of the Realm, the Queen’s dying wish was to
invoke the Rule By Midnight: a 24-hour trial of combat and guile,
where the Princesses of Twelvefold are summoned to Court to
battle one another. At the stroke of midnight, the most powerful
Princess left standing will be crowned the new Queen.
Over the course of the game, players
take turns buying abilities, casting
spells, laying traps, and overpowering 6 clout & health trackers
their foes with deadly force. When the
Clock strikes Midnight, the game is
over. If at any point only one player
remains, they are the winner! If the
game goes to Midnight, then the player
with the most Clout plus Health wins!
6 princess repertoire boards
108 princess vault cards

Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Player Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 30 declaration cards
Game Element Breakdown . . 3 6 inner circle/ultimate cards
75 bazaar cards
The Basics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Gameplay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 six sided dice
On Your Turn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1 trance token
Playing Cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 (Rosaline)

End of Round. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
60 starter cards
Inner Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
End of Game. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
24 loyalty tokens
Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 12 track markers
24 lash tokens
Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 (Freya)

Twelvefold & The

Rule By Midnight. . . . . . . . . . 12
Assembly Instructions. . . . . 13 30 level tokens clock dice tower and bazaar
15 prophecy tokens
2 (Rosaline)
See pages 13-14 for assembly instructions.
1 4. Place the Afternoon Bazaar cards
clocktower board setup face-down on the Bazaar deck
space. Reveal the top 3 cards and
1. Place the Place the Clocktower and the place them into the Bazaar.
Bazaar in the middle of the table.
5. Set the Twilight and Midnight Bazaar
2. Set the Clock Hand to the starting number decks face down near the Bazaar.
based on the player count below: 2
6. Roll 2 dice to determine who goes first
a. In a 3-player game, turn the clock to “1”. in the turn order. The highest roll wins.
b. In a 4-player game, turn the clock to “2”. If there is a tie, all tied players roll
again until a winner is determined.
c. In a 5-player game, turn the clock to “3”.
d. In a 6-player game, turn the clock to “4”. 7. Turn the Clocktower and Bazaar
to face the first player.
3. Separate the 3 types of Bazaar Cards into
separate face-down stacks: Afternoon, 8. Determine how players choose the
Twilight, and Midnight. Shuffle each Princess character they wish to play:
stack of Bazaar cards separately. a. Shuffle and randomly assign.
(See page 4 for Bazaar card decks)
b. Starting with the last player and
going counter-clockwise, each
player chooses a Princess to play.

7 5

after selecting their princess, each player takes:

P Their Princess' Repertoire board. P A set of 10 Starter cards: note
P Clout/Health Trackers placed Take your Princess' Starter cards, matching
The player who chooses to play
above their Repertoire board. your Princess and their Repertoire board.
Freya takes the set of Lash Tokens
P 1 Health and 1 Clout Marker. Players P The set of cards that match
The player who chooses to play
begin with 30 Health and 0 Clout. their Princess:
Rosaline takes the Trance Token
Place the Trackers accordingly. • 15 Princess Vault cards and the Prophecy Tokens.
• 3 War Chest cards
• 1 Inner Circle/Ultimatum card 1


inner circle/ultimate archive

repertoire board

attack card reaction card

war chest vault

1 2


player repertoire

Next, players should:

1. Place the 3 War Chest cards next to their 3. Shuffle their Starter cards and place them face
Repertoire board in the indicated space. down next to the Deck space on their Repertoire
board. Draw 5 cards into their hand.
2. Shuffle the remaining Vault cards and place them next
to the Vault deck space on their Repertoire board. Then, 4. Return all unused Princess Repertoire boards,
reveal 3 face up onto the spaces on their Repertoire board. cards, and markers to the box.

The game is ready.


repertoire clout
This is an umbrella term for your play area. This is your primary currency as a Princess. It takes
It contains your Vault, Deck, Armory, Archive, the form of material wealth, influence, and fear. You
War Chest, Health/Clout Tracker, and Tokens. will spend this to play and power your cards.

vault inner circle cards

These are cards that are unique to your Princess These cards are given to another Princess when they become
and can only be purchased by you. part of your Inner Circle. They list the unique abilities that
Princess may take on your behalf as your loyal follower.

Your reserve cards, waiting to be drawn. war chest cards
These are powerful cards only available for purchase
later in the game. They include an Ultimate card
archive and 2 Boon cards, unique to each Princess.
This is where Attack cards and Reaction cards
are placed after they’ve been played.
banished cards
Cards that are banished can be place in a pile in
health between the players and do not get reshuffled
This is a measure of how much health (HP) your Princess when a Princess' deck runs out of cards.
has remaining and starts at 30. When you take damage from
an Attack card your health is reduced by that amount.

attack cards war chest card

These are cards played from your hand that deal
damage and harmful effects to other players.

reaction cards
These cards are how you defend yourself from the machinations
of other players. They are placed face down in your Armory
and activated when the conditions on the card are met.

THE BASICS general card anatomy

While Princesses’ cards, boards, and powers are all a little different, there card type
buy cost play cost
are some aspects of the game that are universal for all Princesses.

health princess’ vault

Princesses begin with 30 Health (HP). While the Bazaar is a market for all
Move your Health Tracker the appropriate players, each Princess has their own card class
number of spaces on your Health Tracker Vault, specifically for them. Spend
when losing or gaining Health. You may Clout to purchase cards that go face
never have more than 30 Health. If your up into your Archive. Spend Clout to
Health Tracker would be reduced below purchase cards that go face up into
“1” you are eliminated. See page 8 about your Archive. You can also spend Clout
declaring your allegiance to become a to refresh your Vault (See page 5). action
part of another Princess’ Inner Circle.

card classes
clout card type icons
There are three classes of cards in
Whenever you earn or spend Clout, adjust Queen By Midnight:
your Clout Tracker accordingly. Clout
remains in your Repertoire until it is
brawler bazaar cards
used, removed, or stolen. Every card has a (brute force and
“TO BUY” cost and a “TO PLAY” cost. You martial prowess)
only pay the “TO BUY” cost in Clout when
you purchase the card. You pay the “TO caster
PLAY” cost in Clout whenever you play/ (arcane energies
and mystical secrets) afternoon deck
activate a card. If you do not have the Clout
required to play a card, you cannot play it.
(underhanded trickery
and masterful plotting)
twilight deck
the bazaar
Every Princess has access to two of these
The Bazaar is a market available to all players
Classes, represented in the form of Levels.
on their turn. Spend Clout to purchase cards
Your Princess’ base Major and Minor Levels
that go face up into your Archive. Players
are indicated on the top right and left
may only purchase cards that match their midnight deck
corners of your Repertoire. Keep track of
type (e.g. only characters with the Brawler
your Levels with Level tokens placed in your
type may purchase Brawler cards). You may
Repertoire because they may change (by your
also spend Clout to discard and refresh
own volition or not!) and they can determine
the Bazaar. Keep in mind that as the Clock
the numerical outcomes of certain cards.
advances, more powerful cards will come out.

Beginning with the first player and continuing
clockwise, Queen By Midnight takes place over
several rounds. After all players have taken their
turn, a new round begins. Signify the new round by
moving the Clock Hand to the next highest number
chronologically. If at any point only one player
remains, the game ends immediately. Otherwise, when
the Clock Hand reaches Midnight, the game ends.

On your turn, you may perform any of the following
actions in any order. You may perform actions
multiple times unless stated otherwise:


Play any number of cards from your hand,
paying the Clout for each card played.


Place any number of Reaction cards face down into
Armory spaces on your Repertoire board.

Purchase any number of cards from your Vault
or from the Bazaar using Clout. Purchased
cards are placed face up in your Archive.

Spend 2 Clout to send all face-up cards in your Vault to the
bottom of your Vault deck and then refill with 3 more.

Spend 2 Clout to send all face-up cards in the Bazaar to the
bottom of the Bazaar deck and then refill with 3 more.
When you need to draw cards from your Deck
When you are finished performing actions, or cannot and it is empty, shuffle all cards from your
perform any more, draw cards from your Deck Archive to create a new face-down Deck.
until you reach your hand limit. At the beginning
of the game, player hand limit is 5 cards.
Rotate the Clocktower and Bazaar to face the
next active player at the start of their turn. 5
utility, boon, bane, action cards
and summons cards Attack cards are how you enact 5. Apply the effects of the played card to all
These are cards that provide you your plans and claim victory over targets who did not negate the effect.
with various one-time bonuses your opponents! To play an Attack • Attack card damage Class is equivalent
and resources to help you achieve card, follow the steps below: to the type of card played (e.g. a Schemer
card deals Schemer damage).
victory. Each card type is played in 1. Select an Attack card from
a similar way. Simply pay the “TO your hand to play. • If nothing was negated, apply the full effect
of the card and receive all relevant bonuses.
PLAY” cost and resolve the card text. 2. Pay all costs required to play the card. • When a Reaction card negates damage,
• This includes any optional all other card effects will still occur.
P UTILITY CARDS are either placed costs to enhance an effect.
in your Archive or Banished, • When a Reaction card negates an Attack
depending on the text of the card. • If a card or effect is negated, card, it negates all effects - both harmful
no costs are refunded. and beneficial - for that target. All other
P BOONS AND BANES are placed in an targets who did not negate the effects
3. Select one or more targets will suffer the effects as normal.
Armory - yours or an opponent’s - for the card effect.
depending on what the card says. It will • If a card asks you to roll dice, use
• A card will indicate the number
remain there until an effect dismisses it. the Clocktower to roll them.
of targets permitted.
P SUMMONS are placed in your Armory 4. Each targeted player may activate 6. Place the Attack card in your Archive.
and given the Loyalty indicated on a Reaction card in response.
the card. These represent companions • If multiple targeted players have
that will help and protect you. Reaction cards, the next targeted player
in turn order, from the active player,
must declare their intent to use one and
fully resolve it. Then the next targeted
player, and so on. (See page 7 for the
steps of playing a Reaction card).

card types


reaction cards dealing damage
Reaction cards are played Some cards and effects will instruct
face-down to your Armory during you to deal either Major or Minor
your turn. They are your only line damage based on the Class of the
of defense against an opposing attack. When dealing damage or
player’s attacks! Use them wisely. resolving an effect that calls for
In order to play a Reaction card, Schemer, Brawler or Caster, check
perform the following steps: the corresponding Class on your
Repertoire board and deal your
1. Select a Reaction card in your Armory.
Level in damage, either Major (the
• The Reaction card must be able to
larger of the two) or Minor (the
target a player or effect targeting
you or one of your Summons. smaller) as instructed by the card. A Summon is a helper that players
can call forth when playing
2. Pay all costs associated with the card. Boss No would deal:
certain cards in their Armory.
• This includes any optional
costs to enhance an effect. When Summons are played, they
3. Reveal and apply the effects are placed in your Armory and gain
of the Reaction card. Major Schemer Major Caster a number of Loyalty Tokens equal
Damage: Damage:
4. Dismiss the Reaction card 5 4 to the amount stated on the card.
to your Archive. Minor Schemer Minor Caster P DAMAGE:
Damage: Damage:
3 2
When selecting targets for an
Attack card, a player may select
an opponent’s Summon.
Don’t forget to account for changes
in your Level as you play. Gaining (or losing) • Any damage dealt, or Clout stolen,
a Level increases (or decreases) both your results in the Summon losing Loyalty. .
Major and Minor damage in that Class by 1.
Increases and decreases in your Levels As long as a Summon with the
are often temporary and can be tracked Guardian keyword is in a player’s
with the provided Level Tokens. Armory, that player cannot be
targeted by an Attack card.

• The Summon with the Guardian

keyword can be targeted like normal.
• Other Summons may be targeted.

major damage
P When a Summon reaches zero Loyalty,
its card is dismissed from the Armory.

minor damage P Summon cards are immune

to all card effects.
damage class 7
inner circle
After all players have completed one turn, advance the Clock Hand. When If at any point a player is eliminated
the Clock Hand reaches certain hours, a few things might occur: and there is still more than one
player left in the game, the eliminated
player reveals who they pledged their
when the clock strikes 5: when the clock strikes 8: allegiance to. If the pledged Princess
does not already have an Advisor, that
1. Remove all available 1. Remove all available player joins the Princess’ Inner Circle
Afternoon Bazaar cards, the Twilight Bazaar cards and and becomes their Advisor.
Afternoon Bazaar deck, and the the Twilight Bazaar deck
discard from the Bazaar. from the Bazaar. P Princesses cannot decline
a player’s allegiance.
2. Place the Twilight Bazaar deck in its 2. Place the Midnight Bazaar deck in its
space on the Bazaar and reveal the top space on the Bazaar and reveal the top P Princess can only have one Advisor.
3 cards of the Twilight Bazaar deck. 3 cards of the Midnight Bazaar deck.
P If a player reveals their allegiance
3. All players increase their hand limit 3. Paying Clout as normal, cards and the Princess who they have
to 6 cards. Players draw the additional stashed in a player’s War Chest
pledged to already has an Advisor,
card at the start of their turn. are now available for purchase.
then the eliminated player is
All three cards are available; they
knocked out of the game.
are not part of a player’s Vault.
when the clock strikes 6: 4. All players gain 3 Clout at the The Advisor flips their Ultimate card
beginning of their next turn. to reveal their Inner Circle card. Each
1. Not every Princess will Inner Circle card has two possible
make it to the end, so now is the abilities. During their turn, the Advisor
time to determine your allegiance must activate one ability from their
if you don’t survive. when the clock strikes 10: Inner Circle card. When the Inner
Circle card refers to a Leader, that
2. During this time, all players have 1. All players increase their
is the Princess they are advising.
time to discuss who they will (or hand limit to 7 cards. Players
will not) pledge their allegiance to draw the additional card at
If the winning Princess has an
if they are eliminated. Promises are the start of their turn.
Advisor, both players win.
not binding, and players should not
reveal their final decision to others.

3. Note: This should be a free

form discussion. Consider when the clock strikes 12:
setting a timer if needed.

4. Once all players have decided who The game is over.

they will declare for, or when the timer
expires, each player secretly places
the corresponding Declaration card
face down on their player board.

If at any point only one Princess banish Armory, the card must be
removed before the player can
remains, the game ends immediately The action of removing a card
be targeted by Attack cards.
from the game by placing
and that Princess is the new Queen. it in the Banish Pile.
Otherwise, when the Clock Hand reaches Midnight, the game modify
ends. All remaining players tally their Victory Points (VP).
bazaar On your turn you may
dismiss ONE face-down card
Cards that any Princess can
1vp per clout 1vp per health buy, as long as they have
in your Armory as long as
you replace it with another
access to the card's Class.
face-down card. You may
Whoever has the most Victory Points is crowned only do this once per turn.
Queen. If the Queen has an Advisor, they also win.
boon cards
Permanent items and Ultimate cards
enchantments that can help
Incredibly powerful cards, a
you and hinder your foes.
Princess’ pièce de résistance,
that are immediately
inner circle card Banished after use.
When a Princess drops to
zero health, they reveal the unblockable
declaration they made when
The damage and subsequent
the clock struck 6. They
effects of a card cannot be
become the Advisor to the
blocked or negated in any way.
Princess that they declared
for (See Inner Circle on
Page 8 for more details). utility cards
Tools and equipment that
discard help you purchase other cards,
heal, and provide support.
The action of moving
a card from your hand
to your Archive. loyalty
Summons all enter your
dismiss Armory with an amount of
Loyalty on them. If they are
The action of moving a
targeted and receive damage
card from your Armory
they lose Loyalty equal to
to your Archive.
that damage. If the Summon
loses all of its Loyalty it is
guardian dismissed to the Archive.
While a Summon with the
Guardian keyword is in your


The valiant Paladin Princess of Prism Vale. As a child, her mother died in the Battle
of Twilight Gulch. Soon after, the ambitious steward of the Prism married Hephesta’s
father, who later died under mysterious circumstances. The steward installed herself
and her daughters as the rulers of the Prism, keeping Hephesta working in the forges
as a servant for over a decade. Her stepsisters mockingly called her Crucibella. But a CLASSES:
year ago, a Crystalore mine caved in, releasing a horde of ravenous fiends from the BRAWLER/CASTER
Sublimina. As the Prism mustered their forces, Hephesta heard a voice. It guided
Use healing spells & defensive
her towards her Mother’s lost suit of Crystalore Armor, calling on her to don it strategies to outlast your foes.
and ride into battle. Hephesta’s presence turned the tide, allowing the mines to be
safeguarded. As the garrison cheered, she challenged her stepmother and stepsisters ULTIMATE:
to a 3-on-1 battle. Bloodied, tired, and covered in demon ichor, Hephesta honorably Glorious Charge!

killed the pretenders and was restored as the Princess of the Prism. But with the Rule
By Midnight being invoked, Hephesta wonders if this is a sign that she was always
destined for something more.

The ruthless and well-connected Princess Noelle of the Twilight Forest, colloquially
known as Boss No. Before their rise, Boss No was the child of a mirror merchant.
The Princess of the Twilight Forest was a mere figurehead to a loose confederacy of
townships. Using their cunning and wise investments—and a bit of magic dabbling—
they acquired ownership over the notorious assassin guild, The Seven. Noelle had CLASSES:
the old Princess assassinated and installed themselves. The townships rebelled but SCHEMER/CASTER
Noelle needed only a few whispered words of blackmail—and the threat of sending the Outspend and outmaneuver
Seven—to quash any notion of future unrest. It’s astonishing what one can accomplish your foes while hamstringing
with a little gumption and a network of magic mirrors that can spy on anyone. Now, their resources.
Princess Noelle has the entire Twilight Forest under their thumb, earning them the
moniker Boss No: the Fairest of Them All. When the Rule By Midnight reached the

Hooded Holt, Boss No smirked and thought of a conversation they once had with the The Fairest Of Them All
Queen shortly before her death. Would the Queen have invoked the Rule if Boss No
hadn’t suggested it? No one knows.

A patient, cunning, and extremely wealthy warrior, pretending to be the Princess of

the Great Aurecyon Plains. Erdene’s mother, Princess Battsetseg, had them out of
wedlock while conquering the many disparate tribes of their homeland. But that was CLASSES:
many years ago, and Princess Battsetseg has since fallen ill, too sick to even read the BRAWLER/SCHEMER
conditions of the Rule By Midnight. Erdene’s younger half-sister, the Heir Apparent, Bide your time, hoard Clout,
is barely a girl of 10. Only Erdene knows the gravity of the situation, and they refuse and deal massive amounts
to have their mother’s reputation tarnished by refusing the Rule. They donned their of damage all at once.
mother’s battle armor, and took their family’s ancestral bow, Torrent, and left under
the guise of their Mother. No one will ever know they were an imposter. All they’ll

know is that when the Rule By Midnight reached Aurecyon, the Princess answered. Blot Out The Moon

The brutal and bloodthirsty Princess of the Moonlock Spires. In the heart of Freya’s
mountainous country is the largest gateway to the Sublimina in Twelvefold. Their quiet
mountain towns are regularly besieged by monsters. Most of them can be killed but
some must be bargained with instead. Long ago, Freya’s ancestors made such a bargain
with an Unseelie Redcap, bestowing an unusual gift upon their bloodline: immensely CLASSES:
strong, prehensile, vampiric hair, which they call The Locks. For generations they used CASTER/BRAWLER
their Locks to traverse and dominate their harsh homeland. Freya looks down upon Lash your enemies with
the other kingdoms with contempt and turns a blind eye when her desperate citizens countless tiny cuts, slowly
raid border towns in Ephemeros and Raisonbord. Weakness must be culled anywhere bleeding them dry.
it can be found. Freya threw the Rule By Midnight summons into a brazier (along with ULTIMATE:
the messenger). She has no interest in being Midnight Queen. But she won’t pass up an
FREYA opportunity to kill every other Princess in Twelvefold, in hopes of burning the Midnight
Cruelty Of The Curls
Court to the ground.

The aloof and often wide eyed girl, Princess of Ephemeros. She was the youngest of three
sisters and thus never meant to inherit the title of Princess. When she was a little girl,
Rosaline the Gentle wandered aimlessly through the sprawling fields of magical herbs
that enrich her country. After absentmindedly plucking a briar rose that belonged
to a capricious and petty fae, she was cursed with eternal foresight. The fae told her
“may you never have an absent thought again!” That night she began dreaming only of
possibilities. The ripples of consequence became her lullabies. CLASSES:
When Rosaline was 16, she dreamt that her eldest sister, Princess Talia the Valiant, CASTER/SCHEMER
From behind an array of traps
died in the upcoming Battle of Twilight Gulch. She begged her sister not to lead the
and spectral thorns, use your
vanguard, but Talia didn’t listen. Her fate was sealed. When her middle sister, Gulzar
precognitive powers to disable
the Bold, ascended, Rosaline had nightmares of calamity. The fields of Ephemeros and disorient your foes.
burned while her sister laughed in joy. Knowing that this would come to pass without
intervention, Rosaline had to do the unthinkable. As her sister spun her new coat of ULTIMATE:

arms, she pricked her finger on the spinning wheel and instantly died from a subtle Dream Dragon
poison. No one ever suspected Rosaline the Gentle. But the visions of disaster did not
abate. She has dreamt of countless futures, but they all end in cataclysm, except one: a
future where Rosaline is the Midnight Queen. With the arrival of the Rule By Midnight,
Rosaline knows what she must do. Or else.

The inquisitive and eccentric Princess of Raisonbord. Despite her title as Princess,
Dr. Lynne Lux prefers to be addressed by the title she earned through academia, not
the title she inherited. Bored by the responsibilities of rulership, she can often be
found studying science, mathematics, philosophy, and history. Deep in the bowels
of the Grand Gallery, she found a reference to an alchemical formula created by an SCHEMER/BRAWLER
ancient fey that gave mortals impossible strength and immortality. For years she’s been Your experiments are risky
but the benefits are worth it.
working to synthesize a similar serum using science in lieu of magic, and she’s just on
Fortune favors the BOLD.
the cusp of cracking the code. When the Rule By Midnight reached her laboratory, she
saw it as the perfect testing ground for her prototype. With the unlimited resources of ULTIMATE:
DOCTOR LUX the Midnight Court, total agency, and immortality, there’d be no limit to what Doctor
Lux could discover... or become.
The Beast

Eons ago, in the world of Aidacra, an unknown event THE SOCIETY & WORLD
devastated a civilization of mortals. Only twelve
kingdoms survived. The Princesses of these kingdoms The kingdom of Twelvefold is a matriarchal, feudalist society, but it’s
not a direct inversion of our world’s vicious patriarchy. In Twelvefold,
united and searched for a new home. What they found
identity matters more than what one is born with. Women and
was a fantastical and ferocious battleground called femme-presenting individuals often carry more inherent privilege
Lym’bus. Fiends from the Sublimina, aberrations from than those who are masculine presenting, but cruel subjection
the Superlimina, and the forest fae fought one another based on gender identity is rare. Titles and rulerships are mostly
endlessly, but the Twelve Princesses saw promise here. passed down in favor of femininity. There are exceptions, save
They allied with the forest fey and with their combined for the titles of Princess and Midnight Queen, of course.
powers, they drove back the fiends and aberrations.
Aidacra is a strange world. Aidacra is a strange world: imagine
As a reward for coming to their aid, the fae permitted the Twelve a crystal sphere, surrounded by strange wilds and realms of
Princesses to divide Lym'bus into their own fiefdoms, so long as each the fae. What the mortals believe to be stars in the night sky
Princess swore upon the Oath of the Midnight Motley. The terms are actually countless pocket dimensions, each governed by
of the Oath state that as long as mortals abide by the rules of the their own Story, powered by the collective consciousness of
fey, the two worlds will live harmoniously. And they did...for a time. mortals across all realities. The Sublimina is a dark dimension
As the mortals quickly started scheming and warring against one where mortals’ ravenous and cruel unconsciousnesses collect
another, the fae retreated to the forests with only a few remaining and fester, manifesting as monsters. The Superlimina is a
to cause mischief and keep an eye on mortal affairs. A new era of disorienting dimension where every idea a mortal could pull
bedlam and carnage was born. After much hardship, the Princesses into their consciousness exists all at once, wild and without
of the realm came to an accord with the help of fae advisors. They reason, manifesting as uncouth and unknowable aberrations.
would retain their sovereignty but would only answer to one person;
the Midnight Queen. From her Throne in the Midnight Court of the
fae, she would serve as a check against the powers of the Princesses
and act as an intermediary between the mortals and the fae. The
fae were pleased by this agreement and only offered one rule, the
Rule By Midnight: a 24-hour trial of combat and guile between the
Twelve Princesses. At the stroke of Midnight, the most powerful
Princess left standing would be crowned Queen by the Midnight
Court, ensuring that only the most worthy mortals sat amongst the
fey. And thus, the first Rule By Midnight was called, ending in the
coronation of Delphine from Prism Vale, the first Midnight Queen.

If there ever came a time where the Queen had no direct Heirs, or
if the Midnight Court deemed their Heirs unfit to rule, the Rule
By Midnight would be invoked. But over the last thousand years,
the Rule By Midnight has only been invoked a handful of times.

For the last 150 years, the Morrigans of Steppenloft have reigned
within the Midnight Court. But due to circumstances beyond
her control, Queen Ostere Morrigan died with no viable heirs,
and the Midnight Court did not deem any of her extended
family worthy. So she heeded the counsel of a close friend and
invoked the Rule By Midnight in her last will and testament.

Prior to your first playthrough, you will
need to construct the Clocktower. Follow A Install Clock Gears
the instructions shown here, then continue
with the normal Setup instructions.
The step numbers indicated here are black rivets 3
also printed directly on each piece.
brown rivet

Align the matching pairs 5

of numbers on the pieces
to complete the assembly. 5

B Assemble Gearbox


5 7
8 9
4 IMPORTANT: Rotate the Clock Hand
(on both sides of the gearbox) 10

6 so the star icons align.

C Build Lower Structure
D Back Panel




Front Panel
Product Team
Created and Designed by:
Kyle Shire
Additional Design by:
Alex Uboldi
Graphic Design:
18 Matt Paquette & Co.

17 Art by
Ameera Sheikh, Michal
Ivan and Mike Pape
Travis D. Hill, Donald Behne,
Darcy Ross and Kaitlyn Money

F Install Gearbox
G Press in Locking Plates Playtest Coordinator:
Hank Finnin
Cultural Consulting:
23 Christine Sandquist and
James Mendez Hodes

Darrington Team
Head of Darrington Press:
Ivan Van Norman
20 Creative Advisor:
19 21 Matthew Mercer
Executive Advisor:
Ben Van Der Fluit
Game Producer:
Alex Uboldi
Darrington Press Guild:
Brittany Walloch-Key
Publishing Marketing Manager:

H Assemble Dice Tray Darcy Ross

Procurement Director:
24 Ally DeSimone
Financial Controller:
Sarah Marie Campbell
Dedicated to Babs, The Wild One


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