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The following are the topic to be discuss:

: Men’s Fashion group 1
: Accessories group 2
: Health and Personality group 3
: Social Grace group 4
: Communication Skills group 5
: Customer Service group 6
: Motivations and Emotions group 7
: Values group 8

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Relaxed, radiant, and elegant! There is nothing in visualizing yourself and sending out
messages to others. Does your self-presentation say that you have done your homework? Or does
it camouflage the real you?

Personal packaging sends out messages to others. Does your self-presentation say that you
have done your homework? Or does it camouflage the real you? Is your personal packaging a true
picture of your inner beauty combined with your outer beauty? That is the goal. Picture yourself as
an exquisitely and brightly wrapped gift whose contents are unknown. Later, you will unveil the
contents: the way you move – your visual poise; the manner in which you behave and speak -- your
social grace; the eclectic knowledge that you possess – your aesthetic awareness. To get beyond
the first impressions made on others, you must package yourself attractively but never forget that
there must be something of value inside the package.

The way you are treated in this world depends largely on the way you present yourself – the
way you look, the way you speak, the way you behave. If you look undeserving, chances are you
will be treated the way. If you act defensively, you invite attacks. On the other hand, if you act
strong and confident, people will respond to you with respect and deference.

Unfortunately, many young Filipinos present themselves poorly. Instead of acting confident,
they appear overly modest and shy. Instead of behaving assertively, they behave too submissively,
instead of acting as if they are in control of a situation, they let situation, appear to be controlling
If such men could only see themselves as other do, they would probably correct their negative
behavior automatically and, in the process, raise their self-esteem. But since we cannot step
outside ourselves and look at our own actions, the process of change is more complicated.


 Where are you from?

 Are you from the city?
 Are you from the small town?
 How did your mother make you feel? Did she make you feel as if nothing you did was
 Were you protected too much?

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 Did she give you assignments that you were responsible for?
 Did she approve of your being a tomboy or “gay”?
 Were you always the center of attention?

There is a cause-and-effect relationship between your past experiences – particularly what

happened to you in your family and in the way you are now.
The way you respond to people as an adult is largely based on the way you learned to respond
to members of your family as you were growing up.
All these roles that you played, you will tend to assume in the office. If you were given little
assignments to be responsible for you in your home, you will easily assume little responsibilities in
the office. If you were overprotected, you will tend to be shy in your behavior in the office and so on.
The earlier you were given a chance to assert yourself at home, the easier time you will have in
assuming leadership roles at work.


How do you want to look? Check off the ones that best describe the way you want to look:

 Chic
 Authoritative
 Creative
 Sexy
 Understated
 Business like
 Casual
 Feminine (Woman)
 Tailored
 Flashy
 Macho
 Masculinity (Men)

The effects of body language also important here. Your body movements and your facial
expression affect the total image you are trying to project. Sit in front of the mirror with your arms
folded. Do you look friendly and outgoing? Do you look tough and masculine, threatening, when
you would like to look softer?

Whatever image you have decided to work towards, be consistent or you will look funny.
Suppose you have decided on a feminine, businesslike image, you cannot wear mini-skirts to work,

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a long Maria Clara hairdo, topped with rows and rows of jewelry. This only shows that you have no
image integrity. Balance is the key. Your image won’t work if you are not comfortable with it.

Lastly the components of your image must be in harmony with the environment and with each
other. If you are in an office environment, do you have a professional image? If you are in a social
environment, do you have a casual image? Think of your image as a form of communication. With
it, you want to send out messages that will evoke a positive response in others. If you are applying
for a job, you would like to create the image of stability, intelligence, businesslike, femininity and

End of first Week

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Personality may be defined as the SUM TOTAL OF THE QUALITIES AND
PEOPLE. It refers to all the factors within the person that influence his characteristic ways of
behaving, thinking, and feeling. It is your image on others.
In life we tend to accept or reject others according to what we think about their personalities.
Employer often tend to hire or promote a person on personality than on what he/she knows about
the job.
Once others have decided on the nature of our personalities, they tend to treat us
accordingly. Often the judgement is based on a first impression and does not change even though
the interpretation was erroneous and our behavior has changed dramatically. This unchanging
opinion of others based only on a first general impression is known as the “halo effect”. For
example, during the first meeting with an applicant, he makes an inappropriate remark to the
interviewer, the interviewer labels the applicant as “wise guy” for the rest of the screening process
even though the applicant could have been an ideal worker.
People often fall in love and marry because they believe their personalities match well. They
enjoy the same activities and their opinions, interests, and values are similar. Personalities change,
however, hence we all see unhappily married couples who, unfortunately, have not “grown” or
changed together.


A worker may have a pleasing personality and yet not be considered for promotion because
other aspects of his/her personality prove to handicap his/her work. Being pleasing and attractive in
appearance is only one aspect of personality.
In general, the following are aspects of personality.
1. Physical- This includes the mode of dressing, manner of walking, posture, body build,
health, complexion, and facial expression.
2. Intellectual- How a person talks and what she talks about is what matters in the intellectual
component of personality. He must develop his intellect or “brain”.;
3. Social- Good manners, correct manners are included in this aspect of personality. To do
right thing at the right time, to act in the proper manner, to get along with others. These are
all parts of the social sphere of personality.
4. Emotional- This component includes person’s likes or dislikes, whether he/she is outgoing
or shy, whether is calm or nervous, and whether he/she loses her/his temper easily or
“keeps her cool”. Personality problems such as how to stay mentally healthy or how to avoid
mental disorders are some problems that are emotional in nature.
5. Value System- This includes a person’s attitudes, values, beliefs, and philosophy in life.

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This aspects is referred to as CHARACTER. It is shown in the way we judge whether our
actions and the actions of others are right or wrong.
Personality is not revealed in one meeting. It unmasks itself, so to speak, in various ways.
Sometimes crisis situations reveal the personality. We have heard such remarks as “I never
thought that she was so selfish and so self-centered,’’ or “It was only after we got married that I
realized how kind and thoughtful he is” or “After years of courtship did I realize what a wonderful
person he is”.
In a boy-meets-girl situation, the first impression is usually based on appearance, physical
stature, grooming, facial features, gait, poise, etc. a favorable impression is usually created by a
beautiful face, a regal walk, and is always pleasant and lasting one. Appropriate clothes and good
grooming add to that first favorable impression.
This sequence of impressions should not lead one to believe, however, that personality
unfolds itself exactly in this order. The totality of an individual’s behavior is evaluated as a whole
and not in separate pieces, although one or two aspects of one’s personality may create a stronger
impression that the others.


What does the study of the human personality have to do with you and your daily life?
The study of human personality could very well be one of the most significant studies for
you not only now but in the future as well. For it is through understanding of your own personality
and the personalities of your fellowmen that will spell the difference between success and failure in
your dealings with them. An understanding of your personality and others’ can make the difference
between satisfactory and unsatisfactory adjustments.
If you were to ask people of various ages and walks of life what their most pressing
personal problem is, many of them would say: Understanding my fellowman (whether a parent, a
spouse, a superior, a child, a girlfriend or a boyfriend.) Most of us see only some small aspects of
the true personalities of those around us. We only see the image that is seen on the surface, which
may not really represent the entire personality of the individual.
Mistakes in evaluating and judging personalities are often one of the major causes of the
interpersonal problems involved in marriage, dating, business associations or relations between
friends. The study of personality should, therefor, result in our attempts to improve our own
personality as well as to understand others so that we can adjust to them and have harmonious
relations with them.

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We are all different because of three factors: (1) Heredity, (2) Environment, (3) Experiences.

Our Heredity- We are born with a set of genes and chromosomes which we inherit form our
forefathers and our parents. These set the limits to our potential. This potential is achieved to the
fullest by the proper use of the environment – our experiences over the years, especially our
interaction with other people.
There have been many attempts to estimate the relative importance of heredity and
environment on personality development. There is evidence that children reared in poor
environments generally suffer deficient language and intellectual development and develop general
personality defects, such as lack of emotional responsiveness and inadequacy in relating to other
persons. However not all children reared in impoverished environments are equally defective.
The environment- this consists of your family, school, church, social groups, and other
groups with whom we interact from the very beginning. Each group puts pressure on us and we
behave in certain ways as a result of being with these groups. Our behavior changes with each
situation and with the people we are with. We behave differently when we are with our friends than
when we are with our parents, teachers, and others older than us.
Our experiences- These consists of everything that we do or get in touch with, everywhere
we got in short, everything that we are exposed to in our lifetime, whether physical, emotional, or
social experiences.

Even though much of our personality is set early in life, experiences in later life do have an
influence on our behavior. Sometimes an event such as an experience of success or failure may
bring about drastic changes in personality patterns.
Fortunately, personality can be improved. Charm, popularity, glamour – these are only a part of
personality. There is much more to our personality than the impression we make on others.
Personality shows itself even when there are no people around us to impress.
All of us are constantly in the light of our experiences of success or failure. We all have ideas
about ourselves. What may bother us is the accuracy of our self-appraisal. Are we realistic? Have
we underestimated or overestimated our abilities? The important thing is that our self-appraisal will
help us develop our personalities so that we can better interact with other people.
Remember that you are the architect of your own personality. The building blocks of your
personality structure contain diversities of experiences. The more you get involved in the world and

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the more you accept its challenges, the greater will be the opportunities to test out what you believe
to be true about yourself and to build your personality.


In improving anything, there are usually four steps to follow:
1. Realize that improvement is needed.
2. Have a strong motive or desire to improve.
3. Take an inventory or make a checklist of the strong and weak points, or what is to be
4. Have a step-by-step plan for improvement.

If you feel that you are perfect and need no improvement, then you cannot be helped. But if you
can say to yourself that you can stand some improvement and have a strong desire to improve,
then you can go on steps 3 and 4.
After you have taken stock of yourself, set a schedule for self-improvement. At the end of
this course, recheck to see whether you have succeeded in improving yourself.
With mirror in hand, examine your reflection thoughtfully, as if you were looking at another
person for the first time. Consider the face – first its general structure and features and then its
expression – and try to imagine how you would react should you, astonishingly, meet up with your
double. Now, try a smile. Often the face becomes dazzling when lit by a genuine feature – a smile.
An eye-to-eye contact, a slight turn of the head to present s nice profile can do wonders. With
practice, refinements of expression and position become natural and effective means of making the
most of your looks. A brief smile, the evidence of genuine interest, or the ability to compose
yourself and achieve or later the personality and inner self an inner serenity can become instant
beauty treatments. Having assessed your own first impression impact and experimented with facial
expressions and head points, concentrate on your individual features. While the total composite is
probably quite pleasing, it is important to learn at a young age which components are the most
striking and which are less attractive – to alter any of them, but because there are ways to play up
your best features and direct attention away from less appealing ones. The goal is to make your
face as a whole as lovely/handsome and interesting as it can be. This is a goal that is possible for
every girl/boy.


Through an extensive study of line, shape, and color, you create your very own Visual
Statement. Every moment of our lives, we communicate with other people. Even before a word
spoken, most perceptions and judgements are made. Are you warm and friendly or cold and aloof,

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a success or a failure? These are only some of the traits which can be and often are transmitted
The purpose of Visual Statement is:
 To visually create a message which communicates what you want others to know about you
through your appearance.
 To convey outwardly your level of inner confidence.


Your body is a wondrous creation, but it can be weakened by neglect or abuse. On the other
hand, the flow of good health, good grooming, and a flattering use of cosmetics and clothing can
insure that you fulfill your potential and make a positive impression on everyone you meet.
What is beauty? It is an innate quality, a way of being, a manner of acting. It is also a way of
looking. When we think of beauty, we primarily think of physical beauty, knowing fully well that
sooner or later the personality and inner self must supersede the outer beauty of the face and
figure. However, to achieve balanced beauty the inner and outer must blend together to be joined
by an ability to love and be loved, by an awareness and curiosity about life, by intelligence,
happiness, social grace, and by self-expression through all bodily movements – beauties are made,
not born.

 Outer beauty- is highlighted not only by personal attractiveness, but by outer behavior, poise,
and education. Your speech, diction, grammar, and sensitivity in communication reflect your
true nature.
 Inner beauty- to think beautiful is to be beautiful. Everything begins with your perception.
Cultivating the thought “I am beautiful” requires self-analysis, goal setting, commitment,
discipline, and perseverance. You must learn to recognize your strengths and weaknesses,
your good and bad qualities, and then decide what can be done about each of them – which will
you play up and which you will play down, or ignore?

End of second Week

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Treat your wardrobe as you would your cash. If your work has a uniform, lucky you, but if
you have to make choices for your daily needs, then you have to make wise choices to consider
your peso value and look smart. We suggest it is time to get clever about how you spend your
Coco Chanel, a woman who knew fashion like a model knows food-combining, had this
good advice: “All one needs are two or three suits, as long as they and everything to go with them,
are perfect.” In theory she is right – only now, a pair of pants is a necessity, too. Plan your long-
term wardrobe, especially if your budget is limited. Only buy pieces that you can’t live without, and
don’t be tempted to spend a lot on disposable trends.

Clothing is for protection, comfort, modesty, and enhancement of your beauty. To put on
anything that is inappropriate, gaudy, vulgar, or otherwise offensive to others detracts from your
In our current society, clothes are an important and revealing part of life – beyond basic
protection against the elements, they are a statement of individuality, status, creativity. How
fortunate we are that contemporary attitudes allow for a good deal of leeway to exercise innovation
and flair. This freedom does, however, often bring about confusion because many men and women
are in a quandary about what to buy and what to wear for certain occasions. Some guidelines to
avoid expensive or embarrassing mistakes while developing your personal style are:
Appropriateness above all – the best rule is always to dress within the bounds of classic
good taste. A sense of propriety, dictated by the occasion and the company, is necessary.

Fashion is serious. What you wear reveals a significant message about you and your world.
Even if you do not care about clothes per se, they communicate much about your attitudes toward
the occasion, your company, and yourself. In the morning you make a decision about what to wear

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to which others respond all day long. Think of your clothes as the most communicative factor after
your face and eyes – personal style is how you send nonverbal messages.

In 1970, young fashion was jeans and t-shirts. Now it is 2020 and its back to jeans again but
not for work. Maybe if you work in a bodega or it is stylized as a uniform, or in a restaurant perhaps.
There are many alternatives in fashion today. If you learn a bit about fashion history, by visiting
museums and reading books, you might use your knowledge to bring to your dress some lovely
touches – a shawl – a belt, not only because they look good on you and are comfortable and
practical, but also because they add character to your own clothes.
Dress conservatively. Simplicity, expressed in the highest quality fabric and the most
intelligent design, has a special elegance. “I’ve worn it ten years and I now feel comfortable in it.” It
is the comfort and self-confidence that the old favorites brought that make you feel “at home”.
A first step in learning who you really are is to take a good look at yourself and what you do.
Then decide in which general category – sporty, tailored, romantic, or sophisticated – you feel the
most comfortable. Remember that the choice is not static and does not forbid some crossing over
for variety and experimentation. You are growing and changing, although many important traits of
your character and personality are set, and you probably have matured physically to the point
where you can determine what type of clothing suits you best. This is the right time to start planning
an integrated wardrobe of pieces that will work well together – a valuable, enjoyable learning
Ask yourself the following questions:

 Has my body size, weight, height, proportion changed?

 Has my lifestyle changed?
 Has my attitude changed?
 Have my friends, school, or workplace changed?
 What amount of time do I have to devote to the upkeep of my wardrobe?
 What are my monetary limitations?
 What impression do I have to devote to the upkeep of my wardrobe?
 What are my monetary limitations?
 What impression do I want to make?
 Do I want to make any changes in my current style?
 How can I express my adaptation of the season’s trends without sacrificing my fashion
 Is there a role, or role, I would enjoy acting through dressing as I seek to discover varied facets
of my nature?
In order to create an image that you want in the eyes of the beholder, you must be able to
convincingly and naturally perform precisely those acts that will create the desired image.

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In those first crucial moments, the viewer is forming that impression and making decision
concerning the following factors:
1. Economic level- is he rich or poor? Is he working or unemployed?
2. Educational level- is he a high school or college graduate? Maybe he is attorney or doctor?
3. Social position- Does he live in one of the villages? Does he belong to the upper socio-
economic level or the lower level?
4. Level of sophistication- is he the party-hopping type, the social register type? Probably he is
the “provinciano” type.
5. Family background- what is his social, educational, and economic heritage? Assumptions
about these are made. What is position of the family in the community? Are they known by their
family names or not?
6. Successfulness- is he successful? a Does he have a car, a house and lot? Is he important in
his company? Is he known by his business associates and peers?
7. Moral Character- does he look honest? Is he the type who will put one over others? Will he
cheat me?
To achieve true style your clothing and accessories must complement and compliment
your body and be an expression of your individuality. This does not mean that you can ignore style
and fashion, which, incidentally are not synonymous. Style is timeless and fashion is fickle and
commercial. Style is the best of all past fashions – the features that have proven to be the most
flattering, the most comfortable, and the most practical.
Unlike fashion, you cannot buy style. With sufficient money you can go out and purchase a total
seasonal “look” but style you must cultivate yourself through a knowledge of what is really beautiful
and lasting.
Dressing for the occasion not only upgrades manners, it also enhances the poise and
personality of the host/hostess and her guests and sparks their spirits. You must develop an eye for
fashion, flair, and style just as you develop an ear for opera or taste for caviar. However, fashion,
flair, and style must be developed under the umbrella of good taste. And to pass the test of the first
impression – try to:

 Dress properly to befit the occasion

 Interpret the season’s fashion based upon the timeless qualities of past traditions
 Incorporate individual flair and style
 Keep a keen sense of appropriateness not only to the occasion but also to your figure,
lifestyle, and age.

The ideal look is the slim look. Your choice of clothes then should be aimed at achieving this
look. You should take stock of your good and bad points and select only those outfits whose lines
will do the most for you. An imperfect figure can be given an illusion of slimness by choice of the

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proper clothes. A line can be created by a row of buttons, lace, a seam, fancy stitches, etc. a line
must not emphasize a figure fault but draw the eye away from it.

The vertical line- the line which runs lengthwise from head to toe is called a vertical line. It creates
an illusion of height and makes a person look taller. It is ideal for the plump person
The horizontal line- a line cutting across from side to side is a horizontal line. It cuts height and
adds width. Contrasting colors in two-piece outfits create horizontal lines and maximize height. The
longer the unbroken area from hem to the figure, the taller you look. An example of this is found in
the empire style or a bolero-style jacket.
The tunic style or a waist length jacket shortens a person much more.


The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. Secondary and tertiary colors are
combinations of these. Red and blue make violet; red and yellow, make orange; and blue and
yellow make green.

Combinations of colors are:

1. Monochromatic – this color combination results in the use of the same color, but different
shades. An example of this is brown, light brown, and beige.
2. Complementary – this results in the use of two colors, opposite each other in the color
wheel. Examples are red and green, blue and yellow..
3. Analogous – this combination uses two colors beside each other in the color wheel.
Examples are blue and green, yellow and orange, red and purple..
4. Triadic – this combination is made up of three colors that form an equidistant triangle on the
color wheel. These are purple, green and yellow; red, blue and green..

Your best colors are found in your body’s natural color scheme – your skin, hair, eyes, and lips.
The rest of your best colors complement, or go with, all of your body colors and are equally
flattering to wear. Let’s take some examples;
1. BEIGE- your best beige is the color of your skin. Match it exactly
2. BROWN- your best brown is your hair color.
3. GRAY- if you have reached the gray-hair stage of life, your best gray is the color of your
gray hair. Avoid gray that looks muddy or dull when placed next to your skin.
4. WHITE OR OFF-WHITES- your best white should not be written or brighter than your teeth.
People with brown-beige skin look good in brownish off-whites. Almost everyone should
avoid grayish whites.

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5. RED- your best shade of red is your body’s natural blood color. It is the color you turn when
you blush or flush. You can see it in the palms of your hands, and the inside of your lower
6. BLUE- if blue is your eye color, match it if it isn’t in your eyes, it is a complementary color for
7. GREEN- just like blue, the green of your eye color is your best green. The best green is one
with a clear tone or closest to a jade or emerald green. Yellow-greens are harder to wear.
8. YELLOW- most people have yellow in their eyes. The best yellow to use is one that is not
too bright for your coloring. The hardest to use are lemon yellow and mustard golds.
9. BLACK- some look good in pure black. Others, the best shade would be a brown black or
blue black. If your hair is black, black will be a very effective color for you.
10. NAVY- navy’s can be nautical blue, bright navy, or royal navy. Your best navy color is
determined by nothing what it does to your skin tone. If it dulls it, avoid it.


A person should know how to use colors more effectively to enhance her personality. Choice of
color is not expensive, but it can add a lot to achieve that smart look.

1. Color of skin, eyes and hair- the Filipino’s “kayumanggi” complexion looks best in shades
of coral, orange-reds, browns, greenish blues. If you have a rosy complexion, you will look
well in shades of red and orange tones. Beige with touches of brown is flattering for you
2. Personality- your personality is an important factor in the choice of colors. The colors
should make you feel right. A bright, red dress may disturb you if you are shy and retiring. If
you are dynamic person, a delicate pastel may not look right on you.
3. Occasion- office clothes should not be as bright as sports clothes. Evening clothes should
be more dramatic than daytime clothes. As a whole office clothes should be more
conservative, more subdued than clothes for social occasions.

End of Third Week

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When you are dressing, be sure that you consider the whole look — shirt, tie, pants, and
shoes. They should all look well together. Style is having a professional overall effect. For the
office, the most common attire is a polo barong or barong shirt for formal meetings. Polo shirts with
sports collar is acceptable for clerks and messengers. For evening wear, the most acceptable dress
for men is barong in jusi or the suit or “coat and tie,” and of course the tuxedo in the most formal
In this age of hiring and promoting, some managers are making decisions on people in the first
seconds of a meeting. This decision can just as commonly be made at a brief encounter at a
cocktail party. Sometimes it only takes one item out of place to be seriously questioned as to
whether you can dress well. “When you dress appropriately, people know that you know the rules.
Dressing well earns peoples respect more than you realize.
Notice how your boss or department head is wearing and try to see if he is well respected in
how he dresses. Position yourself. You may dress like your boss but if he is going nowhere one of
the reasons maybe is that he does not look the part.
To recognize a well-made suit, there is more involved than price tag.
1. Fabric- the first impression is the suit’s quality. High quality fabrics feel smooth, look right,
well-defined and natural. In tropical countries, like ours light worsted is preferred to heavy wool. The
trend today is polyester blend materials which is light for our weather.
2. Lining made of rayon is necessary on the chest, back and sleeves
3. Pockets should be smooth — no wrinkles
4. Pants should have buttons to allow wearing of suspenders
5. Buttons should be made from leather, mother-of-pearl, brass or ceramic.

When you go shopping for a suit, you should wear the shirt, undershirt, underwear, cufflinks,
tie, shoes, belt and wallet. Bring everything else that you routinely bring with you in your pocket.
Check the following:

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1. Coat length — the bottom of the coat should be long enough to cover the seat of your pants.
The top button should sit just below your waist.
2. Sleeves — the shirt’s sleeve cuffs ending at your wrist bone but extend from your jacket
sleeve by about 1/2 inch. This is important if you are wearing a cuff links.
3. Collar — the back of the coat collar should rest about 1/2 inch below the back of the shirt
4. Lapels — should not extend no more than halfway to the shoulder
5. Shoulders — padding on the shoulders go in and out of style so just stay where it is
comfortable of your size and shape.
6. Armholes — be sure they are cut high enough.

1. Waist — your trousers/pants should be secured at the waist or just below the navel.
2. There should be ample room at the crotch. You should be comfortable, not pulling or
tagging at the seat and thighs.
3. Length — they should be long enough so that the crease is about 4 inches above the top of
the shoes and 1/2 inch above the shoe’s heel.

Caring of Your Suit (Jacket and Pants)

1. Do not wear your suit on 2 consecutive days. Let it rest.
2. Brush— give it a quick brushing to take out the lint and dust
3. Hang properly — before hanging, empty the pockets and fasten buttons. Hang the pants
upside down by the cuffs to prevent creases.
4. Avoid dry cleaning often. Wash by hand and steam cleaned every 10 usages.

A shirt with a crisp well-shaped collar and cuffs and material that does not wrinkle shows the
world that your good taste does not end with your suit. When buying a shirt, pay special attention to
the two most noticed features — the shape and size of the collar and the quality of the material. A
good cotton is the best but because it wrinkles, a polyester blend is good. The collar’s shape is
more important. The cuff is also important because it shows from the jacket’s sleeve. It also should
flatter the shape of your face. Keep your collar points 3 inches long and the width of the spread
from being too narrow or too wide. The spread collar suggests a bit wider apart than those of the
straight collar therefore is considered dressier.
The necktie is like the first violin in an orchestra: it occupies center stage, and when a
mistake is made, it is noticed. So select your ties with care.

Keep in mind that the necktie is the only article of men’s clothing meant solely for
ornamentation. It allows you to express your personality through indulgence in sumptuous hues

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and designs in an otherwise staid business wardrobe. So, enjoy the varieties of colors, fabric,
textures and patterns. Wear the tie as it meant to be worn: as a sort of personal signature.
It is unfortunate that many men don’t see ties this way. They consider the necktie a symbol,
like a gray flannel suit, of stultifying conformity. However, ties offer almost unlimited freedom for
self-expression. In fact, there is a tie to match the subtlest nuance of one’s mood. Feeling dapper
and gentlemanly? Don an elegant, navy-blue woven silk tie graced with small white polka dots.
Sporty? Knot up that one with the scrappy terriers racing across it. The trick is to make a certain
that your tie’s “statement” not only reflects your taste, but is also appropriate for the office, the
wedding, or whatever the occasion.

What’s best to know about Buying a Tie

Your tie should not only strike your fancy but should also be appropriate for the occasion at
which you will be wearing it. Your tie should coordinate well with our suits and jackets, therefore it
should consider how the tie’s color, design, fabric and width would complement a specific suit or
jacket. Compare the tie with anything in your closet, because it may not match with any of your
Patterns of ties
1. Club — a tie repeating patterns of clubs is served to identify membership in certain clubs
2. Paisley — a tie with curves teardrops. In 1930, paisley pattern was first used to decorate
ties. A large paisley patterns are used for casual wear
3. Plaid — of at least 3 colors, plaids is composed of lines or bars crossing at right angles.
This is also for casual wear.
4. Dots — small dots known as pin dots are considered among the more casual patterns
5. The tie for formal wear has no patterns. It is plain of a color that match your outfit.

Bow ties come in as many patterns and fabrics as the regular ties, but there are only three
classic shapes for bow ties. They are more popularly used in the evening and can be bought ready-
mad. Just clip it on.
1. Butterfly- the butterfly has ends that flair as they extend outward to straight edges. The most
common shape of bow tie, the butterfly appeared in the early years of this century as a
wider version of the traditional bow tie. In the days when more rigid rules of dress dictated a
man’s attire, the bow tie and four-in-hand were considered proper formal daywear.
2. Bat’s Wing- the bat’s wing is narrower than the butterfly. Its edges are pointed.
3. Straight (or Thistle) - a tie that, as its name suggests, extends straight outward. The
narrowest bow tie and the least common style of the three. Edges are usually straight, but
they can be pointed.


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Note here the operative word is or: never wear both a belt and suspenders at the same time.
There’s no need to. It’s redundant.
Some history: early in this century, dressy trousers rarely had belt loops. Belts were worn by
blue-collar workers while suspenders were worn with business and formal attire. However, few
considered an undergarment to be kept concealed beneath the ubiquitous vest.
After World War 1, belts gained in popularity and through the decades increasingly replaced
suspenders. In the 1980’s suspenders became fashionable again, especially on Wall Street, and
the fashion spread through the United States. They have remained widely worn.
A belt is as appropriate as suspenders for wearing with suits or sport jacket, although
suspenders remain the only choice for black tie or white tie. Aside from the advice that you should
not wear belts and suspenders together, there are only two additional aesthetic points to keep in

 First- don’t wear a belt if you wear a vest: a belt creates a bulge, and a buckle ruins the look
of simplicity of a vest and a trouser.
 Second- you should wear a tie if you wear suspenders because a four-in-hand provides
aesthetic balance by adding to the vertical suspender lines, and helps create the dressier
look that also spiffs up a man’s appearance when he wears suspenders.

When should a man wear cuff links?
Since the 19th century? When cuff links became widely used, they have been commonly worn
with business suits and with formal attire. However, with fashion experts suggest that cuff links may
be appropriately worn with a sport jacket and even without a tie.
Cuff links were traditionally connected by a small chain (today, called chain links), and were
usually made of black onyx, a stone that remains a popular choice for daywear. Other standard cuff
links are those made of gold, silver, and enamel or mother-of-pearl.
You still must wear cuff links when you wear a tuxedo, and you should wear them with
matching shirt studs. Black onyx cuff links are appropriate for formal wear and for business attire.
Other stones, such as emeralds, also can be tastefully worn with black tie attire, although they may
be a bit flashy for business wear. Mother-of-pearl cuff links are the most appropriate for white tie.
What are the classic cuff links?
Although there are no “classic” patterns or image, there are a few classic shapes of cuff
links. Double-faced cuff links (links with two identical faces) are perhaps the most elegant. They
and push throughs (links with bulbous ends) are preferable to non-matched links, known as hinged-
back (links with a bar on the side), because the bar, rather than the decorative face, is seen on the
inside of your cuff. Silk knots are acceptable, but they aren’t quite as dressy as cuff links made of
metals or of stones. There are also cuff links that snap together, which date back to the first
decades of the century.

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1. There are two basic shoe styles that are appropriate for work:
2. The laces - these are for more formal wear
3. The more common ones for work are the loafers (moccasins) or the ones that look like
driving shoes, but are of leather or leatherette.
4. Sandals or flip-flops are not worn at work
5. Slippers are definitely out.


1. Eyeglasses or sunglasses. Remember to keep it simple.

2. Belts- a slim black belt with simple buckles are all you need for work.
3. You may have a brown braided or woven leather
4. Cloth belts are worn with khakis.
5. Watches- metal ones for work and leather strapped ones for evening.
6. Cuff links are used for more formal barongs or shirts. There are different ones in department
stores, choose simple ones.
7. Bags, necklaces and earrings are not for work. A briefcase is necessary to hold papers. The
different types are the leather or canvas carryall, work bags that are sturdier (for executives)
and a weekend bag.

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8. Backpacks are now in vogue and the rolling bag for traveling.
9. Wallets, are the billfold wallets and the traveling wallets to hold passports and tickets, are
available in department stores.

End of Fourth Week

--------------------------------------------------------Nothing follows------------------------------------------------


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A fashion accessory is a decorative item that supplements one's outfit. Items such
as jewelry, gloves, handbags, hats, belts, scarves, watches, sunglasses, pins, stockings, bow ties,
leggings, ties, suspenders, and tights. Accessories are also available in the form of bracelets,
necklaces, and earrings. And item used to complement a fashion or style.


 Moderation is the key.
 Your accessories should be appropriate to the occasion, your age and to the company in
which they are worn.
 Be certain that you do not rattle when you move because of an arm loaded with too many
bracelets or a neck or chest armored with beads and trinkets.
 Day and night call for different accessories. So do city and country occasions.
 Avoid ostentation, especially the wearing of expensive jewelry in groups where others do
not have or do not wear it.
 Take a final glance in the mirror.
 If you have doubts, take something off.

those fashion rules that camouflage the poor lines of your figure and accentuate the good.
 An unbroken line appears longer.
 Height gives the illusion of slenderness.
 Light colors add weight.
 Dark colors diminish weight.
 Light-reflective and shiny fabrics add weight.
 Bulky and heavy fabrics add weight.
 Large patterns add weight.
 Small patterns diminish weight.
 Transparent or clinging fabrics reveal figure faults and perfections.
 Scaled-to-size accessories are the secret to balance.
 Every detail and every accessory must be coordinated with every other detail and accessory
of the total ensemble.
 Dramatize your good points.
 Do not dramatize a weak point by dramatizing a good one.


 Make sure you know what items you need.
 Pre-shop to determine cost and styles available.
 Decide on the shape, size, and color of the accessories before buying them.
 Figure out a budget.

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 Confine yourself to quality items that will weather changes in fashion.
 Examine the item before buying it.
 Do not be talked into buying something you do not need.


 Jewels
 Scarves
 Belts
 Eyeglasses
 Shoes
 Hosiery/Stockings
 Handbags
 Attache case
 Luggage
 Umbrellas
 Hats
 Gloves

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Made of leather, plastic, elastic, metallic chains and straw. Are adjustable to fit all sizes.
The width can be narrow or wide. Wide belts are not for short persons.

Are one of the most necessary and most expensive accessory items. They should be
purchased for quality and not quantity. Poorly fitted shoes are uncomfortable and

 Are a must for lady-executive. They come in pantyhose, thigh high, knee high or ankle
socks. Avoid black stockings and opaque stockings to work.
 If you have large legs, use a darker shade than if you have thin legs. Use light colors for


 Building a bag wardrobe stars with these essentials; an everyday tote, a shoulder bag, a
structured handbag, a casual funbag, and an evening basic.
 Handbags should match the color of your shoes, more or less.
Casual handbag

 Your downtime bag and a way to show off your whimsical side. Play with color and
fabrics like cotton suede and plastic.
Structured handbag

 A little more formal than a shoulder bag.

 It holds its own with classic suits o casual denim.
Evening handbag

 A necessity for formal occasions.

 A simple evening bag should be small and usually neutral in color to work seamlessly
between pastels and black.
Shoulder handbag

 The best all-around bag and probably the most useful one in your closet.
 Most shoulder bags are both work and weekend friendly.
Tote handbag

 To keep all your files in order. This indispensable work-day classic holds things neatly in

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 Are necessary especially when it is raining.

 The better kinds have 10 or more spikes. A solid color umbrella is the best.
 Umbrellas are made of nylon, acetate, rayon and water repellent fabrics.


 In business, considered a symbol of authority and is very practical when a bundle of

business documents have to be brought from one place to another.
 Are made of leather, suede and plastic.
 the size should not be too large for your body.



 The rarest of all metals, is silvery blond, very pale.

 Is expensive
 Is more often the choice of older rather than younger wearers.

 The most prized of metals and the most suitable as a foil gems.
 The proportion of the gold content in any metal work is measured in karats
 14K as minimum acceptable fine jewelry
 18K gold is 3/4s of its total weight
 24K is considered fine gold

 Found in more generous quantities than either platinum or gold, it has many industrial,
electrical and medical uses in addition to its role as material for the fashioning of fine
table-ware, art objects, and jewelry.
 Silver is less expensive than platinum or gold and makes a splendid foil for colorful


 The most appropriate of gifts for a young man or woman stepping into a time when her
responsibilities, career and social commitments demand precision.
 Have two watches, one more delicate and dressy for night and the other sporty for day.

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 If wearing a watch in public, do not look at it too often and never wind or shake it
during a gala evening.


 When society dressed up, the occasion is illuminated by the glow of pearls.
 Pearls are elegant, understated and formal.
 Pearls are versatile, suitable for all formal gatherings, day or night, which make them a
must for a beginning or limited jewelry wardrobe

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 Fragrances are less powerful in hot, dry environments because the sense of smell is
 Fragrances smell stronger in warm, tropical, humid settings.
 Fragrances last longer on oily skin and tend to become oversweet.
 Delicate fragrances are better for fair skin.
 Apply fragrances with luxurious enjoyment on bare body following bath in stages while
completing toilet.
 Applying perfume to bare skin in sunlight is dangerous.
 Realize that those who smoke never experience the full glory of perfume.
 Medication or the pill can change the skins reaction to a fragrance, as can eating onions,
garlic and spicy foods.
 A scent may react differently with the skin during menstruation, and the sense of smell is
often affected during that time.
 The warmer the body, the faster the fragrance fades.
 Perfume evaporates even when not removed from the bottle.
 Save your empty perfume bottles and place in dresser drawers and closet. They will
impart their scent to garments for a long time

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End of Fifth Week

Face and Hair – Hands and feet
There are six basic face shapes: oval, round, square, oblong, diamond and heart. There
is no such thing as a perfectly contoured face. It’s true that almost any style works on an oval
face, but if you don’t have one, don’t worry, many models don’t either. The trick is to find the
style that looks terrific on you.
How can you tell your face shape? To do this, wash your hair then comb it back off your
face. Now stand in front of a mirror with a piece of soap. Analyze the pattern you’ve made. If it is
widest at the chin, you have a heart-shaped face. If it is broadest at the forehead and jawline,
then your face is square. A diamond-shaped face is fullest at the center. A face that’s narrow at
the top and wide at the bottom is triangle-shaped. If your face looks circular and you have full
cheeks, its shape is round.
Next analyze your features. Do you have a high or low forehead? Is your nose
prominent? Is your neck long or short? What about your chin? Does it jut or does it recede? Do
your ears stick out or lie flat?
If your hair is still wet, dry it as usual, then play with it a little. Tie it back or sweep it up.
Pull a swatch of it over your forehead to see how you’d look with bangs. Comb your hair a
different way. IF you usually part it in the center, try a side part, or vice versa. If it’s long pull it
up a few inches to get an idea of how it would look if it were shorter.
A bad haircut can exaggerate flaws, a good one will enhance your features and make
your face look more well-proportioned. The first step in determining which one is best for you is
figuring out the shape of your face. But don’t just look in the mirror. Put it to good use. Stick wet
hair from your face and with one eye shut, trace the perimeter of your face in the mirror with a

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A square face is roughly equal in length and width. An oblong face is about one and a
half times longer that it is wide; a heart shape face is wider at the brow and narrower at the chin,
and a round face shape is obviously round. If you see an oval, you are lucky—stylist generally
agree that you can wear any hairstyle than the most rest of face shapes. You need more
information about what works and what doesn’t,
If you have a round face, try a “forward shag” with volume and lift on the top and soft
choppy pieces to add definition to your face. Center are great for offsetting roundness as are
angular bangs that get longer at the sides. Long slightly layered cuts also work well on round
faces because they create the illusion of a longer face and give you the option wearing hair up.
Just make sure there is height at the crown.
The big no-no when you have this shape? Any cut too short on the sides because it will
widen your face even more. You need a style that is flat on the top and full around the sides and
jaw to balance your wide forehead and narrow chin. Your best bet is a choppy bob with ends
that flick inward and out creating swing and volume around the jaw. If your cheekbone or follows
the contour of your brows to downplay your forehead. A good length: just above the shoulders.
The length is a key issue for people with a long face. Ideally it should be on or above the
shoulders so it does not draw the eye downward. If you want to go longer try wearing a side
part; the angle will appear to shorten a long face. Another good call? Square heavy bangs by
hiding the forehead they achieve the same effect. Fringe around eye level and even down to the
jawline creates volume that complements a long face, Choppy layers that bring out cheeks can
help an oblong shape appear more oval.
If your face is square the most complementary cut is the one with soft waves or a bit of
fringe to minimize a string jaw. Even if the cut is short is should have softness to take away from
the angles of your face. A side swept or angled are very flattering because they defined lines as
do side parts and long layers that start at the chin. It would be wise to avoid sharp geometric
cuts such as chin-length bobs which will emphasize your jawline.
Sore the perfect hairstyle by bringing the key elements—texture face shape even your lifestyle
into play.
In choosing a hairstyle, consider your facial features.

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1. High forehead – bangs are ideal. Make them curly or brush the to one side. You can
have a gentle wave at the sides near the temples, just avoid volume at the crown.

2. Low forehead- a layered cut with fullness at the temples is a great style for you. Soft
bangs will make your forehead look longer. Wear hair back away from the face to make
your hair any length, but avoid parting in the middle.

3. Large ears- the best way to deal with protruding ears is to cover them up. You can wear
your hair short provided the tips of your ears are concealed.

4. Short neck- a layered style will make your neck look longer. Don’t wear your hair long,
straight or neck will seem to disappear beneath your hair.

5. Long neck- width and fullness at the sides will make your neck look shorter. Avoid
extremely short styles that reveal a long stretch of neck.

6. Receding chin- Choose a style that falls slightly below the jawline. Short full bangs add
height at the crown and will draw attention from your chin. Fullness at the chin-line will
also help.

7. Prominent jaw- volume at the top of the head will help minimize a jaw that juts out too
much. So will a below –chin-length cut, angled so it is long in the back and shorter on
the sides. Avoid full bangs.
Looking beautiful is directly related to having and maintaining a clear, healthy skin. The
first step to lessen the wear and tear on the skin is lessen unattractive facial expressions to
some degree. Avoid pouting, frowning, and making faces.
There are four basic types of skin: normal, dry, oily and combination. Normal skin is that
which has neither too much oil or too little. It is firm and fairly elastic. It looks healthy and has
good tone.
A dry skin tends to appear flat and flaky. It feels stretched and somewhat dry to the
touch. IT appears thin and prematurely lined with fine wrinkles. Dry skin ages faster and needs
more attention.
Oily skin is easy recognizable. Tiny beads of the moisture cling to the surface giving the
skin greasy look. Hold a tissue to the sides of the nose, and you will actually see oils being
absorbed. The skin has clogged pores and blackheads.

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A combination skin is a little bit harder to identify. This is the skin that is oily across the
forehead and down the nose to the chin. The cheeks and under-eye areas may be flaky from
If you cannot identify your skin type, hold a tissue to the sides of your nose, your
forehead, your cheeks. After each step, examine the tissue. Whenever the tissue turns dark
from collecting and absorbing oil, you can safely assume you are oily skinned.
There are 9 commandments for a HEALTHY SKIN:
1. Cleanse day and night with the proper cleanser.
2. Tone the skin with the proper toner.
3. Protect the skin with a moisture cream.
4. Give the face a facial once or twice a week
5. Keep hands away from the face.
6. Avoid excessive and habitual facial movements.
7. Maintain a balanced diet.
8. Sleep at least seven hours a night.
9. Never sunbathe or remain in the sun without first using a sunblock.


1. Wash skin three to four times a day. Scrubbing is unnecessary and may cause more
2. Resist the temptation to squeeze pimples with the fingertips. There are extractors that
are safer to use. Ask doctor.
3. Shampoo the hair every day. If possible, wear the hair away from the face. If not, make
sure it is always clean.
4. Eat well-balanced diet. If certain foods create a flare-up, stop eating them. The beliefs
that chocolate, cola drinks, lack of sex or pent-up feelings develop into acne are untrue.
5. Get out into the sun but don’t burn. The sun has drying effect.
6. Do not wear greasy, heavy make-up to conceal the condition. It works in reverse. Light,
water-based foundations can more deceptively hide mild blemishes.
7. Do not lean your face on your hands. Not only the bacteria will give you problems, but
also the pressure itself can cause skin problems.


1. How to hide circles under the eyes

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Almost all of us have circles under our eyes. Even a twelve- year- old may have these.
The concealer is applied under the foundation, these, come in different brands, among them
being: Erase, Cover Stick, Under eye Cover, etc. Apply this with a Q-tip or a piece of cotton
wrapped around an orange stick.
2. How to apply foundation
Foundation provides the backdrop for all your colorful artistry. The sole purpose is to
give the face one even color tone. In selecting proper shade, it is essential that you match, as
closely as possible, the shade of the complexion. If your complexion is too uneven to
camouflage, then use a regulator or a toner which comes in green, red, violet and white. This
should be applied sparingly.
There are several types of foundations: liquid, matte, whipped, cream-cake, cream-stick,
cake and medicated. The selection of the right type depends on the skin type and the coverage
Whichever foundation is selected, the proper and professional application requires a dry
foam sponge rather than the fingertips, except for the cake variety, which must be applied with a
wet, natural sponge. The type of foundation for your skin is determined by common sense. A dry
skin should not, obviously, be exposed to a drying foundation, neither should not be covered be
a foundation that will cake up each blemish, and a good complexion should not screen its
healthy glow with a heavy foundation.
The overall look of the foundation is the “natural look”. Do not apply more foundation that
is necessary. The less you apply, the better.
With the corner of your sponge, dot the face, put two or three small dots on the cheeks
instead of only one. Leave the areas with the concealer untouched until you have carefully
blended the dotted foundation all over the face. Include the eyelids and the lips. Dab the areas
covered, not rub, push, or pull the skin. Continue to dab until you have achieved one even facial
3. How to apply powder correctly?
The application of a powder sets the foundation. The use of a powder brush of loose
powder. With a quick flick loose from the brush. What remains on the brush is then applied to
the face. The types of powder are the translucent, press translucent and iridescent type gives
an off-white or beigy tone. This type has no color and will not alter the shade of the foundation.
This type is recommended.
The pressed translucent powder is available for touch-ups during the day. It comes in
compact form and is much easier to carry. Use puffs for these touch-ups. Be sure the puff is
clean, otherwise collected dirt can cause blemishes.

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Another type of powder is called iridescent or pearlized powder. There are also tinted
face powders. This type augments or intensifies the applied foundation.
Whichever type of powder is used; it should be applied artfully so that it is not apparent
to the observing eye. It is also important that it is well blended.
4. How to perfect your brow?
The brows are important feature of the face. Many women neglect to consider them in
this light. They convey moods and expressions, but, most importantly, they frame the eyes. The
brows should begin directly above the inside corner of the eye, rise into a natural arch over the
outer edge of the iris, gently decline and end at the point diagonally above the outer corner of
the eye.
To measure accurately, hold a pencil at the side of the nose, lining up with the inside
corner of the eye. That is the spot where the brow should begin. Now, move the pencil so that it
touches the side of the nostril and the outer corner of the eye. This is where the brow should
end. Looking straight into the mirror, the high point of the outer edge of the iris. Remove all
excess hair under the brow for a neater look. Either a brow brush or a pencil is used in shaping
the brow. The pencil is more difficult. A fine point must always be maintained. Both could be
used – the pencil to draw, and the brush to soften the effect.
5. How to do a successful eye make-up
The eyes are the focal point of the face. They are the objects people look into while
speaking or trying to evaluate an impression or mood they are the “windows of the soul”
Cosmetic sculpturing is the use of highlighting and contouring. Highlighting colors are
those that are dark or dull. Whenever a highlighter is employed, a contour should be applied
right next to it for greater and definition and emphasis.
*The lid color is applied from the corner to corner, from the roof of the lash up to the contour
* The contour color is applied in a natural-looking, shadow-imitating, soft line along the natural
crease or fold of the lid.
* The highlighting color is applied to the area directly beneath the brows down to the contour
* The super-highlighting color is applied only when added emphasis is needed for greater
distance between brow and lash. It is applied directly under the inside brow and lash.
In doing a successful eye make-up, the shape and size of the eyes will have to be
1. Small eyes – is treated by applying a light-colored eyeshadow on the lid, from the root of

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the lash up to the contour color and from the inside corner of the eye out beyond the
outside corner. The highlight color is applied to the area directly below the brow and down
to the contour color.
2. Closely set eyes – can be optically separated by applying all the eye make-up as you would
with a normal eye except you start at a point away from the corner of the eye.
3. Widely set eyes – should really be treated exactly as normal eyes. This type of eye is
regarded by Greek standards as the “most beautiful of all”

There are several types – the powders, creams, cream sticks, gel, pencils and liquids. It
is impossible to say that one is better than the other.

*The powder shadow generally lasts the longest. It is applied with a brush or a felt-tipped
applicator and comes in the widest range of colors.
*The cream and gel shadows have that wet look which the powder type does not have.
*The liquid eyeshadows are painted on with a brush and dried matte, much like the eyeliner.
If you like, you may also use any type for any zone: powder on the lid, cream for the
crease, a gel for the highlight. You must experiment with products from as many sources as
possible until you find the tine and texture you prefer.

The purpose of the eyeliner is to define the eye and give it greater clarity and structure.
The eyeliner should always match the shade of the lashes. For basic application, a fine line
drawn from the outer corner adds greater definition to any eye. Start the line just about where
the lashes grow. Holding a brush as if it were a pencil, lightly apply a fine line close to the lash
root. Do not leave any bare skin between the lashes and the line.
To make the eyes look bigger, the eyeliner is applied in a fine line from the inner corner,
widening at the center of the eye and ending in a fine line down to the corner.
The application of mascara is the next step. Mascara creates what is the most dramatic
change. By making the lashes look darker, longer and thicker, mascara defines the eyes and
makes the white look whiter, and giver a soft, furry frame. Eyelashes curler is used to curl
lashes. Use this before putting the mascara.
6. How to effectively shape up your face
The cosmetic used for structuring are the face contours, face highlighter and cheek
highlighters. The face contours are usually a brownish red powder or cream; a shade of

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foundation one tone darker that that applied to the face. The face highlighters should be broken
down into 2 categories: cheek highlighters and skin highlighters.
*The cheek highlighters are most often called as blush-on, rouge or gleamers.
*The skin highlighters are mainly white of off-white. Their purpose is to accentuate and
better define the face and to reflect available light by creating the illusion.
The most popular corrective make-up tips are those which alter the nose. If it is too long, the tip
and base of the nostrils are contoured. Is it too wide, the sides are contoured.

The lip color should be selected to heighten one’s attractiveness. The second
consideration is the dress. A very basic guide is that a fair-skinned person looks best in light
tones. Dark-skinned women in bright tones, unless the lips are think. Black women with thick
lips should wear deep brownish reds.
Before stepping away from your mirror, take one final peek as you ponder your finished
portrait, remembering that makeup is not a façade behind which to hide. Makeup is solely to
protect your facial skin and enhance your features. Let your make up play up your well-care-for
skin, accentuate the positive and minimize the negative among your features. Always remember
that make up is at its most beautiful when worn with a sincere smile and a sparkle in your eyes.
Certainly for you, a young woman’s beautiful hair has a major part to play in your
[personal attractiveness. The right hairstyle can create a flattering frame for the face and can
also serve to focus attention on your more attractive features. Mush as a frame for a handsome
portrait gives the work background and form, lovely hair provides shape and identity to your
features, skin and facial expressions. It also contributes to self-confidence.
Serious care is required every day and there are some “do nots” to remember. The
appearance of your hair is dependent on its natural characteristics, affected by:
*Cleanliness *The Chemical processes
*Cut *Water type used

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*Style *Climate
*Condition *Diet and general health
*The elements
Every healthy effort you make on behalf of your face and figure will also benefit your
hair. During the teens, hair and skin are generally oily caused by hormonal changes in
adolescent period. As is the case with skin, the sun is none of your hair’s worst enemies,
robbing it of the moisture that is essential for flexibility and moisture. Conditioners should be
used as added precautions during long exposures to the sun and water – outdoor sports and
exercise, boating, pool and ocean outings. Salt water and chlorinated water are extremely
drying and break down the outer layer and leaving damaged hair and brittle.
The first preventive step against this damage is to use bathing cap. Second, and the
most important, rinse and shampoo hair immediately after swimming to remove salt and
chlorine. The application of instant conditioner should follow after the shampoo.
Your hairstyle must flatter your face shape. Once your hair is comfortably styled and in a
good condition, you should forget about it. Never comb your hair in public. It may convey
different messages you didn’t mean. Once you leave the privacy room, try to forget your looks
and concentrate all your interest on others. You will find by doing this that others will in turn pay
more attention.
Cleanliness is often taken for granted. Take a bath every day. During hot days, bathe
twice a day. Especially during those “critical days, once a month” take a bath to prevent body
odor. Be sure to clean the neck, ears and other hard-to-reach areas.
Everyone should use deodorant to prevent underarm perspiration and body odor. There
are many kinds to choose from – stick, powder, roll-on, spray, cream, etc. Choose the brand
that suits your skin and one that is strong enough to last all day. Experiment different kinds and
use the one that you think is the best.
Brush the teeth, of possible, after every meal. Brush using up and down motion. Use
mouthwashes freely. Use dental floss to clean between the teeth in order to prevent tooth
Protect yourself from bad breath. Check all possible sources, such as tonsils, decayed
teeth, stomach upset sore throat, cigarette and tobacco.

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Hands are among the most expressive parts of the body and the hands of a fastidious
young woman tell those she meets that she cares about herself and is sufficiently disciplined in
her beauty routine to keep her nails and hands well groomed. Hands are frequently neglected
and abused, which is serious since the skin on the top of the hands is extremely thin and
delicate requiring the same cautious care as facial skin.
A manicure and nail polish are to the hands what skin care and makeup are to the face.
Nails of an attractive medium length are gracefully finish to the hands. Nail color, like cosmetic
color should harmonize with skin tones and clothing colors. Most of the time, buffed, clear and
pale pastel polish is the right choice—chipped polish ever!
Naturally, the feet should be as beautifully cared for and callus-free as the hands, an
easy accomplishment if you have incorporate daily pumicing and creaming and weekly
pedicures into your beauty regime. Never wear the same pair of shoes two days in succession.
This will prevent sore feet. Change the socks or stocking daily.
The stage for many facets of your personal care is bath and throughout the ages “the bath” has
meant more than simple washing up. It can be a glamorous ritual, and the properties of water
are not only cleansing but also relaxing and restorative to the body and mind as well. Be sure to
add the soothing and healing qualities of aromatherapy—scented bath salt soaps, oils, and
herbal extracts. A warm bath dilates the blood vessels, stimulates circulation and loosens
muscle tensions.
Just as your closet will set the stage for your dressing, so should your bathroom offer the
background for the beauty benefits of bathing, caring for your skin, and adding the cosmetics.
A. Classic
B. Natural
C. Contemporary

End of Sixth Week


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Week 7
The Body Beautiful
One of the most important challenges facing a young woman is the development of
correct posture, fluidity of motion and a figure as lovely and as well-proportioned as possible.
The training given to models, young women and should endure throughout life with enormous
benefits to beauty and health.
Your Figure

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As quick assessment, remember that a figure is in its best proportion when the largest
part of the bust and the largest part of the hips measure the same. That is to say, should your
bust measure 34 inches, ideally your hips, too, would measure 34. Following this rule, your
waistline should be ten inches smaller than hips and bust – 24 inches. A two-inch variance one
way or the other still results in a nice figure! However, if you vary more than two inches, you will
want to work toward some long-range changes.
Diet and Exercise
Beyond perfect posture and the use of illusion are figure flaws, and they must be addressed
from within. For the young man/woman who is “pudgy,” the problem usually lies with poor eating
habits and/or inactivity. A proper diet and adequate exercise can normalize weight quite rapidly
while you are young and will establish healthful patterns for the remainder of your life.
As a young person enters his/her twenties, usually during her college years, some changes
will take place. Health and vigor will have reached their peak. Preparing for the stresses of
completing his/her education, beginning a career of family, and establishing independent living.
With growth complete and physical activity reduced, he/she may need to reduce caloric intake
slightly and pay more attention to his/her diet.

By “diet,” no physicians or beauty counselors recommend stringent, near starvation programs.

Drastic regimes for weight reductions are dangerous and their results usually temporary. To live
fully in the active exciting years ahead, a body with energy and resistance. You should eat three
meals a day, including proteins, carbohydrates, and ample quantities of raw or cooked fruits and
vegetables. Snacking, especially on rich, fatty, salty, or sweet items, should be kept to a
minimum, and lavish desserts must be very are treats.
The Beauty of EXERCISE
Well- toned muscles are not only necessary for a beautiful body, but for supporting the
skeletal bones in a correct posture. To achieve strengthening and stretching exercises are
necessary to practice tummy-tightening and spine-straightening exercise as part of your daily
routine. You must also include special exercises to develop the upper and lower back muscles
in order to maintain neck tone and align the head and neck with the spine.
Of course active sports like swimming, biking, dancing, tennis and skating, along with
various team sports and horseback riding are also wonderful for figure and posture
improvement and grace. Undoubtedly, one of the most perfect exercise of all is walking. There
is no punishment here because you ate dessert last night or your clothes are beginning to
tighten around specific body parts.
Visual Poise

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Each day, as you practice becoming more poised, take a few minutes to let your mind
become the video camera. It is important to close your eyes and imagine your body in its newly
defined posture and movement patterns. View your WEAK and STRONG points and identify it
to yourself. Imagine the way you want to stand. Move and sit. Let the new posture register in our
mind’s eye. Picture yourself in outmost physical self-confidence and apply to yourself.
As you think of becoming poised you will begin to be poised. By practicing how to be
poised, by picturing and saying “I possess poise”, you will find that you do.
Grace is a quality every woman wants. It combines confidence with unself-
consciousness. It is a quality that appears more often as a girl matures into womanhood.
The factors towards an aligned body also contribute to your grace: Proper exercise,
improved posture and correct body weight are the keys to grace and allow you to move more
comfortably with greater ease. Sports and dance are wonderful teachers of grace. They impart a
sure sense of:
*Balance *Increase Muscle Strength
*Enhance flexibility *Coordination
They cause you to move with a purpose, developing movement patterns that are stored
in your memory. Having instant recall or “replay” of these patterns enhances your self-
confidence: You automatically do it RIGHT.
Grace is beauty. It encompasses a sense of calmness as well as mental and physical
presence. It is also a state mind assuredness and balance physically and mentally. For
example, you have prepared yourself in public and you don’t have to pull up your dress, play
with your jewelry or touch your hair and make-up. You cannot correctly position one segment
without properly aligning all the segments. Enjoy the feeling of your spine lengthening, following
the upward direction of your head. Everything else will drop into place and you will find yourself
standing tall and erect. Not only will you be breathing more deeply, but your whole being will feel
To achieve good posture, you must first discover your bad habits and reprogram your
brain to become alert to body’s correct positioning. In order to change poor posture, you must
exercise conscious control. You must be aware of your alignment and check positioning from
time to time. With repeated practice of correct posture, your body will learn new positions and
old habits will be forgotten.

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The most effective ways to sculp, strengthen and tone.

1. Hire a Trainer – It’s worth it even if only for a few sessions. A trainer can assess
your goals and customize your workouts.
2. Combine cardio & weights- Weight-training builds muscle and elevates the
metabolic rate, so you will burn more “kilojoules”; while your body is at rest.
Dumbbells are great for sculpting; work large muscle groups to help you slim
down faster.
3. Exercise in the morning - Otherwise, you leave room for excuses, fatigue and
scheduling conflicts.
4. Do it with a friend- Having friends join your exercise program will help maintain
motivation on cold mornings, and also spreads the cost of a personal trainer.
5. Push yourself- Once you can do 12 to 15 reps easily, pick up heavier weights.
6. Follow Through – Meet with your trainer every three months to make sure you
are reaching your goals.
7. Mix it up- Once you have started cardio and strength training, add other
activities. Yoga and pilates can give you a sleek and elongated physique.
8. Be consistent – Regular daily exercise will keep your body in shape and reduce
stress levels.
9. Get sweaty- For naturally glowing skin you need to wok your heart and get your
blood pumping. Try jogging or boxing classes.
10. Stand Tall- You can improve your posture by standing as is you were trying to
hold a coin between your shoulder blades.

With few exercises we can make ourselves physically fit. Exercise are done slowly and
rhythmically, stretching gracefully as far as possible. If you do it with music, so much better. One
way to maintain exercise program is to keep it brief – no more than ten minutes at a time. Here
are some suggested exercise to improve your posture:
*Back Exercise
*Stomach Exercise
*Bosom Exercise
Exercise for a Perfect Posture
Stand in front of a long mirror, just as you normally stand. Now try to straighten up,
pushing your head upward, pulling in stomach and tucking in your buttocks. Look at the mirror

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again. You can now see your perfect posture. Posture is the secret of the regal walk. A perfect
posture can make you more attractive. Drooping shoulder, hunchback may lead to
According to posture experts, the way most of us walk, stand sit and stoop is in that
causes future aches, and pains or in some cases serious illness. Many of the common
backaches of the middle age are due to wrong posture.
Standing Position
Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other, the back foot turned out at a slight angle. This
pose shows your legs at their prettiest. Let one foot carry the body weight; always maintain
perfect alignment at all times.
Bending Gracefully
When you want to pick up something, keep your back straight and erect and bend your
knees to go down. Make your leg muscles push you up again. Pick up the object from one side,
not from the front.
 Neck erect, chin parallel to floor
 Shoulder blade flat on the wall abdomen flat
 Back curves not too much
 One foot slightly ahead of the other
 Toes pointing straight
 Arms brushing slightly on sides
 Walking along an imaginary straight line
 Feet parallel and close together
 No exaggerated hip movement
 Body not bouncing up & down
 Lower self at the edge of the chair
 Move to back of chair with easy motion
 Bag placed on lap; hands folded on one side
 Sit erect with back touching the seat rest
 Legs crossed in diagonal position
 Sit with knees close together
 Stand up by using leg muscles

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Discipline is important to keep one’s good looks. Discipline is important – discipline in what
one eats. Something must be wrong with the way a person organizes her day, if she cannot find
a little time to herself.
To achieve good looks, you need to have:
 adequate medical care
 proper diet
 sufficient exercise
 rest
 sleep
 good posture habits.

A body is a machine it wears out in time. If one takes care of herself, she will add more
years to her life and make herself a more pleasant person.
It promotes good heath by taking foods at the right amount if it has to furnish the energy
the body needs for all its activities, to enable the body to resist infection, body growth and repair
tissues and to promote general well-being.
A Balanced Diet
It is one that contains all the nutrients needed by the body in the right amount in a single meal.
These nutrients are found in the 6 groups, which are:

1. Green & leafy vegetables

2. Vitamin C-rich fruits
3. Other fruits and vegetables
4. Fatty and oily foods
5. Protein rich foods
6. Rice and other cereal
The protective foods, which include green leafy yellow vegetables, vitamin C-rich foods,
other fruits and vegetables, rosy, the hair glossy, the gums, teeth and bones strong and healthy.
They keep illness away.
The body-building foods such as milk, chicken, fish, eggs and strong. They keep one
active all day long. Energy-giving foods provide heat and energy everybody needed for work
and play. Water is essential for regulating body processes and body temperature. Note how
frequently liver and other internal organs (kidney, heart, etc.) muscle meats, eggs and milk
appear as the best animal sources of these different nutrients. Among the plant sources, leafy
and yellow vegetables, whole grain cereals, legumes and tomatoes are excellent sources of
vitamins and minerals.

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1. Make a plan – If your goal is to close weight before special occasions to fit any
2. Give yourself time- Be realistic in cutting down kilos and don’t start cutting back
on food and increasing exercise with only a month to go. Expect a three-five kilo
loss in 3 months.
3. Eat balanced meals- Organize everything by eating low carbs foods, balanced
protein and not too much fats.
4. Don’t fall for “Fat-free”- Read food labels carefully to make sure of what you
are eating.
5. Don’t forget healthy fats- Looking gorgeous is as much about your hair and
skin as your waistline, so include healthy fats found in salmon, avocados, nuts
and seeds in your diet to keep skin and hair shiny and nails strong.
6. Snack Smartly- Eat break and keep energy levels constant. Letting your blood
sugar drop can trigger sweating and nervousness, even with nausea. Snack on
yoghurt, cheese and crackers, fruits and nuts.
7. Clean up- Clean your kitchen and remove unhealthy snacks like crisps, biscuits
and chocolate. Stock up dried fruits, nuts, wholegrain crackers, tomato salsa, and
8. Drink plenty of water- Keeping the fluids levels high prevents you from
mistaking thirst to hunger which can lead to non-hungry eating and weight gain. It
also keeps you look healthy and fresh.
9. Cut down on takeaways- Plan and prepare your healthy meals ahead of time.
10. Beat the Bloat- Cut off high-salt foods that can make you retain fluid. Go light on
carbs, avoiding handful sweets or a bowl of pasta.

Tips on Weight Management

 To lose a pound per week, cut 500 keal from your daily food intake or burn
the fats through physical activity.
 Eat breakfast. Those skip breakfast tend to overeat at lunch
 Reduce the serving portions rather than eliminate certain foods from your
 Consume more fruits and vegetables
 Have enough sleep. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation increases
the secretion of the hormone that triggers hunger.

Total wellness is always feeling good about yourself:

W- workout

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E- enough sleep
L- lifestyle
L- limit sugar, salt, alcohol
N- nutrition and balanced diet\
E- education
S- stress management
S- spirituality
A slender figure has a lot of advantages over one who is obese. Not all of us have a
well-balanced proportioned figure, but we will look smarter if the weight-scale will stay in the
proper spot.
If you are too thin, you need more calories. Eat more and burn energy less. Underweight
may also be caused by fatigue, tension or irregularity of meals as well as by iron or vitamin
Get enough rest. Learn to relax The person who is always in tension is burns up a lot of
calories. Plan your activities and do not let little things worry you and make every effort to calm.
Don’t skip a meal. The only way to build up appetite is to eat. If you skip breakfast, try to
eat egg, bread and milk. If you get used to it, you’ll never skip again.
Exercise is not enough so cut down your food intake. Dieting is not starving yourself. It is
taking less quantity and less in calories. Fair calorie foods are salads, fruits, lean meat and
unsweetened juices.
Good Eating Habits
If you want to stay slim

1. Eat slowly and chew your food well

2. Begin lunch and dinner with either soup or salad so you will feel full and will not
eat too much.
3. Eat crisp leafy salads with fresh fruit, meat or seafood.
4. Avoid fried foods.

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5. Don’t eat just because everybody else is eating. Say “No, thank you. I’ve already
6. Don’t eat all popcorn, potato chips and other snacks while watching TV or
7. Eat only little of pies, cakes and rich desserts.
8. If you eat with heavy eaters, don’t eat as much as they do
9. Eat at regular hours
10. Never skip a meal. You’ll only be tempted to eat much. Eat a hearty breakfast to
keep you going throughout the day.

Daily Food
What did you eat today? Pay particular attention to the foods that you eat every single
day. Eat a balanced food with vegetables, fruits and meat.

End of Seventh Week


Social Grace
Social graces or also known as GOOD MANNERS and etiquette is a part of the
character of a person. Manners is defined as “social conduct or rules of conduct, as shown in
the prevalent customs: habitual deportment, especially with reference to polite conventions.
Consideration for others is the basis of good manners. Some questions you can use as guides

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before doing something are: “Does it make people comfortable and happy?” “How does this
action affect others?”
Manners are also based on past customs. An example of this is how a man should walk
on the curb side of the street when he is with a woman. He should be protecting the women
from vehicles or danger may pass by.
Knowledge of Good Manners give people increased self-confidence. It is knowing what
you should in a certain situation with ease at poise. When manners become second nature to a
person, he increases his sense of security, poise, self-confidence and self-respect. Manners
make a difference with how people feel about you. In this way it becomes part of your
personality because it, in return, makes people react to you in a peculiar way.
Starting to be “Finished”
You must prepare yourself to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities available,
opportunities far beyond the life of the man/woman of only past generations. Fortunately,
today’s society generally allows a generous “MATURATION PERIOD” during which a young
man/woman may develop:
You can acquire an education, a knowledge of the arts and can travel and experience
social interchange, so that you are an interesting conversationalist and eager listener. You can
also cultivate simple graciousness and consideration for others. By acquiring these skills, you
become more comfortable with socializing and you will be at ease no matter where you find
yourself, and should learn to dress individuality and good taste.
These wonderful attributes will be at least partially “wasted” unless you can learn to get
along comfortably with a diversity of people and to cope with a wide range of situations. Having
the confidence to socialize with others can benefit you in:
 Social Acceptance
 Marriages
 Relationships
 Parenthood
 Careers
Good rapport with others makes you more flexible for yourself and for others.
What to avoid:

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 Rudeness
 Crudity
 Ignorance

These factors MUST BE AVOIDED for you to be a well-mannered matured man/woman.

Always consider the feelings of other people. Good manners is based on kindness and
consideration for others and it is a social standard as a whole. Remember that you are a role
model yourself and you have many opportunities to raise the level of your social interactions.
Etiquette consist of an “act of rules of living in our society”. It can be a road map that will
serve as a set of direction to keep you from doing wrong turns and prevent you from choosing
dead end. These rules make us more comfortable and reflect a feeling of what right toward
others. Each generation has sought to transmit right conduct in life to inspire the young people
to have high levels of culture and taste. Consider that etiquette is merely a name for pattern of
behavior that is based on:
 Consideration for others
 Appropriateness in every situation
 Good taste
 Right manners
 Courtesy and politeness
 Proper personal conduct
 Thoughtfulness

Trivia Time!

The word “etiquette” comes from the Old French, and means “ticket” or “label”. This word
originally meant the ticket entrance to France’s court ceremonies – upon this ticket were written
the rules of court behavior. A similar “ticket” also listed the regulations to be followed within the
walls of feudal castle. All those who are invited should behave as how they should and all were
put at ease in any social gatherings.
Consider your knowledge of etiquette as your “ticket” of admission into the conventions
of polite and caring group of people. Consider it as a special pass that will enable you to relate
to others with thoughtfulness and polished manners.

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How Often Do You SMILE?
In the world of Hospitality, nothing is more natural way of communicating and attitude of
cheer in welcoming a guest and making him or her feel comfortable and safe by smiling. Smiling
is an instant energizer to everyone. It makes you look:
 Approachable
 Friendly
 Relaxed
 Open
 Comfortable

It shows other that you have a sense of well-being and that you enjoy life. Smiling also
improves you voice quality by relaxing your throat muscles. It also makes you look younger
so avoid frowning in front of your guests
Eye Contact
If you want to look and sound sincere, maintain EYE CONTACT with the person you are
speaking to. Looking a person in the eye means that we acknowledge their presence and that
you are listening to his or her every single word. Not maintaining eye contact is like saying, “You
are a not important person” which is a BIG NO!
The most valuable message of eye contact is “recognition”. Break eye contact frequently
as you talk or listen. The best techniques is to look down to the side and then back. A polite
listener will focus on the chin, mouth and one side of the face. Rules of eye contact depend on
one’s culture. So be conscious of the rules.
Word to Avoid
4. NO

Use instead

Social Graces in the Family

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Many times the home is the place we “let go” so to speak and act whatever we want. We
are careless with the way we act or with what we say. Mainly because we are confident that we
will be forgiven anyway. This is not a healthy situation. It is at home that we should start to
practice social amenities of living. In that way, we will not look awkward in public.
It is very important to respect the privacy of each member of your family. From this will
emanate the atmosphere of:
 mutual respect
 love
 trust to one another
Examples of these privacy are:

 knocking before entering the rooms

 not opening the mail of others
 not looking to through another person’s belongings
 not taking or “borrowing” anything without permission of the owner
 not snooping or listening into the conversation od others either over the phone or when
one is entertaining in the house.

Family Manners
Love makes the house a home. Size, color, location have nothing to do with the spirit
that dwells inside. A gamily and its manners are shaped by the quality of the spirit they share. A
spirit based on love makes a happy home and always produces good manners. When a child
feels love, understanding and genuine recognition, many of the problems will be avoided.
Second importance to love in a family is communication. Families need to talk to each
other and they need to talk honestly.
It is not easy to be completely honest. Some things might seem embarrassing to us and
we would rather not discuss them. It might seem easier sometimes to tell a “white lie” and avoid
the truth, HONESTY is always the best policy and the best manners and our character are
shaped at home.
Actually, there is no such thing as “a white little lie”. Little white lies grow into big black habits.
Lying is already a disease that is best healed in the beginning. Good manners will make things
Honor your Parents
Your mother and father deserve all respect. They don’t need to ask for it. They earned it
when they gave us life. How do we honor our parents? We:
 Ask for advice

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 Look at things from their perspective
 Try to please them
 Have a good attitude
 Show respect
 Thank them
 Compliment them
 Obey them
Parents needs our honor. They want to know they have our support, just as we want to know we
have theirs.
Sisters and Brothers
We often spend more time with our siblings than we do with anyone else. We also may
have more problems with them than we have with others. Many of these problems can be
avoided if we:
o Don’t tease
o Don’t be sarcastic
o Don’t’ tattle
o Showed love
o Helped one another
o Picked up for one another
o Didn’t worry about “favoritism”
o Didn’t worry about the chores
o Don’t mock
o Stick up for each other
Social Graces that Impact Business Relationships
#1: Listen Up
It is critical to be a better listener than talker. Listening is one of the hardest skills to
master in life. Our brains are wired to always be on, sifting through new ideas, making opinions
and calculating our next move. It takes practice to “manage” all of that activity and just listen. It
doesn’t mean you have to be silent. Social graces remind us to pay attention, don’t interrupt and
let others speak. First impressions are often based on our ability to listen. Read more on this
topic in Listen Up or Lose Out.
Goal: Be a Better Listener.

#2: Make Eye Contact

The inability to make eye contact is probably what loses more people’s interest in the
first 10 seconds than any other social grace. Maintaining eye contact in direct communications
shows you are interested in what the other person is saying. Be careful not to make it awkward
or stare. Not all first contacts are made face-to-face; however, a good tip is to assume they are
watching you through whatever device you are using. Imagine they can see where you are

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looking and how well you are paying attention. Sit up, focus on the conversation and talk directly
into the speaker. Eliminate all distractions.
Goal: Give Everyone Your Full Attention.

#3: Be On Time
Provide the best opportunity for making a great first impression by being on time. Aim for
five minutes early in all cases. Being on time is the costliest way to lose opportunities and harm
relationships, even before they start. Every second you leave someone waiting is a second they
are building up another reason why they are not interested in what you have to say. This applies
to meetings over the phone, online or in-person. Being on time shows respect and that you care
about the relationship.
Goal: Be the First to Arrive.

#4: Remember Names

It’s all in a name. If you show the lack of attention to remember a person’s name, you
probably will lack the attention to detail required to achieve the goals in the relationship. Paying
attention during introductions, writing down a person’s name and collecting their information are
critical for fostering any relationship. You are better asking someone to repeat their name, then
calling them the wrong name or calling them the generic “you” because you neglected to
remember their name.
Goal: Get the Name Right.
“The success in remembering names depends upon the effort you put into it”

#5: Ignore Hearsay/Rumor

We all know how important it is to not judge others. There are many that find their lot in
life to influence others with their opinions or share idle hearsay. It is not acceptable for justifying
why you do or do not engage in a business relationship. In leadership, one of the biggest
mistakes you can make is listening to gossip, chatter, noise and other’s unsolicited judgments in
lieu of gathering your own facts and making your own first impressions. He said, she said, they
said has no place in business. This does not mean you ignore fair and critical input, it simply
means to use “facts” and your own experiences to determine the value in your potential
Goal: Get the Facts.

#6: Pass on Aggressive

One sure way to prevent any relationship from moving forward is being passive-
aggressive. It is probably the #1 business communications violation. This doesn’t mean you
should not speak up or participate in the conversation. In fact, not purposely withholding or
participating in the conversation can also be a passive-aggressive behavior. Eliminate
conversation roadblocks, such as: talking over people, negativity, ‘mansplaining’, interrupting
others or giving back-handed compliments. When you begin a sentence, “You always…,” you
have entered the danger zone. “Just kidding,” tells others you probably meant exactly what you

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said. Explaining the obvious is one way to shut down any 2-way dialogue. Aggressive has no
place in social graces.
Goal: Avoid Stubborn ‘Know How’

Dining Etiquette & Table Manners

The question constantly arises, “Why are table etiquette and table manners so
important?” Simply put, understanding proper table etiquette and practicing good table manners
are in part what makes us civil human beings. Eating is not only a necessity, it is a ritual of
sharing our well-being and extending respect and courtesy toward our fellow man. With our
family, friends and business associates dining is a major event that demonstrates our civility and
our education. We all observe how other people act and we make judgments, whether positive
or negative, on their behavior. Our practice of table etiquette is a reflection of our “breeding”, not
in the sense of genetics, but in how we have been educated. Violation of this etiquette has
always held a negative connotation, for nowhere is the measure of our humanity more clearly
displayed than at the table

Dining Etiquette
“It’s about being comfortable and making others comfortable”
Start from the outside and work your way in. When faced with a full setting of silverware,
feel confident by starting with the outermost utensils and work your way in through each course.
Try this clever tip to remember where your bread plate and drink are located. With your
thumb and forefingers create a “b” for bread with your left hand, and a “d” for drink in your right
Placing the napkin in your lap is the first thing you do when seated at a table. It is
respectful to wait for the host or hostess to place their napkin on their lap first. We recommend
folding the napkin into a large triangle or rectangle, giving yourself several clean surfaces to
work with in case you soil one side. Never crumple your napkin into a ball or wear your napkin
as a bib. Whenever you leave the table in an informal setting, you may place your neatly folded
napkin to the left of your place setting.

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When eating bread, muffins or rolls, break off and eat one small piece at a time. If there
is a community butter dish, take just enough for yourself and place it on your bread plate. You
do not want to continually dip your bread knife into the community butter dish. Breaking bread
stems from many different historical and religious origins. Breaking bread was referenced as far
back as the Talmud. During Medieval times, all the scraps from court were collected at the end
of the meal and given to the poor.
Salt and pepper should never be separated from one another. Salt and pepper are like
penguins—black and white and together for life. Even if an individual only asks for just one,
always give them both. Salt and pepper shakers should be held at the base, making sure your
fingers are not anywhere near the tops. When passing the salt and pepper, set them down
between you and the person to your right.
Soup should always be ladled away from you in a small scooping motion. You may not
pick up and drink your soup unless it meets both of the following criteria: 1. The soup is served
in a small cup without a large lip around the outside. 2. All of the solids (vegetables, chicken,
etc.) must be gone with only the broth left. When finished, your soup spoon should be placed on
the plate that the soup was served on as illustrated to the left. Never leave your spoon sitting in
the empty bowl.

Holding Your Silverware

There are only TWO correct ways to hold, and TWO ways to use your silverware. Using
your knife and fork, practice the two different methods described below and determine which
one is most comfortable.

 Scalpel Method
Hold the utensil like you would a surgeon’s scalpel. The tines of the utensil
should face downward. Your pointer finger will press on the back of the neck and the end
of the handle should be touching the center of your palm. Your remaining fingers grasp
the utensil to hold it in place.

 Pencil Method
Hold the utensil like you would a pencil. It should be resting between the tips of
your pointer finger and middle finger with your thumb on top to hold it in place. The end

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of the utensil should be resting on the webbing of your hand.

Pass to the right, PLEASE!

Pass condiments, serving trays, and salt and pepper to the right. The only exception is if
the person who is asking for an item is to your immediate left. U.F.O. An “Unidentified Food
Object” should be removed from your mouth using the same utensil you used to put it in your
mouth. Once discreetly removed, the object may be placed on the side of your plate. Never
place a U.F.O. in your napkin.
Tall Tales for the Table
1. If your place setting includes only one knife, which you use to cut your salad, you should
return it to the table to use with your entree.
False. You should never put dirty utensils back onto the tablecloth. It stains the
cloth and ruins the look of the table. If you have used a knife for your salad, place it on
the right side of your salad plate, with the blade facing toward you. If the server asks you
to keep your knife, they may place it on the tablecloth or the bread plate. If the server
takes your knife, they will provide you with another one. Do not try to eat your main
course without a knife.
2. A place plate or charger is used to protect the tablecloth from food droppings.
True. The place plate or charger is a decorative plate. One of its uses is to catch
food and prevent it from staining the tablecloth.
3. At a formal event if you are served French fries as a side dish, you should use your knife and
fork to eat them.
True. French fries are considered a side dish that may be eaten with the fingers.
However, if you are served fries at a formal function, you should use your utensils to eat
them. Finger foods that are messy will be accompanied by a finger bowl. This is used for
rinsing the tips of the fingers only. You would then dry your fingers with your napkin.
4. Both hands should be used to squeeze lemon into your tea.
True. You use one hand to squeeze a lemon and the other hand to cover the
lemon, so that you do not accidentally squirt lemon juice into someone’s eye.
5. Sugar packages should be placed on the table or under your bread plate.
False. You always want to keep the table looking as attractive as possible, but it
is not necessary to hide your sugar packets. We suggest you place them on the edge of
your coffee saucer, if you have one, or on the edge of your bread plate.

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6. You should excuse yourself from the table to remove a bone from your mouth.
False. A bone is removed from your mouth with the same utensil used to eat it. If
you used your fork to eat a piece of chicken or fish, for example, then you would roll the
bone off your tongue onto your fork and set the bone on the side of your plate. Lifting
your fork to your mouth is a normal action at the table and should not call attention to
you while you are removing an object. If you are eating finger foods, such as chicken
wings, you would remove the bone with your fingers and place it on the side of your
plate. You should consider if others might find it unappetizing. In this case you would
excuse yourself and remove it in privacy of the restroom.
7. You should tell others in a discreet manner if they have food between their teeth.
True. While it would not be polite to tell someone if something is in their teeth in
front of the whole table, causing them further embarrassment, it is appropriate to tell
someone quietly. They would probably appreciate knowing, instead of going through the
entire meal completely unaware. If you found out later that you had food in your teeth
through the whole meal, you would be more embarrassed than if you were notified
8. If you have a piece of food stuck between your teeth, you should request a toothpick from the
False. You should NEVER remove food from your teeth at the table. You may
ask for a toothpick on your way to the restroom, if necessary, but you would not want to
pick your teeth or call attention to your problem at the dining table.
9. It is acceptable to burp or sneeze at the table as long as you cover your mouth.
True. Burping and sneezing are normal body functions and it is considered bad
for your digestion to hold in a burp. These things often catch you by surprise as well, and
cannot always be avoided. The important thing is to burp or sneeze as quietly as
possible with your napkin over your mouth, and away from the table. If someone at your
table accidentally burps loudly, ignore it and continue on with the conversation. It is
impolite to point out others’ breach of etiquette. If you are going to have a sneezing fit,
you should excuse yourself, so you do not disturb the meal. NEVER blow your nose at
the table.

10. When finished eating, it is fine to excuse yourself from the table.

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False. You should wait until the host or hostess has indicated an end to the
meal and all the people at your table have finished eating.
11. You should alert your host/hostess as soon as you arrive at the party to any food allergies
you may have.
False. You should have notified your host or hostess when you responded to the
invitation, at least a week in advance. This gives your host or hostess time to plan
something special for you that you would enjoy. If you fail to mention it before the party,
it is too late. You should eat what you can of what is served to you.
12. If you find a fly or hair in your food, you should immediately tell your server and request a
new meal.
True. If you have been served food with a foreign object in it, you are entitled to a
brand new plate of food and a restaurant is obligated to provide that to you. You do not,
however, want to make a scene at the table. You should tell your server quietly and
without a lot of fuss.
13. If you are unhappy with your server, you should tell them right away so they can fix the
False. If you are unhappy with the service at a restaurant, you should talk to the
manager. It could be that your food was delayed due to a problem in the kitchen. In any
case, you will get the fastest and best response from the manager.
14. If you drop your fork under the table, you should retrieve it discreetly.
False. If a utensil falls on the floor you should leave it there. Especially if it has
gone under the table, you do not want to crawl under the table to get it. Ask your server
for a clean utensil.
15. You should point out breaches of etiquette by others for the good of everyone.
False. It is bad etiquette to point out others’ mistakes at the table. Simply
continue to behave in the correct manner. Hopefully others will learn by your good
16. It is acceptable to rearrange place cards if you are not sitting with your friends.
False. Your host or hostess has gone to the trouble of arranging the seating to
be the most comfortable for everyone. This takes time and planning. You would not want
to disregard this effort by changing the arrangements.
Table Manners

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Regardless of where you are eating, proper etiquette at the table is important. Even when
it's just you and your family having a meal together, you still want to set an example for your kids.

Dining Out
Although dining out has become more casual, it still isn't acceptable to talk with your
mouth full of food, rock the table with your elbows, or interfere with other diners' experiences by
displaying improper etiquette. It's important to follow certain manners guidelines in both formal
settings and fast food restaurants.
Learn Table Manners Basics
Table manners are important in both professional and social situations, so it's a good idea
to know some basics. There may be some slight variations, depending on your region and what is
locally acceptable. So if you are at a dinner party, pay close attention to the host or hostess and
take cues from them. Using proper etiquette at the table will also help you socially and
professionally in a restaurant or in someone's home.

Before the Dinner

If you are invited to have dinner with someone, it is always a good idea to respond.
helps with planning. Don’t ask if you can bring extra guests if the invitation doesn’t make the
offer. However, if your family is invited to someone’s home for dinner, it is okay to ask if your
children are included. If they are, make sure your children know good manners before they go.

Getting Started
Some dinner parties are formal and have place cards where the host or hostess wants
you to sit. If not, ask if there are seating preferences. Wait until the host sits before you do. In
some cultures, a blessing will be said. Even if you don’t follow the beliefs of the prayer, show
respect and be silent. If the host offers a toast, lift your glass. It is not necessary to “clink”
someone else’s glass.

When to Eat
If you are eating out, you should wait until all the members of your group have been
served before picking up your fork. At a private dinner, observe the host or hostess and pick up
your fork when he or she does. However, if you are at a buffet, you may start when there are
others seated at your table.

One of the most common issues to confuse today’s diners is which utensil to use for
each course. A typical rule of thumb is to start with the utensil that is farthest from your plate

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and work your way toward the center of your place setting. If you see the host or hostess doing
something different, you may follow his or her lead. The important thing is to remain as
inconspicuous as possible. You don't want to call negative attention to yourself.

For dinners where food is served at the table, the dishes should be passed in a counter-
clockwise flow. Never reach across the table for anything. Instead, ask that condiments be
passed from the person closest to the item. Salt and pepper should be passed together. Always
use serving utensils and not your own to lift food from the serving dish.

Table manners were designed to keep people from scarfing food down like animals, so
learn them before you eat with others. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that
you should never call attention to yourself by blatantly breaking the rules set by society.

Here are some essential dining etiquette rules that you should follow:

 Turn off your cell phone before sitting down. It is rude to talk on your phone or text while in the
company of others.
 Never talk when you have food in your mouth. That’s just gross. Even if someone asks you a
question, wait until you swallow before answering.
 Taste your food before you add salt, pepper, or other seasoning. Doing otherwise may be
insulting to the host or hostess. If you are dining with a prospective employer, the person may
perceive you as someone who acts without knowing the facts.
 Don’t cut all your food before you begin eating. Cut one or two bites at a time.
 Never blow on your food. If it is hot, wait a few minutes for it to cool off. Scoop your soup away
from you.
 Some foods are meant to be eaten with your fingers. Follow the lead of the host or hostess.
 If you are drinking from a stemmed glass, hold it by the stem.
 Break your bread into bite-sized pieces and butter only one bite at a time.
 Try at least one or two bites of everything on your plate, unless you are allergic to it.
 Compliment the hostess if you like the food, but don’t voice your opinion if you don’t.
 Use your utensils for eating, not gesturing.
 Keep your elbows off the table. Rest the hand you are not using in your lap.
 Eat slowly and pace yourself to finish at the same approximate time as the host or hostess.
 Avoid burping or making other rude sounds at the table.
 If you spill something at a restaurant, signal one of the servers to help. If you spill something at
a private dinner party in someone’s home, pick it up and blot the spill. Offer to have it
professionally cleaned if necessary.
 When you finish eating, leave your utensils on your plate or in your bowl.
 Never use a toothpick or dental floss at the table.
 You may reapply your lipstick, but don’t freshen the rest of your makeup at the table.

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After the Meal
After you finish eating, partially fold your napkin and place it to the left of your plate. Wait until
the host or hostess signals that the meal is over, and then you may stand. After the meal is
over, don’t eat and run. If nothing is planned after dinner, stick around for approximately an hour
before saying good-bye to the host and thanking him or her for the dinner. If the event is
informal, you may offer to help clean up.
Always send the host or hostess a thank you note or card in the mail, and don’t wait more than
a day or two after the event. Address the host or hostess, thank him or her for the lovely dinner,
and add another short, positive comment to show your appreciation. Your note may be brief but
Thank You Notes
It takes only a minute to write a quick note, but the reward is much greater than a verbal
“thank you” or phone call. As a general rule, if someone spends more than 15-20 minutes doing
something for you, a handwritten thank you note is appropriate. Your note should be sent in a
timely fashion, however better late than never.
Your note should include:
A formal greeting and salutation - A display of gratitude - Something unique, special or
memorable about the event, gift or gesture - Details that show you remember the party and had
a good time

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Communication Skills
What is communication skills?
Communication skills are abilities you use when giving and receiving different kinds of
information. While these skills may be a regular part of your day-to-day work life, communicating
in a clear, effective and efficient way is an extremely special and useful skill. Learning from
great communicators around you and actively practicing ways to improve your communications
over time will certainly support your efforts to achieve various personal and professional goals.
Communication skills involve listening, speaking, observing and empathizing. It is also
helpful to understand the differences in how to communicate through face-to-face interactions,
phone conversations and digital communications, like email and social media.
4 Types of communication
There are four main types of communication you might use on a daily basis, including:
1. Verbal:
Communicating by way of a spoken language (using tone and pitch of voice).
2. Nonverbal:
Communicating by way of body language, facial expressions and vocalics (using sign
language and body gestures).
3. Written:

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Communicating by way of written language, symbols and numbers (using printed or
digital media such as books, magazines, websites or emails).
4. Visual:
Communication by way of photography, art, drawings, sketches, charts and graphs
(using logos, maps, charts or graphs).

Communication Process

1. Sender - the source of the message

2. Message - the information passed from one person to another
3. Receiver – the one who takes the message
(Noise is of one of the barriers in communication)
Importance of Communication Skills
Communication is the lifeblood of an organization. There are different types of
communication skills you can learn and practice to help you become an effective communicator.
Many of these skills work together in different contexts, so it’s important to practice them
together when possible. The ability to communicate effectively with superiors, colleagues, and
staff is essential, no matter what industry you work in. Workers in the digital age must know how
to effectively convey and receive messages in person as well as via phone, email, and social

10 Communication Skills for Career Success

1. Active listening
Active listening means paying attention to the person who is communicating with you.
People who are active listeners are well-regarded by their coworkers because of the respect
they pay to those around them. While it seems simple, this is a skill that can be challenging to
develop and improve. You can be an active listener by focusing on the speaker, avoiding

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distractions like cell phones, laptops or other projects, and by preparing questions, comments or
ideas to thoughtfully respond.
One great way to be a better listener is to focus on what people you’re interacting with are
actually saying. In addition to the content of their communications, you should also pay attention to their
facial expressions, body language and tone. Instead of preparing what you will say next, simply take in
what they are saying. If you need a moment to digest what they’ve communicated, simply ask them for
a moment to think and prepare a thoughtful response.
2. Adapting your communication style to your audience
Different styles of communication are appropriate in different situations. To make the
best use of your communication skills, it’s important to consider your audience and the most
effective format to communicate with them in.
For example, if you are communicating with a potential employer, it may be better
to send a formal email or call them on the phone. Depending on the situation, you may even
need to send a formal, typed letter over other forms of communication. In the workplace, you
may find it’s easier to communicate complex information in person or via a video conference
than in a long, dense email.
3. Friendliness
Friendly characteristics such as honesty and kindness can help foster trust and
understanding. The same characteristics are important in workplace relationships. When you’re
working with others, approach your interactions with a positive attitude, keep an open mind and
ask questions to help you understand where they’re coming from. Small gestures such as
asking someone how they’re doing, smiling as they speak or offering praise for work well done
can help you foster productive relationships with both colleagues and managers.
It is also a friendly gesture to remember details about conversations you’ve had with
colleagues. For example, if a colleague tells you their child’s birthday is soon and you connect
with them again later, you might ask them how their child’s birthday celebrations went.
4. Confidence
In the workplace, people are more likely to respond to ideas that are presented with
confidence. There are many ways to appear confident, including by making eye contact when
you’re addressing someone, sitting up straight with your shoulders open and preparing ahead of
time so your thoughts are polished and you’re able to answer any questions. Confident
communication comes in handy not just on the job but also during the job interview process.
5. Giving and receiving feedback
Strong communicators are able to accept critical feedback and provide constructive input
to others. Feedback should answer questions, provide solutions or help strengthen the project
or topic at hand. Providing and accepting feedback is an essential workplace skill, as it can help

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both you and the people around you make meaningful improvements to their work and their
professional development.
A great way to learn how to give feedback is to take notes from others on the feedback
they offer you. When you come across a well-explained piece of feedback, take some time to
observe and analyze why it was good, why it resonated with you and how you might apply those
skills in the future.
6. Volume and clarity
When you’re speaking, it’s important to be clear and audible. Adjusting your speaking
voice so you can be heard in a variety of settings is a skill, and it’s critical to communicating
effectively. Speaking too loudly may be disrespectful or awkward in certain settings. If you’re
unsure, read the room to see how others are communicating.
Another aspect of verbal communication is vocalics and tonality. This involves the way in
which your tone moves up and down, your pitch, your accent pattern and the spaces you place
between phrases. Such details can be effective in communicating emotions and offer your
audience insights into how your message should be interpreted (whether you realize it or not).
7. Empathy
Having empathy means that you can not only understand, but also share in the emotions
of others. This communication skill is important in both team and one-on-one settings. In both
cases, you will need to understand other people’s emotions and select an appropriate response.
For example, if someone is expressing anger or frustration, empathy can help you acknowledge
and diffuse their emotion. At the same time, being able to understand when someone is feeling
positive and enthusiastic can help you get support for your ideas and projects.
8. Respect
A key aspect of respect is knowing when to initiate communication and respond. In a
team or group setting, allowing others to speak without interruption is seen as a necessary
communication skill tied to respectfulness. Respectfully communicating also means using your
time with someone else wisely—staying on topic, asking clear questions and responding fully to
any questions you’ve been asked.
9. Understanding nonverbal cues
A great deal of communication happens through nonverbal cues such as body language,
facial expressions and eye contact. When you’re listening to someone, you should be paying
attention to what they’re saying as well as their nonverbal language. By the same measure, you
should be conscious of your own body language when you’re communicating to ensure you’re
sending appropriate cues to others.

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10. Responsiveness
Whether you’re returning a phone call or sending a reply to an email, fast
communicators are viewed as more effective than those who are slow to respond. One method
is to consider how long your response will take: is this a request or question you can answer in
the next five minutes?
Communicating effectively in the workplace

 Be clear and concise. Making your message as easy to consume as possible reduces
the chance of misunderstandings, speeds up projects and helps others quickly
understand your goals. Instead of speaking in long, detailed sentences, practice reducing
your message down to its core meaning.
 Practice empathy. Understanding your colleague’s feelings, ideas and goals can help
you when communicating with them. For example, you might need help from other
departments to get a project started. If they are not willing to help or have concerns,
practicing empathy can help you position your message in a way that addresses their
 Assert yourself. At times, it is necessary to be assertive to reach your goals whether you
are asking for a raise, seeking project opportunities or resisting an idea you don’t think
will be beneficial. While presenting with confidence is an important part of the workplace,
you should always be respectful in conversation. Keeping an even tone and providing
sound reasons for your assertions will help others be receptive to your thoughts.
 Be calm and consistent. When there is a disagreement or conflict, it can be easy to
bring emotion into your communications. It is important to remain calm when
communicating with others in the workplace. Be aware of your body language by not
crossing your arms or rolling your eyes. Maintaining consistent body language and
keeping an even tone of voice can help you reach a conclusion peacefully and
 Use and read body language. Body language is a key part of communications in the
workplace. Pay close attention to the messages people are sending with their facial
expressions and movements. You should also pay close attention to the way you might
be communicating (intentionally or not) with your own body language.

“Effective communication is more than just speaking and writing well. It means choosing
words carefully and knowing when to talk and when it is better to remain silent”

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Week 10
Customer Service
What Is Customer Service?
Customer service is the support you offer your customers — both before and after they
buy and use your products or services — that helps them have an easy and enjoyable
experience with you. Offering amazing customer service is important if you want to retain
customers and grow your business. Today’s customer service goes far beyond the traditional
telephone support agent. It’s available via email, web, text message, and social media. Many
companies also provide self-service support, so customers can find their own answers at any
time day or night. Customer support is more than just providing answers; it’s an important part
of the promise your brand makes to its customers.
Why is customer service important to the success of your business?
Customer service is critical to competing effectively. In the past, people chose which
companies they did business with based on price, or the product or service offered, but today
the overall experience is often the driver.
What is good customer service?
Ultimately, the human elements of customer service are what really defines good
customer service. Customers expect fast replies, on the channels of their choice—but that's
table stakes. Winning customer experiences are about how a customer feels they are being
treated. For example, if a customer has to repeat themselves while being bounced between
different departments or waiting on hold, they aren't going to feel heard or that their time was
Excellent customer service is when a company exceeds a customer's expectations. This
might include delivering proactive support and anticipating customers' needs or getting ahead of
a problem before it happens. It can also mean going the extra mile to build deep customer
Customer service can either make or break your reputation. It’s no surprise that as
today’s social, mobile consumers have grown accustomed to getting what they want, when they
want it, their expectations have risen accordingly. What’s more, today’s customers are quick to
share negative experiences online, where they can quickly reach large audiences. It’s more
important than ever to support customers on every channel from day one and establish what
good customer service looks like internally and externally.

8 ways to provide excellent customer service

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Since customer service is a key driver of business success, it’s time for businesses to
stop thinking of support as a cost center, and start recognizing customer service for what it is:
an opportunity waiting to happen.
Every person or company will have their own definition of what good customer service
means. No matter how you define it, these eight tried-and-true customer service principles
can help you transform your support operations.
 Work as a team
 Listen and share
 Friendly, empathetic support
 Be honest
 Improve empathy
 Deep product knowledge
 Timeliness
 Identify ways to improve processes


Customer service is a team sport — and not just for your customer support team.
Accept that you'll never have a perfect grasp of every issue coming into the support
center. Keep up with the big picture by maintaining open lines of communication with
your team. And train every employee on your help desk software so they can all pitch in
during busy times. Sure, you’ll want to pass highly technical cases to the experts, but
everyone needs to be able to help out. Successful startups can tell you that when
everyone spends time on the front lines, it’s easier to stay aligned around customers and
maintain service levels when things get busy.
There's nothing like talking to a support agent who really listens on all cylinders.
Take time to understand issues and how they affect the customer's business. When
people know you value their needs, they're more likely to stay with your brand.
Encourage service agents to ask questions when interacting with customers. The more
your agents know about your customers and their needs, the more of an asset those
agents are to both your company and your customers. Your customer support team can
also be an amazing source of product innovation. Some successful startups have the
customer support team present customer feedback at every company meeting.
Robots are cool, but people would rarely choose to have a conversation with
one. Show customers you aren't a machine. At the end of the day it's how you make
people feel that matters the most. Don’t be afraid to add personality to your service, and

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encourage agents to add it to their emails. Or to fill the quiet time when they need to pull
up account information by asking customers how the weather is or who their favourite
sports teams are — basically anything that adds a personal, friendly face to your support
Nobody likes being lied to. A customer can't expect anything more than the truth.
When you maintain an open dialogue and keep your customer informed at all times,
you'll earn their commitment to your business. If your agents aren't sure how to
troubleshoot a problem, it's okay for them to let the customer know they’ll get in touch
with the right person and circle back when they have an answer. Maintain an open
dialogue with your customers and keep them informed at all times; it’ll earn your
customers’ respect and commitment.
Put yourself in the customers' shoes, especially in tough situations. Not only will
customers appreciate it; your empathy will become a competitive advantage. A company
cannot be successful with a culture of apathy. Your service agents especially must
master the lost art of empathy to deliver effective customer service. Ask agents to put
themselves in the shoes of the customer when working on a case. Their empathy will
show, and customers will appreciate them for it.
The more your customer support team knows about your product, the better
they’ll be at servicing it. Make training a key part of your customer support operations.
Some companies onboard every new employee — not just their sales reps — with a
one-week product boot camp to ensure they know their products inside and out. Be sure
to prepare them for every new release, too.
Customers hate to wait. They gain confidence when you respond quickly and
solve their problems for good, and then are more likely to have an ongoing relationship
with your brand.
So give your agents the tools they need to support customers as efficiently as
possible. After all, reducing the time it takes to assist a customer directly reduces the
time other customers must wait, too. At the same time, be sure to motivate agents to
solve each problem completely; speed is important, but resolution times should never
trump customer satisfaction.

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Seeing the same issues time and again? It may be that there’s an issue with your
product or service, and you need to alert other teams to fix it. Or it may be a problem
with your manuals or support content. Dig into what's unclear and update your
knowledge base or FAQs. By clarifying your messaging, you can reduce contacts for
many repetitive issues and improve customer satisfaction. Be sure to track any drop in
service load and share your results.

End of Tenth Week


Psychological Basis of Personality Development
Personality is something that people tend to think a lot about us. When we meet new
people, whether through work, school, or social events, it is often their personality on which we
immediately focus. Whether they are nice, helpful, outgoing, or shy are just a few of the things
that we assess as we evaluate the people around us.
What Is Personality Development?
It is our personality that makes us who we are, but how exactly do our personalities
form? Personality development has been a major topic of interest for some of the most
prominent thinkers in psychology. Since the inception of psychology as a separate science,
researchers have proposed a variety of ideas to explain how and why personality develops.
Personality development refers to how the organized patterns of behavior that make up each
person's unique personality emerge over time. Many factors go into influencing personality,
including genetics, environment, parenting, and societal variables.
Key Theories
Our personalities make us unique, but how does personality develop? How exactly do
we become who we are today? What factors play the most important role in the formation of
personality? Can personality ever change?

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To answer this question, many prominent theorists developed theories to describe
various steps and stages that occur on the road of personality development. The following
theories focus on various aspects of personality development, including cognitive, social, and
moral development.
Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development
In addition to being one of the best-known thinkers in the area of personality
development, Sigmund Freud remains one of the most controversial. In his well-known
stage theory of psychosexual development, Freud suggested that personality develops in
stages that are related to specific erogenous zones. Failure to complete these stages, he
suggested, would lead to personality problems in adulthood.
Freud’s Structural Model of Personality
Freud not only theorized about how personality developed over the course of childhood, but
he also developed a framework for how overall personality is structured. According to Freud, the
basic driving force of personality and behavior is known as the libido. This libidinal energy fuels
the three components that make up personality: the id, ego and superego.
 The id is the aspect of personality present at birth. It is the most primal part of the
personality and drives people to fulfill their most basic needs and urges.

 The ego is the aspect of personality charged with controlling the urges of the id and
forcing it to behave in realistic ways.
 The superego is the final aspect of personality to develop and contains all of the ideals,
morals, and values imbued by our parents and culture. This part of personality attempts
to make the ego behave according to these ideals. The ego must then moderate
between the primal needs of the id, the idealistic standards of the superego and reality.

Freud's concept of the id, ego, and superego has gained prominence in popular culture,
despite a lack of support and considerable skepticism from many researchers. According to
Freud, it is the three elements of personality that work together to create complex human
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development
Erik Erikson’s eight-stage theory of human development is one of the best-known
theories in psychology. While the theory builds on Freud’s stages of psychosexual development,
Erikson chose to focus on how social relationships impact personality development. The theory
also extends beyond childhood to look at development across the entire lifespan.
At each stage of psychosocial development, people face a crisis in which a task must be
mastered. Those who successfully complete each stage emerge with a sense of mastery and

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well-being. Those who do not resolve the crisis at each stage may struggle with those skills for
the remainder of their lives.
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development remains one of the most frequently cited
in psychology, despite being subject to considerable criticism. While many aspects of his theory
have not stood the test of time, the central idea remains important today: children think
differently than adults.
According to Piaget, children progress through a series of four stages that are marked
by distinctive changes in how they think. How children think about themselves, others, and the
world around them plays an important role in the formation of personality.
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
Lawrence Kohlberg developed a theory of personality development that focused on the
growth of moral thought. Building on a two-stage process proposed by Piaget, Kohlberg
expanded the theory to include six different stages.
The theory has been criticized for a number of different reasons. One primary criticism is
that it does not accommodate different genders and cultures equally, Kohlberg’s theory remains
important in our understanding of how personality develop.

Personality involves not only inborn traits but also the development of cognitive and
behavioral patterns that influence how people think and act. Temperament is a key part of the
personality that is determined by inherited traits.
Character is an aspect of personality influenced by experience that continues to grow
and change throughout life. While personality continues to evolve over time and respond to the
influences and experiences of life, much of personality is determined by inborn traits and early
childhood experiences.

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End of Eleventh Week

Week 12
Motivations and Emotions
Motivations and Emotions
These two are not stable and permanent features of the individual, as they are
influenced by a multitude of casual variables. Although always interconnected, the links
between emotions and motivation may be analyzed from two perspectives:

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1. Emotional needs are part of the motivation (emotion influences motivation)

2. The motivation process can generate different states of affect (motivation influences

Abraham Maslow, a leader in the development of humanistic psychology, classified motives

and constructed hierarchy of needs, ascending from the basic biological needs to the most
complex psychological motives. The figure.01 below shows Abraham Maslow’s Hierachy of

Figure. 01


as per one definition is “the willingness to put effort into achieving goals”. This motivating
mechanism can be called many things--a habit, a belief, a desire, an instinct, a need, an interest, a
compulsion, or a drive--but no matter what its label, it is this motivation that prompts us to take
action. Indeed, the motivation comes from the verb "to move."

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Why do you want to be successful?
 Positive thinking can be beneficial to our health.
 Optimism, self-efficacy, and hardiness all relate to positive health outcomes.
 Happiness is determined in part by genetic factors, but also by the experience of social
 People may not always know what will make them happy.
 Material wealth plays only a small role in determining happiness.

These are result from the satisfaction and non-satisfaction of a motive. Emotions are
strong feelings of some kind accompanied by highly complex changes in the body itself, like,
weakness in the knees trembling and ‘funny feelings’. Emotions are reactions to either
frustrations or satisfactions. If you are hungry and cannot find food, you get angry. When
satisfied, however, you are happy. Man inherits his physical equipment for emotional
expression, but learns the kind of emotional behavior that he demonstrates.
Kinds of Emotions
There are pleasant emotions, such as love, feelings of accomplishment, and affection;
there are also unpleasant emotions, as fear, anxiety, and anger.
LOVE. Love and affection are emotional responses which, if expressed in a positive way
form the basis for many of man’s greatest achievements. Love builds tolerance, self-sacrifice,
friendliness, and many other pleasant experiences, IF love is used negatively, it can result in
vanity, selfishness and deteriorate in to hate and jealousy.
Disappointment in love, causes hurt feelings.
How to Handle Your Hurt
Everyone is vulnerable at one time or another; no one can avoid all hurt. If you live life to
its fullest, you’re bound to encounter disappointment and rejection. On the other hand, getting
burned can help you grow into more sensitive and caring person.
Most people associate vulnerability (the capacity to be hurt by others) with weakness or
inadequacy. But there’s nothing wrong with feeling vulnerable, there’s no reason to fight the
It’s difficult for anyone to handle hurt, but teen-agers are especially susceptible.
How to Handle Your Anger?
When social motives are not satisfied, anger results. Some social motives are the need
to succeed and to be the best.

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Learning modifies the way that anger is expressed; one time he may fight and in another
he may use ugly language, or he may just leave walk out of the room. Anger also mean “loses
one’s temper.
What is anger?
Anger is a flash of rage you feel when a child defies you or a lover betrays a trust. It may
look like a burst of temper and the merest flicker of a frown. It may scarely visible.
“Can I control my anger?”
Yes, it’s possible to control showing your anger and that’s a good thing. We learn to
mask anger at an early age and get good at it, often without even being aware that we are doing
But we can’t control our feelings. Feelings come and go; the patterns they make which
are evident in our behavior, conscious and unconscious, illustrate who we are.
Although you can’t eliminate your feelings, you can temper them though ACCEPTANCE.
Recognizing and understanding why you feel what you feel is the first step toward mastering
Of all feelings, anger is perhaps the quickest, the least likely to mesh with how we’d like
to see ourselves, how we’d like to appear. The roots of anger the measure of intensity, go back
to childhood, when we were doubtless punished for it, or believed we should or might be.
Control Your Temper
A temper that’s allowed to burst in a wrong way in the wrong time can possibly cause
wreck relationships, destroy friendships and hassle for most of us.
This is why anger must be understood and managed properly or else it can cause wide
range of ailments. Feelings of suppressed anger ca not only play havoc on our nervous system
but produce certain chemical changes in the body. Then we become candidates for such
physical and emotional problems such as severe headaches, stomach disorders, skin eruptions,
exhaustion, nervous upsets and depression. This is why some of us need to have some
professional treatment to handle anger.
The Keys to Control
Experts in human behavior suggest you follow these key rules which can help you in reasonable
1. Watch your personal pressure gauge to make sure steam isn’t building up.
Are you accumulating hate against anyone or anything?

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 You have to talk the problem out with a close friend, teacher, or anybody you
trust. But it’s much better to go to the right source. A discussion with your
parents, bosses or friends where you explain what’s bothering you anf in turn
listen to their side, can help ease fiction and even remove it entirely.
 Talking-out sessions are especially important in the home, where parents and
young people, feeling themselves unable to remain silent, permitting frustrations
to reach can lead to danger levels. Candid conversations can help both sides to
see each other’s viewpoints more clearly.

2. Avoid situations that irritate you.

 When you faced with a scene that you feel could lead to an explosion, simply
walk away. Make a quick excuse, say anything but leave the field with potential
 If you can’t physically leave, withdraw figuratively. If you feel the anger rising, turn
your thoughts elsewhere for at least 10 seconds. Think of a sunset, a child on a
skateboard, happy thoughts --- anything that’s as different as possible from the
3. If you’re already mad and getting madder, turn down the rage harmlessly.
 1Anger is like a dynamite --- useful but dangerous. Knowing how to keep it where
it belongs, using it properly, and releasing it harmlessly, when necessary can
save you woe you neither need or want.

Conflict & Stress

Our motives are not easily satisfied, obstacles must be overcome, choices must be
made, and disappointments tolerated. Each of us develops characteristic ways of responding to
attempts to block our goals. These blockages are referred to as frustrations or stress.
Frustration occurs when progress toward a desired goal is block or delayed. Little
frustrations from traffic, crowded lines at the market, economic crisis, natural calamities are
examples of obstacles in the environment upon people. Sometimes these barriers stem from
our own limitations such as physical handicaps, lack of abilities, or goals that are too far beyond
the scope of ability of a person.
When two motives conflict, the satisfaction of one leads to the frustrations of the other.
Most conflicts involve goals that are simultaneously desirable and undesirable – both positive
and negative.
Approach & avoidance of conflicts

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This type indicates that the two motives operate somewhat differently. The closer you
get to an attractive object, the stronger your tendency is to approach it:
the closer you get to something unpleasant or fearful, the stronger your urge to run away. This
happens with couples who break up. Away from each other, negative feelings drive them apart.
Once the ambivalence is recognized, their attempts at reconciliation become understandable.
Defense Mechanisms
This refers to unconscious processes that defend a person against anxiety by distorting
reality in some way. These strategies do not change the condition, sees or thinks about them.
Thus, all defense mechanisms involve self- deception. They involve some sort of a mechanical
1. Denial – when an external reality is too unpleasant to face, an individual may deny that it
exists. Denying facts may be better than facing the reality. When a much- loved child of
a parent dies, the parent may pretend that child is still very much alive. Or where the child
is very sick, the parent may pretend nothing is wrong.
2. Repression – This is defense against internal threat. Memories that are too threatening are
excluded from conscious awareness. Cases of amnesia illustrate some aspects of
3. Rationalization – It is the assignment of logical motives to what we do, so that we seem to
have acted properly. We reach for a “good” reason rather than a “true” reason;
making up excuses that are usually plausible but do not tell the whole story.
4. Projection – This protects us from recognizing our own undesirable qualities by assigning
them to other people. It is also known as “pointing fingers to others” even if you know it
is your mistake. You cheat because other people do so. You are cruel to others because
people around you are cruel and unkind.

Some stressors are necessary for an individual to function normally. When life is
peaceful and quiet, people tend to become bored and seek excitement. In times of stress,
people tend to resort to behavior patterns that have worked in the past. The cautious become
more cautious and withdraw entirely; the aggressive person may lose control.
The personality characteristics of stress-resistant individuals are summarized by the
terms commitment, control, and challenge. Commitment to relationships with other people
provides social support in times pf stress. The sense of being in control of life’s events reflects
feelings of competency and also influences the way by which stressful events are appraised. On
the other hand, stress can be a forceful challenge to achieve more in life.
Stress affects not only the actual functioning of body systems but also the more subtle
process of aging. It is difficult for a worried, anxious person to look beautiful or to be efficient, no

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matter how well she may have developed her potentials. We can control the effects of stress
 Relaxation Exercise (mental & physical)
 Unwind tension
 Walking
 Watching sunrise (Sunrise is a natural stress reliever)
 Meditation (yoga or any mental exercises)
A regular spent time alone and in quiet can sustain health and reduce wrinkles. Take
time to stop worrying and be still. Relax and grow beautiful within.
Stress Bursting
1. Make lists – having a checklist for special events and schedules can make you feel
more organized and comfortable.
2. Breathe Deeply – Activities that involve deep breathing can help you achieve a state
profound rest. The mind is more alert and your potential for creativity is greater.
3. Blow off steam – Laughter, exercise, music, massage, sleep and even crying are all
ways to relieve stress.
4. Confront your stressors – Talk and think through what you’re feeling or you’ll end up
the symptoms not their cause.

5. Ease your spine – practice some great stress-relieving yoga poses

6. Use visualization – If an anxiety attack comes on, picture a simple image such as
that waves in the ocean. Focus on it until you can perceive the details

7. Count it out – close your eyes, focus on your breathing and tap each finger from
1 to 10.

8. Be a diplomat – criticism and controlling advice from relatives and friends can lead to
guilt, resentment or anger. Try to avoid opinions that will not benefit you.

9. Get you SLEEP – Anxiety leads to insomnia, which leads to further anxiety. Avoid
stimulants such as coffee, chocolate, tea, sugar and exercise within 3hrs before

10. Take it in stride – Don’t expect perfection on bit day. Have helpers on hand to deal
with any problems and try to go with the flow.


 Focus on happy, beautiful thoughts

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 Cultivate a positive attitude
 Develop the spiritual side of your nature
 Reserve some time for quiet meditation
 Develop relaxation skills.
 Recognize that physical health affects mental health – be sure to provide your
body with adequate nutrition, exercise and rest
 Seek professional counseling if your problems are too much for you to handle

End of Twelfth Week 

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Week 13
How would you define your values?
Before you answer this question, you need to know what, in general, values are. Your
values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work.

They should determine your priorities, and, deep down, they're probably the measures
you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to.

When the things that you do and the way you behave match your values, life is usually
good – you're satisfied and content. But when these don't align with your personal values, that's
when things feel “wrong”. This can be a real source of unhappiness.

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This is why making a conscious effort to identify your values is so important.

How Values Help You?

Values exist, whether you recognize them or not. Life can be much easier when you
acknowledge your values – and when you make plans and decisions that honor them.

Values are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. They serve as a
guide for human behavior.

Generally, people are predisposed to adopt the values that they are raised with. People
also tend to believe that those values are “right” because they are the values of their particular
culture. Ethical decision-making often involves weighing values against each other and
choosing which values to elevate. Conflicts can result when people have different values,
leading to a clash of preferences and priorities.

Some values have intrinsic worth, such as love, truth, and freedom. Other values, such
as ambition, responsibility, and courage, describe traits or behaviors that are instrumental as
means to an end. Still other values are considered sacred and are moral imperatives for those
who believe in them. Sacred values will seldom be compromised because they are perceived as
duties rather than as factors to be weighed in decision-making. However, values are universally
recognized as a driving force in ethical decision-making.

Values & Morals

Morality is the foundation of every human society. Without civic morality, communities
perish. Without personal morality, human survival has no value. Every culture admits the values
and standard of behavior. When the moral foundation of a nation is threatened, then society
itself is threatened.

It is believed that the root of Philippine economic problems and political instability is the
weakness and corruption of the moral foundation of the society. There is an urgent need for
moral, intellectual, spiritual and economic recovery programs in the country. A positive vision is
a national character based on patriotism, unity, honesty and self-reliance. The academic

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community is an indispensable avenue and arm in creating moral community via character

Respect & Reverence

A good citizen acts respectfully towards his fellowmen because it is by giving respect,
we demonstrate that we are humans with proper breeding and etiquette.
To whom do we show respect?
1. Respect to our parents and relatives
2. Respect towards women, elders and superiors
3. Respect for our neighbors
4. Respect for people in authority
Punctuality & Promptness
We often hear people to refer “FILIPINO TIME” in being late in most of time. As good
citizens, we must be considerate of other people’s schedule and observe punctuality at all
times. Here are some times that will help you manage your time:
1. Make sure that your clock is synchronized with that of the one you are meeting with.
2. Consider your distance and travel time from your meeting place.
3. Do not commit to a meeting or set a deadline if you are not sure that you can make it on
4. Make it a habit to check your schedule for the next day before going to bed.
5. Consider creating a planner or organizer if you have a busy schedule
6. If for some unavoidable reason you cannot be at the appointed time, always notify the
person you are meeting with at the soonest possible time. Avoid keeping others waiting.
A good citizen must learn to be obedient whenever possible and necessary. Our actions
must be in accordance with laws, rules and regulations set by people in authority. In case we
violate these rules, we must be prepared to suffer the consequences of our actions and take the
corresponding sanctions.
1. Observance of governance laws.
2. Observance of school rules and regulations
3. Observance if religious morals.
4. Conformity to social etiquette.
We should always be ready to help and cooperate with other members of the society.
The spirit of BAYANIHAN runs in our blood streams. Cooperation is certainly a necessary

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especially in this age of globalization which calls for the nation to move as one as it competes
with the rest of the world.
Patriotism & Nationalism
Patriotism refers to the love of country while Nationalism refers to the love of
countrymen. We must always be ready to fight for the freedom and honor of both our
motherland and countrymen. We can also show our love by appreciating its beauty, protecting
our natural resources and fulfilling our duties and obligations as citizens.
Courage & Bravery
Our heroes fought and died so that we would be free. In return, we should also be brave
to confront all the challenges that the Filipino nation is facing right now.
The problem of poverty, hunger, unemployment, illiteracy, criminality and ecological
degradation are just some of the odds that we have to face as one nation. We need to start
moving as one to win this war. We must be brave enough to each other’s eyes to see the kind of
situation we have now and act on how to resolve it.
Be a REAL PERSON at the finish
Finish yourself! Be who you really are. Always show you true self and be confident about
To motivate you on this pursuit, here are five ways you can become the person who you
aspire to be:
1. Be authentic.
You cannot grow if you are not true to yourself. You have to be honest with yourself
about what you are passionate about and who it is you really want to be despite criticisms.
2. Have vision.
People’s dreams perish for lack of vision. Without having the idea in mind of who you
want to be, you will not know where or how to aim for it. Keep your vision top of mind as you
reach each milestone to motivate you to push forward.
3. Embrace a never-give-up attitude.
Curveballs will forever be coming your way as you pursue your dream. You might have
moments when you want to throw in the towel because you just can’t keep fighting all the
challenges and setbacks you encounter. But you have to push through and realize you really do
have everything you need to reach your full potential.

4. Remove the naysayers and self-doubt.

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Most people settle for less. And many of those same people will also convince you to settle for
less. That’s when that self-doubt invades your thoughts. You might have moments when you no
longer believe in your dreams—you have to push aside those moments, people and your own
self-limiting beliefs. Always move forward.
5. Believe in yourself.
As author Richard Bach once wrote, “You are never given a dream without also being
given the power to make it true.” So no matter how discouraged you might get at times, you
must know that if you can dream something, then you will always have everything in you to
make it come true. You just have to believe in yourself and your abilities to achieve what you set
your mind to.
The figure. 01 below shows tips on self- improvement

End of Thirteenth Week 

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Week 14
Filipino Values
Traditional Filipino Family Values that make us Distinct among Others
“Good morals and values start at home and a uniform won’t change that” - Jamie Sawyer

Majority of Philippine population is bonded together by common values and traits that
are first taught at home and being applied in our day to day lives.
Here are some of the family values Filipinos have:
1. Pagpapahalaga sa Pamilya (Family-oriented)
Filipinos are known for having strong and close family ties. They place high regard
and put importance on their family before anything else. They work all day and do all
they can to feed and provide for their family.
In other countries, when a person turned 18, he/she can live away from his/her
family. In the Philippines, they value their family so much that they keep them intact
through the years.
2. Respect
One of the precious things Filipinos have is that they are respectful. Young, youth,
people in all ages know how to show respect and courtesy. Some ways to show them
are the use of “Po at Opo”, “Pagmamano” or putting the back of an elder’s hand on your
forehead, and calling our older siblings or elders Ate or Kuya.

3. God-fearing

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Though we, Filipinos, belong to different religious groups, we all have God
(Supreme being) in our center. Filipino families sometimes go to church or pray together
with their family.
4. Pakikisama (Helping others)
Filipinos get along with different kinds of people. They can easily adjust to any
situation and are flexible. This trait fosters cooperation, good and helpful deeds. When
their neighbors are in trouble, they will help them in whatever they can. They also do not
let their family members go through hard times alone, instead, they help each other.
5. Hospitality
One of the most popular qualities Filipinos have is that they are very hospitable.
When there are visitors at home, they will do a lot of preparations for good entertainment
and accommodation so that they will feel at home and enjoy the stay. When there is an
occasion at home, there are a lot of food and you can expect to have take-outs (pabalot)
6. Utang na Loob (Debt of Gratitude)
This trait shows a sense of duty and responsibility. Filipinos know how to repay
other people. When someone helped us, we return the favors with goodness.
7. Love and Happiness
In a Filipino family, our parents usually cook for us, that’s what one of the ways on
how they show their love. Also, through good and bad times, Filipinos always find a way
to smile and be happy. Whatever the problem is, we are always reminded that our
family’s always there to love and support us no matter what.
Filipino values will prevail even if years will pass by. It will never be removed because it
serves as a distinction among other race. Definitely, it’s more fun in the Philippines and it’s the
best to be part of Filipino family.

End of Fourteenth Week 

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Week 15
You and Your Career
5 Essential Tips for Fresh Graduates Looking for a New Job
1. Be honest with yourself
Before you actually begin job hunting, working on your resume, or sending out an
application letter, ask yourself what is truly important to you in life.
Examine your values. Understanding what matters to you is a vital step as you consider
your career options. Does working near your family matter? Then you may want to not consider
options outside of the Philippines. Are you passionate about your creativity? Then perhaps a job
in Customer Service is not the best fit for you.
Your values are part of who you are, and focusing on the jobs that align with them – that
you can be passionate about – will make decisions about your career path and future easier.
2. Master your soft skills
Many potential employers place a high value on soft skills, sometimes caring more about
these than technical skills or even experience.
Communication is key in any workplace. The ability to express thoughts clearly is very
important in situations like project briefings, presentations, and meetings. Get involved in a
project with family or friends, like planning for a reunion to strengthen your communication skills.
3. Think like an entrepreneur
Innovation is important to many companies today, so fresh graduates who have an
entrepreneurial background or can think like one are important to them. You don’t have to have

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an actual business, but show that you can think outside the box. An entrepreneur handles
multiple responsibilities at the same time and has the skill set of a problem solver.
On social media, you can post about something that interests you while sharing your
ideas on how to make it a business. Consider writing and refining your ideas as training.
4. Research the job you want
When looking a new job, do research into the unique nature and demands of the job you
want as well as its industry. This will give you a more realistic appraisal and help manage your
expectations, and your other skills sets may be a big asset. For example, marketing jobs are not
just about your creative and social skills.
Go online and look for details on job requirements for the target position by finding a
direct description or by looking at a similar job. Knowing the minimum and preferred
requirements allows you to immediately see if your achievements align with the vacancies the
company is looking to fill.

5. Be smart and circle out when you search for jobs

One of the best strategies when looking for a new job is circle out. Approach your search
for a job in a logical manner. This means starting first with yourself and your immediate
connections then expanding your search outwards.
Think about who you know and what possible opportunities might exist. Ask family and
close friends – they could provide referrals to companies you may actually want to work for.

When you circle out, keep in mind that what works for some may not work for you. What
is important when seeking a job is to search both smartly and efficiently by making use of all of
your available resources.

Follow these tips in mind then go and get the job you truly want. Keep on dreaming and reaching
your dreams!

End of Fourteenth Week 

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