Geographical Indications

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Geographical Indication Document

Apoorva Wanare

Roll no-63 PRN-2223001006

Kolhapur Institute of Technology,Ko


1 Introduction
Geographical indications (GIs) acquired global relevance in 1994 with their legal pro-
tection as an intellectual property right (IPR) in the Agreement on Trade-Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) of the World Trade Or-
ganization (WTO).2 The term GI was coined to encompass a variety of expressions
already in use in other international treaties and national legislations, such as appel-
lations of origin. The new term was given a specific definition in Article 22.1 of the
TRIPS Agreement, which is the one retained in this book:
“Geographical indications are indications which identify a good as originating in
the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given
quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to
its geographical origin.”

2 What is Geographical Indication

A geographical indication is a sign used on products that has a specific geograph-
ical origin and includes the qualities or reputation of that origin. A geographical
indication is given mainly to agricultural, natural, and manufactured handicrafts
arising from a certain geographical area. Geographical indications (G.I.) are one of
the forms of IPR which identifies a good as originating in the respective territory of
the country, or a region or locality in that particular territory, where a given quality,

reputation or other characteristic related to the good is essentially attributable to
its geographical origin. The relationship between objects and place becomes so well
known that any reference to that place is reminiscent of goods originating there and
vice versa. It performs three functions:
First, it identifies the goods as to the origin of a particular region or locality;
Secondly, it suggests to consumers that goods come from a region where a given
quality, reputation, or other characteristics of the goods are essentially attributed to
their geographic origin; Third, they promote the goods of producers of a particular
region. They suggest to the consumer that the goods come from this area where a
given quality, reputation or other characteristics of goods are essentially attributable
to the geographical region. G.I. is a kind of sign used for goods that have a specific
geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that partic-
ular place of origin. Basmati rice and Darjeeling tea are examples of G.I. from India.
Article 22 of the TRIPS Agreements defines a geographical indication as a sign that
is used on goods that have a specific geographical origin and which possess quali-
ties, reputation or characteristics that are essentially attributable to that particular
geographical place of origin.
As a result, India was implemented in 1999 when the TRIPS Agreement was
incorporated as a member state of the Sui-Genis law for the protection of geograph-
ical Indication. The object of the Geographical Indicators Goods (Registration and
Protection) Act, 1999, has three folds:
By specific laws governing the geographical Indication of goods in the country,
which can adequately protect the interests of the producers of such goods, To ex-
clude unauthorized persons from misuse of geographical signals protect consumers
from fraud, and Promoting Indian geographical bearing goods in the export market.
A registered geographic sign prohibits in any way the use of a geographical insignia
which indicates in the designation or representation of goods that such goods origi-
nate in a geographic area. For example, Basmati rice and Darjeeling tea are examples
of G.I. from India. The connection between the goods and place becomes so much
recognized that any reference to the place reminds those specific goods being pro-
duced there and vice-versa. Some of the Examples of Indian geographical indications
which are registered in India are:
Basmati rice Darjeeling tea Banaras Brocades and Sarees Coorg orange Phulkari
Kolhapuri chappals Kangivaram sarees Agra Petha

3 Geographical Indications: A Historical Perspec-
am dui ligula, fringilla a, euismod sodales, sollicitudin vel, wisi. Morbi auctor lorem
non justo. Nam lacus libero, pretium at, lobortis vitae, ultricies et, tellus. Donec
aliquet, tortor sed accumsan bibendum, erat ligula aliquet magna, vitae ornare odio
metus a mi. Morbi ac orci et nisl hendrerit mollis. Suspendisse ut massa. Cras
nec ante. Pellentesque a nulla. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis par-
turient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam tincidunt urna. Nulla ullamcorper
vestibulum turpis. Pellentesque cursus luctus mauris

3.1 Evolution of GIs

Nulla malesuada porttitor diam. Donec felis erat, congue non, volutpat at, tincidunt
tristique, libero. Vivamus viverra fermentum felis. Donec nonummy pellentesque
ante. 1 Phasellus adipiscing semper elit. Proin fermentum massa ac quam. Sed diam
turpis, molestie vitae, placerat a, molestie nec, leo. Maecenas lacinia. Nam ipsum
ligula, eleifend at, accumsan nec, suscipit a, ipsum. Morbi blandit ligula feugiat
magna. Nunc eleifend consequat lorem. Sed lacinia nulla vitae enim. Pellentesque
tincidunt purus vel magna. Integer non enim. Praesent euismod nunc eu purus.
Donec bibendum quam in tellus. Nullam cursus pulvinar lectus. Donec et mi. Nam
vulputate metus eu enim. Vestibulum pellentesque felis eu massa.

3.1.1 Early Examples

Quisque ullamcorper placerat ipsum. Cras nibh. Morbi vel justo vitae lacus tincidunt
ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In hac habitasse
platea dictumst. Integer tempus convallis augue. Etiam facilisis. Nunc elementum
fermentum wisi. Aenean placerat. Ut imperdiet, enim sed gravida sollicitudin, felis
odio placerat quam, ac pulvinar elit purus eget enim. Nunc vitae tortor. Proin
tempus nibh sit amet nisl. Vivamus quis tortor vitae risus porta vehicula.

4 Role of GIs in Rural Development

usce mauris. Vestibulum luctus nibh at lectus. Sed bibendum, nulla a faucibus
semper, leo velit ultricies tellus, ac venenatis arcu wisi vel nisl. Vestibulum diam.
Aliquam pellentesque, augue quis sagittis posuere, turpis lacus congue quam, in hen-
drerit risus eros eget felis. Maecenas eget erat in sapien mattis porttitor. Vestibulum

porttitor. Nulla facilisi. Sed a turpis eu lacus commodo facilisis. Morbi fringilla,
wisi in dignissim interdum, justo lectus sagittis dui, et vehicula libero dui cursus dui.
Mauris tempor ligula sed lacus. Duis cursus enim ut augue. Cras ac magna. Cras
nulla. Nulla egestas. Curabitur a leo. Quisque egestas wisi eget nunc. Nam feugiat
lacus vel est. Curabitur consectetuer.

4.1 Economic Impact

Suspendisse vel felis. Ut lorem lorem, interdum eu, tincidunt sit amet, laoreet vitae,
arcu. Aenean faucibus pede eu ante. Praesent enim elit, rutrum at, molestie non,
nonummy vel, nisl. Ut lectus eros, malesuada sit amet, fermentum eu, sodales cursus,
magna. Donec eu purus. Quisque vehicula, urna sed ultricies auctor, pede lorem
egestas dui, et convallis elit erat sed nulla. Donec luctus. Curabitur et nunc. Aliquam
dolor odio, commodo pretium, ultricies non, pharetra in, velit. Integer arcu est,
nonummy in, fermentum faucibus, egestas vel, odio.

4.1.1 Case Studies

Sed commodo posuere pede. Mauris ut est. Ut quis purus. Sed ac odio. Sed vehicula
hendrerit sem. Duis non odio. Morbi ut dui. Sed accumsan risus eget odio. In hac
habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque non elit. Fusce sed justo eu urna porta
tincidunt. Mauris felis odio, sollicitudin sed, volutpat a, ornare ac, erat. Morbi quis
dolor. Donec pellentesque, erat ac sagittis semper, nunc dui lobortis purus, quis
congue purus metus ultricies tellus. Proin et quam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu
ad litora torquent per conubia 2 nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Praesent sapien
turpis, fermentum vel, eleifend faucibus, vehicula eu, lacus.

5 GIs and International Trade

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis
egestas. Donec odio elit, dictum in, hendrerit sit amet, egestas sed, leo. Praesent
feugiat sapien aliquet odio. Integer vitae justo. Aliquam vestibulum fringilla lorem.
Sed neque lectus, consectetuer at, consectetuer sed, eleifend ac, lectus. Nulla facilisi.
Pellentesque eget lectus. Proin eu metus. Sed porttitor. In hac habitasse platea
dictumst. Suspendisse eu lectus. Ut mi mi, lacinia sit amet, placerat et, mollis vitae,
dui. Sed ante tellus, tristique ut, iaculis eu, malesuada ac, dui. Mauris nibh leo,
facilisis non, adipiscing quis,ultrices a,dui.

5.1 Challenges and Opportunities
Morbi luctus, wisi viverra faucibus pretium, nibh est placerat odio, nec commodo
wisi enim eget quam. Quisque libero justo, consectetuer a, feugiat vitae, porttitor eu,
libero. Suspendisse sed mauris vitae elit sollicitudin malesuada. Maecenas ultricies
eros sit amet ante. Ut venenatis velit. Maecenas sed mi eget dui varius euismod.
Phasellus aliquet volutpat odio. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luc-
tus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque sit amet pede ac sem eleifend
consectetuer. Nullam elemen- tum, urna vel imperdiet sodales, elit ipsum pharetra
ligula, ac pretium ante justo a nulla. Curabitur tristique arcu eu metus. Vestibulum
lectus. Proin mauris. Proin eu nunc eu urna hendrerit faucibus. Aliquam auctor,
pede consequat laoreet varius, eros tellus scelerisque quam, pellentesque hendrerit
ipsum dolor sed augue. Nulla nec lacus

5.1.1 Trade Agreements

Suspendisse vitae elit. Aliquam arcu neque, ornare in, ullamcorper quis, commodo
eu, libero. Fusce sagittis erat at erat tristique mollis. Maecenas sapien libero, mo-
lestie et, lobortis in, sodales eget, dui. Morbi ultrices rutrum lorem. Nam elementum
ullamcorper leo. Morbi dui. Aliquam sagittis. Nunc placerat. Pellentesque tristique
sodales est. Maecenas imperdiet lacinia velit. Cras non urna. Morbi eros pede,
suscipit ac, varius vel, egestas non, eros. Praesent malesuada, diam id pretium ele-
mentum, eros sem dictum tortor, vel consectetuer odio sem sed wisi.

6 Tables

State - Geographical indication

Rajasthan - Bikaneri Bujia
Goa - Feni
Maharashtra - Kolhapuri Chappals
Kerala - Navara Rice
Gujrat - Kutuch Embroidary

Table 1: Example Table 1

cell1 cell2 cell3

cell4 cell5 cell6
cell7 cell8 cell9

7 Equations
F = ma (1)

E = mc2 (2)

Figure 1: Geographical Indications

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