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GORDON’S ASSESSMENT GUIDE QUESTIONS amount per day/week, method of warm-up session,

method of monitoring the body’s response to exercise)

1.) Health Perception/Health Management Pattern
Describe a typical day’s activity
Reason for admission: What are your usual leisure activities?
What is your understanding of the purpose of the Do you have regular exercise pattern? Type? Frequency?
treatment? Intensity? Duration?
How do you think the treatment is working?3) Describe any problem you have experienced with usual
Have you ever been hospitalized before? For what activity and exercise?5
reason/s? Do you experience the following: Chest Pain? _____
What expectations do you have about this Arm Pain? _____ Leg Pain? _____Back Pain?
hospitalization? _____Difficulty in breathing (dyspnea, wheezing,
orthopnea)? _____ Cough? _____ Tingling/Numbness?
2.) Nutritional/Metabolic Pattern _____Lightheadedness? _____ Fatigue/Weakness?
_____ Palpitations? _____
Record the diet by a recall of ALL food and beverages Factors affecting activity tolerance: Do you smoke?
taken over the last 24 hours. “Is that menu typical of _____ If YES, what are the estimated packs per year?
most days? “Describe eating habits and current appetite. _____
Ask, “Who buys and prepares the food?” “Are your
finances adequate for food?” “Who is present at 5.) Sleep/Rest Pattern
mealtime?” Indicate any food allergy or intolerance.
Record the daily intake of caffeinated Time of arising?
beverages. Time of retiring?
Do you take naps? If YES, how long? How often?
How is your appetite? In general, do you feel well-rested and ready for daily
Describe what you eat in a typical day. activities after sleeping?
Do you have food restrictions or special diet due to Do you have aids to help you sleep? If YES, what?
allergies, food intolerance, religious practices, or other Do you have dreams or nightmares? If YES, what kind?
health problems? Do you experience insomnia? If YES, how often?
What vitamins or supplements do you take?
What are your food preferences? Likes and dislikes 6.) Personal Habits
How often do you go to fast food restaurants? A. Tobacco
Do you experience any discomfort in eating or Do you smoke cigarettes (pipe, use chewing tobacco)?
swallowing? At what age did you start smoking?
Do you have dental problems? How many packs do you smoke per day?
Describe your daily fluid intake. How many years have you smoked? (Record number of
packs smoked per day [PPD] and duration, example: 1
3.) Elimination Pattern PPD x 5 years)5)
Have you ever tried to quit?
What is your regular bowel movement pattern? How did it go?
Which of the following do you experience?
Constipation, Diarrhea, Ostomy B. Alcohol
How is your urinary elimination pattern? Do you drink alcohol?
Which of the following do you experience? When was your last drink of alcohol?
Incontinence, Dysuria, Burning sensation, Dribbling, How much did you drink that time?
Nocturia, Oliguria, Polyuria, Urinary retention, Out of the last 30 days, about how many days would you
Catheter present: say that you drank alcohol?
Urine color: Have you ever had a drinking problem?
Do you have any of the following skin problems? CAGE (cut down, annoyed, guilty, eye-opener)
Dryness, Poor skin turgor, Rashes, Lesions, Swelling, questions:
Acne, Temperature change
Do you experience excess perspiration and odor Have you ever thought you should cut down your
problems? drinking?
Have you ever been annoyed by criticism of your
4.) Activity and Exercise Pattern drinking?
Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking?
This reflects usual daily activities. Ask, “Tell me how Do you drink in the morning? _____* If person answers
you spend a typical day?” Note ability to perform ADLs: YES to 2 or more CAGE questions, suspect alcohol
independent or needs assistance with feeding, bathing, abuse
hygiene, dressing, toileting, bed to chair transfer,
walking, standing, or climbing stairs? Any use of If patient answers NO to drinking alcohol:
wheelchair, prostheses, or mobility aids? Record also
leisure activities enjoyed and exercise pattern (type, What are your reasons for this decision?
Do you have any of the following problems: amenorrhea
Any history of alcohol treatment? _____ dysmenorrhea _____ profuse bleeding
Are you involved in recovery activities? _____irregular menstruation
Do you have a family member with a problem in Do you perform breast self-examination?
drinking? Do you have children? _____ if YES, describe your
7.) Cognitive and Perceptual Pattern Are you currently pregnant?
Have you ever had infections of the reproductive tract?
Eyes and vision last examination result? _____ if YES, what are they? ____________________
Do you wear glasses/contact lenses?
Do you experience blurring? 11.) Coping and Stress Management Pattern
Diplopia? _____ Pain? _____ Inflammation? _____
Cataract? _____ Glaucoma? _____Headache? _____
Photophobia? _____ Unusual discharges? _____ What major changes/losses have you experienced in the
Describe them: ________________________ past year?
Situations that cause stress in the past?)
Ears and hearing limitations: Pain? _____ Tinnitus? Situations that case stress in the present?
_____ Describe discharges: How do stressful situations affect you?
How do you usually solve your problems?
Other special senses: any problems with How do you relieve tension and deal with stress?
–ability to feel pain? _____ ability to feel temperature Who do you turn to for help during personal crisis?
changes? _____ability to distinguish object by touch? Are you able to handle problems successfully most of
_____ability to smell? _____ ability to taste? _____4) the time.

Pain: are you experiencing pain? _____ if YES, describe 12.) Value and Belief Pattern
the location: _____ type: _____ How does the pain
affect your daily activities? What are the most important things to you?
Do you generally get what you want in life?
8.) Self-Perception Pattern What are your plans for the future?
Do you find prayer and meditations helpful?
Has being sick affected your belief and your religion
How do you feel about yourself most of the time? with God:

Is there something about yourself or your appearance Use FICA questions to incorporate the person’s spiritual
that you like to change? values into the health history:
How does your illness affect the way you feel about
yourself or your body? Faith: Does religious faith or spirituality play an
What things make you anxious? Fearful? Distressed? important role in your life? Do you consider yourself
What do you do to alleviate your feelings? areligious or spiritual person? _____b.

9.) Role-Relationship Pattern Influence: How does your religious faith or spirituality
influence the way you think about your health or the way
Who do you live with? you care for yourself? _____c.
Describe your family structure.
Do you get along with your family? _____ with your Community: Are you part of any religious or spiritual
friends? _____ with your co-workers? _____4) community or congregation? _____d.
Who do you turn to for help?
Do family members depend on you? How are they Address: Would you like me to address any religious or
managing while you’re ill spiritual issues or concerns with you?
How would you describe your role in the family?7)
How has your health status affected your relationship
with others?
What feelings have family members and friends
expressed about your illness and hospitalization?

10.) Sexuality and Reproduction Pattern

Is your sexual relationship satisfying? _____ Have any
changes or problems taken place with these
Do you take contraceptives? Have you had any problems
with using contraceptives?
When was your last menstrual period?

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