Sri-Tanu English Model Q Paper

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English Model Ques on paper

I. Ques on consists of 1 marks each

II. Ques on consists of 5 mark each ( ANSWER ANY 1 QUESTION)
III. Ques on consists of 2 marks each ( ANSWER ANY 7 QUESTION)
IV. Ques on consists of 2 marks each ( ANSWER ANY 3 QUESTION)
V. Ques on consists of 4 marks each ( ANSWER ANY 2 QUESTION)
VI. Grammer altogether 5 mark .

I. Answer all the ques ons (12*1=12)

1. Who is the author of ‘The Portrait of a Lady’?
A. Ruskin Bond
B. Kushwant Singh
C. Naipaul
D. Vikram Bha

2. Who is the main character of the chapter ‘The Portrait of a Lady’?

A. Mother
B. Sister
C. Grandmother
D. Daughter

3. From where did the ship sail for the voyage?

A. America
B. Mexico
C. Germany
D. Plymouth, England

4.What was the name of the ship of the author?

A. Amazon
B. Wavewalker
C. Waveship
D. Sailorship

5.Who discovered Tut’s tomb and when?

A. Adam Cooper in 1901
B. Howard Carter in 1922
C. Howard Carter in 1930
D. Sam Shaw in 1890

6. For how many years did Amenhotep III rule Egypt?

A. 5 years
B. 20 years
C. 38 years
D. 40 years

7.When did her mother die ?

A. two years ago
B. ve years ago
C. thirteen years ago
D. twelve years ago

8. What was the age of the poet’s mother when the photograph was taken?
A. eleven years old
B. thirteen years old
C. twelve years old
D. fourteen year old

9. What did the poet nd out about Hell and Heaven?

A. They could be found in Geography books
B. They were imaginary places
C. They were in America
D. They were in India

10. What did the poet conclude about his lost childhood at the end of the poem?
A. It went to another dimension
B. It went to some forgo en place
C. It moved away with me
D. It shi ed to his younger sibling

11. What does the poet ask to the so – falling shower?

A. What do you do?
B. What is your name?
C. Who are you?
D. How are you doing?

12.Why does the rain tell the poet that she cannot be touched?
A. because she is water
B. because she rises in the form of water vapour
C. because she is in the form of clouds
D. None of the above

II. Answer any 1 ques ons(1*5=5)

1. Write a le er to order few books from library.
2. Write a le er to government o ce about power cut in your area for last 7 days.

III. Answer Any 7 ques on (7*2=14)

1. Three ways in which the author’s grandmother spent her days a er he grew up.

2. Describe the mental condi on of the voyages on 4th and 5th January.
3. How did they celebrate the Christmas holidays?
4. Do you think it is important to preserve languages?
5. What does the word ‘cardboard’ denote in the poem? Why has this word been used?
6. There are two voices in the poem. Who do they belong to? Which lines indicate this?
7. How is the cyclic movement of rain brought out in the poem? Compare it with what you have
learnt in science.
8. What traits of the Garoghlanian family are highlighted in this story.
9. What impression do you form of the narrator’s mother on the basis of her conversa on with (i)
Mrs Dorling and (ii) the narrator?
10. When did the narrator become curious about her mother’s possessions?

IV. Answer any 3 ques ons (3*2=6)

1. When was the common link of friendship between the narrator and his grandmother nally
2. Did the boys return the horse because they were conscience-stricken or because they were
3. How are Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald contrasted?
4. How does Mrs Pearson cri cize Doris on going out with Charlie Spence?

V. Answer any 2 ques ons (2*4=8)

1. Would you agree that the author’s grandmother was a person strong in character? If yes, give
instances that show this.
2. What damage did ‘Wavewalker’ su er as a result of bad weather?
3. Why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address?

Grammer ( 5 mark)
1. The following three compound words end in -ship. What does each of them mean?
Airship, Flagship, Lightship
2. Iden fy the stanzas that talks of each of the following.
Individuality rationalism hypocrisy

3.What are the type of tenses. Explain each with example.

4. Make a poster for Christmas o er/ celebra on


1. She is as fair as a rose. (Rewrite using the Compara ve degree)

2. She was ea ng a banana which was ripe. (Make it Simple Sentence)

3. Mr Adams was very proud of it. (Use noun form of “‘proud”)

4. Hindu families were living amicably with their Muslim neighbours.

5. The river glideth at its own sweet will. (Use the adverb form of ‘sweet’)
6. To a woman nothing seems quite impossible to the powers of the man she worships. (Make it
A rma ve)

7. I have nothing to forgive you for. (Rewrite as an Interroga ve sentence)

8. Mr Adams beamingly explained its workings to Mr Spencer, who showed a courteous but not
too intelligent interest. (Make it Compound)

9. As soon as she le the train, she would forget our brief encounter. (Turn into a Nega ve

10. Rani is the best girl in the class. (Nega ve)


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