Journal Prompt 4

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Journal Prompt #4

Truth Journal to help facilitate relations amongst the criminally insane.

What are your fears?

Corvus Malum
I am having us all sit around and write in these because I need to get something
off my chest. The prompt is perfect.
I’m afraid all of my mates are mad at me because I rescued two beautiful sweet
creatures from the butcher shop.
It has been a hard week for me dealing with everyone's angry attitudes and I
thought it would be helpful to have us sit down and write in these journals.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Corvus we ARE mad at you. You rescued two violent fire breathing dragons. Find
a new home for them.
End of discussion.

Corvus Malum
I rescued two cute baby dragons named Daisy and Sparkles. They are sweet and
innocent and love the House of Malum Estate. Plus they get along great with Bessie. I
can’t separate them.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Those “babies” are the size of large cows and breathe FIRE.
Also, Bessie is still a problem that you said you would deal with weeks ago after
she shot her spikes into John’s ass…and you never did.
I love that you saved these animals, but they can’t live with us.

Corvus Malum
What are you talking about, we solved the Bessie problem??? She has her side of
the Estate and we have ours.
Also, if you just duck when Daisy and Sparkles breathe out it's very easy to avoid
their flames. Plus I can’t get rid of them—they’ve bonded with me and view me as their
John got burned because he tried to ride Sparkles. Who does that?

John Son of Hades Malum

Error: An unauthorized writer is detected in Aran’s journal. Please read the
above warning and proceed with caution.


Also, everyone knows that dragons want to be ridden by people! It is literally
their thing.
Sparkles did not need to scream and attack like that.
Now, I am covered in third-degree burns because of Sparkles and STILL have a
skin infection from the WILD BOAR’S poisonous spines.
Get rid of them or I will.

Scorpius Malum
Corvus, these animals need to go because only I get to hurt John. He wouldn’t let
me fuck him last night because he claimed he was in too much pain from the burns and
infection all over his body.
This is unacceptable.
Also, I heard you yesterday whispering in Daisy’s ear “Calm down precious, I am
your new mother.”
You are delusional.
You are not their mother just because you also have fire abilities.
They are predators and they want to kill us all.
If you don’t handle them, I will. Violently.

Orion Malum
I have to side with everyone else, sorry Corvus. Daisy, Sparkles, and Bessie have
filled the fire pit with bones from their kills. I’m pretty sure there are full Devil skeletons
in there.
Just because you put pink bows on them, does not mean they are domesticated.

Corvus Malum
First, it is hurtful how you all are speaking to me.
Second, this is the House of Malum estate and I am the Ingis. If you all want to be
difficult then I am putting my foot down and these animals will stay.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

You did NOT just go there.
If you want to be the Ignis in charge, then I’ll be the bratty Revered and will
refuse to touch your dick for the rest of immortality.

Corvus Malum
You wouldn’t.

Aran Alis Egan Malum
It’s a truth Journal. I would.

John Son of Hades Malum

I’ve had enough, I’m going to go to their “territory” right now to show you how
dangerous these baby animals are.
If they attack me I will use force.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

This is a bad idea.
Luka, why didn’t you stop him?

Luka Son of Hades Malum

Error: An unauthorized writer is detected in Orion’s journal. Please read the

above warning and proceed with caution.

I’m interested to see how this goes.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

something, you’re their mother!!!

Scorpius Malum
I’ll go get my knives.

Corvus Malum
Calm down, Daisy will not hurt him. She’s just sniffing him to say hello.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

She has locked her razor sharp teeth around his neck!! How is that sniffing????

Corvus Malum
It's a common dominance move done by animals in nature. She’s being friendly.

Orion Malum
Guys, should we be worried? Daisy is starting to flap her wings.
Does anyone else see Bessie charging across the field at a full sprint??????
Now Sparkles is hunching low and slowly stalking towards John…
Why are we all sitting here watching???

Corvus Malum
Aw, they’re all playing with him.

Luka Son of Hades Malum

I think they’re trying to kill him.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Holy shit, Daisy is flying with him in her mouth. That’s it, I’m going after them.

Orion Malum
Corvus, are you singing a song right now? Really?? Your mate is being murdered.

Luka Son of Hades Malum

The animals seem to be responding to his off-key melody.

Orion Malum
Thank goodness Aran caught him. That was a close one.
Should we be worried all three of them are heading in our direction????

Corvus Malum
They’re coming to visit their mother!!!

Luka Son of Hades Malum

Orion, run for your life.

Five Hours Later…

Corvus Malum

Aran Alis Egan Malum

No, Mitch.
You know what you’ve done. You can spend the night with the homicidal animals
and think about your actions.

Corvus Malum
They just wanted to cuddle their mother.

Aran Alis Egan Malum
They attacked John. Again.

Corvus Malum
He deserved it. Sparkles says he has a bad “energy” about him.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Sparkles broke John’s back.
Also, you can’t speak dragon. You’re delusional.

Corvus Malum
John has a weak back and should lift more to strengthen his puny body.
How dare you question my motherly instincts, I know exactly what my babies are
telling me. They said he is weak and pathetic and they are hurting him to help toughen
him up for winter.

John Son of Hades Malum

Well you tell Sparkles that I’m happy with who I am.

Corvus Malum
She says “The puny Human-Prince is the runt of the litter and should be killed. It
is inhumane to allow him to live in his conditions.”

John Son of Hades Malum

Well you can tell Sparkles that I will send her to the Underworld next time I see

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Are you seriously arguing with a dragon through Corvus right now??? You are
aware that he can’t speak dragon????
This family is losing its mind.
We’re going to the Fae realm tomorrow and helping Jinx. Everyone is clearly
going stir crazy. Didn’t the sun god’s representatives say they had a new mission for us
soon? Let’s find out about that ASAP.

Corvus Malum
Sparkles says you’re stupid Aran.

Orion Malum
You’re making it really hard to defend your actions, Corvus.

Scorpius Malum
I’ve ordered a spear that works on “dangerous and rare animals.” It will come
next week. Until then, everyone hunker down inside. We need to build a fort. Operation
Extermination has begun.
Also, I think Corvus is having a psychotic breakdown.

John Son of Hades Malum

Scorpius, I just want to point out, that is extremely ironic coming from you.

Scorpius Malum
What is that supposed to mean? Pull down your pants and get the fuck over here
right now.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Scorpius, he has a broken back! Put your damned knife away and stop trying to
stab the injured man??

Corvus Malum
Sparkles and Daisy just told me that they want to sleep inside. They said if we
build them a large barn that is warm and filled with lots of sheep for them to eat, they
will “let the runt live and not attack him.”
That is their final offer.

Aran Alis Egan Malum

Literally, no???

Corvus Malum
Too late, I’ve accepted the deal.

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