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If you have more than INR 5Cr in India, it would be foolish for you to worry about money.

If you are Rich here are some important facts for you to know:-

[1] With 1Cr:

- You can pay 20L, rest 80L loan. And book a house.
- Create an emergency fund (1 year of your expenses; assume 1L)= 12L
- Invest the rest for growth in Equities: 68L
- Even at 10% this will give you 6.8L/year.

Your housing, emergency and investments sorted.

You could potentially stop worrying about money.

[2] With 3-5Cr:

- You can book a better house(in case you need). 40L downpayment, 1.6Cr loan
- Create an emergency fund (2 years of your expense; assume 2L/month)= 48L
- Invest 50-60% remaining in equities for growth: 1.5Cr around
- Even at 10%, this will give you 15L/Year

You will still be left with money, which you can use to take time off from work, start a new business,
move to a new city, travel.

You should definitely stop worrying about money.

[3] Beyond 5Cr:

- The quality of your life will NOT improve dramatically.

- As long as you don't feel the urge to blow your money by buying Mercedes and what not, you
DON'T need to think twice before spending money on normal things.

It would be foolish to worry about money.

Now here is the magic:

All this kicks in, ONLY IF you know how to manage your money.

For example: LTCG on Equities is 10%, but the capital gains on FDs are taxed at the tax slab (this can
easily be 3 times in your case).

As you become rich, you need to learn about wealth preservation.

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