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Code Name Category 2 0 0 2

Pre-requisite Courses Nil Co-requisite Courses Nil Progressive Courses Nil

Course Offering Department English Data Book / Codes/Standards Nil

Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

To generate in students a sensitivity to current regional and national issues such as gender
CLR-1 : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
marginalization Eco sensitivity, vision for the Nation and general humanness
CLR-2 : An expanded consciousness with a mind to accommodate all is developed

Level of Thinking (Bloom)

Expected Proficiency (%)

Fundamental Knowledge
Expected Attainment (%)

Application of Concepts

Analyze, Interpret Data

Procedural Knowledge
CLR-3 : The ability to accept all and to co- exist is initiated

Problem Solving Skills

Skills in Specialization

Communication Skills

Professional Behavior
CLR-4 : To create community connectivity and interdependence

Life Long Learning

Investigative Skills
Skills in Modeling
Link with Related
CLR-5 : To instill intrinsic link between freedom and responsibility for both individuals and communities

Analytical Skills
Ability to Utilize
CLR-6 : Make them learn the basic nature of human beings


ICT Skills
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
Become sensitive toward every living life and be able to respect every religion recognizing the
CLO-1 : 2 75 60 H H H H - - - H H H H H - H H
universal values
Every way of life and culture will kindle the curiosity in them to know them and will be able
CLO-2 : 2 80 70 H H H H - - - H H H H H - H H
appreciate the beauty in it
CLO-3 : The presumptuous or prejudiced mentality will be overcome by them 2 70 65 H H H H - - - - - - - - - -
CLO-4 : Critical thinking and accommodative nature will become so natural way of thinking for them 2 70 70 H H H H H - - - - - H - - - -
CLO-5 : They will become aware of the social inequalities and justice 2 80 70 H H - H - - - - - - - - - - -
CLO-6 : Will be able to explore their own emotions, hopes & fear and be able to describe them verbally 2 75 70 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H

06 06 06 06 06
What is love? Forms of love. For
self, parents, family, friends, Narratives and anecdotes from What will learners lose if they
Love compassion empathy Sharing learners’ individual and/
SLO-1 spouse, community, nation, history, literature including local don’t practice love and
sympathy and non violence or group experiences
humanity and other beings, both folklore compassion?
for living and non living
Individuals who are remembered Practicing Love and Compassion:
Love and Compassion inter
SLO-2 in history for practicing what will they gain if they practice Simulated situations Case studies
compassion and love compassion?
Individuals who are remembered
Universal truth, truth as value, as Veracity, sincerity, honesty among
S-2 SLO-1 What is Truth ? in the history who have practiced Practicing truths
fact, others
these values

: what will they gain if they What will learners lose if they Sharing learners’ individual and/
SLO-2 Simulated situations Case studies
practice truth don’t practice truth? or group experiences
Individuals and their organizations Narratives and anecdotes about
What is non violence – its need, empathy sympathy for others as Ahimsa as non violence and
SLO-1 which are known for their non violence from history and
love compassion, pre- requisites for non- violence non killing
S-3 commitment for non violence literature including local folklore
What will they gain if they practice What will learners lose if they
SLO-2 Practicing non violence Simulated situations Case studies
non violence don’t practice non violence?
Individuals who are remembered Narratives and anecdotes about
SLO-1 What is righteousness ? Righteousness and Dharma Righteousness and priority in the history who have practicing Righteousness from history and
S-4 righteousness. literature including local folklore
: Sharing learners’ individual and/ what will learners lose if they don’t
SLO-2 Practicing Righteousness Simulated situations Case studies
or group experiences practice Righteousness
Narratives and anecdotes about Individuals who are remembered
Need of peace in Relation with
SLO-1 What is peace? peace from history and literature in the history who have practicing Practicing peace
harmony and balance
S-5 including local folklore peace
What will they gain if they practice what will learners lose if they don’t Sharing learners’ individual and/
SLO-2 Simulated situations Case studies
peace practice peace or group experiences
Narratives and anecdotes about
Forms of service , & renunciation Individuals who are remembered
Practicing service and Service & renunciation from
SLO-1 What is service and renunciation Individuals who have in the history who have practicing
renunciation history and literature including
recommended service in history renunciation
S-6 local folklore
Sharing learners’ individual and/ what will learners lose or gain if
Sharing learners’ individual and/
SLO-2 or group experiences on they do/don’t practice Simulated situations Case studies
or group experiences on service
renunciation Renunciation and service

Learning Theory:
Resources 1. “Universal Human Values: Text Book“– Compiled and Edited by the Faculty of Science and Humanites, SRMIST, 2020.

Learning Assessment
Continuous Learning Assessment (100% weightage)
Level Bloom’s Level of Thinking CLA – 1 (20%) CLA – 2 (20%) CLA – 3 (30%) CLA – 4 (30%) #
Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 40% - 40% - 40% - 40% -
Level 2 40% - 40% - 40% - 40% -
Level 3 20% - 20% - 20% - 20% -
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %

# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,

Course Designers

Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
1. Prof. Daniel David, Prof & Head, Department of English, MCC, 1. Dr. Shanthichitra, Associate Professor, & Head, Department of English,
2. Dr K B Geetha, Assistant Professor, Department of English, FSH, SRMIST

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