Malaria Elimination Program in Indonesia Abstract

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Malaria Elimination Program in Indonesia :

A Literature Review

A. Mahdalena1*, Rinda Purnama1*, Yumardi1*, Noriah1*

1Magister of Public Health, Mulawarman University

Objective: Malaria is still a health problem in the world, including in Indonesia. Malaria is a parasitic
disease, transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes. Indonesia is a developing region with a tropical and
subtropical climate that is favored by Anopheles sp. Mosquitoesas their habitat. Malaria has been
targeted for elimination from Indonesia by 2030, with timeframes varying for specific geographic
areas based on disease endemicity. Method: The purpose of this study was to determine malaria
elimination strategies in Indonesia using literature studies. The method used was literature review
with literature search components, inclusion exclusion criteria, and study selection and quality
assessment. The number of samples of this study was 4 samples of research articles. Results: The
results showed that there were 4 malaria elimination program in various regions, it is known that
malaria control and elimination programs are carried out using the parameters of the one health-
based malaria case observation system (surveillance), decentralization policy, monitoring of
mosquito vectors, and the quality and quantity of distribution of malaria control health workers.
Conclusion: . Most of the region still need to mobilize more resources and budget for malaria control
and elimination. A change in perspective and perception of malaria needs to be changed to leverage
more effort and budget for malaria control and elimination activities.

Keyword: malaria prevention; vector control; elimination; anopheles; malaria

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