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The Alpheus Daily Watch

October 26, 2011

In this edition: ! Featured committees House of Commons

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Decisions made today will impact your organization. Find out as they happen.

Featured committees Senate In the House Chamber Items of Interest in the Days Ahead

The Alpheus Group. Monitoring Parliament for you.

Featured Committees House of Commons

The Health committee continues hearings on the subject of Chronic Diseases Related to Aging. Scheduled witnesses include: Associated Medical Services Inc., Canadian Coalition for Senior's Mental Health, Fdration interprofessionnelle de la sant du Qubec, and the Canadian Pain Coalition. The E-Commerce Market in Canada is the topic of debate once again at the Industry committee where the Retail Council of Canada, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, Information and Communications Technology Council and the Entertainment Software Association of Canada are slated to appear. The Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce and Harry Redstone, retired professional engineer will appear at the Transport committee in yet another meeting on the subject of a National Public Transit Strategy. The Office of the Auditor General, Interim Auditor General John Wiersema, and five other departments and agencies will appear at Public Accounts for hearings on Chapter 3, Internal Audit, of the 2011 Status Report of the Auditor General of Canada. The Natural Resources Committee will hear testimony from Gedex Inc., Diamonds North Resources Ltd. and Advanced Explorations Inc. as part of its study of Resource Development in Northern Canada. Note: the Finance committee is making stops in Whitehorse, Prince Rupert, and Saskatoon this week as part of its prebudget consultations. Today's stop will find the committee in Prince Rupert, BC. More information on meetings below:
Committee & Topic of Debate Industry 1. E-Commerce Market in Canada Location & Time Appearing

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3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Room 8-53, 131 Queen Street

Retail Council of Canada Canadian Federation of Independent Business Information and Communications Technology Council Entertainment Software Association of Canada Canadian Pain Coalition Fdration interprofessionnelle de la sant du Qubec Canadian Coalition for Senior's Mental Health Associated Medical Services Inc. For a list of witnesses, click here.

Health 1. 2.

Chronic Diseases Related to Aging Committee Business

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Room 306, La Promenade Building

Finance 1. Pre-budget Consultations

Prince Rupert, British Columbia
The Alpheus Daily Watch | October 26, 2011

The Alpheus Daily Watch

October 26, 2011

Committee & Topic of Debate Public Accounts 1. Chapter 3, Internal Audit, of the 2011 Status Report of the Auditor General of Canada

Location & Time


3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Room 253-D, Centre Block

Office of the Auditor General of Canada Treasury Board Secretariat Department of Foreign Affairs Canadian International Development Agency and International Trade Royal Canadian Mounted Police Department of Veterans Affairs Gedex Inc. Diamonds North Resources Ltd. Advanced Explorations Inc. Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce As an individual: Harry Redstone, Retired professional engineer

Natural Resources 1. Resource Development in Northern Canada

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Room 268, La Promenade Building 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Room 228, La Promenade Building

Transport 1. National Public Transit Strategy

Committee Schedules/Agendas are subject to change without notice. All efforts will be taken to update information as it becomes available.

Featured Committees Senate

Continuing on with its examination and report on the political and economic developments in Brazil and the implications for Canadian policy and interests in the region, and other related matters, the Foreign Affairs and International Trade committee meets with DND, CIDA and others. Social Affairs, Science & Technology holds another meeting to examine the progress in implementing the 2004, 10-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care and will hear from more health organizations including the Canadian Pharmacists Association and the Drug and Safety Effectiveness Network Legal and Constitutional Affairs will meet with several victims' groups to examine and report on the provisions and operation of the Act to amend the Criminal Code (production of records in sexual offence proceedings), S.C. 1997, c. 30. Banking Trade & Commerce holds another meeting on the topic of Financing Growth Capital for SMEs as part of its larger study on the present state of the domestic and international financial system. The Air Canada Pilots Association is slated to appear before the Transport and Communications committee as part of the study on emerging issues related to the Canadian airline industry. National Finance meets again to study on the potential reasons for price discrepancies in respect of certain goods between Canada and the United States, given the value of the Canadian dollar and the effect of cross border shopping on the Canadian economy. In Camera meetings: Aboriginal Peoples, Conflict of Interest for Senators, Rules Procedures and the Rights of Parliament More information on meetings below:
Committee & Topic of Debate Foreign Affairs & International Trade 1. Examine and report on the political and economic developments in Brazil and the implications for Canadian policy and interests in the region, and other related matters. Location & Time Appearing

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4:15 pm Room 160-S, Centre Block

As individuals: F.W. Orde Morton and Joao Augusto de Castro Neves Department of National Defence Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
The Alpheus Daily Watch | October 26, 2011

The Alpheus Daily Watch

October 26, 2011
Committee & Topic of Debate Social Affairs, Science & Technology 1. Examine the progress in implementing the 2004, 10-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care 4:15 PM Room 2, Victoria Building 140 Wellington Street Canadian Pharmacists Association Health Canada Drug and Safety Effectiveness Network As an individual: Dr. Steve Morgan, Associate Director, Center for Health Services and Policy Research, University of British Columbia Legal and Constitutional Affairs 1. Examine and report on the provisions 4:15 PM and operation of the Act to amend the Room 257, East Block Criminal Code (production of records in sexual offence proceedings), S.C. 1997, c. 30. Location & Time Appearing

Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres Ottawa Victims Services Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women

Banking, Trade & Commerce 1. The present state of the domestic and 4:15 PM international financial system. Room 9, Victoria Building 140 TOPIC: Financing Growth Capital for Wellington Street SMEs

As individual: Mr. Douglas Cumming, Professor, Schulich School of Business, York University Martin Prosperity Institute

Transport & Communications 1. Study on emerging issues related to the Canadian airline industry. National Finance 1. Study on the potential reasons for price discrepancies in respect of certain goods between Canada and the United States, given the value of the Canadian dollar and the effect of cross border shopping on the Canadian economy.

6:45 PM Room 2, Victoria Building 140 Wellington Street

Air Canada Pilots Association

6:45 PM Room 9, Victoria Building 140 Wellington Street

As individuals: Ken Wong, Queen's University Avi Goldfarb, University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management Canada Border Services Agency

Committee Schedules/Agendas are subject to change without notice. All efforts will be taken to update information as it becomes available.

In the House Chamber

Chamber business begins at 2:00 PM with Members' Statements, followed by Question Period. ! Following question period a vote will take place on the NDP opposition day motion moved by Ms. Ashton (Churchill) on the Canada Wheat Board and debated on October 25, 2011 (Text of motion below*)

Government Orders ! Members will begin 2nd reading debate of Bill C-19, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act
Short Title: Ending the Long-gun Registry Act

Introduction and 1st reading : October 25, 2011 (The Minister of Public Safety, Vic Toews)
The Alpheus Daily Watch | October 26, 2011

The Alpheus Daily Watch

October 26, 2011
Private Members' Business ! 2nd reading debate of C-305, An Act to Establish a National Public Transit Strategy (more info below**)
Short Title: National Public Transit Strategy Act

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Sponsor: Olivia Chow (MP for Trinity Spadina) Introduction and 1st reading: October 3, 2011

Items of Interest in the Days Ahead

! The government has indicated it will introduce a bill entitled An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867, the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act and the Canada Elections Act. ! The text of the bill will not be available until introduction There will be a take-note debate on October 27, 2011 on the subject of the ongoing violence and vicious attacks against Coptic Christians in Egypt

Private Members' Business ! ! October 27, 2011; M-270 Infrastructure sponsor: Ms. LeBlanc (LaSallemard) October 28, 2011; C-300 Federal Framework for Suicide Prevention Act sponsor: Mr. Albrecht (KitchenerConestoga)

Additional Information *Text of motion:

That, in the opinion of the House, farmers have a democratic right to determine the future of their own supply management tools and marketing boards; and recognizing this right, the House calls on the government to set aside its legislation abolishing the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) single desk and to conduct a full and free vote by all current members of the CWB to determine their wishes, and calls on the government to agree to honour the outcome of that democratic process.

** Bill C-305 (National Public Transit Strategy Act)

This bill would ensure fast, accessible, affordable public transit in cities across the country. It calls for a permanent investment plan for transit systems and innovation research, and calls on different levels of government to work together to ensure quality transitunder the leadership of the federal government.
The Alpheus Daily Watch | October 26, 2011

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