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1.3 Marketing Mix & Strategy

Question Paper

Course Edexcel A Level Business

Section 1. Marketing and People
Topic 1.3 Marketing Mix & Strategy
Difficulty Easy

Time allowed: 30

Score: /24

Percentage: /100

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Question 1
Read the following extracts (E to G) before answering
Explain how Pfizer could benefit from using a price skimming strategy
[4 marks]

Question 2
Read the following extracts (A to D) before answering
Using Extracts B and C, explain one way in which Hot Chip could change elements of its design mix to reflect eating
behaviours at fast food restaurants
[4 marks]

Question 3
Read the following extracts (A to C) before answering
Using the data from Extract A and your knowledge of the product life cycle, explain one way in which the marketing of music
streaming might be different in 2010 compared to 2019
[4 marks]
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Question 4
Read the following extracts (A to D) before answering
In 2006, Mumtaz launched a new range of Halal baby food, which includes individual sachets of pureed spiced meals. It uses
a cost-plus pricing method
Fixed costs associated with the manufacture of these sachets are £16,000 per month and variable costs are £0.24 per
sachet. Mumtaz produces and sells 40,000 sachets per month at an average selling price of £0.99
Calculate the percentage mark up on Mumtaz's sachets of Halal baby food
[4 marks]

Question 5
Read the following extracts (A to C) before answering
Between 2019 and 2020, Tended Ltd's volume share of the fitness, activity and sports trackers market was estimated to
grow from 1.9% to 2.2%, largely as a result of a successful social media promotional campaign
Calculate the percentage difference in the volume of Tended Ltd's sales between 2019 and 2020
[4 marks]
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Question 6
Read the following extracts (E to G) before answering
Explain one suitable method The Wonky Table could use to promote its external catering service to local businesses
[4 marks]

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