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It is necessary for everyone to be aware of traffic signs and road rules. Traffic
signs can give you important information that can ensure your safety and the
safety of those around you and awareness of road rules can lower chances of
Over 15,0000 people in India are killed every year due to traffic accidents. With a per day
average of 400 fatalities, India has one of the highest rates of accidents in the whole worl
Hud. One of the prime reasons for these accidents is negligence of road safety norms and
traffic signs. Be it a pedestrian or a person driving a car/motorcycle, having awareness
abouut road safety norms and traffic signs is an absolute necessity in today’s time.

In India, any person applying for a driving licence is required to be familiar with
road safety signs and traffic signals. They need to go through a written/oral test
in order to obtain the driving licence. Here are some of the ways in which traffic
signs act as a traffic management tool:
1. Road signs inform drivers the correct lanes to take so that they can avoid blockages
caused due to abrupt turns.
2. Provide significant information about sensitive junctions and curves, speed limit, and
presence of hospitals or schools nearby so that drivers can adjust their pace
3. Inform vehicle owners about available/restricted parking areas, entry and exit points,
and more.
4. Guide heavy, medium, and light vehicles with proper division of lanes.
5. Ensure discipline on the roads by the implementation of lane discipline and overtaking
6. Inform motorists about directions to take, potential dangers ahead, and rules to
follow on highways.

In recent years, the law enforcement and government authorities have

emphasised bringing stricter rules when it comes to granting of driving licences
and imposing penalties on traffic violations. Cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, New
Delhi, and others have serious problems with respect to the implementation of
traffic regulations and it is important for people to make the right use of road
signs to navigate through roads with ease. There are primarily three types of
traffic signs that everyone should be aware of. The same are as follows
• Mandatory Traffic Signs

Mandatory traffic signs ensure free movement of traffic on the roads and make
motorists and pedestrians mindful of rules, regulations, and prohibitions while
using the roads. Violation of mandatory traffic rules is an offence under the law.
Traffic signs like ‘One Way’, ‘No Entry’, and ‘Overtaking Prohibited’ are some of
the examples of mandatory traffic rules.
• Cautionary Traffic Signs

The cautionary traffic signs warn road users in advance about potential hazards
and dangers on the roads. It helps drivers to be mentally prepared for any
difficulties and bottlenecks while moving forward. ‘Steep Ascent’, ‘School
Ahead’, ‘Narrow Road’, and ‘⅝ Dip’ are some of the examples of cautionary
traffic signs.
• Informatory Signs

Infirmary traffic signs help road users with information about the directions,
distance, destinations, alternative routes, and important locations such as
schools, hospitals, public toilets, and more. Some of the examples are ‘Right
Hand Curve’, ‘Pedestrian Crossing’, ‘Cattle’, and more.
• Importance of Traffic Signs and Road Rules

The alarming rate of road accidents is one of the biggest causes of worry in
India. In the past decade, there have been many regulations and rules
introduced to promote road safety in the country. However, many of these
regulations have not seen much success at the grass root level. This is why it is
important to educate people from their early age so that they grow up to be
responsible citizens.

Road safety rules are not only limited to be used by motorists and drivers but
also by pedestrians, cyclists, and others. While on the road, one must carefully
observe traffic sign boards and follow the same with patience and
consideration. This will not only ensure smooth flow of traffic by bringing down
congestion but also help people avoid potential mishaps while on the roads.


COLLEGE NEME : Dr. S.&S.S. Gandhy College of Engineering & Technology.
Surat, Gujarat.

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