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Restructuring Health Reform, Mexican Style

Michael R. Reich

To cite this article: Michael R. Reich (2020) Restructuring Health Reform, Mexican Style, Health
Systems & Reform, 6:1, e1763114, DOI: 10.1080/23288604.2020.1763114

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2020, VOL. 6, NO. 1, e1763114 (11 pages)


Restructuring Health Reform, Mexican Style

Michael R. Reich
Department of Global Health & Population, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Mexico’s health system is undergoing major restructuring by the administration of President Received 18 March 2020
Andrés Manuel López Obrador (known as AMLO) starting in December 2018. The government Revised 24 April 2020
has eliminated the 2003 health reform (Seguro Popular) from national laws and government Accepted 28 April 2020.
agencies and is returning Mexico to a centralized health system with integrated public financing KEYWORDS
and delivery and reduced private participation. This article looks at the political drivers of Mexico’s Health reform; Mexico;
restructuring reform. Three main ethical principles are identified as the foundation for the health system; Seguro
government’s health system vision: universality, free services, and anti-corruption. The article Popular; INSABI
then compares what existed under Seguro Popular with the new system under the Instituto de
Salud para el Bienestar (INSABI), which began on 1 January 2020. The analysis uses the five policy
levers that shape health system performance: financing, payment, organization, regulation, and
persuasion. The article concludes with five lessons about the reform process in Mexico. First,
undoing past reforms is much easier than implementing a new system. Second, the AMLO
government’s restructuring emerged more from broad ethical principles than detailed technical
analyses, with limited plans for evaluation. Third, the overarching values of the AMLO government
reflect a pro-statist and anti-market bias, swimming against the global flow of health policy trends
to include the private sector in reforming health systems. Fourth, the experiences in Mexico show
that path dependence does not always work as expected in policy reform. Finally, the debate of
Seguro Popular versus INSABI shows the influence of personality politics and polarization.

Health reforms are constructed through politics but conferences.3 Major transformations were unfolding
they are also dismantled and restructured through pol- in the five main policy levers that shape health system
itics. Both the United States and Mexico are now wit- performance: financing, payment, organization, regula-
nessing this restructuring of reforms—but with tion, and persuasion.4 This article looks first at the
important differences. In the US, President Donald political drivers of Mexico’s restructuring health
Trump has been constrained in his efforts to undo reform, and then summarizes the policy changes
Obamacare, by his lack of control of the votes in his according to these five policy levers. The article con-
own party in the US Congress (remember McCain’s cludes with five lessons about the process of this mas-
dramatic opposing vote in the US Senate?1) and by sive reform ongoing in Mexico.
the decisions of judges around the country. But in
Mexico, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Political Drivers for the New Reform
(known as AMLO) has bulldozed ahead in eliminating
the national health insurance plan of Seguro Popular Outside Mexico Seguro Popular has often been viewed
and creating a new health system, through his electoral as a landmark national health reform moving toward
victory with a majority of the popular vote, his majority universal health coverage,5 but within Mexico criti-
control of both houses of the Mexican Congress, and cisms have been harsh and long-standing, especially
support received from a majority of state governors. from the left.6 When AMLO was mayor of Mexico
Mexico’s tectonic changes in its health system are City in the early 2000s, he and his health secretary
transforming the country, as the old comes down and resisted the reform from a leftist perspective7 and
the new pushes forward. In early 2020, the costs and refused to sign an agreement with the federal govern-
uncertainties of these transitions were fiercely debated ment to join the Seguro Popular. Mexico City only
in the press2 and in the President’s morning press joined after AMLO left office in 2005. AMLO

CONTACT Michael R. Reich Department of Global Health & Population, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, 677
Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA
This article has been corrected with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
e1763114-2 M.R. REICH

continued his criticisms of Seguro Popular in his unsuc- Social or IMSS for formal sector workers and
cessful presidential campaigns in 2006 and 2012, and in the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de
his third and successful run in 2018. los Trabajadores or ISSSTE for government
AMLO’s most succinct criticism of Seguro Popular is workers).
a play on words of the reform’s name: “ni es seguro, ni (3) Not sufficient reduction in out-of-pocket
es popular.”8,9 The first word, seguro, means insurance spending: Critics have argued that Seguro
but also means safe; and the second word, popular, Popular did not sufficiently reduce high levels
means for the people but also popular. This critical of out-of-pocket spending by people for ser-
phrase (“neither safe nor popular”) provided political vices and medicines12,13 (although out-of-
salience and polemical value. The phrase also reflected pocket spending did decline as a proportion
AMLO’s core criticisms of Seguro Popular, which can of total health spending from 52.2% in 2000
be summarized as follows10: to 41.4% in 201514).
(4) Resulted in widespread corruption: AMLO and
his government have criticized Seguro Popular
(1) Not universal in coverage of population: Critics
as a major source of corruption, due to its
have pointed out that Seguro Popular did not
involvement of the private sector and lack of
provide coverage for the entire population,
effective accountability for public funds sent to
with AMLO’s Minister of Health stating in
the states.3,15
2019 that 20 million Mexicans still lacked cov-
(5) Not improve people’s well-being: The over-
erage after 15 years of the program11—even
arching political arguments against Seguro
though Mexico declared in 2012 that the coun-
Popular are that it did not improve the health
try had achieved Universal Health Coverage
conditions of the Mexican people and did not
(and put up a bronze plaque in the Ministry’s
contribute to reducing poverty.6
headquarters, shown in Figure 1).
(2) Not universal in coverage of services: Critics
have argued that the specified packages of ser- Overall, AMLO and his advisors viewed Seguro Popular
vices and medicines covered by Seguro Popular as a public policy that was an externally generated “neo-
denied people medical care that they needed liberal” creation, and that wasted public resources and did
and produced economic costs to patients and not benefit the Mexican people.6 It is worth noting, how-
families6 (in contrast to the theoretical access to ever, that Seguro Popular did improve access to many
all services and medicines in social security health services in Mexico (including high-cost services
provided by the Instituto Mexicano de Seguro under the Fund for Protection Against Catastrophic

Figure 1. Mexico celebrates achievement of universal health coverage in 2012.


Expenses, as well as services for basic maternal care16), and Instituto de Salud para el Bienestar (INSABI), which
that the federal government over time made various policy began operations on 1 January 2020 (see Table 1).
changes to address problems in implementation and
improve health system performance.17
(1) Financing
The above criticisms provided the foundation for the
AMLO government’s vision of a new Mexican health Financing involves the sources of money for a health
system, founded on three main ethical principles: system. At the broadest level, Seguro Popular was financed
with a national health insurance model. Seguro Popular
(1) Universality: a system that provides all health received about 80% federal funds and 20% state funds—in
services (not just financing to pay for services) short, almost entirely from general taxes, because almost
from public providers to all Mexicans without no one paid an individual premium (due to the lack of an
social security as a right based on citizenship, effective assessment of income at the time of enrollment,
without any process of application or affiliation. nearly everyone self-declared in the three lowest income
(2) Free services: a system that provides all health deciles, all exempt from premium). INSABI, by contrast,
services for free from the public sector, not is financed with a national health system model, with all
through private providers, to reduce out-of- funds from general taxes, and no expectation of individual
pocket spending by individual patients. premiums.
(3) Anti-corruption: a system that reduces corrup- In terms of financing levels, Seguro Popular was
tion by centralizing control over purchasing intended to increase government spending on health, so
and service delivery and by reducing private that more personnel could be hired, more facilities could
sector participation in the public health sector. be operated, more services could be delivered, and the
population covered could be expanded. Seguro Popular
These three principles emerge from public statements thus represented a reform designed to spend more money
by the President and top officials in the Ministry of on health (reflecting Mexico’s low level of health spending
Health,2 and from policy documents for the new as a proportion of GDP within OECD countries and Latin
system.10 For example, in his morning press conference America14). INSABI’s budget for 2020 included an extra
on 11 February 2020, President López Obrador stated3: 40 billion pesos (about a 35% increase on top of the base
budget of 112.5 billion pesos previously allocated to
The goal is that on December 1 of this year there will
Seguro Popular) to improve health facilities and services
be a totally different, efficient public health system,
with medicines, high quality and free medical care … and hire more health workers, to assure free care for then
The purpose is to guarantee the right to health of those 69 million Mexicans without social security.19 An inde-
without social security. pendent cost analysis of selected health services for this
entire population, however, estimated the amount needed
as 793 billion pesos (plus an additional annual 18 billion
pesos for regularizing the contracts of health workers),
Restructuring Mexico’s Health System
suggesting that INSABI was seriously underfunded to pay
In broad terms, AMLO’s team of health policymakers for what the government promised to deliver.20
since coming to office in December 2018 has sought to Another key dimension of financing is how funds are
remove all traces of Seguro Popular18 from national transferred from the federal level to Mexico’s 32 states.
laws and government agencies and return Mexico to Under Seguro Popular, the federal level sent funds to
a centralized health system with integrated public states as block grants, calculated according to the number
financing and delivery and reduced private sector par- of affiliated persons in the state, as an incentive to increase
ticipation. The six-year single term for Mexican presi- enrollment. The center provided funds to new institutions
dents encourages the AMLO administration to take fast created in each state (called Regimen Estatal de Proteccion
executive and legislative action. Social en Salud or REPSS). The REPSS were designed to
The government thus is engaged in a complex, radi- exist outside of the state health agencies, in order to
cal, and still ongoing restructuring of Mexico’s health separate financing from provision, as a mechanism to
system, with a focus on the “public sub-system” (out- improve the efficiency and quality of service delivery.
side of social security and under the Ministry’s control). INSABI, by contrast, will provide financing directly to
This paper examines that restructuring through the five state hospitals and primary care clinics (which will
policy levers that affect health system performance, become part of INSABI as federal institutions) and the
comparing what existed under Seguro Popular with hire workers directly for those facilities. At the end of
what the AMLO government is introducing under the January 2020, INSABI had signed agreements (Acuerdos
e1763114-4 M.R. REICH

Table 1. A comparison of Seguro Popular and INSABI

Seguro Popular INSABI
Financing: National Insurance Model, but with premiums paid by National Health System model, with financing from general
Basic model government taxes
Financing: Increase government health spending, in order to expand Lower government health spending, with reduced corruption;
Total government services no clear target for total health spending
Financing: from federal Decentralize to state as block grant, with amount determined Recentralization of control over procurement and personnel
to states by number of affiliated persons, based on separate financing and delivery, based on integrated financing and provision
from provision
Payment mechanism Strategic purchasing allowed by states, including use of private Centralized state provision of supplies and services, and
within states (Market companies for supplies and services, open to private sector reduce private sector participation at state level
Payment for what? Government pays for a limited list of conditions and Government pays for all services, according to the principle of
medications: CAUSES, 294 interventions for 647 medical “Todo para todos,” within the limits of budgets set by Ministry
conditions; plus 66 catastrophic conditions of Finance (Hacienda)
Payment by patients No patient payment for listed services and medications; out-of- Principle of free services and medicines, to reduce out-of-
pocket payment for unlisted services and medicines in public pocket payment by patients in private and public sectors
Organization at federal Established Seguro Popular, as organization to operate the Created Instituto de Salud para el Bienestar, as new
level financing system organization to integrate financing and delivery, and
eliminated Seguro Popular
Organization at state Created new organization in each state (REPSS) responsible for Eliminated REPSS and integrated financing and provision at
level buying services in order to separate financing from provision state level, with more delivery done directly by central INSABI
Organization of central Created new organization to consolidate purchasing for certain Centralize purchasing under Ministry of Finance (Hacienda)
purchasing medicines across Seguro Popular and social security and reduce procurement by individual health agencies;
eliminate consolidated purchase agency
Organization of rural Use the principle of “money follows the patient” to provide Use the principle of central employment of health workers and
service delivery payment for facilities and health workers in rural areas central ownership and management of health facilities to send
people and manage services in rural areas
Organization of people Increased coverage for nonsocial security through voluntary Provide services (not coverage) for everyone, with no
covered affiliation, seeking to reduce double coverage with social affiliation process
Regulation of spending Spending guidelines for states on proportions for personnel Centralization of purchases in order to reduce state discretion
by states and medicines on spending
Regulation of health Regularization of state workers resulted in full time contracts Regularization of new health workers hired directly by INSABI
workers and union membership to work at the state level
Regulation of medicines COFEPRIS created in order to regulate pharmaceuticals and Used COFEPRIS to shut down important medicine producer
(and facility thru foods and also health facility quality and then purchased medicines in France (methotrexate)
accreditation) without registering product in Mexico
Persuasion to improve Use of incentives at both individual and state levels to Eliminate Mexico’s conditional cash transfer programs to
health, nutrition, and encourage enrollment in Seguro Popular and encourage incentivize poor to improve education and health; replace
education of poor improvements in service quality with educational grants to families
Source: Author

de Coordinación) with 23 state governments making including how hospitals and doctors are paid and how
INSABI responsible for providing free health services to medicines are procured. As noted above, under Seguro
the population without social security in those states, with Popular, funds to provide basic health services from the
discussions ongoing with the remaining 9 states.21 Some federal government went to a new organization in each
states, such as Jalisco, signed agreements with the federal state (REPSS) that was created outside the state
government to opt out of INSABI, while still agreeing to Secretary of Health.1 The REPSS were over time
provide free services in accord with federal principles.22 removed from the state health agencies, in order to
Questions remained, however, about how accountability separate purchasing from delivery, and they were
would be achieved for millions of previously “lost” responsible for buying services (facilities and health
finances from Seguro Popular in various states around personnel) according to state-decided payment policies.
Mexico (where the use could not be verified by the INSABI, by contrast, has re-integrated financing and
Federal Audit Office).23 provision, bringing them back together at the federal
and state levels (the REPSS were eliminated). INSABI
thus has a direct fiscal relationship with the state
(2) Payment Secretary of Health but also with health facilities and
Payment is how money (collected through financing) is health personnel located in states, and will directly own
used to purchase health services and medical products, and operate facilities and employees in states.

Within states, under Seguro Popular, the REPSS were when service delivery problems and other irregularities
supposed to implement the principle of separation of were reported.29
purchasing from provision (as a step toward “strategic
purchasing”24). This principle, however, was unevenly
(3) Organization
implemented by states, and in some cases was resisted
by health workers and unions, by governors, or by state The most dramatic organizational changes in Mexico’s
Secretaries of Health, who did not want to lose control health sector were the elimination of CNPSS as
of resources. Purchasing by the REPSS allowed states to a government agency and Seguro Popular as a public
contract with private providers for clinical, pharmacy policy and the establishment of INSABI as a new gov-
and other services, such as maintenance and laundry, ernment entity. The disappearance of Seguro Popular
and many states did so, especially for medicines and on 31 December 2019 had significant organizational
equipment. Private contracting was intended to intro- consequences: its employees were either fired or trans-
duce competition at the state level, and thereby ferred, individual enrollment files were packed up and
improve performance, accountability, quality, and effi- warehoused, and computer databases around the coun-
ciency, but had mixed results and problems with imple- try were erased. At the same time, INSABI began
mentation along with cases of corruption.25 INSABI, by operations under the direction of Juan Ferrer, an arche-
contrast, has re-centralized purchasing and provision ologist and public administrator with limited experi-
and reduced decentralized state authority to purchase ence in the health sector but with a close personal
separately. INSABI embodies a strong statist, public relationship with the President.30
sector, and centralized approach. In its centralized pur- Organizational restructuring also occurred at the
chasing, INSABI has changed certain companies that state level. As noted above, the state purchasing agen-
provide medicines and equipment, sometimes creating cies for services and medicines (REPPS) disappeared,
supply chain disruptions. INSABI also plans to regular- and their employees were transferred to state health
ize more than 17,000 health workers directly as federal agencies and were asked to engage directly in service
employees in 2020 to deliver health services in states,26 delivery or health promotion (rather than administra-
and seeks to reduce the private sector’s role in health. tion). Some REPPS functions were assigned back to the
A major question under payment is: What is pur- state Secretaries of Health, and some functions—such
chased? In Mexico, the federal agency of CNPSS as procurement of medicines and hiring of health per-
(Comisión Nacional de Protección Social en Salud) sonnel—were transferred to INSABI in Mexico City
decided on a single national set of services that would under the new policy of centralization. Exactly which
be covered by states in primary and secondary level functions are going where and how was still being
facilities for Seguro Popular (a specified package known worked out in January 2020, creating various uncer-
as CAUSES, with 294 medical interventions) plus 66 tainties in the health system.2 With state health facilities
catastrophic conditions that would be delivered in ter- to be owned by INSABI, most Mexican states will in
tiary care institutions (under the Fund for Protection of effect no longer be responsible for the delivery of per-
Catastrophic Expenses) plus all health services for chil- sonal health services.
dren under five years old (from the Seguro Medico Siglo The AMLO government also reorganized the pur-
XXI).27 Patients were not required to pay a copayment chasing of medical inputs by the federal government.
or deductible for listed services under these three pro- Along with Seguro Popular, Mexico created a central
grams. Patients who required non-listed services or suf- purchasing agency, called the CCPNM (Comisión
fered from non-specified conditions had to pay out of Coordinadora para la Negociación de Precios de
pocket for services and medicines (even at public facil- Medicamentos y otros Insumos para la Salud). This
ities). INSABI, by contrast, operates under the principles entity included the social security agencies, in order to
of universality and free services. Even though by law reduce huge variations in purchase prices across health
national tertiary hospitals in Mexico can charge for agencies and across states.31 The CCPNM used its
services, the AMLO government has forced them to enhanced market power (for purchasing large volumes
provide services for free while implementing “drastic pooled across various organizations) to negotiate lower
cuts” to budgets.28 This approach has created financial prices for patented medicines with pharmaceutical
problems and limited supplies in top-tier national companies. Under INSABI, purchasing has been cen-
hospitals,28 contributing, for example, to the firing of tralized in the hands of the Ministry of Finance (known
the Director of the National Institute of Neurology as Hacienda), and the CCPNM disbanded (even though
e1763114-6 M.R. REICH

it was working relatively well), as part of efforts to services in hard-to-reach rural areas by directly hiring
reduce corruption and increase efficiency, with the 33,000 Medicos de Bienestar to work as federal employ-
first tender announced in March 2019.32 Problems in ees and by directly building and owning health clinics
implementing the new purchasing system, however, as federal facilities.17 It will be important to assess how
have created disruptions in Mexico’s supply chain for effective INSABI will be in encouraging health workers
anti-cancer medicines (and other medicines and sup- to take positions in insecure and isolated rural
plies), and given rise to public dissatisfaction, including communities.
emotional public protests by parents of children with A final organizational challenge is who receives cov-
leukemia.33 erage for services. Seguro Popular developed
Another major organizational change is reducing the a mechanism to provide on-demand enrollment at
private sector’s role in the health system. Seguro any time for individuals, and over time developed sys-
Popular allowed state REPPS to purchase services and tems to identify social security members and exclude
supplies from the private sector, and states used this them from Seguro Popular services and coverage.17 This
flexibility in various ways, contributing to some reflected a concern about “double affiliations.”17 If
instances of corruption (for example, in the purchase INSABI’s benefits are provided to people based on
of medicines and contracting of human resources34). basic human rights, then questions arise about benefi-
The private sector also had a significant role in provid- ciaries: Who will be given free medicines and free
ing cancer treatment (for example, through nonprofit services? Can people be denied services, and if so on
organizations) financed by the Fund for Protection of what basis? For example, will people with social secur-
Catastrophic Expenses under Seguro Popular. INSABI, ity in Mexico be allowed to receive free services from
in contrast, has followed the AMLO government’s anti- INSABI without reimbursement from their insurance
private sector orientation. INSABI announced that it plans? More broadly, will migrants from other coun-
will not ban the use of the private sector in delivering tries be given free medical services (for example, citi-
services for public agencies, but it will no longer pro- zens of Guatemala or the United States in border
vide money to purchase those services in private facil- areas)? If people cannot receive free services and are
ities (including nonprofit organizations) and instead charged for services received, then how will prices be
will provide medicines and physicians to those private determined?
facilities as support in kind. A major private nonprofit
provider of breast cancer treatment in Mexico City, for
example, announced on 20 February 2020 that it would
(4) Regulation
no longer provide free care to poor people because of
the lack of a financing agreement with INSABI.35 One important area of health system regulation
INSABI responded by saying that the private provider involves money, especially health spending by states.
had an “ethical, moral and juridical obligation” to con- Under the financing mechanism of Seguro Popular,
tinue providing free care to existing patients.36 After states initially had substantial discretion in deciding
public protests by women with breast cancer,37 the how to spend the federal money they received. The
government and the provider reached an agreement, amount of money was calculated according to the
with the government reimbursing services already pro- number of affiliated persons in the states, as an incen-
vided in 2019, the provider agreeing to continue free tive to increase enrollment. That incentive process
services for existing patients, and the government say- worked to encourage affiliation (although the incentive
ing that federal facilities would treat all new patients in initially was calculated by family,34 which resulted in
2020 moving forward.38 many one-person families, as states abused the process
A major organizational challenge is how to deliver to receive more central funding). But there were initi-
medical services in rural areas of Mexico, where doctors ally few restrictions over state spending, resulting in
and nurses are reluctant to live. This distributional diverted funds for other uses (as theories of corruption
problem occurs in many countries throughout the predict41). Over time, the federal Seguro Popular intro-
world.39 Seguro Popular sought to solve that problem duced spending guidelines (such as proportions on
but was not fully successful since many rural areas personnel and on medicines) in order to shift state
remained without effectively functioning health services spending patterns to more “desirable” patterns, with
or health workers. And the pasante system of sending some limited success.17 For INSABI, federal authorities
medical students in their last year of studies continued are seeking to reclaim control of state health spending
to face multiple problems related to insecurity, super- by directly hiring workers and purchasing medicines
vision and quality of care.40 INSABI plans to improve for distribution to the states.

A second area for regulation involves health work- new foreign sources, raising concerns about potential
ers. Under Seguro Popular, many states hired new quality problems in imported medicines, although the
health workers on three-month contracts without ben- government argued this would improve access to
efits, and these workers did not qualify for union affordable and approved medicines.
membership. Over time, states revised some of these
contracts in a process of “regularization” that produced
a diversity of contracting situations but including long-
(5) Persuasion
term contracts with full benefits and union
membership.34 Under INSABI, the federal government Under Seguro Popular, various forms of persuasion
is directly hiring new health workers under regularized were used to encourage enrollment in the insurance
contracts that qualify them for union membership. The scheme. At the individual level, enrollment centers at
government is also promising to convert job positions health facilities “caught” potential members when they
from temporary contracts to permanent unionized con- showed up for services, and enrolled them on the spot.
tracts progressively over time (although this has not yet Seguro Popular did not have a specified enrollment
started and could be difficult to implement). This direct period and had no exclusions for existing health con-
hiring of physicians and other health workers seeks to ditions. In addition, Seguro Popular had no means
fulfil a major promise of the AMLO government to testing: individuals self-declared their income level,
expand access to doctors and nurses especially at the predominantly in a low-income group that waived pay-
primary care level. Regularized contracts and union ment of a premium. As mentioned above, federal pay-
membership, however, do not necessarily lead to ade- ments to the state were calculated based on the number
quate performance by health workers. Seguro Popular of enrollees, as an incentive for states to enroll as many
did not include effective supervision or incentives to people as possible. In addition, members were required
improve the performance of new health workers,25 and to re-enroll, with the idea that this would create an
it is not clear how INSABI will monitor or assess the incentive for states to improve the quality of services,
performance of the expanded health workforce, espe- in order to encourage individuals to re-enroll. These
cially if they are federal employees who are working in strategies were successful in encouraging large numbers
health facilities in states around the country. of people to enroll (reaching 53.5 million people in
A third area for regulation is for medicines and January 2018 or 43.3% of total population,17) although
facility quality. Mexico’s health regulatory agency is the impacts on quality improvement were doubtful.
called COFEPRIS (Comisión Federal para la INSABI has not so far engaged in persuasion-based
Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios) and was created interventions, reflecting the AMLO government’s gen-
in 2001, in the same time period as Seguro Popular, as eral emphasis on making services available and free for
an autonomous technical agency within the Ministry of all people without social security in Mexico. More gen-
Health. COFEPRIS covers the regulation of health- erally, the AMLO government has opposed the use of
related drugs and technologies, toxic or dangerous sub- incentives to change behavior, as reflected in its deci-
stances, products and services, health at work, risks sion to eliminate Mexico’s conditional cash transfer
derived from environmental factors, and basic program known as Prospera Programa de Inclusión
maintenance.42 The full policy of the current govern- Social (started in 1997 and previously called Progresa
ment toward regulation of health risks is still evolving, and Oportunidades). This program provided direct pay-
but in January 2020, the AMLO administration ments to poor families when they engaged in specific
announced in the Diario Oficial de la Federación that education, nutrition and health activities. At the end of
it would now be officially authorized to import medi- 2007, Prospera included around 6.6 million Mexican
cines from certain high-quality regulatory nations families, covering just over 20% of the national
(Switzerland, EU, USA, Canada and Australia) without population.45 Although the program was rigorously
requiring review and approval by COFEPRIS.43 This evaluated and showed important impacts on the beha-
step legalized what the government began in 2019— vior and well-being of poor families,46 the AMLO gov-
directly purchasing and importing medicines abroad ernment ended Prospera because they stated that it did
without regulatory approval by COFEPRIS, in order not reduce poverty, was vulnerable to political abuse
to address supply chain problems (such as methotrexate and corruption, and was connected with the neoliberal
for childhood cancers) created by actions taken against perspective.47 The government assigned the budget pre-
domestic manufacturers.44 This action by the AMLO viously used for Prospera to a new educational scholar-
government suggests a willingness to weaken regulatory ship program, to encourage students from poor families
controls in order to allow government imports from to stay in school.48
e1763114-8 M.R. REICH

Challenges Ahead actions on financing, payment, organization, regulation

and persuasion (described above) with the broad goals
Through INSABI, the AMLO government is massively
of the AMLO government represents a major substan-
restructuring the Mexican health system, dismantling
tive policy challenge.
policies that have been in place since the early 2000s,
Second, the AMLO government’s restructuring
and introducing new structures and processes that are
emerged more from broad ethical principles than
still under development. The impacts of these changes
detailed technical analyses, with limited plans for
will take time to manifest, assess, and evaluate. It will
evaluation. The government has not published techni-
be important to assess the consequences for health
cal analyses to justify its policy choices, or provided
system outputs (for example, service utilization or
a clear plan for evaluating impacts of the new policies
vaccination rates) and health outcomes (for example,
adopted. The current government’s sweeping restruc-
cancer survival rates or child growth), and both
turing of the health sector is troubling to academics and
national averages as well as distributional measures
technocrats, civil society organizations and citizens who
(for example, by income group, by state, by ethnic
believe that the careful collection and analysis of infor-
group, and by rural residence).
mation should be the basis for evaluating and reform-
While the government’s policies are still evolving,
ing public policies. Concerns have been raised about
several lessons about the restructuring can be sug-
how the consequences of the current policies will be
gested, especially about the processes of reform. These
evaluated over coming years.
are offered here to help explain what is currently hap-
Third, the overarching values of the AMLO govern-
pening in Mexico, how a major reform that survived
ment reflect a pro-statist and anti-market bias, swim-
two changes in national political administration did not
ming against the global flow of health policy trends to
survive a third.
include the private sector in reforming health systems.
First, undoing past reforms is much easier than
AMLO’s policies are restoring the Mexican state to
implementing a new system. In many ways, the
a model of centralized power and reducing the role of
AMLO government moved to eliminate the existing
private facilities and companies. Policies with a market
system of Seguro Popular before it had fully planned
orientation, performance incentives, or private sector
or designed a new system. This approach is consistent
involvement are viewed as “neoliberal” and the source of
with what AMLO has done in other policy areas (such
corruption. But the restoration of a centralized-state sys-
as education49), and follows a populist pattern seen in
tem may reintroduce problems such as widespread ineffi-
other countries. In some cases, the decision was to
ciency and underperformance. The prevailing
eliminate and not replace, as with the package of spe-
assumptions are that removal of the private sector will
cified services provided under Seguro Popular. In this
reduce corruption and therefore reduce waste, and that
case, the government issued broad policy statements
federal control of state health services will reduce public
about “everything for everyone” (todo para todos) leav-
sector corruption, so that health budgets can provide
ing specific questions unanswered and creating confu-
more services than previously.10 It will be important for
sion among both providers and patients. For example,
the AMLO government to put in place effective mechan-
INSABI has to deliver services within the limits of the
isms for measuring corruption, wastage, and efficiency in
available budget each year, which effectively constrains
the new health system as it takes shape, to assess these
the principle of “everything for everyone” (although
how resources will be allocated is not clear since the
Fourth, the experiences in Mexico show that path
agency started without the usually required “rules of
dependence50 does not always work as expected in
operation” [reglas de operación]). In other cases, a past
policy reform. Path dependence predicts that the ben-
policy has been replaced by a new policy with a new
eficiaries of reforms will aggregate into effective sup-
name but without major changes in substance. For
port for existing policies and will oppose efforts to
example, the AMLO government replaced the list of
undo and dismantle policies that provide tangible ben-
medicines provided under Seguro Popular (known as
efits to them. AMLO’s restructuring of the health sys-
CAUSES or Catálogo Universal de Servicios de Salud)
tem shows that even major reforms like Seguro Popular
with a new list under INSABI (now known as the
can be undone, when the positive feedback loops are
Compendio Nacional de Insumos de Salud) and with
not sufficiently clear or appreciated, when the reform’s
mostly the same products.2 The continuation of
beneficiaries are persuaded to vote for a populist poli-
a limited list of specific medicines would seem to con-
tician, and when the new administration controls not
tradict the broad policy statement of “everything for
only the executive branch but also the legislature.
everyone.” Effectively integrating the different policy
AMLO’s promise to expand unionized health workers

probably helped avoid potential opposition from 3. A national monthly poll, however, showed significant
powerful trade unions, and the decision not to touch increases in dissatisfaction related to the AMLO gov-
the social security organizations also may have helped ernment’s actions on health in February 2020 as
INSABI was implemented, reaching 53% disapproval
reduce potential resistance to restructuring. In addition, (bad/very bad) and 29% approval (good/very good).51
AMLO promised to deliver more benefits with his new
plan than provided by Seguro Popular, an approach that
could have undermined popular opposition to the Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
changes.3 AMLO is doing in Mexico to Seguro No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
Popular what Trump would have done to Obamacare
in the USA if he had more control over majority votes
in both houses of the US Congress. In short, massive Acknowledgments
shifts in elections can change political institutions in
The author appreciates comments and suggestions that
ways that undermine the expected path dependence of helped improve this paper, from: Martin Lajous, Andrea
policy reforms like Seguro Popular and produce massive Luviano, Veronika Wirtz, Corrina Moucheraud, Octavio
policy changes—and in ways that may be difficult to Gómez-Dantés, Thomas Bossert, Laura Vargas, Kevin
reverse. Croke, and Gustavo Nigenda.
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INSABI shows the influence of personality politics
and polarization. Mexico’s disagreement over health
policy is playing out between the former national Michael R. Reich
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