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Teacher: Nina Mariz Ann M. Bagolcol Grade Level: Grade 11

Track: Arts and Design Date: June 8, 2022

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of theatre as a Code: AD_CIP11-

synthesis of the arts and utilizes a collective/collaborative process of creation. IIIa-1
Performance Standard: The learner synthesizes key concepts of theatre in an V
improvised group performance about their life stories.
Learning Competencies: discusses the varieties, categories and elements of
various performing arts practices.

I. Objectives:
At the end of the class, the students should be able to;
a. Define what is Theatre Arts
b. Identify the importance of each type and elements of theatre arts
c. Create a short theatre performance

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Performing Arts: Elements of Theater Arts
Time Allotment: 60 minutes
Instructional Materials: Laptop, Cartolina, Pens and Markers
Values: Creativity and Cooperation

III. Learning Procedure

A. Preliminary Activity
 Prayer (multimedia)
 Greetings and Classroom Management
 Energizer
 Classroom Rules and Regulation
 Checking of Attendance
B. Review of the past lesson
1. What was our last lesson?
2. What is performing arts class?
3. What are the three type performing arts?
C. Motivation
“Word Guess Activity” (Individual Activity)
The teacher will flash some pictures with missing letters and the students will guess the correct
word. Each pictures contains 10 seconds timer.
1. 2.

3. 4. 5.


Word Recall
1. Stage Play
2. Actors
3. Audience
4. Director
5. Script
D. Presentation of the Lesson
- Presentation of the topic
- Reading of the Objectives
E. Lesson Proper
(3 Minute- Group Reporting Activity)
Group 1- Types of Theatre Arts
Group 2- Elements of Theatre Arts

Rubrics for the group reporting activity

Criteria Very good Good Poor

(5 points) (3 points) (1 point)

Content Addressed all required Majority of points covered Majority of points

report elements, contained in depth, but with few briefly mentioned
complete and detailed gaps. Information are without explaining
explanation that were accurate and listeners them in depths
easily understandable gained insights and learn
from the presentation.

Delivery Students present the Students present the Audience has difficulty
information in logical, information in logical following the
interesting sequence which sequence which the presentation because
the audience can follow. audience can follow. the reporters jump
around the discussion.

Coordination Members shared equality The group functioned well It is apparent that there
in the preparation and as a whole, the is uneven distribution
presentation. There is good presentation is clearly sum of efforts among the
teamwork and report of its part.
clearly exceeds sum of members

Total 15 9 3

F. Application
(5 Minute- Group Activity) The students will now create their own Theatre Performance.
Criteria for the Group Performance
Creativity 40%
Content 30%
Cooperation 30%
Total 100%

G. Generalization

1. What was our lesson today?

2. What is theatre arts?
3. What are the elements of theatre arts?
4. Why do we need to learn this elements?
5. Why do we need to learn theatre?

IV. Evaluation
Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter containing the correct answer.

1. The branch of performing arts concerned with acting out stories in front of an audience,
using a combination of speech, gesture, music, dance, sound, and spectacle.
a. Theatre arts b. Performing arts c. Musical Plays d. Drama
2. They’re entirely based on musical art and dance forms.
a. Comedy b. Epic c. Tragedy d. Musical Theatre
3. The dialogues, plot and music is exaggerated to emphasize the emotional side of the
a. Melodrama b. Epic c. Tragedy d. Farce
4. Persons that pretended to be someone else, presenting characters in dramatic action.
a. Audience b. artist c. Performers d. Theatre
5. He makes a certain that the performers understand the text and deliver the script excitingly
and appropriately.
a. Director b. Makeup Artist c. Producer d. Script Writer
Answer Key
1. A
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. A
V. Assignment
You are going to watch a theatre performance in this given link:
Identify what types of theatre performance it was and write a short realization about the
performance that you are watching. Write your answer on 1 whole sheet of paper.

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