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Section B: Answer ANY TWO (2) questions from this section.

Question 2

An organization’s fundamental goal is to minimize or eradicate potential threats to its

business by introducing Codes of Ethics to its stakeholders. Unfortunately, many

organizations are embracing reactive policies and only a few are practicing proactive

policies in their organizations. You are required to differentiate in detail between

reactive and proactive ethical policies.

[25 marks]


Question 3

Marketing is traditionally the means by which an organization communicates to,

connects with, and engages its target audience to convey the value of and ultimately

sell its products and services. However, some scholars argue that marketing

manipulates consumers’ decisions through advertising. Discuss the supporting and

opposing arguments to the notion that marketing is inherently evil.

[25 marks]


Opposing arguments that marketing is inherently evil

From a business perspective, marketing is beneficial as it helps a company reach

more audience and increase sales. It gives company the platform to spread the good

word of their product which could have significant impact on people’s life. For

example, Marketing is beautiful when it persuades people to get a Covid 19 vaccine


or to wash. Marketing is powerful when it sells a product to someone who discovers

more joy or more productivity because he bought it. Another reason marketing is not

evil because it depends on company using. If a company choose to market

something, marketing can be used by a company to develop a sense of trust among

their customers. If a product lives up to the claims as advertised, it will have a

positive image on the entire company. It can make the consumer feel like the

company is invested in the quality of the products and the value they provide


Supporting arguments

Instead of manipulating customers, organization should focus on influencing

customers. In theory, marketing manipulating is used to change the perception or

behavior of audience through deceptive or abusive tactics which could be seen as

unethical. It is used to exaggerate or downplaying information to make your product

seem better than it really is. A clear use of marketing manipulation can be seen

when nestle manipulated mothers into thinking that their baby formula powdered milk

is better than breast milk. As a consumer, no one likes to be manipulated. Marketing

can be view as evil when business use it to make people buy more expensive

products that in perform poorly as advertised. from the case study itself, if Pope

chooses to sell the china made product, quality will be significantly affected for the

sake of profit and making and to impress the boss. Another reason marketing can be

bad as it promotes consumerism and waste. It creates needs and wants that did not

exist before. Marketing can encourage customers to spend money on goods and

services they really do not need or want. Consumerism is harmful for the

environment as it causes pollution and resource depletion.


Marketing professionals are expected and must obey the code of ethics that

can improve customer confidence and trust in the marketing exchange system. As

marketing can be seen as encouraging people to purchase something, they do not

need can be unethical. Furthermore, marketers should not even encourage purchase

of harmful products such as cigarettes and alcohol. As they encourage more

purchase means more consumption, the environment will be affected such as non-

recyclable packaging into landfills.

Question 4

The Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 is a law of Malaysia that protects persons

making disclosures of improper conduct in the public and private sector from

detrimental action. Discuss all FIVE (5) conditions in which whistleblowing is

considered appropriate and ethical.

[25 marks]


Whistleblowing can be defined as releasing information which is an evidence of

illegal in an organization by the organization’s employee. Whistleblowing is

considered appropriate and ethical under five conditions. The first condition is when

the company produce a product or make a decision that will bring substantial harm to

the public or violating laws, the employee must then report the organization. The

potential harm have to be considerably serious compared to the possible benefits.

The whistle blower have to be convinced that the situation is really causing harm to

the public that needs whistle blowing.

The second condition is when the employee found a critical threat to the

employees, consumers, other stakeholders, the employee should voice out his or her


moral concerns. The whistleblower should avoid accusing the manager about the

decisions made are incompetent and does not involve any ethical issues. The

employee should decide when is the best time to whistle blow whether its during the

service or sometime later.

Thirdly, whistleblowing is considered appropriate and ethical when the

employee’s immediate supervisor is not taking any action, or the boss does not care

for the whistle blower’s report. There is none action taken despite the best efforts of

the employee to solve the unethical situation. Then the employee head to the

highest level and present the case. The whistle blower should exhaust the chain of

command and internal procedures to the highest level of directors. The employee

should always use the internal route, if the internal route does not work only he or

she should try the external route

The fourth condition for whistleblowing to be consider as appropriate and

ethical is documented evidence must be presented by the employee that proofs the

firm’s product, practice or policy is causing danger and seriously threatening to the

consumers or public. The documented evidence must be convincing enough to

prove the employee’s view of situation is precise. It must also be convincing at a

certain level so that the facts can be proven by the test of the law and the outside

public. The evidence is to convince observers that whistle blowing should take place.

This is because if wrong accusations are made and cannot be proved, it will end up

demoralizing the whistle blower. The employee should compile documents to

support his or her case and not depend on hearsay. The documents should contain

accurate and clear allegations of the unethical situation and send to the right person.

Lastly, the employee must have solid reasons to believe that when he or she

reveal the unethical action to the public, there will be necessary changes to remedy


the situation. There are risks bearing when the employee blows the whistle.

Examples of risks includes ill treatment, difficult work, and termination. The

management can always cause trouble to the employee (whistleblower) without

termination. It will be very hard to work in a company that goes against the

employee. So, the employee has to ensure that the risk and the chance of

succeeding is equal. The employee has to ensure and be convinced that whistle

blowing is from good intentions and bring good cause to the society.

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