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Periodicity in Popeties 51

Chemistry | Classitication of Elements and

Screening effect: 1F
Screening eltect
electrons from these orbital
Completely filled or half flled orbitals:lt is comparatively difficult to remove he
(being more stable).
the order of s >p>df orbitals,
Type of electronsinvolved : lonisationenthalpydecreases in
increase in size of the atom and screening effect of
lonisation enthalpy decreases down the group due to
intervening electrons.
Irom lelt to riyht as the harye on nucdeus
Generally, the first ionisation enthalpy increases along a period nucdear charge.
increase in
increases while valenceshellrenains thesame leading to
stable configuration.
IE values of inert gases are exceptionally higher due to Xe Rn
Ne Ar Kr
Element He
1350 I170 J037
IE, (kJ mol') 2372 2080 1520
in the order of d' <p' <d"<p.
The relative stability of symmetrical configurations is
of greater stability of s-subshell.
IE of Zn, Cd and Hg are exceptionally high on account
Slater's Rule for Determination of Zeff
nuclear charge and o is Slater's screening
Leff = Z -G* (Zefr is effective nuclear charge, Z is total constant.)

0.85 x No, of electrons in (n - 1)" shell + 1.00 x

o* = (0.35 x No. of other electrons in nth shell+
total no. of electrons in the inner shells)
Atomic radii oc ,IE « Zef

(d) Electron gain enthalpy

is added to an isolated gaseous atom of
It may be defined as the amount of energy released when an electron
the element.
Agte-’Agi AH
Factors affecting electron gain enthalpy:
Size of the atom : A, H « Size of atom
Nuclear charge:A,Hc Effective nuclear charge
Screening effect : A,Ho« Screening effect
Electron gain enthalpy becomes less negative as we move down the group.
noble gases).
Electron gain enthalpy becomes more and more negative from left to right in a period (except for
due to strong electron
AH of F is less negative than that of Cl and that of O is less negative than that of S
electron goes to the smaller
electron repulsions. This is because when an electron is added to O or F, the added
in this level. For the n = 3
n=2 quantum level and suffers significant repulsion from the other electrons present
quantum level, (S or CI), the added electron occupies a larger region of space and the electron-electron repulsion
is much less.
A.H of elements having exactly half-filled and completely filled orbitals is positive i.e., Ag,H of Be, Mg, Nand
inert gases is positive.
(e) Electronegativity
It is the tendency of an atom to attract the shared pair of electrons towards itself in a covalent bond. Greater
electronegativity of an atom, greater will be its tendency to attract the shared pair of electrons towards itself.
Electronegativity decreases on moving down the group and increases from left to right across a period.

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