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Sample Problems: Free Fall

Friday, January 26, 2024 10:35 AM

A ball is dropped from the top of a building 100 meters from the ground. What is its
velocity after (a)1s? (b)2s? (c)10s? And (d)100s?

G: g = -9.8m/s²
y = -100m (uneeded)
t1 = 1s
t2 = 2s
t3 = 10s
t4 = 100s
Viy = 0
R: Vfy = ? @ t1, t2, t3, t4
E: Vfy = Viy + gt
S: Vfy = 0 + (-9.8)(1)
Vfy = 0 + (-9.8)(2)
Vfy = 0 + (9.8)(10)
Vfy = 0 + (9.8)(100)
A: Vfy ? @ t1 = -9.8m/s
Vfy ? @ t2 = -19.6m/s
Vfy ? @ t3 = -98m/s
Vfy ? @ t4 = -980m/s

A ball is thrown upward with an initial speed of 1m/s. It is released from a point 1 m
above the ground.

G: g = -9.8m/s²
y = -1m (uneeded)
t = 0.5s
Viy = 1m/s
R: y = ? @ t = 0.5s
E: y = Viy(t) + ½gt²
S: y = 1(0.5) + ½(-9.8)(0.5²)
y = 0.5 + ½(-2.45)
y = 0.5 + -1.225
A: y = -0.73m4

A ball is dropped from a height of 100m. (a) How long does it take for the ball to hit the
ground? (b) At what velocity will it hit the ground?

G: g = -9.8m/s²
y = 100m
Viy = 0
R: (a) t = ?
(b) Vfy = ?
E: (a) y = Viyt + 1/2gt²
(b) Vfy = Viy + gt or Vfy² = Viy² + 2gy
S: (a) -100 = (0) + ½(-9.8)t²
(a) -100/-4.9 = --4.9t²/-4.9
(a) 20.41 = t²
(b) Vfy² = 0 + 2(-9.8)(-100)
(b) Vfy² = 1960
(b) Vfy = ±44.27m/s
A: a = 4.52s
b = -44.27m/s


b = -44.27m/s

A ball is thrown upward with an initial velocity of 9.8m/s. What is its veloctiy after
(a)0.5s, (b)1s, (c)2s, and (d)3s?

G: g = -9.8m/s²
Viy = 9.8m/s
t1 = 0.5s
t2 = 1s
t3 = 2s
t4 = 3s
R: Vfy = ? @ t1, t2, t3, &t4
E: Vfy = Viy + gt
S: Vfy @ t1 = 0.5s
Vfy = 9.8 + (-9,8)(0.5)
Vfy @ t2 = 1s
Vfy = 9.8 + (-9.8)(1)
Vfy @ t3 = 2s
Vfy = 9.8 + (-9.8)(2)
Vfy @ t4 = 3
Vfy = 9.8 + (9.8)(3)
A: t1 = 4.9m/s
t2 = 0
t3 = -9,8m/s
t4 = -19.6m/s

A ball is thrown upward with an initial velocity of 9.8m/s. How high does it reach before
it starts descending?

G: g = -9.8m/s²
Viy = 9.8m/s
Vfy = 0 (at the peak; before descending)
R: y = ?
E: Vfy² = Viy² + 2gy
S: 0² = (9.8)² + 2(-9,8)(y)
0 = 96.04 + -19.6y
19.06y = 96.04
19.06y/19.06 = 96.04/19.6
A: y = 4.9

A ball is thrown downward with an initial velocity of 2m/s. What is its velocity after 5s?
How far has it fallen in 5s?

G: g = -9.8m/s²
Viy = -2m/s
t1 = 5s
t2 = 5s
R: (a) Vfy = ? @ t = 5s
(b) y = ? @ t = 5s
E: (a) Vfy = Viy + gt
(b) y = Viyt + ½gt²
S: (a) Vfy = -2 + (-9.8)(5)
(a) Vfy = -2 + (-49)
(b) y = (-2)(5) + ½(-9.8)(5)²
(b) y = -10 + ½(-49)²
A: Vfy = =51
y = -132.45

A coin is dropped into a wishing well. What is the velocity of the coin after falling 5


A coin is dropped into a wishing well. What is the velocity of the coin after falling 5
meters? If the surface of the water is 10 meters below, what is the coin's velocity right
before it hits the water?

G: g = -9.8m/s²
Viy = 0
y1 = -5m
y2 = -10m
R: Vfy = ? @ y1
Vfy = ? @ y2
E: Vfy² = Viy²+ 2gy
S: (a) Vfy² = 0²+ 2(-9.8)(-5)
(a) Vfy² = 98
(b) Vfy² = 0² + 2(-9.8)(-10)
(b) Vfy²= 196
A: (a) = -9.9m/s
(b) = -14m/s

Galileo throws a pebble from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which stands at
56.73m withh an initial velocity of –0.1m/s. (1)Find its velocity after (a)1s, (b)2s, (c)3s,
and (d) just before hitting the ground. How long did it take to reach the ground?

G: g = -9.8m/s²
Viy = -0.1m/s
y = -56.73m
t1 = 1s
t2 = 2s
t3 = 3s
R: (1)Vfy = ? @ 1s
(1)Vfy = ? @ 2s
(1)Vfy = ? @ 3s
(1) Vfy = ? @ y
(2) t = ? @ y
E: (a,b,c)Vfy = Viy + gt
(d) Vfy² = Viy² + 2gy
(2) y = Viyt + ½gt²
S: (1)(a) Vfy = -0.1 + (-9.8)(1)
(1)(a) Vfy = -9.9
(1)(b) Vfy = -0.1 + (-9.8)(2)
(1)(b) Vfy = -19.7
(1)(c) Vfy = -0.1 + (-9.8)(3)
(1)(c) Vfy = -29.5
(1)(d) Vfy² = (-0.1)² + 2(-9.8)(-56.73)
(1)(d) Vfy² = 1111.918
(1)(d) Vfy² = ±33.35
(2) -56.73 = -0.1t + ½(-9.8)t²
(2) -56.73 = -0.1t - 4.9t²
(2) 4.9t² + 0.1t - 56.73 = 0
(2) -0.1 + |0.1² - 4(4.9)(-56.73)/2(4.9)
A: (a) = -9.9m/s
(b) = -19.7m/s
(c) = -29.5m/s
(d) = -33.35m/s
(t) = 3.395s


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