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330 Objerthve NERT

Some proteins at as antibodies, and provide defence against foreign organisms,
): Change in sequence of amino acids in a particular protein can cause serious diseases,
haemoglobin cause sickle cell anaemia.
one glutamicacid by valine in

14.3 Enzymes
needed to catalyse biochemical
Enzymes are essential biological catalysts which are
enzymes are globular proteins.
rates of reactions.
reactions. Almox
Enzymes have the ability to bring about vast increase in the
substrates) and
Enzymes also show remarkable speificity for their reactants (called for their products
speciticity is far greater than that shown by most chemical catalyst.
which they work.
They are generally named after the compound or class of compounds upon for
enzyme that catalyses hydrolysis of maltose into glucose is named as
exanple the
CH,0, +H,0 Mallase> 2CaH,0,
Maltose Glucose

Mechanism of Enzyme Action

Enzymes are needed only in small quantities for the progress ofa reaction.
Similar tothe action of chemical catalysts, enzymes are said to reduce the magnitude of activation
example, activation energy for acid hydrolysis of sucrose 6.22 ki mol-, while the activation For
2.15 k] mol when hydrolysed by the enzyme, sucrase. energy only
Thedeficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme causes phenylketonuria.
): " Deficiency of tyrosinase causes albinism. It is the condition that reduces melanin pigment in -
Some common enzymes
Enzymes Reactions which is catalysed
Amylase Starch -’ nx glucose
Maltase Maltose ’2x glucose
Lactase |Lactose ’glucose+ fructose
Pepsin Proteins ’a-Aminoacids
Trypsin Proteins a-Amino acids
Nucleases |DNA, RNA ’ Nucleotides
Urease Urea ’ NH, + CO,
Carbonic anhydrase H,CO,’ CO, +H,0

14.4 Vitamins
They are generally regarded as organic compounds required in the diet in small amounts to pertori y
biological functions for normal maintenance of optimum growth and health of the
Classification of Vitamins
Water soluble vitamins : Soluble in water. Must be supplied regularly in regularly
diet as they are
urine (except vitamin B,2) e.g., Vitamin- B, B, B, B,) and C. andk
Fat soluble vitamins : Soluble in fat and oils. Stored in liver and Vitamin-.A,
adipose tissues e.g.,
Vitamin Deficiencydisease
Chemical name Solubility Sources
Vitamin A Retinoids (retinol Fat Milk, butter, eggs, fish, cod
and carotenoids) liver oil, green vegetables, etc.

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