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Communicating at Work Principles and

Practices for Business 11th Edition

Adler Test Bank
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Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. All of the following are typical types of workplace interviews EXCEPT

A. diagnostic interviews
B. investigative interviews
C. exit interviews
D. portfolio interviews

2. Interviews that gather information from large samples of people in order to learn about customers'
preferences are called ____________ interviews.
A. journalistic
B. survey
C. diagnostic
D. research

3. Kio was injured while performing a safety inspection at the chemical plant he worked for and was taken to
the emergency room. The doctor asked him a number of questions about his injuries to determine the proper
course of action for treatment. According to the text, which of the following types of information-gathering
interviews did Kio's doctor perform?
A. diagnostic
B. research
C. survey
D. exit

4. If a company conducts focus-group interviews with consumers to discover desired improvements for a
product, which type of information-gathering interview are they performing?
A. investigative
B. diagnostic
C. research
D. exit
5. Your text identifies several characteristics that showcase an interview as a special kind of conversation.
Which of the following is NOT a special characteristic of interviews?
A. It has a predetermined purpose, at least for one of the parties involved.
B. There is an element of control, because one of the parties directs the flow of conversation toward a goal.
C. Only two people will participate.
D. The focus is on questions and answers.

6. According to your text, which of the following is NOT true about interviewing?
A. At least one party has a predetermined reason for participating.
B. An interview is less structured than a typical conversation.
C. Conversation is directed toward a predetermined goal.
D. The interviewee typically does about 70 percent of the talking.

7. Which of the following is true about the interaction that occurs during a formal interview?
A. At least one person has a serious, predetermined reason for participating.
B. The conversation does not have a specific purpose.
C. All participants know the questions ahead of time.
D. All participants know the responses to the questions ahead of time.

8. In most interviews (unlike typical conversations), the ratio of speaking turns is uneven. During a typical
interview, the interviewee will do about ______ percent of the talking.
A. 40
B. 50
C. 70
D. 80

9. Which of the following steps should come first in planning the interview?
A. Think up possible questions to ask.
B. Identify and assess the interviewee.
C. Prepare a list of topics.
D. Define your goal.

10. Which of the following would be the clearest specific goal for an interview?
A. Talk to my instructor about my grade.
B. Complain to my instructor.
C. Make a good impression on my instructor.
D. Find out from my instructor what I can do to improve my grade on the next assignment.
11. Which of the following goals for an information-gathering interview is the most specific?
A. Would I like a career as a photographer?
B. Should I become a photographer?
C. What are the advantages and disadvantages of photography as a career, and how could I best prepare myself
for a photography career?
D. What can I learn about photography?

12. A disadvantage of a structured interview is that

A. the possible answers are limited.
B. there is an opportunity to follow up with secondary questions on topics that turn out to be interesting to the
C. it's easy to get sidetracked and go off on tangents.
D. it takes more training to conduct structured interviews than any other form of interview.

13. A standardized list of questions with precise wording would be found in which kind of interview?
A. structured
B. unstructured
C. moderately structured
D. loosely structured

14. Structured interviews

A. allow for an unlimited range of questions and answers.
B. should be used only by skilled interviewers.
C. obtain answers to standardized responses from a large number of people (commonly used in market research
and opinion polls).
D. use open-ended questions to provide in-depth examination of the interviewee.

15. Which characteristic best describes an unstructured interview?

A. It requires less skill by the interviewer than the other types of interviews.
B. The results are easy to quantify and tabulate.
C. It allows for much flexibility in exploring the interviewee's responses.
D. It is easy for the interviewer to control the flow of the interview.

16. If a supervisor decides to drop by and informally talk to her subordinates to find out how satisfied they are
with their jobs, which of the following types of interview schedules would she use?
A. structured
B. performance
C. unstructured
D. appraisal
17. After years of experience, Raylene has come to believe that the most effective way to determine a person's
true personality during a job interview is to allow the conversation to go in any direction the interview may
lead. Which type of interview schedule does Raylene prefer?
A. structured
B. extemporaneous
C. unstructured
D. moderately structured

18. Rob was selected by his supervisor to conduct interviews with prospective college graduates for their law
firm. This is the first time Rob has ever been on the other side of the table in the interview process. He decided
to prepare well in order to make a good impression on the partners of the firm. First, he developed a list of
topics he felt needed to be covered. He then developed a number of open-ended questions with follow-up
probes related to each of his major topics. Which type of interview schedule has Rob created?
A. legalist
B. moderately structured
C. structured
D. unstructured

19. Which of the following types of interviews is most appropriate if you want to give direction to the
interview, yet still allow for open-ended discussion of your chosen topics?
A. participative
B. spontaneous
C. moderately structured
D. unstructured

20. When an interviewer introduces a new topic area, she is using a

A. turn-taking question.
B. primary question.
C. secondary question.
D. leading question.

21. Tucker was interviewing for a sales position with a local pharmaceutical company. During the interview he
was asked a significant number of demanding questions that warranted complex, detailed responses. According
to the text, which type of questions was the interviewer asking?
A. open
B. imaginary
C. direct
D. closed
22. Which type of question is the following: "What is your opinion about our new benefits package?"
A. indirect
B. closed
C. factual
D. open

23. Which of the following types of questions restricts the interviewee's response most?
A. open
B. hypothetical
C. closed
D. opinion

24. As an interviewer, if you wanted to be able to maintain as much control as possible over the conversation,
which of the following types of questions would you use?
A. secondary
B. indirect
C. open
D. closed

25. All of the following are closed questions EXCEPT

A. "What is your GPA?"
B. "What are your career plans?"
C. "When do you expect to graduate?"
D. "Would you prefer to use a highly structured, moderately structured, or nonstructured interview format?"

26. In which of the situations below would you choose an open question?
A. You want to evaluate the interviewee's communication skills.
B. Time is short.
C. You need to compare the results of many interviews in a standardized format.
D. You (the interviewer) are not highly skilled at interviewing.

27. As manager of the human resource center for a local newspaper for the past 10 years, Darcy has found that
the best way to get accurate information from prospective employees is to ask them questions that require them
to expand on topics and explain their personal opinions. Which type of questions does Darcy like to use?
A. closed
B. leading
C. open
D. factual
28. Which of the following is NOT one of the suggested reasons for an interviewer to use an open question in
an interview?
A. to discover the interviewee's feelings or values
B. to discover the interviewee' values
C. to maintain control over the conversation
D. to evaluate the interviewee's communication skills

29. Shane knew that he was not supposed to ask interviewees whether they had children. However, he found
that if he asked them what they spent most of their time on outside of work, it became obvious from their
answers whether they had children. What type of question is Shane using in this example?
A. illegal
B. secondary
C. hypothetical
D. indirect

30. Which of the following is the most appropriate type of question if you want to acquire information that you
believe might be risky or embarrassing?
A. risky
B. counterfeit
C. indirect
D. manipulative

31. During an interview for a new marketing position in the company that she worked for, Sharon's boss asked
her a number of questions such as "If you were in the following situation, what would your reaction be?" Which
of the following types of question is her boss asking?
A. factual
B. hypothetical
C. leading
D. indirect

32. If I asked someone "Which do you prefer, working alone or working with others?" during an interview,
which type of question would I be using?
A. factual
B. opinion
C. hypothetical
D. indirect
33. Mr. Madaren asks "How many years did you work for your previous employer?" Which type of question is
Mr. Madaren using?
A. critical incident
B. indirect
C. hypothetical
D. factual

34. Which of the following is NOT true about conducting an effective video interview?
A. A video or telephone interview should generally be shorter than an in-person interview.
B. Arrange an alternate way of contacting the other party in case you need to communicate while you're
establishing the connection.
C. If your interviewee needs to see information that you will discuss in the interview, send it in advance.
D. Set the video equipment up on the interviewer's end so that the interview will occur in a location that is
typical of your business, such as the lunchroom or lobby; this gives the interviewee a chance to view the
physical setting he or she would be working in.

35. Which of the following factors was mentioned in your text as likely to increase the ability of interview
participants to think creatively?
A. sitting at a desk in the supervisor's office
B. scheduling the interview just after an important meeting
C. sitting 40 inches apart
D. meeting away from the normal habitat of either participant

36. All of the following are effective strategies for participating in a job fair EXCEPT
A. Do research ahead of time about employers that interest you.
B. While standing in line, ask other candidates what they've learned at the fair.
C. Ask each company's representative to describe what their company does.
D. Follow up after the fair by calling or emailing potential employers to thank them and to confirm your

37. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages of an interview?

A. opening
B. body
C. persuasion
D. closing
38. The opening of the interview is a time to accomplish all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Build rapport.
B. Motivate the interviewee to cooperate.
C. Provide a sense of direction for the interview.
D. Ask a clearinghouse question.

39. In the orientation segment of a typical interview, the interviewer should not
A. mention the approximate length of the interview.
B. conceal the true purpose of the interview.
C. give an overview of what information is needed and how it will be used.
D. state the reason for the interview.

40. Which basic functions should be included in the opening phase of an interview?
A. rapport, orientation, and motivation
B. rapport, discussion, and follow-up
C. motivation, orientation, and probes
D. introduction, body, and conclusion

41. During the opening phase of an interview, the interviewer should accomplish all of the following EXCEPT:
A. greet the interviewee.
B. explain the reason for the interview.
C. clarify ground rules.
D. ask a critical incident question.

42. "Our purpose for this interview is to find out what features you'd like in the new office design so we can try
to make everyone as comfortable as possible." In which part of the interview does this question belong?
A. rapport
B. orientation
C. disclosure
D. norming

43. Stating the purpose and length of the interview is part of the __________ step of the interview.
A. body
B. orientation
C. rapport
D. procedural
44. Motivating the interviewee to participate should occur during the ___________ stage of the interview.
A. opening
B. body
C. review
D. follow-up

45. In most cases, the interviewer should NOT

A. control the direction of the conversation.
B. let the interviewee continue to talk about one question for a long time, if this encroaches on other significant
question areas.
C. allot preplanned blocks of time to each agenda item.
D. use probes.

46. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the interviewer during the interview process?
A. Control and focus the conversation.
B. Listen actively.
C. Give clear and detailed answers.
D. Use secondary questions to probe for important information.

47. Reasons for using probes include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. seeking elaboration.
B. requesting clarification.
C. encouraging the interviewee to say more (by pausing or inserting short prods such as "uh-huh" or
D. demonstrating authority.

48. When an interviewer responds to an interviewee's comment with silence, this might mean any of the
following EXCEPT:
A. "Tell me more".
B. "I'm interested in your answer".
C. "I'm not satisfied with the depth of your answer".
D. "I'm ready to move on to the next topic".

49. In most cases, interviewees should not

A. make corrections if the interviewer has misunderstood their meaning.
B. evade the interviewer's questions.
C. try to cover their own agendas.
D. give detailed answers.
50. Which of the following is the responsibility of the interviewee?
A. Control and focus the conversation.
B. Use secondary questions to probe for important information.
C. Cover your own agenda.
D. Glance at your watch frequently to be sure you aren't talking too long on any one topic.

51. Josh was being interviewed for a new position at an advertising firm. The interviewer asked questions for
forty-five minutes. She then explained to Josh that the top three interviewees would be called back for a second
interview. The interviewee's explanation of future actions represents the ____________ phase of an interview.
A. probing
B. orientation
C. motivation
D. closing

52. The functions of an effective interview closing are to ____________________.

A. control and focus the conversation
B. use primary questions, secondary questions, and paraphrasing
C. review the outcome of the interview; establish future actions; and conclude with pleasantries
D. listen actively, summarize answers, and probe for more information

53. Three types of interviews identified by your text as essential for almost every occupation are
A. information-gathering, career research, and employment.
B. disciplinary, survey, and performance.
C. career research, performance appraisal, and exit.
D. information-gathering, diagnostic, and career.

54. The first step in conducting an information-gathering interview is to

A. choose the right interviewee.
B. define your interview goals.
C. conduct pre-interview research to gain background information.
D. write the interview questions.

55. The majority of new job hires obtain their employment offers through
A. Web-based employment sites.
B. advertisements.
C. sending mass mailings of their résumé s to Human Resource departments.
D. personal contacts.
56. Three purposes of a career research interview are to
A. get references, get referrals, write your résumé.
B. be remembered, prepare a résumé, get references.
C. read, remember, write.
D. conduct research, be remembered, get referrals.

57. According to the text, in developing personal networks to discover job contacts, __________ are often most
A. close friends
B. close relatives
C. associates who are not relatives or close friends
D. personnel departments of major corporations

58. Why would an important person in an organization be willing to be interviewed by you, a mere student?
A. Many successful people want to help others, just as they have been helped.
B. If you've made contact through a referral, your interviewee will be helping the person who referred you.
C. The interviewee may be flattered that you asked for an interview.
D. All of the above are reasons why an important person in an organization would be willing to meet with you.

59. Which of the following is recommended as an effective method for getting in touch with a person you want
to interview, even if they are well guarded by a gatekeeper?
A. Make your first contact by telephone.
B. Phone during regular business hours.
C. Announce a specific time and place for the interview and stick to it.
D. Ask the gatekeeper to help you.

60. Which of the following should NOT be included in your written request for an informational interview?
A. Introduce yourself in writing.
B. Point out that you would eventually like to be employed by this person or at their company.
C. List several times when you could be available for a meeting.
D. Promise that you will be making a follow-up telephone call.

61. All of the following activities EXCEPT __________________ will distinguish you as a professional,
serious person, worth the interviewee's time and effort.
A. sending emails or letters that contain spelling and/or grammar errors.
B. giving your interviewee in advance a list of topic areas and questions you hope to cover.
C. following up with a second letter e-mail or phone call to confirm your interview.
D. sending a letter of thanks after the interview.
62. According to a recent survey, which of the following is the most important in shaping a hiring decision?
A. grade-point average
B. extra curricular activities
C. ability to communicate effectively
D. work experience

63. Often, the person who gets the job offer is the person who
A. knows the most about how to get hired.
B. has the longest employment history.
C. sends out the most résumés.
D. has the most technical skills.

64. All of the following are recommended ways to manage your online profile EXCEPT
A. Un-google yourself.
B. Clean up your digital dirt.
C. Use a clever email nomiker, such as ""
D. Edit your Facebook site to show a professional image.

65. Which of the following activities is NOT identified in your text as a recommendation for conducting
background research prior to an employment interview?
A. taking classes relevant to jobs that sound appealing to you
B. cold-calling companies to ask about openings
C. talking about jobs with people who can tell you more about your chosen field
D. doing Internet research on organizations you're interested in

66. Which of the following elements is NOT suggested by the text as an effective method for contacting
potential employers?
A. Send a unique cover letter along with your résumé to each company you apply to.
B. Send résumé s to every company in the area.
C. Develop a personal network.
D. Conduct background research.

67. Which of the following should NOT be included in the cover letter you send to an organization along with
your résumé?
A. a description of your ability to meet the needs of the company
B. highlights about one or two of your accomplishments relevant to the specific job you're applying for
C. a request for an interview
D. a list of all your major accomplishments
68. All of the following except ___________ should be included in the cover letter you send to an organization
along with your résumé.
A. your specific purpose for writing
B. objective evidence that proves how you can help the company
C. two very specific times and dates when you are available for an interview
D. a cordial expression of gratitude

69. Sheila was interviewing for her first job as a kindergarten teacher. Her interviewer took her into a
kindergarten class and asked her to take over as the teacher for 20 minutes. Sheila was experiencing a(n)
_________ interview.
A. panel
B. audition
C. behavioral
D. stress

70. During his employment interview, Chen was asked several times to describe challenges he had encountered
on his last job and to explain how he handled them. Chen was experiencing a(n) ________ interview.
A. panel
B. audition
C. experiential
D. behavioral

71. You enter the interview room and sit down before a group of eight interviewers, each of whom will ask you
two questions. This interview is being conducted in a(n) ________ format.
A. panel
B. stress
C. audition
D. work team

72. Chinda has been invited to a job interview that will be conducted in a behavioral format. She is changing
career fields, so she has little specific work experience relevant to the position she is applying for. What should
she do?
A. Ask if she can have an audition interview instead.
B. Decline the interview.
C. Look for sample answers on the Internet and memorize them.
D. Think of ways to explain how her prior accomplishments are relevant to the job she is seeking
73. An example of a behavioral job interview question is:
A. "Tell us about a time when you had to fire someone and how you handled it."
B. "Where do you see yourself ten years from now?"
C. "Would you prefer to work at our West Coast or our East Coast location?"
D. "Who is your favorite mentor, and why?"

74. A probable result of thinking constructively about the chance to participate in an interview is
A. increased anxiety during the interview.
B. overconfidence.
C. planning ahead to think of ways to handle the upcoming challenges.
D. negative self fulfilling prophecies.

75. One survey indicates that the leading factor shaping interviewers' initial impressions of the candidates is
A. the appearance of the résumé.
B. the clothing the candidate wears to the interview.
C. the candidate's eye contact during the rapport stage of the interview.
D. the firmness of the candidate's handshake.

76. Which of the following does NOT influence the rating a candidate receives in a job interview?
A. the interviewer's mood
B. the time of day when the interview occurs
C. whether the candidate pronounces the interviewer's name correctly
D. Any of these factors can influence a candidate's rating.

77. All of the following are typical mistakes of candidates in employment interviews EXCEPT
A. appearing interested in the company's success
B. answering their cell phone during the interview
C. talking negatively about previous employers
D. dressing inappropriately.

78. Choose the best answer to the interview question, "Why should we hire you?"
A. "I understand from your website that your most popular product is Zanos. I've been using Zanos for three
years now. I've shown several of my friends how effective it is, and now they're buying it, too. With my
knowledge of the product and my enthusiasm for it, I can be a sincere and valuable sales rep."
B. "I really need the money."
C. "I just completed my Associates Degree, and I'm ready to work."
D. "I am a hard-working, motivated, people-person."
79. In an employment interview, which of the following would be the best answer to the question, "What is
your greatest weakness?"
A. "I eat too much chocolate."
B. "I hate to sound so sure of myself, but I've been a receptionist for so many years that I don't think I have any
weaknesses as far as this job goes."
C. "I had some troubles in my last job, but they were all caused by my boss, who was such a micro-manager."
D. "Sometimes I tend to be too much of a perfectionist, so I'm hesitant to let my subordinates work without
close supervision. But I know it's important to let them have autonomy, so I'm learning to give them more
chances to work independently."

80. The "PAR" approach refers to

A. "prepare," "answer," and "review."
B. "personality," "appearance," and "references."
C. a method of backing up your interview answers with evidence.
D. an honesty test that is frequently administered to potential job candidates.

81. All of the following represent good advice for an interviewee involved in an employment interview except:
A. Before the interview, write out some potential interview questions, and rehearse your answers out loud.
B. Give answers that last more than five minutes each, so you can impress the interviewer with your knowledge.
C. Avoid asking questions about salary, benefits, or vacation time.
D. After the interview, send a thank-you letter to your interviewer, whether or not you expect to get the job

82. Brent is being interviewed for a position as a medical technician at UXM Technologies. Near the end of the
interview, the interviewer asks, "Do you have any questions for me?" Which of the following questions would
be a good choice for Brent to ask?
A. "How much vacation time will I get during the first year?"
B. "Will you pay for my uniforms or do I need to pay for them myself?"
C. "I've read that UXM focuses on teamwork. What qualities have you found to be most helpful for an ideal
team player?"
D. "Do you mind if I arrive late on snowy days?"

83. A "BFOQ" is
A. a polite form letter sent to job candidates to let them know they were not selected for the job.
B. a type of résumé that is scanned by computers.
C. a type of performance appraisal that focuses on behavior, fundamentals, occupational requirements, and
D. a type of question that is legally permissible in a job interview because it focuses on job-related factors.
84. Which of the following is normally a lawful question to ask DURING an employment interview (not as
verification submitted after employment)?
A. "Which years did you serve in Vietnam, and what type of discharge did you get?"
B. "If the company pays for additional schooling, what courses would you like to take?"
C. "How did your parents come to this country?"
D. "What is your date of birth?"

85. Which of the following is NOT suggested by your text concerning ethical behavior during interviews?
A. Because an employment interview may become part of an ongoing workplace relationship, failing to act
ethically during the interview could disadvantage you in the long term.
B. Behaving ethically will serve you well in future interactions.
C. Behaving unethically in interviews could leave you with a poor reputation.
D. It is permissible to ignore a few ethical guidelines if it makes the difference between getting a job or not.

86. Which of the following is NOT a rule for ethical behavior for interviewers?
A. Do not disclose confidential information (except to those who must know in order to make the hiring
decision) without first obtaining the interviewee's permission.
B. Use questions that are designed to help the interviewee feel comfortable and do well in the interview.
C. Do not ask an interviewee to discuss mistakes he has made on the job.
D. Do not attempt to make a job offer unless you are certain that the company will back that offer.

87. All of the following are guidelines for ethical behavior for interviewers except:
A. If you learn about an interviewee's personal problems during an interview, you should disclose this
information as soon as possible to your boss.
B. Avoid making a commitment, if you think you won't be able to honor it.
C. Let the interviewee know ahead of time if you plan to record the session.
D. Disclose to the interviewee how the information gathered from the interview will be used.

88. Which of the following is NOT a guideline mentioned in your text for ethical behavior during the interview
A. The interviewer should only make promises she is able to keep.
B. The interviewee should try to participate in as many interviews as possible, even if she isn't really interested
in the job, so she can get practice interviewing.
C. The interviewer should treat the interviewee with respect.
D. The interviewee should not exaggerate her credentials.

89. An exit interview assesses statistical data gathered from large groups of people.
True False
90. An interview that seeks to answer the question "What happened?" is referred to as an investigative
True False

91. The type of interview that is often used to assess market needs and consumer reactions is the diagnostic
True False

92. An exit interview gathers information about why an employee has chosen to leave the organization.
True False

93. The most effective interviews are those that happen spontaneously, with little or no planning.
True False

94. Interviews are more purposeful and structured than other conversations.
True False

95. In most interviews, the interviewer is expected to control the flow of the conversation.
True False

96. In most interviews, the interviewer is expected to do more talking than the interviewee.
True False

97. For most jobs, you won't need to use any interviewing skills after you've been hired.
True False

98. A performance appraisal interview helps an employee set targets for future performance.
True False
99. Moustafa is conducting an interview that gathers information from a large number of people to assess
market needs. This type of interview is called a "diagnostic interview."
True False

100. It's important to define a specific goal for your interview, because the goal will influence the way you
approach the interview.
True False

101. An interviewee cannot develop a purpose, since he is unaware of what the interviewer will ask.
True False

102. An efficient way to use your time at a job fair is to visit the booths of your first-choice employers first,
with a notebook in hand, and ask the representative to explain what the employer does.
True False

103. The interviewer who wants to exert a lot of control over the interview should choose a structured format.
True False

104. In a structured interview the majority of questions are usually closed ones.
True False

105. The structured interview allows the interviewer to follow up any intriguing or unclear answers that may
True False

106. A person who is new at interviewing would do best to follow an unstructured interview plan.
True False

107. A moderately structured interview includes planned questions, but also allows for important but unforeseen
topics to be examined.
True False
108. The "body" of a moderately structured interview consists of primary questions and possible secondary
questions arranged under several relevant topics.
True False

109. Secondary questions are questions that introduce a new topic.

True False

110. Use secondary questions to probe for further information when the answer to the previous question seemed
irrelevant or inaccurate.
True False

111. Closed questions restrict the interviewee's response.

True False

112. "Would you prefer to work the morning shift, the afternoon shift, or the evening shift?" is an example of
closed question.
True False

113. "Tell me about your managerial experience" is an example of a closed question.

True False

114. An interviewee has the most latitude and freedom with open-ended questions.
True False

115. "Do you plan to continue your education?" is an example of a direct question.
True False

116. It is always better to use factual rather than opinion questions.

True False
117. An instructor's goal is to find out how a student sees her. She asks, "How would you say most of your
classmates view me?" This is an example of an indirect question.
True False

118. "How might you address a customer if they began to make violent threats?" is an example of an opinion
True False

119. A hypothetical question is one in which the interviewer introduces a hypothesis and asks the interviewee to
provide information that proves the hypothesis.
True False

120. Due to their deceptive nature, hypothetical questions should be avoided in an interview.
True False

121. If you are planning a video interview, allow for a longer interview time than for a face-to-face interview.
True False

122. If you are planning a video interview, arrange an alternate way to contact the other party.
True False

123. An interviewer who wants to establish a casual atmosphere should sit behind a desk, at least 6 feet away
from the interviewee.
True False

124. According to one national recruiter, fifty percent of a hiring decision is often made within the first thirty to
sixty seconds of an interview.
True False

125. Building rapport is a function of the closing phase of an interview.

True False
126. The opening phase of an interview should explain what information is needed and how it will be used.
True False

127. An interviewer should allot rough blocks of time to each item on the interview agenda and keep the
interview moving along in line with this plan.
True False

128. Silence can be an effective probe.

True False

129. Interviewees should not try to cover their own agenda during an interview.
True False

130. It is appropriate to express your appreciation at the end of an interview.

True False

131. It isn't necessary to gather background information before conducting an information-gathering interview
because you can gain all the information you need during the interview.
True False

132. One purpose of a career research interview is to gain contacts that can help you in your job search.
True False

133. You should wait until you need a new job to cultivate a personal network, so you will be fresh in the minds
of your contact persons.
True False

134. It is common courtesy to send a letter or email of thanks to a career research interviewee after the
True False
135. Because a career research interview is not a formal job interview, there is no need for any written
communication before or after the interview.
True False

136. In most situations, the employment interview is the most important factor in getting a job offer.
True False

137. Frequently it is the candidate with the best communication skills, rather than the candidate with the most
experience, who gets the job offer.
True False

138. The most effective way to get hired is to scan through the newspaper and complete an application at a
company's personnel department.
True False

139. An effective cover letter will highlight one or two of your accomplishments that are relevant to the job
you're applying for and will back up your claim with objective evidence.
True False

140. The term "scannable résumé" describes a template you can download from the Internet to help you create a
résumé with a professional appearance.
True False

141. If you are invited to a panel interview, you will be seated with a small group of candidates for the same
job, and you will all take turns answering the same questions.
True False

142. An interview based on the assumption that past experience is the best predictor of future performance is
known as an audition interview.
True False

143. If you are unsure what to wear to an interview, dress on the conservative side.
True False
144. The employment interview is an objective measurement of your skills and qualifications for a job.
True False

145. In an employment interview, it is not appropriate to volunteer any information that the interviewer has not
specifically asked for.
True False

146. An employer is more likely to offer you a job if you can demonstrate how much you need the job.
True False

147. An interviewee is ethically obligated to point out all of her or his self-doubts and weaknesses in a job
interview, even if the interviewer doesn't ask about them.
True False

148. One important pointer for job interviews is to refrain from criticizing others, such as a former boss or
True False

149. The PAR approach to answering interview questions stands for "problem, action, results."
True False

150. During a behavioral interview, the best way to make a lasting impression on your interviewer is to answer
questions using high-level abstractions.
True False

151. The text suggests that most answers in an employment interview should last about two minutes or less.
True False

152. It is not a good idea to ask questions of the interviewer during the interview because you will appear
unsure of yourself.
True False
153. The abbreviation "BFOQ" is another name for an illegal question that should not be asked during an
employment interview.
True False

154. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), during an employment interview
candidates with disabilities can be questioned about their ability to perform the job they are applying for.
True False

155. One factor that may influence your willingness to challenge an interviewer who asks an illegal question is
the importance to you of landing that particular job.
True False

156. Prospective employers rarely bother to check out your Internet presence, so it doesn't matter what silly
pictures you might have posted on your Facebook site.
True False

157. It is ethical for an interviewer to make a promise with little intention to keep it, because he is not likely to
see the interviewee again.
True False

158. It is acceptable for the interviewee to stretch the truth if the facts would cast him or her in a poor light.
True False

159. How does interviewing differ from other types of interpersonal communication situations?
160. Describe the steps suggested in the textbook for planning an interview.

161. Identify three possible interview structures, and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

162. You are a student attending a college fair. You plan to interview a recruiter from one of the colleges to find
out if the school offers what you want. List at least two topics you would ask about. For each topic, write at
least three quality primary questions you could ask. Add at least two secondary questions. Label each question
as open or closed; factual or opinion; and direct or indirect.

163. Identify five different kinds of questions used in interviews. Explain each one in terms of its purposes and
uses as well as the goals this type of question can help an interviewer attain.

164. Identify the three main stages involved in conducting an interview. What should take place in each stage?
165. Explain the three steps an interviewer should take when opening the interview. What goals should the
interviewer accomplish in each of the steps?

166. What elements should be included in an effective closing for an interview? Explain the importance of each
element, and give an example.

167. Identify several types of information-gathering interviews. In what situations would you use each type?
What are the goals of each type? How would you arrange the setting to achieve each goal? What types of
questions would you use?

168. Imagine you are about to conduct a career research interview. Explain how you would select an
appropriate interviewee, contact the person to set up an appointment, and follow up with the person after the
169. Identify and explain the three purposes of the career research interview.

170. Imagine that you will be conducting an information-gathering interview to learn about a career you're
interested in pursuing. Identify the career. List two topics you'd like to explore. For each topic, write three
open-ended primary questions you'd like to ask your interviewee.

171. Imagine you are preparing for a job interview. Identify the type of job you are applying for. Describe what
attire you would select, and explain how you would prepare to answer questions you might be asked.

172. What are the five common categories of questions asked during an employment interview? Explain why
each of these is important to the interviewer and the company she or he represents.
173. Assume you are in the middle of an employment interview for an administrative assistant's job. You've
been a stay-at-home dad (or mom) for the past 10 years, but during the last 2 years you completed an online
training program with high grades. During the interview, the interviewer states, "I see you've been at home for
10 years with no real organizational experience." Write an answer in the first person that demonstrates your
ability to turn this negative perception into a positive one.

174. Identify several job interview formats you might encounter. What challenges does each format present?
How would you prepare for each?

175. What topics are generally illegal to ask about in a selection or an employment interview? Why are these
topics considered illegal? What criteria should be used to determine if a question is legal or illegal in a specific

176. Identify at least three ethical considerations the interviewer should bear in mind, and at least three ethical
considerations the interviewee should bear in mind. Next, explain why these considerations are important. Do
you believe these ethical considerations are frequently violated? If so, why? If not, why not?
c6 Key

1. All of the following are typical types of workplace interviews EXCEPT

A. diagnostic interviews
B. investigative interviews
C. exit interviews
D. portfolio interviews

Types of workplace interviews include employment, performance appraisal, disciplinary, exit, diagnostic,
investigative, research, and survey interviews.

Adler - Chapter 06 #1
Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

2. Interviews that gather information from large samples of people in order to learn about customers'
preferences are called ____________ interviews.
A. journalistic
B. survey
C. diagnostic
D. research

Survey interviews gather information from large samples of people in order to learn about customers'

Adler - Chapter 06 #2
Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

3. Kio was injured while performing a safety inspection at the chemical plant he worked for and was taken to
the emergency room. The doctor asked him a number of questions about his injuries to determine the proper
course of action for treatment. According to the text, which of the following types of information-gathering
interviews did Kio's doctor perform?
A. diagnostic
B. research
C. survey
D. exit

Diagnostic interviews provide data needed for assessing and treating clients.

Adler - Chapter 06 #3
Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview
4. If a company conducts focus-group interviews with consumers to discover desired improvements for a
product, which type of information-gathering interview are they performing?
A. investigative
B. diagnostic
C. research
D. exit

Focus-group interviews that provide information to help organizations perform more effectively are one type of
research interview.

Adler - Chapter 06 #4
Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

5. Your text identifies several characteristics that showcase an interview as a special kind of conversation.
Which of the following is NOT a special characteristic of interviews?
A. It has a predetermined purpose, at least for one of the parties involved.
B. There is an element of control, because one of the parties directs the flow of conversation toward a goal.
C. Only two people will participate.
D. The focus is on questions and answers.

Interviews involve only two parties, but each party can include more than one person. In other words, there may
be several interviewers or several respondents.

Adler - Chapter 06 #5
Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

6. According to your text, which of the following is NOT true about interviewing?
A. At least one party has a predetermined reason for participating.
B. An interview is less structured than a typical conversation.
C. Conversation is directed toward a predetermined goal.
D. The interviewee typically does about 70 percent of the talking.

An interview is more structured than most conversations.

Adler - Chapter 06 #6
Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview
7. Which of the following is true about the interaction that occurs during a formal interview?
A. At least one person has a serious, predetermined reason for participating.
B. The conversation does not have a specific purpose.
C. All participants know the questions ahead of time.
D. All participants know the responses to the questions ahead of time.

In an interview, at least one of the participants has a serious, predetermined reason for conducting the interview.

Adler - Chapter 06 #7
Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

8. In most interviews (unlike typical conversations), the ratio of speaking turns is uneven. During a typical
interview, the interviewee will do about ______ percent of the talking.
A. 40
B. 50
C. 70
D. 80

In a typical interview, the interviewee will do about 70% of the talking, while the interviewer will do about 30%
of the talking.

Adler - Chapter 06 #8
Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

9. Which of the following steps should come first in planning the interview?
A. Think up possible questions to ask.
B. Identify and assess the interviewee.
C. Prepare a list of topics.
D. Define your goal.

The first step in planning your interview is to define your specific goal.

Adler - Chapter 06 #9
Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview
10. Which of the following would be the clearest specific goal for an interview?
A. Talk to my instructor about my grade.
B. Complain to my instructor.
C. Make a good impression on my instructor.
D. Find out from my instructor what I can do to improve my grade on the next assignment.

Your specific goal helps you identify exactly what you want to achieve and how you will approach the

Adler - Chapter 06 #10

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

11. Which of the following goals for an information-gathering interview is the most specific?
A. Would I like a career as a photographer?
B. Should I become a photographer?
C. What are the advantages and disadvantages of photography as a career, and how could I best prepare myself
for a photography career?
D. What can I learn about photography?

Your interview specific goal should outline the answers you are seeking.

Adler - Chapter 06 #11

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

12. A disadvantage of a structured interview is that

A. the possible answers are limited.
B. there is an opportunity to follow up with secondary questions on topics that turn out to be interesting to the
C. it's easy to get sidetracked and go off on tangents.
D. it takes more training to conduct structured interviews than any other form of interview.

A disadvantage of a structured interview is that the answer choices are limited; there is no chance for follow-up
questions to help you understand the interviewee's response.

Adler - Chapter 06 #12

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview
13. A standardized list of questions with precise wording would be found in which kind of interview?
A. structured
B. unstructured
C. moderately structured
D. loosely structured

A structured interview consists of a standardized list of precisely worded questions.

Adler - Chapter 06 #13

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

14. Structured interviews

A. allow for an unlimited range of questions and answers.
B. should be used only by skilled interviewers.
C. obtain answers to standardized responses from a large number of people (commonly used in market research
and opinion polls).
D. use open-ended questions to provide in-depth examination of the interviewee.

Structured interviews seeks standardized answers, as in market research and opinion polls.

Adler - Chapter 06 #14

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

15. Which characteristic best describes an unstructured interview?

A. It requires less skill by the interviewer than the other types of interviews.
B. The results are easy to quantify and tabulate.
C. It allows for much flexibility in exploring the interviewee's responses.
D. It is easy for the interviewer to control the flow of the interview.

An unstructured interview allows much flexibility.

Adler - Chapter 06 #15

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview
16. If a supervisor decides to drop by and informally talk to her subordinates to find out how satisfied they are
with their jobs, which of the following types of interview schedules would she use?
A. structured
B. performance
C. unstructured
D. appraisal

An unstructured interview permits conversation to flow in any productive direction, so it's very useful for
managers who drop in to see how their employees are doing.

Adler - Chapter 06 #16

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

17. After years of experience, Raylene has come to believe that the most effective way to determine a person's
true personality during a job interview is to allow the conversation to go in any direction the interview may
lead. Which type of interview schedule does Raylene prefer?
A. structured
B. extemporaneous
C. unstructured
D. moderately structured

An unstructured interview permits conversation to flow in any productive direction.

Adler - Chapter 06 #17

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

18. Rob was selected by his supervisor to conduct interviews with prospective college graduates for their law
firm. This is the first time Rob has ever been on the other side of the table in the interview process. He decided
to prepare well in order to make a good impression on the partners of the firm. First, he developed a list of
topics he felt needed to be covered. He then developed a number of open-ended questions with follow-up
probes related to each of his major topics. Which type of interview schedule has Rob created?
A. legalist
B. moderately structured
C. structured
D. unstructured

A moderately structured interview is organized according to topics, with several major questions and follow-up
probes listed under each topic.

Adler - Chapter 06 #18

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview
19. Which of the following types of interviews is most appropriate if you want to give direction to the
interview, yet still allow for open-ended discussion of your chosen topics?
A. participative
B. spontaneous
C. moderately structured
D. unstructured

A moderately structured interview ensures that your main topics will be covered, but still allows some

Adler - Chapter 06 #19

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

20. When an interviewer introduces a new topic area, she is using a

A. turn-taking question.
B. primary question.
C. secondary question.
D. leading question.

Primary questions introduce new topics.

Adler - Chapter 06 #20

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

21. Tucker was interviewing for a sales position with a local pharmaceutical company. During the interview he
was asked a significant number of demanding questions that warranted complex, detailed responses. According
to the text, which type of questions was the interviewer asking?
A. open
B. imaginary
C. direct
D. closed

Open questions invite broad, in-depth answers.

Adler - Chapter 06 #21

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview
22. Which type of question is the following: "What is your opinion about our new benefits package?"
A. indirect
B. closed
C. factual
D. open

Open questions invite broad, in-depth answers.

Adler - Chapter 06 #22

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

23. Which of the following types of questions restricts the interviewee's response most?
A. open
B. hypothetical
C. closed
D. opinion

Closed questions restrict the interviewee's response.

Adler - Chapter 06 #23

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

24. As an interviewer, if you wanted to be able to maintain as much control as possible over the conversation,
which of the following types of questions would you use?
A. secondary
B. indirect
C. open
D. closed

Closed questions restrict the interviewee's response.

Adler - Chapter 06 #24

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

25. All of the following are closed questions EXCEPT

A. "What is your GPA?"
B. "What are your career plans?"
C. "When do you expect to graduate?"
D. "Would you prefer to use a highly structured, moderately structured, or nonstructured interview format?"

Open questions invite broad, in-depth answers.

Adler - Chapter 06 #25

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview
26. In which of the situations below would you choose an open question?
A. You want to evaluate the interviewee's communication skills.
B. Time is short.
C. You need to compare the results of many interviews in a standardized format.
D. You (the interviewer) are not highly skilled at interviewing.

Use an open question to elicit a broad, in-depth answer.

Adler - Chapter 06 #26

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

27. As manager of the human resource center for a local newspaper for the past 10 years, Darcy has found that
the best way to get accurate information from prospective employees is to ask them questions that require them
to expand on topics and explain their personal opinions. Which type of questions does Darcy like to use?
A. closed
B. leading
C. open
D. factual

Use an open question to elicit a broad, in-depth answer.

Adler - Chapter 06 #27

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

28. Which of the following is NOT one of the suggested reasons for an interviewer to use an open question in
an interview?
A. to discover the interviewee's feelings or values
B. to discover the interviewee' values
C. to maintain control over the conversation
D. to evaluate the interviewee's communication skills

Use closed questions to maintain control over an interview.

Adler - Chapter 06 #28

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview
29. Shane knew that he was not supposed to ask interviewees whether they had children. However, he found
that if he asked them what they spent most of their time on outside of work, it became obvious from their
answers whether they had children. What type of question is Shane using in this example?
A. illegal
B. secondary
C. hypothetical
D. indirect

Indirect questions elicit information without asking directly for it.

Adler - Chapter 06 #29

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

30. Which of the following is the most appropriate type of question if you want to acquire information that you
believe might be risky or embarrassing?
A. risky
B. counterfeit
C. indirect
D. manipulative

Indirect questions elicit information without asking directly for it, so use them if you are seeking information
that might be embarrassing or risky to talk about.

Adler - Chapter 06 #30

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

31. During an interview for a new marketing position in the company that she worked for, Sharon's boss asked
her a number of questions such as "If you were in the following situation, what would your reaction be?" Which
of the following types of question is her boss asking?
A. factual
B. hypothetical
C. leading
D. indirect

Hypothetical questions ask the interviewee to explain how they would respond to a situation that hasn't yet
occurred but could occur.

Adler - Chapter 06 #31

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview
32. If I asked someone "Which do you prefer, working alone or working with others?" during an interview,
which type of question would I be using?
A. factual
B. opinion
C. hypothetical
D. indirect

Opinion-seeking questions ask the interviewee to explain their point of view.

Adler - Chapter 06 #32

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

33. Mr. Madaren asks "How many years did you work for your previous employer?" Which type of question is
Mr. Madaren using?
A. critical incident
B. indirect
C. hypothetical
D. factual

A factual question asks for concrete information.

Adler - Chapter 06 #33

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

34. Which of the following is NOT true about conducting an effective video interview?
A. A video or telephone interview should generally be shorter than an in-person interview.
B. Arrange an alternate way of contacting the other party in case you need to communicate while you're
establishing the connection.
C. If your interviewee needs to see information that you will discuss in the interview, send it in advance.
D. Set the video equipment up on the interviewer's end so that the interview will occur in a location that is
typical of your business, such as the lunchroom or lobby; this gives the interviewee a chance to view the
physical setting he or she would be working in.

Choose a quiet setting so the microphone won't pick up background noise.

Adler - Chapter 06 #34

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview
35. Which of the following factors was mentioned in your text as likely to increase the ability of interview
participants to think creatively?
A. sitting at a desk in the supervisor's office
B. scheduling the interview just after an important meeting
C. sitting 40 inches apart
D. meeting away from the normal habitat of either participant

People often think more creatively when they are in a neutral space, away from familiar settings.

Adler - Chapter 06 #35

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

36. All of the following are effective strategies for participating in a job fair EXCEPT
A. Do research ahead of time about employers that interest you.
B. While standing in line, ask other candidates what they've learned at the fair.
C. Ask each company's representative to describe what their company does.
D. Follow up after the fair by calling or emailing potential employers to thank them and to confirm your

Don't ask employers what they do; learn this ahead of time.

Adler - Chapter 06 #36

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Planning the Interview

37. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages of an interview?

A. opening
B. body
C. persuasion
D. closing

The stages of an interview are the opening, the body, and the closing.

Adler - Chapter 06 #37

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview
38. The opening of the interview is a time to accomplish all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Build rapport.
B. Motivate the interviewee to cooperate.
C. Provide a sense of direction for the interview.
D. Ask a clearinghouse question.

The opening can be used to build rapport, motivate the interviewee, and provide a sense of direction.

Adler - Chapter 06 #38

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview

39. In the orientation segment of a typical interview, the interviewer should not
A. mention the approximate length of the interview.
B. conceal the true purpose of the interview.
C. give an overview of what information is needed and how it will be used.
D. state the reason for the interview.

A respondent who knows what the interviewer wants will be more at ease and can give better answers.

Adler - Chapter 06 #39

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview

40. Which basic functions should be included in the opening phase of an interview?
A. rapport, orientation, and motivation
B. rapport, discussion, and follow-up
C. motivation, orientation, and probes
D. introduction, body, and conclusion

The opening of an interview should build rapport, orient the interviewee, and provide motivation to participate.

Adler - Chapter 06 #40

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview

41. During the opening phase of an interview, the interviewer should accomplish all of the following EXCEPT:
A. greet the interviewee.
B. explain the reason for the interview.
C. clarify ground rules.
D. ask a critical incident question.

The opening of an interview should build rapport, orient the interviewee, and provide motivation to participate.

Adler - Chapter 06 #41

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview
42. "Our purpose for this interview is to find out what features you'd like in the new office design so we can try
to make everyone as comfortable as possible." In which part of the interview does this question belong?
A. rapport
B. orientation
C. disclosure
D. norming

The orientation provides an overview of the interview.

Adler - Chapter 06 #42

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview

43. Stating the purpose and length of the interview is part of the __________ step of the interview.
A. body
B. orientation
C. rapport
D. procedural

The orientation previews the purpose and length of the interview.

Adler - Chapter 06 #43

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview

44. Motivating the interviewee to participate should occur during the ___________ stage of the interview.
A. opening
B. body
C. review
D. follow-up

The motivation step occurs during the opening of an interview.

Adler - Chapter 06 #44

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview
45. In most cases, the interviewer should NOT
A. control the direction of the conversation.
B. let the interviewee continue to talk about one question for a long time, if this encroaches on other significant
question areas.
C. allot preplanned blocks of time to each agenda item.
D. use probes.

It is the responsibility of the interviewer to keep the discussion on track.

Adler - Chapter 06 #45

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview

46. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the interviewer during the interview process?
A. Control and focus the conversation.
B. Listen actively.
C. Give clear and detailed answers.
D. Use secondary questions to probe for important information.

It is the responsibility of the interviewer to listen actively and to ask questions; interviewers do not frequently
provide answers to questions.

Adler - Chapter 06 #46

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview

47. Reasons for using probes include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. seeking elaboration.
B. requesting clarification.
C. encouraging the interviewee to say more (by pausing or inserting short prods such as "uh-huh" or
D. demonstrating authority.

Probes can be used to seek elaboration, clarification, and more information.

Adler - Chapter 06 #47

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview
48. When an interviewer responds to an interviewee's comment with silence, this might mean any of the
following EXCEPT:
A. "Tell me more".
B. "I'm interested in your answer".
C. "I'm not satisfied with the depth of your answer".
D. "I'm ready to move on to the next topic".

Silence indicates that the interviewer expects more information; this could be because the interviewer is
interested in or dissatisfied with the previous answer.

Adler - Chapter 06 #48

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview

49. In most cases, interviewees should not

A. make corrections if the interviewer has misunderstood their meaning.
B. evade the interviewer's questions.
C. try to cover their own agendas.
D. give detailed answers.

In most cases, the interviewee should not evade the interviewer's questions.

Adler - Chapter 06 #49

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview

50. Which of the following is the responsibility of the interviewee?

A. Control and focus the conversation.
B. Use secondary questions to probe for important information.
C. Cover your own agenda.
D. Glance at your watch frequently to be sure you aren't talking too long on any one topic.

One responsibility of an interviewee is to develop their own agenda and cover it during the interview.

Adler - Chapter 06 #50

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview
51. Josh was being interviewed for a new position at an advertising firm. The interviewer asked questions for
forty-five minutes. She then explained to Josh that the top three interviewees would be called back for a second
interview. The interviewee's explanation of future actions represents the ____________ phase of an interview.
A. probing
B. orientation
C. motivation
D. closing

In the closing of an interview, the interviewer should review the results of the interview, establish future
actions, and conclude with pleasantries.

Adler - Chapter 06 #51

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview

52. The functions of an effective interview closing are to ____________________.

A. control and focus the conversation
B. use primary questions, secondary questions, and paraphrasing
C. review the outcome of the interview; establish future actions; and conclude with pleasantries
D. listen actively, summarize answers, and probe for more information

In the closing of an interview, the interviewer should review the results of the interview, establish future
actions, and conclude with pleasantries.

Adler - Chapter 06 #52

Topic: Interviewing Strategies: Conducting the Interview

53. Three types of interviews identified by your text as essential for almost every occupation are
A. information-gathering, career research, and employment.
B. disciplinary, survey, and performance.
C. career research, performance appraisal, and exit.
D. information-gathering, diagnostic, and career.

Three types of interviews that are essential in almost every occupation are information-gathering, career
research, and employment.

Adler - Chapter 06 #53

Topic: Types of Interviews: The Information-Gathering Interview
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
"Yes," said Dorothy, a curious mixture of satisfaction and glumness in her
tones; "she did, with her own lips. I didn't say a word, and Lewis wasn't there;
he was talking with Deacon Spalding, just behind us; and John didn't speak, of
course, till he spoke to him."

"Well, I never!" said Mrs. Morgan; then, after a somewhat lengthy pause,
"Seems to me she is taking things into her own hands most amazing fast:
nothing but a stranger herself, and gone to inviting company! Without even
waiting to see if it would be convenient, either! There's extra work, too. I
suppose, though, she thinks she can sit in the front room and entertain him,
and we can do the work."

"I s'pose she is so used to company that she don't think anything about it, and
doesn't know that other folks do. It isn't a dreadful thing to have the minister
come to tea; for my part, I'm glad he is coming."

After this sudden marvellous outburst from Dorothy, her mother turned and
surveyed her again, in bewildered fashion. Who had ever before heard
Dorothy express an outright opinion contrary to her mother's? While she was
meditating how to treat this strange development, the hall door opened, and
Louise, broom and dust-pan in hand, a quaint little sweeping-cap set on her
head, appeared on the scene. She dashed into the subject in mind at once:—

"Mother, has Dorothy mentioned that Mr. Butler is coming to tea? We didn't
think about the extra ironing or we might have chosen some other night.—
Why didn't you remind me, Dorrie?—You must let me do all the extra work, to
pay for my carelessness. I have come down now to put the front room in
order; or shall I help in the kitchen first?"

What was a woman to do who had managed her own household with a high
hand for more than thirty years, thus unceremoniously taken by storm? She
turned her gaze from Dorothy to Louise, and stood regarding her for a second,
as if in no doubt what to say; then, with a bitterness of tone that Louise did not
in the least understand, said—

"Do just exactly what you please; which I guess is what you are in the habit of
doing, without asking permission."

Then she dashed into the outer kitchen, and set up such a clatter with the pots
and kettles there that she surely could not have overheard a word had many
been said.
Louise, with honest heart, desiring to do what was right, was by no means
infallible, and yet was quick-witted she discovered that she had blundered. It
flashed before her that Mother Morgan thought she was trying to rule the
household and reorganize the home society—trying, indeed, to put her, the
mother, aside. Nothing had been further from her thoughts. She stood
transfixed for a moment, the rich blood rolling in waves over her fair face at
thought of this rude repulse of her cheery effort to play that she was at home
and act accordingly. It was as Dorothy said: she was so accustomed to the
familiar sentence, "Come in and take tea," that it fell from her lips as a matter
of course; especially had she been one of those trained to a cordial heartiness
as regarded her pastor. Her invitation to Mr. Butler had been unpremeditated,
and, she now believed, unwise. Yet how strange a sense of loneliness and
actual homesickness swept over her as she realized this. How difficult it was
to step at all! How she must guard her words and her ways; how sure she
might be of giving offence when nothing in her past experience could
foreshadow such an idea to her! Was it possible that in her husband's home
she was not to feel free to extend hospitalities when and where she chose?
Could she ever hope to grow accustomed to such a trammelled life? She
stood still in the spot where her mother-in-law had transfixed her—the dust-
pan balanced nicely, that none of its contents might escape; the broom being
swayed back and forth slowly by a hand that trembled a little; the fair, pink-
trimmed cambric sweeping-cap, that was so becoming to her, and so useful in
shielding her hair from dust, heightening now the flush on her face. If she had
but known it, in the new mother's eyes that sweeping-cap was one of her
many sins.

"The idea of prinking up in a frilled cap to sweep!" had that lady exclaimed, the
first time she saw it, and she drove the coarse comb through her thin gray hair
as she spoke, regardless of the fact that much dust had settled in it from that
very morning's sweeping.

"It keeps her hair clean, I'm sure," had Dorothy interposed; "and you are
always for keeping things most dreadfully clean."

"Clean!" had the mother exclaimed, vexed again, at she hardly knew what; "so
will a good washing in soap and water, and look less ridiculous besides. What
do you catch me up in that way for whenever I say anything? Attend to the
dishes, and don't waste your time talking about hair; and if you ever stick such
a prinked-up thing on your head as that, I'll box your ears."

What could there have been in the little pink cap to have driven the mother
into such a state? She rarely indulged in loud-voiced sentences. It was
unfortunate for Louise that this episode had occurred but a short time before;
and it was fortunate for her that she did not and could not guess what the
innocent cap, made by Estelle's deft fingers, had to do with Mrs. Morgan's
state of mind. Had she known that such a very trifle had power over the new
mother's nerves, it might have appalled her. We grieve sometimes that we
cannot know other people's hearts, and foresee what would please and what
would irritate. Sometimes in our blindness we feel as if that certainly would
have been the wiser way; yet I doubt if Louise's courage would not have
utterly forsaken her could she have seen the heart of her husband's mother as
she rattled the pots and kettles in the outer kitchen. Hearts calm down
wonderfully sometimes; what need then to know of their depths while at
boiling-point? But what sights must the all-seeing God look down upon—
sights, in tenderness, shut away from the gaze of his weak children.

Poor Louise! It was such a little thing, and she felt so ashamed for allowing
herself to be ruffled. Several states of feeling seemed knocking for
admittance. She almost wished that she could go to that outer kitchen and
slam the door after her, and set the dust-pan down hard before the cross lady,
and say to her,—

"There! take your broom and your dust-pan, and do your own sweeping up in
John's room after this, and let Lewis and me go home to mother. You are not a
mother at all; the name does not fit you. I know what the word means; I have
had a mother all my life, and I begin to think Lewis has never had."

What if she should say something like that? What a commotion she could
make! It was not that she had the least idea of saying it; it was simply that she
felt, "What if I should?"—Satan's earliest and most specious form, oftentimes,
of presenting a temptation. Also, there was that unaccountable tendency to a
burst of tears; she felt as though she could hardly keep them back, even with
Dorothy's gray eyes looking keenly at her. Just a little minute served for all
these states of feeling to surge by; then Dorothy broke the silence, roused out
of her timidity by a struggling sense of injustice.

"You mustn't mind what mother says; she speaks out sometimes sharp.
Anybody who didn't know her would think she was angry, but she isn't; it is just
her way. She isn't used to company either, and it kind of flurries her; but she
will be real glad to have had Mr. Butler here after it is all over."

Such a sudden rush of feeling as came to Louise, borne on the current of

these words—words which she knew cost Dorothy an effort, for she had been
with her long enough, and watched her closely enough, to realize what a
painful hold timidity had gotten on her. But these eager, swiftly-spoken words,
so unlike her usual hesitation, evinced a kindly tenderness of feeling for
Louise herself that the lonely young wife reached after and treasured
gratefully. The tears rolled down her cheeks, it is true—they had gotten too
near the surface to control, and were determined for once to have their way;
but she looked through them with a smile at Dorothy, nay, she set down her
dust-pan suddenly and dropped her broom, and went over to the astonished
girl and kissed her heartily.

"Thank you," she said brightly, "you good sister Dorrie; you have helped me
ever so much. Of course mother doesn't mean to scold me; and if she did,
mothers are privileged, and should be loved so much that little scoldings can
be taken gratefully, especially when they are deserved, as mine is. I ought to
have asked her whether it would be convenient to have company. But never
mind; we'll make the best of it, and have a good time all round. And, Dorothy,
let us be real true sisters, and help each other, and lore each other. I miss my
sister Estelle."

It was the last word she dared trust herself to speak; those treacherous tears
desired again to choke her. She turned abruptly from Dorothy and ran
upstairs, leaving the dust-pan a central ornament of the kitchen floor. Hidden
in the privacy of her own room, the door locked on the world below, Louise sat
down in the little home-rocker and did what would have thoroughly alarmed
her own mother because of its unusualness—buried her head in her hands
and let the tears have their way.

She had managed to control herself before Dorothy, to smile brightly on her,
and to feel a thrill of joy over the thought that she had touched that young
person's heart. But all this did not keep her from being thoroughly roused and
indignant toward her mother-in-law. What right had she to treat her as though
she were an interloper? Was not she the wife of the eldest son, who toiled
early and late, bearing burdens at least equal to, if not greater than, his
father? "What that woman needs," said a strong, decided voice in her ear, "is
to realize that there are other people in this world beside herself. She has
been a tyrant all her life. She manages everybody; she thinks she can
manage you. It is for her good as well as your own that you undeceive her.
You owe it to your self-respect to go directly down to that outer kitchen, where
she is banging the kettles around, and say to her that you must have an
understanding. Are you one of the family, with rights, as a married daughter, to
invite and receive guests as suits your pleasure, or are you a boarder simply?
—in which case you are entirely willing to pay for the trouble which your
guests may make."

Every nerve in Louise's body seemed to be throbbing with the desire to help
her carry out this advice. It was not merely the sting of the morning, but an
accumulation of stings which she felt had been gathering ever since she came
into the house. But who was the bold adviser? It startled this young woman
not a little to realize that her heart was wonderfully in accord with his
suggestions. As usual, there was war between him and another unseen force.
Said that other,—

"It is a trying position, to be sure. You have many little things to bear, and it is
quite probable, your life having been so shielded heretofore, that they seem to
you great trials. But, you will remember, I never promised you should not be
tried; I only pledged myself that your strength should be equal to your day.
And, really, there has no temptation taken you but such as is common to men.
And I am faithful: I will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able."

Surely she knew this voice, and recognized this message sent to her so long
ago, and proved true to her experience so many times.

"But," said that other one, "you really are not called upon to endure insults. It
is a perfectly absurd position. If you had gone out as a home missionary, or
were among uncouth people who had had no advantages, and to whom you
were not in any sense related, it would do to talk of bearing trials; but in this
case what right have your husband's family to put trials of this sort upon you?
You have a perfect right to please yourself, and they ought to know it."

"Yes," said that other voice, "there are undoubtedly some things that they
ought to know; but then 'even Christ pleased not himself.'"

"But it is so absurd! She is evidently vexed because you have invited her own
pastor to take tea with her—the most natural and reasonable thing in the
world. She ought to want him to come. The idea of having trouble over such a
trifle as that!"

"Yes; but, after all, are there not two sides to even that? How did you know but
it would be extremely inconvenient for your new mother to see her pastor just
at the time you set?"

"I never thought of such a thing. In our house it was always convenient to see

"Why not tell her that you didn't think of it, omitting the reference to the
different conditions of your own home? Because, you know, you never like to
have people suggest uncomplimentary comparisons to you; therefore, by the
rule which you profess to have accepted, you must not hint them to others."
"But," said that other one, "it is an unnecessary humiliation for you to go to her
and apologize, as though you had done something wrong. The idea! You
should certainly have some regard to your position. Because you came here
full of schemes for usefulness, eager to do her good, is no reason why you
should tamely submit to such treatment as this—least of all, offer an apology
for what you had no idea would be disagreeable; besides, you almost
apologized, and how did she receive it?"

Then that other voice,—

"Remember the word that I said unto you—'The servant is not greater than his

And straightway there surged over Louise Morgan's soul such a sense of
"remembrance" of that other's patience, and meekness, and forgiveness, and
humiliation, such a remembrance of his thirty years of sorrowful cross-bearing
for her, that there surely was verified to her another of the promises: "He shall
bring all things to your remembrance." Moreover, her eyes being opened by
the searching Spirit, she saw who that counsellor was, with his suggestion of
self-respect and wounded dignity and position—always at variance with that
other one, always directly contradicting, always eagerly putting "self" between
Christ and his work. The tears came down in showers; but they were shed in a
lowly attitude, for this troubled young soul sank on her knees.

"O Christ," she said, "thou didst conquer him years ago. He desires to have
me; but, thou mighty One, bid him leave me, for thou art pledged that thou wilt
with the temptation provide a way of escape. And now, dear Christ, help me to
show such a spirit of meekness and unfaltering cheerfulness of spirit before
Lewis's mother that she shall be led, not to me, but to thyself."

It was a very peaceful face which presented itself in the kitchen not many
moments thereafter, and the voice that spoke seemed to Dorothy, who looked
on and listened, the very essence of the morning sunshine.

"Mother, it was certainly very careless in me to invite anybody to tea without

first learning whether it would be convenient for you. If you will forgive me this
time I won't do it a 'bit more.' That is what my little sister says when she gets
into trouble. Now, I want to know if you will let me hang some of my pictures in
the parlour; I've been unpacking them, and I don't know what to do with half of

"Of course," said Mother Morgan. "Fix the parlour as you want it. It never was
called a parlour before in its life; but I daresay that is as good a name as any.
The extra ironing is no consequence anyhow; we always have enough to eat.
He might as well come to-day as any time, for all I know."

Then she dashed out at that end door again, and set the outer kitchen door
open, and stood in it looking off toward the snowy hills. Nobody over
apologized to her before; it gave her a queer feeling.

"Well," said Dorothy, addressing the dust-pan after Louise had vanished
again, "I never could have said that in the world. After what mother said to her
too. I don't care; I like her first-rate. There now."


THAT front room was square and bare; at least that last word expresses the
impression which it made upon Louise as she stood surveying it. There were
several things that she felt sure she could do to brighten it, but the question
turned on expediency. How much would it be wise to undertake?

It is a curious fact that the people who, from choice or necessity, have
contented themselves with paper window-shades, have also been the people
fated to choose for these ungainly creations colours that would fight with the
shades of carpet and wall-paper. Those in the Morgan household were the
ugliest of their kind, and the initiated know that is saying a great deal. The
ground-work was blue. Who ever saw a tint of blue that would harmonize with
a cheap ingrain carpet? They were embellished by corner pieces, done in
dingy brown, with streaks of red here and there; the design looking like
nothing with sufficient distinctness to be named—the whole being grotesque;
while in the centre was a bouquet of flowers so ugly that it was a positive relief
to remember that nature never produced anything in the least like them. An
old-fashioned piece of furniture, known as a settle, suggested possibilities of
comfort if it had not been pushed into the coldest corner of the room and been
disfigured by a frayed binding and a broken spring. The chairs, of course,
were straight-backed and stiff; and set in solemn rows. But the table, with its
curious clawed legs and antique shape, filled Louise's heart with delight.

"What a pity," she said aloud, "that they couldn't have put some of the grace
into the old-fashioned chairs which they lavished on those delightful old
tables! How that bit of artistic twisting would delight Estelle's heart!"

This deliberate survey of her present field of operations was being taken after
the sweeping and dusting were over, and she was trying to settle the
momentous question of "What next?"

The door leading into the kitchen was swung open, and Mother Morgan
presented herself in the doorway, her arms still in their favourite reflective
attitude, holding to her sides.

"The curtains do look scandalous," she said, her eyes lighting on them at
once. "I've been going, for I don't know how long, to get new ones, but I never
seem to get at such things. I declare I didn't know they was so cracked."

Instantly Louise's wits sprang to grasp this opportunity. Who could have
expected such an opening in accord with her present thoughts?

"Oh, I hope you won't get new ones. I have a set of curtains that my mother
gave me for my room, so I might have a reminder of home, and they are
altogether too long for my windows; but I think they will just fit here. I should
so like to see them in use. May I put them up?"

What was the mother to say? She possessed that unfortunate sort of pride
which is always hurt with the suggestion of using other people's things. Yet
she had herself opened the door to this very suggestion. How was she to
close it?

"Oh, it isn't necessary to bring your curtains down here. I mean to get new
ones, of course. I've just neglected it, that's all; there's been no need for it."

"I'm so glad then that you have neglected it," Louise said quickly. "It has made
me feel sort of lonely to see those curtains lying idle in my trunk. I wanted to
put them somewhere. How fortunate it is that they are just the right colour to
match nicely with the carpet. You are really good to let me have them up

Whereupon Mrs. Morgan, with a vague feeling that she had been "good"
without in the least intending it, kept silence.
Louise gave her little chance for reflection.

"You can't think how much I like that sofa. Wouldn't it be nice if they made
such shaped ones nowadays, so long and wide? It suggests rest to me right
away. I can't think of anything more comfortable than this corner when the fire
is made, with that nice, hospitable sofa wheeled into it."

This sentence brought Dorothy from the kitchen, to gaze, with wide-eyed
wonder, first at the lounge and then at the speaker. The object of her
intensified hatred, for many a day, had been that old, widespread, claw-footed
settle. Not being accustomed to seeing such an article of furniture anywhere
else, and being keenly alive to the difference between her home and that of
the few other homes into which she had occasionally penetrated, she had,
unconsciously to herself, singled out the old lounge and the old table, and
concentrated her aversion to the whole upon them.

There was something about Louise that gave to all she said the stamp of
sincerity. Dorothy found herself believing implicitly just what had been said;
therefore this surprising eulogy of the old settle was the more bewildering.
Louise's next sentence completed the mystification.

"But the prettiest thing in this room is that table. I never saw anything like that
before; it must be very old, isn't it? And it looks like solid mahogany."

There was no resisting the impulse. Mother Morgan's heart swelled with a
sense of gratified pride (if it were not a nobler feeling than pride).

"It is solid," she said quickly, "every inch of it; it belonged to my mother; it was
one of her wedding presents from my grandfather. There isn't another table in
the country as old as this."

"Isn't that delightful?" said Louise, genuine eagerness in tone and manner. "To
think of your having one of your own mother's wedding presents! My sister
Estelle would like to see that; she has such a wonderful feeling of reverence
for old things, especially when she can hear about the hands that have
touched them long ago. Did your mother die a good many years ago?"

"She died when I was a girl like Dorothy there," said Mrs. Morgan, her voice
subdued, and she gathered a corner of her large apron and carried it to her

"I always set great store by that table. I've seen my mother rub it with an old
silk handkerchief by the half-hour, to make it shine. She thought a great deal
of it on grandfather's account, let alone its value, and it was thought to be a
very valuable table in those days. I have always thought I would keep it for
Dorothy. But she don't care for it; she thinks it is a horrid, old-fashioned thing.
She would have it put into the barn-loft, along with the spinning-wheel, if she
could. Your sister must be different from other girls, if she can stand anything

Poor Dorothy, her cheeks aflame, stood with downcast eyes; too honest was
she to deny that she had hated the claw-footed table as one of the evidences
of the life to which she was shut up, different from others. Louise turned
toward her with a kindly smile.

"I think Estelle is different from most girls," she said gently. "Our grandmother
lived until a short time ago, and we loved her very clearly, and that made
Estelle like every old-fashioned thing more than she would. Mother says that
most girls have to get old and gray-haired before they prize their girlhood or
know what is valuable."

"That is true enough," said Mother Morgan emphatically.

Then Louise—

"I wonder if I can find John anywhere? I want him to help me to hang pictures
and curtains. Do you suppose father can spare him a little while?"

"John!" said the wondering mother. "Do you want his help? Why, yes, father
will spare him, I daresay, if he will do anything; but I don't suppose he will."

"Oh yes," said Louise gaily, "he promised to help me; and besides, he invited
the minister here himself, or at least seconded the invitation heartily, so of
course he will have to help to get ready for him."

"Well, there he is now, in the shed. You get him to help if you can; I'll risk his
father. And move things about where you would like to have them; I give this
room into your hands. If you can make it look as pleasant as the kitchen, I'll
wonder at it. It was always a dreadful dull-looking room, somehow."

And the mollified mother went her way. An apology was a soothing sort of
thing. It was very nice to have the long-despised old settle and table (dear to
her by a hundred associations, so dear that she would have felt it a weakness
to own it) not only tolerated but actually admired with bright eyes and eager
voice; but to engage, in any enterprise whatever, her youngest son, so that
there might be hope of his staying at home with the family the whole of
Tuesday evening—an evening when, by reason of the meeting of a certain
club in the village, he was more than at any other time exposed to temptation
and danger—was a thought to take deep root in this mother-heart. She did not
choose to let anybody know of her anxiety concerning this boy; but really and
truly it was the sore ache in her heart, and the thinking of the brightness of
Louise's care-free face in contrast with her own heavy-heartedness, that
developed the miseries of the morning. After all, to our limited sight, it would
seem well, once in a while, to have peeps into each other's hearts.

Greatly to his mother's surprise, and somewhat to his own, John strode at first
call into the front room, albeit he muttered as he went: "I don't know anything
about her gimcracks; why don't she call Lewis?"

"Are you good at driving nails?" Louise greeted him with; "Because Lewis isn't.
He nearly always drives one crooked."

"Humph!" said John disdainfully. "Yes, I can drive a nail as straight as any of
'em; and I haven't been to college either."

"Neither have I," said Louise, accepting his sentence in the spirit of banter;
"and I can drive nails, too. If I were only a little taller I'd show you. But how are
we going to reach away up to the ceiling? Is there a step-ladder anywhere?"

"Yes; make one out of the kitchen table and the wood-box."

And he went for them. Then the work went on steadily. John could not only
drive nails, but could measure distances with his eye almost as accurately as
with a rule, and could tell to the fraction of an inch whether the picture hung
"plum" or not. Louise, watching, noted these things, and freely commented
upon them, until, despite himself, John's habitual gruffness toned down.

"Who is this?" he asked, and he, perched on his table and wood-box, stopped
to look at the life-size photograph of a beautiful girl.

"That," said Louise, pride and pleasure in her voice, "is my sister Estelle; isn't
she pretty? With the first breath of spring I want her to come out here; and I
want you to get ready to be real good to her, and show her all the interesting
things in field and wood."


"Yes, you. I look forward to your being excellent friends. There are a hundred
delightful things about nature and animal life of which she knows nothing, and
she is eager to see and hear and learn. I look to you for help."

At this astounding appeal for "help" John turned and hung the picture without
a word. What was there to say to one who actually expected help from him for
that radiant creature!

Louise, apparently busy in untangling cord and arranging tassels, watched

him furtively. He studied the picture after it was in place; he had difficulty in
getting it to just the right height, and tied and untied the crimson cord more
than once in his precision. The bright, beautiful, girlish figure, full of a
nameless witchery and grace that shone out at you from every curve! She
hardly knew how much she wished for the influence of the one over the other.
If Estelle could help, would help him in a hundred ways, as she could; and if
he would help her! Yes, Louise was honest; she saw ways in which this
solemn-faced boy could help her gay young sister, if he only would.

"Oh!" she said to herself, with great intensity of feeling, "if people only would
influence each other just as much as they could, and just as high as they
could, what a wonderful thing this living would be!"

It was for this reason among others that she had selected from her family
group, hanging in her room, this beautiful young sister, and sacrificed her to
hang between the windows in the front room. There were other pictures, many
of them selected with studied care, with an eye to their influence. Among
others, there was a brilliant illuminated text worked in blues and browns, and
the words were such as are rarely found in mottoes. In the centre was a great
gilt-edged Bible, and circling over it: "These are written that ye might believe
on the Son of God." Then underneath, in smaller letters: "And that believing,
ye might have life through his name."

"That is Estelle's work," his companion said. "Isn't it pretty?"

"I suppose so. I don't know anything about pretty things."

"Oh yes you do; you know perfectly well what you think is pretty. I venture to
say that you know what you like, and what you dislike, as well as any person
in this world."

He laughed, not ill pleased at this; and Louise, with no apparent connection,
branched into another subject.

"By the way, where is that church social that was announced for Friday night?
"No; just on the other hill from us, about a mile, or a trifle more."

"Then we can walk, can't we? I'm a good walker, and if the evening is
moonlight, I should think it would be the most pleasant way of going."

And now John nearly lost his balance on the wood-box, because of the
suddenness with which he turned to bestow his astonished gaze on her.

"We never go," he said at last.

"Why not?"

"Well," with a short laugh, "that question might be hard to answer. I don't, I
suppose, because I don't want to."

"Why don't you want to? Aren't they pleasant gatherings?"

"Never went to see. I grew away from them before I was old enough to go.
Mother and father don't believe in them, among other things."

There was a suspicion of a sneer in his voice now. Louise was a persistent

"Why don't they believe in them?"

"Various reasons. They dress, and mother doesn't believe in dressing. She
believes women ought to wear linsey-woolsey uniform the year round. And
they dance, and neither mother nor father believe in that; they think it is the
unpardonable sin mentioned in the Bible."

"Do they dance at the church socials?"

"Yes," an unmistakable sneer in his tones now, "I believe they do; we hear so
anyhow. You will look upon the institution with holy horror after this, I

"Does Mr. Butler dance?"

"Well, reports are contradictory. Some say he hops around with the little girls
before the older ones get there, and some have it that he only looks on and
admires. I don't know which list of sinners he is in, I'm sure. Do you think
dancing is wicked?"
"I think that picture is crooked," said Louise promptly; "isn't it? Doesn't it want
to be moved a trifle to the right? That is a special favourite of mine. Don't you
know the face? Longfellow's 'Evangeline.' Lewis don't like the picture nor the
poem; but I can't get away from my girlhood liking for both. Don't you know the
poem? I'll read it to you some time and see if you don't agree with me. Now,
about that social: let's go next Friday, and see if we can't have a good time—
you and Lewis, and Dorothy and I. It is quite time you introduced me to some
of your people, I think."

"You don't answer my question."

"What about? Oh, the dancing? Well, the truth is, though a short question, it
takes a very long answer, and it is so involved with other questions and
answers that I'm afraid if we should dip into it we shouldn't get the curtains
hung by tea-time. Let me just take a privilege and ask you a question. Do you
expect me to believe in it?"


"Why not?"

"Because—well—because you religionists are not apt to."

"Don't you know any religionists who seem to?"

"Yes; but they are the counterfeit sort."

"Then you think real, honest Christians ought not to believe in dancing?"

"I didn't say any such thing," returned John hotly; then, being quick-witted, he
realized his position, and despite his attempt not to, laughed. "I think we had
better go after those curtains now," he said, significantly. And they went.

"WELL," said Dorothy, and she folded her arms and looked up and down the
large room, a sense of great astonishment struggling with one of keen
satisfaction on her face, "who ever thought that she could make this look like

Which mixed and doubtful sentence indicates the bewilderment in Dorothy's

mind. Yet there had been no wonderful thing done. But Dorothy belonged to
that class of people who do not see what effects little changes might produce.
Still, she belonged, let us be thankful, to that class of people who can see
effects when the changes have been produced. There are not a few in this
world who are as blind as bats about this latter matter.

The place in question was the large square front room of the Morgan family.
The heavy crimson curtains, of rare pattern and graceful finish, hung in rich
waves about the old-fashioned windows, falling to the very floor, and hiding
many a defect in their ample folds. The walls were hung with pictures and
brackets and text-cards. The brackets were furnished—one with a pretty
antique vase, hiding within itself a small bottle of prepared earth, which
nourished a thrifty ivy. One held a quaint old picture of Dorothy's mother's
mother, for which Louise's deft fingers had that morning fashioned a frame of
pressed leaves and ferns. The old-fashioned settee was drawn into exactly
the right angle between the fire and the windows. The torn braid had been
mended, and John, of his own will, had repaired the broken spring.

The heavy mahogany table rejoiced in a wealth of beautifully bound and most
attractive-looking books; while a little stand, brought from Louise's own room,
held a pot of budding and blossoming pinks, whose old-fashioned spicy breath
pervaded the room. Perhaps no one little thing contributed to the holiday air
which the room had taken on more than did the tidies of bright wools and clear
white, over which Estelle had wondered when they were being packed, Louise
thought of her and smiled, and wished she could have had a glimpse of them
as they adorned the two rounding pillow-like ends of the sofa, hung in graceful
folds from the small table that held the blossoming pinks, adorned the back
and cushioned seat and arms of the wooden rocking-chair in the fireplace
corner, and even lay smooth and white over the back of Father Morgan's old
chair, which Louise had begged for the other chimney-corner, and which Mrs.
Morgan, with a mixture of indifference and dimly-veiled pride, had allowed to
be taken thither.

Little things were these, every one, yet what a transformation they made to
Dorothy's eyes. The crowning beauty of the scene to Louise was the great
old-fashioned artistic-looking pile of hickory logs which John built up
scientifically in the chimney-corner, the blaze of which, when set on fire,
glowed and sparked and danced, and burnished with a weird flame every
picture and book, and played at light and shade among the heavy window
drapery in a way that was absolutely bewitching to the eyes of the new-comer.

"What a delightful room this is!" she said, standing with clasped hands and
radiant face, gazing with genuine satisfaction upon it when the fire was
lighted. "How I wish my mother could see that fire! She likes wood fires so
much, and she has had to depend on 'black holes in the floor' for so long a
time. I do think I never was in a more home-like spot."

It was fortunate for Louise that her education had been of that genuine kind
which discovers beauty in the rare blending of lights and shades and the
tasteful assimilation of furnishings, rather than in the richness of the carpet or
the cost of the furniture. It was genuine admiration which lighted her face. The
room had taken on a touch of home and home cheer. Mrs. Morgan, senior,
eying her closely, on the alert for shams, felt instinctively that none were veiled
behind those satisfied eyes, and thought more highly of her daughter-in-law
than she had before.

As for Dorothy, she was so sure that the fairies had been there and bewitched
the great dreary room that she yielded to the spell, nothing doubting.

It seemed almost strange to Louise herself that she was so deeply interested
in this prospective visit from the minister. She found herself planning eagerly
for the evening, wondering whether she could draw John into the
conversation, whether Dorothy would rally from her shyness sufficiently to
make a remark; wondering whether the bright-eyed young minister would
second her efforts for these two. During a bit of confidential chat which she
had with her husband at noon, she said,—

"I can't help feeling that there are serious interests at stake. Mr. Butler must
get hold of the hearts of these young people; there must be outside influences
to help us or we cannot accomplish much. I wonder if he has his young people
very much at heart?"
"I may misjudge the man," Lewis said, leisurely buttoning his collar and
speaking in an indifferent tone; "but I fancy he hasn't a very deep interest in
anything outside of having a really good comfortable time."

"O Lewis!" and his wife's note of dismay caused Lewis to turn from the mirror
and look at her inquiringly. "How can you think that of your pastor? How can
you pray for him when you are composedly saying such things?"

"Why," Lewis said, smiling a little, "I didn't say anything very dreadful, did I,
dear? He really doesn't impress me as being thoroughly in earnest. I didn't
mean, of course, that he is a hypocrite. I think him a good, honest-hearted
young man; but he hasn't that degree of earnestness that one expects in a

"What degree of earnestness should a minister have, Lewis?"

"More than he has," said her husband positively. "My dear wife, really you
have a mistaken sort of idea that because a man is a minister therefore he is
perfect. Don't you think they are men of like passions with ourselves?"

"Yes, I do; but from your remark I thought you were not of that opinion. No,
really, I think I am on the other side of the argument. I am trying to discover
how much more earnest a minister should be than you and I are, for instance."

"Rather more is expected of him by the Church," her husband answered,

moving cautiously, and becoming suddenly aware that he was on slippery

"By the Church possibly; but is more really expected of him by the Lord?
Sometimes I have heard persons talk as though they really thought there was
a different code of rules for a minister's life than for the ordinary Christian's.
But, after all, he has to be guided by the same Bible, led by the same Spirit."

"There's a bit of sophistry in that remark," her husband said laughing; "but I
shall not stay to hunt it up just now. I expect father is waiting for me to help
about matters that he considers more important."

"But, Lewis, wait a moment. I don't want to argue; I just want this: Will you this
afternoon pray a good deal about this visit? I do feel that it ought to be a
means of grace to our home and to the pastor; for there should certainly be a
reflex influence in visits between pastor and people. I have been for the last
two hours impressed to almost constant prayer for this, and I feel as though I
wanted to have a union of prayer."
Her husband lingered, regarding her with a half-troubled, half-curious

"Sometimes," he said slowly, "I am disposed to think that you have gone away
beyond me in these matters, so that I cannot understand you. Now, about this
visit. I can see nothing but an ordinary social cup of tea with the minister. He
will eat bread and butter, and the regulation number of sauces and cakes and
pickles, and we will keep up a flow of talk about something, it will not matter
much what to any of us, so we succeed in appearing social; then he will go
away, and the evening will be gone, and, so far as I can see, everything will be
precisely as it was before."

"No," she said, with a positive setting of her head. "You are ignoring entirely
the influence which one soul must have over another. Don't you believe that
all of our family, by this visit, will have been drawn either to respect religion
more, to feel its power more plainly, or else will have been repelled from the
subject? They may none of them be aware that such is the case, yet when
they come in contact with one so closely allied to the church and prayer-
meeting, I think, that either one influence or the other must have its way."

"New thought to me put on that broad ground. But if it is true, it proves, I think,
that the minister has more influence over the community than private
Christians have; because, certainly, it is possible for you and me to go out to
tea and have a pleasant social time, and not change any person's opinion of
religion one-half inch."

She shook her head. "It proves to me that the outward position helps the
minister by the law of association to make a more distinctly realized
impression; but, dear Lewis, the question is, is it right for any servant of the
King to mingle familiarly for an afternoon with others, who either are or should
be loyal subjects, and not make a definite impression for the King?"

"I don't know," he said slowly, gravely; "I don't believe I have thought of social
gatherings in that light."

And Louise, as he went away, realized, with a throb of pain, that she wanted
the minister to make a definite impression for good, not only on Dorothy and
John, but on her husband. Perhaps she never prayed more constantly for the
success of any apparently small matter than she did for this tea-drinking. Her
interest even extended to the dress that Dorothy wore. She knew well it would
be a somewhat rusty black one; but the door of that young lady's room being
ajar, and she being visible, in the act of adding to her toilet an ugly red necktie
that set her face aflame, Louise ventured a suggestion.
"O Dorrie, if you would wear some soft laces with that dress, how pretty it
would be!"

"I know it," said Dorothy, snatching off the red tie as she spoke. "But I haven't
any. I hate this necktie; I don't know why, but I just hate it. Mother bought it
because it was cheap!"—immense disgust expressed in tone and manner.
"That is surely the only recommendation it has."

"I have some soft laces that will be just the thing for you," Louise said in
eagerness, and she ran back to her room for them.

"These are cheap," returning with a box of fluffy ruchings. "They cost less than
ribbon in the first place, and will do up as well as linen collars."

New items these to Dorothy. The idea that anything so white and soft and
beautiful could also be cheap! A mistaken notion had this young woman that
everything beautiful was costly.

"Let me arrange them," Louise said in a flutter of satisfaction, lifting her heart
in prayer as she worked.

Praying about a lace ruffle! Oh yes, indeed; why not? If they are proper to
wear, why not proper to speak of to the Father who clothes the lilies and
numbers the very hairs of our head? Actually praying that the delicate laces
might aid in lifting Dorothy into a reasonable degree of self-appreciation, and
so relieve, somewhat, the excessive timidity which Satan was successfully
using against her. I wonder, has it ever occurred to young people that Satan
can make use of timidity as well as boldness?

"There," said Louise, as she arranged the puffy knots, giving those curious
little touches which the tasteful woman understands so well and finds so
impossible to teach.

"Aren't they pretty?" And she stood back to view the effect.

The pink glow on Dorothy's cheeks showed that she thought they were.

With the details of the supper Louise did not in the least concern herself; she
knew that food would be abundant and well prepared, and the linen would be
snowy, and the dishes shining. What more need mortal want?

As for the minister, truth to tell, he spent his leisure moments during the day in
dreading his visit. He had heard so much of the Morgans—of their coldness
and indifference, of their holding themselves aloof from every influence, either
social or spiritual. The few sentences that had ever passed between himself
and Farmer Morgan had been so tinged with sarcasm on the latter's part, and
had served to make him feel so thoroughly uncomfortable, that he shrank from
all contact with the entire family, always excepting the fair-faced, sweet-voiced
stranger; not her husband, for something about the grave, rather cold face of
Lewis Morgan made his young pastor pick him out as merciless intellectual
critic. However, it transpired that most of his forebodings were unrealized.

It suited Mrs. Morgan, senior, to array herself in a fresh calico, neatly made,
relieved from severe plainness by a very shining linen collar; and though her
manner was nearly as cold as the collar, yet there was a certain air of
hospitality about it that made the minister feel not unwelcome. Dorothy, under
the influence of her becoming laces, or some other influence, was certainly
less awkward than usual. And fair, curly-haired, sweet-faced Nellie caught the
young man's heart at once, and was enthroned upon his knee when Farmer
Morgan came to shake hands before proceeding to supper. If there was one
thing on earth more than another that Farmer Morgan did admire, it was his
own beautiful little Nellie. If the minister saw that she was an uncommon child,
why, in his heart, he believed it to be a proof positive that the minister was an
uncommon man. Altogether, Mr. Butler's opinion of the Morgan family was
very different by six o'clock from what it had been at four. Just a word alone
with him Louise had, when Farmer Morgan suddenly remembered an
unforgotten duty and went away, while Mrs. Morgan and Dorothy were putting
the finishing touches to the supper-table. Lewis was detained with a business
caller at one of the large barns, and John had not presented himself at all.
This was one of her present sources of anxiety. She turned to the minister the
moment they were alone.

"We need your help so much," she began eagerly. "My husband and I are the
only Christians in this family. I am specially and almost painfully interested in
both John and Dorothy; they need Christ so much, and apparently are so far
from him. Is the Christian influence of the young people decided in this

"I hardly know how to answer you," he said hesitatingly. "If I were to tell you
the simple truth, I seem better able to influence the young in almost any other
direction than I do in anything that pertains to religion." And if the poor young
man had but known it, he was more natural and winning in regard to any other
topic than he was with that one. "I have hardly a young man in my
congregation on whom I can depend in the least," he continued sadly, "and I
do not see any gain in this respect."

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