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1st May, 2023

Klassificerade mottagare
Arab-West & Co.
Good Evening,

We represent an anonymous group of former students from CAWU. We write this letter to further reflect on
the current state of the LC according to what we’ve heard from those who still know us. Our goal is to
establish a line of transparency between the student body and the administration through this document, and
ensure that the administration realizes the course of their actions, both now and in the past.

We meet once again, we hope you enjoyed your previous enlightenment.

You don’t look any greater - and that’s a shame for you to not realize your faults even after you’ve been told
so in a document spanning seven pages. So we’ll try to make it clearer for you, not with what was in the past -
but what happens now, and what will happen in the future. More students have left your Centre, some joined
us, some didn’t. Anyone that claims to be us without concrete evidence is fraudulent.

Let’s start by talking about the scholarship process you’ve initiated recently, a process that honestly is the
single thing you’ve done that has had the most potential since the foundation of this centre. We will summarize
it in parts, this is a process that was started by Brooke Comer, a member of your esteemed board and duke
engage liaison to the centre. It involved applying to a single school in the United States. A boarding school
known as Dunn School, Los Olivos. A lot of us were not offered the opportunity, in part because we were not
in the school anymore by the time this was initiated and in part because some of us were offered the
opportunity later than those who were first offered it. However, those of us who got offered the opportunity
adamantly rejected it for a number of reasons.

This seemed to be a regular scholarship at first, where one applies and gets accepted or rejected on the basis of
many factors such as the availability of seats and merit or need. However, we would later find out that this is
far from the truth. This is just one more lie on the pile of dirt you’ve been placing upon yourself, frankly -
shame on you.

Further investigation showed that the scholarship process was corrupt and unfair. It involved unequal treatment
of students and the odds were rigged in favor of certain individuals. It was discovered that certain board
members had colluded with certain families to ensure that their children were prioritized for the scholarship,
even if they did not meet the required criteria to get accepted in the first place.

This is not only a violation of trust but also a gross injustice to those students who worked hard and deserved
the opportunity to apply for a scholarship, academically and statistically surpassing those who were considered
for the scholarship in the first place.
The fact that the board members involved in this corrupt practice are still in their positions is unacceptable,
corruption exists on both sides - the marks for the individual(s) who are being admitted are forged yet you pay
no attention, even the marks for those who weren’t admitted are forged, through the submission of forged
reports to those responsible for submitting the grades to the school, and through forging the admissions essays
through artificial intelligence.

The fact that those who were ultimately definitively considered were involved directly with the Board in a way
that is not considered appropriate nor fair. It sends the wrong message to the students and the wider community
about the values and principles that should guide our actions, and ultimately adds more reason as to why
you’ve lost 30% of your students this year alone.

This problem is not isolated to the scholarship process, but rather indicative of a larger systemic issue within
the administration. The fact that so many students have left the centre this year alone is a clear sign that
something is fundamentally wrong and needs to be addressed.

This will further erode the confidence of those who have supported the centre in the past and make it difficult
to attract new students and funding in the future.

This behaviour from you hasn’t stopped, the fate of CAWU is bleak. The centre will lose its credibility - if it
had any to begin with -, its reputation, and ultimately, its ability to function as a place of education and support
for refugees. You will lose nothing, just as you secretly wanted - this is nothing more than one other project in
your glorious careers, and for those of you who work in places such as esteemed universities where you feel
the same about your bosses and administration and have seen the same gentrification and abuse in your work
lives - you have become what you used to spite, and you know yourself more than anyone else. you do.

The loss of enrollment and funding will lead to a decline in resources and opportunities for the students, such
as the opportunities you’ve stripped the majority of this student body from, which will ultimately harm the
very people the centre was designed to help. This centre won’t recover, and that’s truly on nobody but
yourself, for those who you corruptly aided will see their glass houses fall, and those who you lied to four
years ago will see better days without your presence.

You’re beyond help. To reflect upon this till your ever nearing grave is the only thing you can do.

Cogito, Ergo Sum

Mikhailovich Kaskatin
Sent via, latvian privacy-based mail.

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