Digital Concepts

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Define and Explain the following:

1. What is ICTs and give examples on how we use this in our everyday life?
2. What are the comparison of the people in the 21st Century to those who lived in the 20th
3. Write a reflection about the differences between digital natives and digital migrants.

1. The meaning of ICT is Information and Communications Technology. The whole point of
ICT is its role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications. We
use ICTs in our everyday life through communication, education, job opportunites and
many more.

We use ICT in Communication by communicating conveniently. For example, if we are

outside of the country and we miss our family and loved ones, we can talk to them
through our call via cellphones or video call via smartphones.

We use ICT in Education through virtual class or online class. For example, due to the
ongoing pandemic, students and teachers couldn’t go to school. Therefore, they have to
do their classes virtually through the use of internet, computers, laptops and other

We use ICT in Job Opportunities through online job hunting. For example, if you are
looking for a job, you can look through online for different job opportunities that would
suit you best; through different websites that provide job opportunities where you can
apply easily.

2. People who lived in the 20th Century invented different technologies in means of
manipulating their environment to make everything convenient for them. While people in
the 21st Century and their bountiful informations from the past centuries create
technologies to upate and upgrade what the past century has done.


The process of learning and reflecting about the topics, “Digital Native” and “Digital
Migrant/Immigrant” provided me with a valuable opportunity to not just learn about the
specific topics but to have realizations that are important to bear in my mind. The topics,
“Digital Native” and “Digital Migrant/Immigrant” have their respectives definitions that
spark my interest. DIgital Native means, it is the generation of people who were born and
grew up during the digital age or technology era. While, Digital Migrant/Immigrant
means, it is the generation of people who were born before the digital age. Digital
Immigrants have to adapt to the practices of the digital age.
With these topics, I had an important realization. The role of Digital Native is important.
Their very most imporant role is to guide the people in Digital Immigrants in learning and
adapting in different technologies. I realized that we should never let anyone be left out
because of digital illiteracy. Most of the Digital Immigrants didn’t let us be illiterate and
guided us.

Therefore, we might as well guide them. It is our duty and role as Digital Natives to guide
Digital Migrants/Immigrants.

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