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Understanding Biology 1st Edition

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Chapter 11 Test Bank: Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Edouard van Beneden proposed that an egg and a sperm, each containing half the complement of
chromosomes found in somatic cells, fuse to produce a single cell called a(n) ______.
A. zygote
B. karyotype
C. embryo
D. oocyte

2. The process of nuclear division which reduces the number of chromosomes per cell from 2 sets to 1 set, is
called _____.
A. Mitosis
B. Meiosis
C. Binary fission
D. Syngamy

3. What type of cells contain only one set of chromosomes?

A. Germ-line
B. Somatic
C. Diploid
D. Haploid

4. In life cycles that alternate between haploid and diploid stages, fertilization doubles the number of
chromosomes per cell while the number of chromosomes is reduced by half by which process?
A. Mitosis
B. Meiosis
C. Binary fission
D. Syngamy

5. Homologous chromosomes pair along their length during prophase I of meiosis. While two homologues are
paired, genetic exchange may occur between them in a process called ________.
A. syngamy
B. synapsis
C. independent assortment
D. crossing over
6. Compared to asexual reproduction, the main advantage of sexual reproduction is that it
A. requires less energy.
B. increases the genetic diversity of the offspring.
C. can produce more complex offspring.
D. can produce a greater number of offspring.

7. If there were no suppression of DNA replication between meiotic divisions but cytokinesis proceeded
normally, what is the most likely outcome of meiosis?
A. 4 diploid cells
B. 2 diploid cells
C. 4 haploid cells
D. 2 haploid cells
E. 2 diploid cells and 2 haploid cells

8. Evidence of crossing over can often be seen under the light microscope as a structure called a _______.
A. kinetochore
B. centromere
C. chiasma
D. centriole

9. The fusion of a male gamete with a female gamete is called

A. syngamy.
B. meiosis.
C. mitosis.
D. recombination.
E. synapsis.

10. Diploid organisms use meiosis to produce haploid cells. Meiosis consists of how many rounds of nuclear
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
E. none of these
11. The pairing of chromosomes along their lengths, which is essential for crossing over, is referred to as
A. syngamy.
B. synapsis.
C. prophase.
D. recombination.
E. centromere.

12. The cell produced by the fusion of an egg and a sperm is the
A. gamete.
B. oocyte.
C. zygote.
D. germ line cell.
E. somatic cell.

13. The zygote has

A. one copy of each chromosome.
B. one full haploid complement of chromosomes.
C. chromosomes identical to those of a sperm cell.
D. chromosomes identical to those of an egg cell.
E. two copies of each chromosome.

14. What type of animal cells are haploid?

A. Gametes.
B. Muscle cells.
C. Nerve cells.
D. Germ-line cells.
E. Somatic cells.

15. The point of connection between two sister chromatids, before anaphase II of meiosis separates them, is
called the
A. centriole
B. kinetochore.
C. centromere.
D. spindle apparatus.
E. centrosome.
16. What process produces new cells that are genetically identical to the original cell?
A. Meiosis
B. Mitosis
C. Crossing over
D. Independent assortment
E. Fertilization

17. In animals, the cells that will eventually undergo meiosis to produce gametes are set aside early in
development. These are called
A. somatic cells.
B. germ-line cells.
C. sex cells.
D. gametophytes.
E. reproductive cells.

18. What event occurs first during meiosis?

A. homologous chromosomes separate and are pulled to opposite poles of the cell
B. sister chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite poles of the cell
C. chromosomes decondense
D. synapsis of homologous chromosomes
E. pairs of homologous chromosomes align along the equatorial plate

19. Chromosomes exchange genetic information by

A. fertilization.
B. mitosis.
C. syngamy.
D. DNA replication.
E. crossing over.

20. Crossing over between homologous chromosomes takes place during

A. prophase II.
B. prophase I.
C. interphase II.
D. interphase I.
E. metaphase II.
21. The synaptonemal complex is
A. a cluster of microtubules at each pole of the cell.
B. a network of microtubules that forms the spindle apparatus.
C. a network of proteins that holds homologues together.
D. the area where microtubules attach to the centromere of each chromosome.
E. a region of highly coiled DNA.

22. At the end of meiosis II, each of the four resulting cells contains
A. one full set of chromosomes, each with 2 molecules of DNA.
B. two full sets of chromosomes, each with 2 molecules of DNA.
C. one full set of chromosomes, each with 1 molecule of DNA.
D. two full sets of chromosomes, each with 1 molecule of DNA.

23. Which best describes the process of independent assortment?

A. The way one pair of homologues lines up along the metaphase plate does not affect how any other pair lines
B. Segregation of chromosomes during meiosis I is independent of their segregation during meiosis II.
C. During synapsis, chromosomes pair up at random.
D. Crossing over along one pair of chromosomes is independent of crossing over along the other pairs.
E. During synapsis, homologues pair independently of each other.


In plants and animals, the zygote develops into an embryo by what process?

A. mitosis
B. meiosis
C. syngamy
D. synapsis
E. reduction division

25. The pairing of homologous chromosomes is called

A. syngamy.
B. synapsis.
C. alignment.
D. independent assortment.
E. crossing over.
26. Which best explains the process of meiosis?
A. The cells that result from meiosis I are haploid, and each chromosome consists of 1 chromatid.
B. The cells that result from meiosis I are haploid, and each chromosome consists of 2 chromatids.
C. The cells that result from meiosis II are haploid, and each chromosome consists of 2 chromatids.
D. The cells that result from meiosis I are diploid, and each chromosome consists of 2 chromatids.
E. The cells that result from meiosis I are diploid, and each chromosome consists of 1 chromatid.

27. During meiosis, sister chromatids are held together by

A. a common centromere and kinetochore microtubules.
B. a common centromere and chiasmata.
C. a common centromere and polar microtubules.
D. a common centromere and a cohesin protein complex.
E. the kinetochores and a cohesin protein complex.

28. What immediately follows meiosis I?

A. DNA Replication
B. Prophase II
C. Metaphase II
D. Synapsis of homologues
E. Crossing over of homologues

29. What events normally contribute to genetic variation?

A. Crossing over during meiosis II.
B. Fusion of a random egg and sperm to generate a zygote.
C. Independent assortment of homologous chromosomes during mitosis.
D. Cytokinesis during mitosis.

30. One of a pair of chromosomes with similar genetic information and from different sources like the sperm
and egg.
A. chiasma
B. homologue
C. kinetochore
D. synapsis
E. synaptonemal
31. Which structures indicate where crossing over has occurred.
A. Chiasmata
B. Centromeres
C. Kinetochores
D. Centrioles
E. Spindle fibers

32. Which structure holds two homologous chromosomes together?

A. Centromere
B. Kinetochore
C. Polar microtubules
D. Spindle apparatus
E. Synaptonemal complex

33. During anaphase I, which best represents segregation of the chromatids that make up one pair of
homologues? (M represents a maternal chromatid and P represents a paternal chromatid. Assume no crossing
over occurs.)
A. M and M to one pole; P and P to the other pole.
B. M and P to one pole; M and P to the other pole.
C. M to one pole; P to the other pole.
D. half of M and half of P to each pole.
E. the segregation of these chromatids is completely random.

34. You are studying meiosis in an organism where 2n= 28. How many chromosomes will be present in each
cell after meiosis I is complete but before meiosis II begins?
A. 7
B. 14
C. 28
D. 56

35. You are studying meiosis in an organism where 2n=24. How many chromosomes will each nucleus have
after meiosis II is complete?
A. 24
B. 12
C. 6
D. 48
36. You are comparing the events of meiosis I in cells from several different organisms. You come across one
species in which you do not observe any chiasmata. The best conclusion to make is
A. there is no crossing over between non-sister chromatids.
B. kinetochores of sister chromatids do not fuse.
C. the chromosome pairs will not assort independently.
D. chiasmata will form during meiosis II.

37. When do homologous chromosomes separate from each other during meiosis?
A. Prophase I
B. Metaphase I
C. Anaphase I
D. Metaphase II
E. Anaphase II

38. The Rec8 protein holds sister chromatids together during meiosis. If an individual has a mutation that
prevents degradation of Rec8, this would most likely prevent
A. normal segregation during meiosis I.
B. normal segregation during meiosis II.
C. synapsis of homologous chromosomes.
D. crossing over during prophase I.

39. What is likely to occur if cyclin B were prevented from associating with its cyclin-dependent kinase near
the end of meiosis I?
A. failure to maintain sister chromatid cohesion at the centromere.
B. failure to form initiation complexes necessary for DNA replication to proceed.
C. suppression of DNA replication.
D. activation of DNA replication.

40. If it were possible to prevent crossing over, what would be the result of inhibiting this event?
A. Sister chromatids would not have cohesion during metaphase I.
B. Sister chromatids would not segregate properly during mitosis.
C. Homologous chromosomes would not align properly during metaphase I.
D. Homologous chromosomes would not segregate properly during mitosis.
41. Some organisms have a life cycle that is NOT an alternation between haploid and diploid stages. What is
an example of an organism that has a life cycle that is NOT an alternation between diploid and haploid
chromosome numbers?
A. Dogs
B. The bacterium E. coli
C. Alfalfa plants
D. The mold N. crassa

42. In 95% of cases of Down's syndrome, there is one extra chromosome (number 21) in every cell. This
aneuploid condition is most likely the result of
A. failure to suppress DNA replication between meiosis I and meiosis II.
B. failure of the chromosomes to assort independently during meiosis.
C. failure of 1 homologous pair to segregate during meiosis.
D. failure of 2 homologous pairs to segregate during meiosis.
E. failure of the cytoplasm to divide at the end of meiosis II.

43. Why does sexual reproduction require both meiosis and syngamy?
A. The process of meiosis results in the production of gametes in which the number of chromosomes remains
the same. During syngamy, two gametes fuse to form a new cell, and the number of chromosomes is restored to
the full amount. Therefore, by coupling meiosis and syngamy, the organism ensures that the proper number of
chromosomes will be maintained.
B. The process of meiosis results in the production of gametes in which the number of chromosomes is reduced
by half. During syngamy, two gametes fuse to form a new cell, and the number of chromosomes is restored to
the full amount. Therefore, by coupling meiosis and syngamy, the organism ensures that the proper number of
chromosomes will be maintained.
C. The process of meiosis results in the production of gametes in which the number of chromosomes is doubled.
During syngamy, gametes are reduced by half, and the number of chromosomes is restored to the full amount.
Therefore, by coupling meiosis and syngamy, the organism ensures that the proper number of chromosomes
will be maintained.

44. Which cells never divide by meiosis? (Check all that apply.)
____ Haploid cells
____ Diploid cells
____ Somatic cells
____ Germ-line cells
____ Zygotes
45. A cell biologist examines a skin cell from a lizard during metaphase of mitosis and determines that 20
chromatids are present. The role of meiosis in this species is to (Check all that apply)
____ Produce 4 daughter cells that are genetically different from each other.
____ Produce 4 daughter cells that are genetically different from the original parental cell.
____ Reduce the number of chromosomes per cell from 10 to 5.
____ Reduce the number of chromosomes per cell from 20 to 10.

46. A cell biologist examines a leaf cell from an alfalfa plant during metaphase of mitosis and determines that
32 chromatids are present. The role of fertilization in this species is to (Check all that apply)
____ Produce a new cell that has a combination of chromosomes from 2 different parents.
____ Increase the number of chromosomes per cell from 16 to 32.
____ Increase the number of chromosomes per cell from 8 to 16.
____ Combine the chromosomes from 2 haploid cells into a single diploid cell.

47. The most common form of gene therapy involves inserting a normal gene into cells that contain a defective
version of the gene. In order to use gene therapy to prevent a man from passing a defective gene on to future
generations, you should try to insert normal copies of the gene into
A. blood cells.
B. germ-line cells.
C. somatic cells in the testes.
D. bone marrow cells.

48. If a germ-line cell from an owl contains 8 picograms of DNA during G1 of interphase, how many
picograms of DNA would be present in each cell during prophase I of meiosis? (Enter the number only, not the

49. If a somatic cell from a cat contains 40 picograms of DNA during G2 of interphase, how many picograms
of DNA would be present in each cell during metaphase II of meiosis? (Enter the number only, not the units.)

50. If a germ-line cell from a salamander contains 10 picograms of DNA during G1 of interphase, how many
picograms of DNA would be present in each gamete produced by this species? (Enter the number only, not the
51. How many tetrads are present in a single elephant cell (2n=56) during metaphase I of meiosis?

52. A geneticist examines a somatic cell from a fly during metaphase of mitosis and determines that 16
chromatids are present. If a germ-line cell from this species divides by meiosis, then at the end of meiosis I
(including the first cytokinesis) each cell will contain
A. 8 chromosomes with 8 DNA molecules.
B. 8 chromosomes with 16 DNA molecules.
C. 4 chromosomes with 4 DNA molecules.
D. 4 chromosomes with 8 DNA molecules.

53. Nondisjunction is the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate during meiosis I, or the failure of
sister chromatids to separate during meiosis II or mitosis. As a result, both homologous chromosomes or both
sister chromatids migrate to the same pole of the cell. This produces daughter cells with an imbalance of
chromosomes. A cell biologist examines the final products of meiosis in an earthworm (2n=36) and finds 2
cells with 20 chromosomes, and 2 cells with 16 chromosomes. Most likely this was because
A. 2 pairs of sister chromatids failed to separate during meiosis II.
B. 1 pair of sister chromatids failed to separate during meiosis II.
C. 2 pairs of homologous chromosomes failed to separate during meiosis I.
D. 1 pair of homologous chromosomes failed to separate during meiosis I.

54. Nondisjunction is the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate during meiosis I, or the failure of
sister chromatids to separate during meiosis II or mitosis. As a result, both homologous chromosomes or both
sister chromatids migrate to the same pole of the cell. This produces daughter cells with an imbalance of
chromosomes. If 18 pairs of sister chromatids segregate normally during meiosis II in cats (n=19) but we have
nondisjunction of 1 pair, then at the end of meiosis II we will have
A. 3 cells with 20 chromosomes and 1 cell with 18.
B. 2 cells with 20 chromosomes and 2 cells with 18.
C. 2 cells with 19 chromosomes, 1 with 20, and 1 with 18.
D. 3 cells with 18 chromosomes and 1 cell with 20.

55. A cell biologist examines a diploid cell from a particular species of during metaphase of mitosis and
determines that 8 centromeres are present. Based on this finding, how many centromeres should be present in a
single cell from this species during anaphase II of meiosis?
56. A cell biologist examines a diploid cell from a particular species of butterfly during prometaphase of
mitosis and determines that 10 centromeres are present. Based on this finding, how many chromatids should be
present in a single cell from this species in metaphase I of meiosis?

57. Meiosis results in a reassortment of maternal chromosomes (inherited from the mother) and paternal
chromosomes (inherited from the father.) If n=4 for a given species, and ignoring the effects of crossing over,
what is the probability that a gamete will receive only paternal chromosomes?
A. 1/2
B. 1/4
C. 1/8
D. 1/16

58. A cell in G2 before meiosis begins, compared with one of the four cells produced at the end of meiosis II,
A. twice as much DNA and twice as many chromosomes.
B. four times as much DNA and twice as many chromosomes.
C. twice as much DNA but the same number of chromosomes.
D. four times as much DNA and four times as many chromosomes.
E. twice as much DNA and half as many chromosomes.

59. In meiosis, sister kinetochores are attached to the same pole of the cell during meiosis I, and sister
chromatid cohesion is released during anaphase II. What would be the likely result if sister kinetochores were
attached to different poles of the cell during meiosis I and sister chromatid cohesion was released during
anaphase I?
A. Sister chromatids would migrate to opposite poles during anaphase I.
B. Sister chromatids would migrate to opposite poles during anaphase II.
C. Sister chromatids would migrate to the same pole during anaphase I.
D. Sister chromatids would migrate to the same pole during anaphase II.

60. Sister chromatids move to opposite poles of the cell during (Check all that apply.)
____ anaphase I of meiosis.
____ metaphase I of meiosis.
____ anaphase II of meiosis.
____ anaphase of mitosis.
Chapter 11 Test Bank: Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis Key

1. Edouard van Beneden proposed that an egg and a sperm, each containing half the complement of
chromosomes found in somatic cells, fuse to produce a single cell called a(n) ______.
A. zygote
B. karyotype
C. embryo
D. oocyte

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

LO: 11.01.01 Compare the number of chromosomes in gametes and zygotes.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis

2. The process of nuclear division which reduces the number of chromosomes per cell from 2 sets to 1 set, is
called _____.
A. Mitosis
B. Meiosis
C. Binary fission
D. Syngamy

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.01.01 Compare the number of chromosomes in gametes and zygotes.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis

3. What type of cells contain only one set of chromosomes?

A. Germ-line
B. Somatic
C. Diploid
D. Haploid

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.01.01 Compare the number of chromosomes in gametes and zygotes.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis
4. In life cycles that alternate between haploid and diploid stages, fertilization doubles the number of
chromosomes per cell while the number of chromosomes is reduced by half by which process?
A. Mitosis
B. Meiosis
C. Binary fission
D. Syngamy

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.01.02 Differentiate between life cycles based on timing of meiosis and fertilization.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis

5. Homologous chromosomes pair along their length during prophase I of meiosis. While two homologues are
paired, genetic exchange may occur between them in a process called ________.
A. syngamy
B. synapsis
C. independent assortment
D. crossing over

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Meiosis

6. Compared to asexual reproduction, the main advantage of sexual reproduction is that it

A. requires less energy.
B. increases the genetic diversity of the offspring.
C. can produce more complex offspring.
D. can produce a greater number of offspring.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

LO: 11.01.02 Differentiate between life cycles based on timing of meiosis and fertilization.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis

7. If there were no suppression of DNA replication between meiotic divisions but cytokinesis proceeded
normally, what is the most likely outcome of meiosis?
A. 4 diploid cells
B. 2 diploid cells
C. 4 haploid cells
D. 2 haploid cells
E. 2 diploid cells and 2 haploid cells

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Meiosis
8. Evidence of crossing over can often be seen under the light microscope as a structure called a _______.
A. kinetochore
B. centromere
C. chiasma
D. centriole

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Meiosis

9. The fusion of a male gamete with a female gamete is called

A. syngamy.
B. meiosis.
C. mitosis.
D. recombination.
E. synapsis.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

LO: 11.01.02 Differentiate between life cycles based on timing of meiosis and fertilization.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis

10. Diploid organisms use meiosis to produce haploid cells. Meiosis consists of how many rounds of nuclear
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
E. none of these

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Meiosis

11. The pairing of chromosomes along their lengths, which is essential for crossing over, is referred to as
A. syngamy.
B. synapsis.
C. prophase.
D. recombination.
E. centromere.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Meiosis
12. The cell produced by the fusion of an egg and a sperm is the
A. gamete.
B. oocyte.
C. zygote.
D. germ line cell.
E. somatic cell.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

LO: 11.01.01 Compare the number of chromosomes in gametes and zygotes.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis

13. The zygote has

A. one copy of each chromosome.
B. one full haploid complement of chromosomes.
C. chromosomes identical to those of a sperm cell.
D. chromosomes identical to those of an egg cell.
E. two copies of each chromosome.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.01.01 Compare the number of chromosomes in gametes and zygotes.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis

14. What type of animal cells are haploid?

A. Gametes.
B. Muscle cells.
C. Nerve cells.
D. Germ-line cells.
E. Somatic cells.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.01.02 Differentiate between life cycles based on timing of meiosis and fertilization.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis
15. The point of connection between two sister chromatids, before anaphase II of meiosis separates them, is
called the
A. centriole
B. kinetochore.
C. centromere.
D. spindle apparatus.
E. centrosome.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.01 Describe the consequences of how homologous chromosomes pair in prophase I.
Topic: Meiosis

16. What process produces new cells that are genetically identical to the original cell?
A. Meiosis
B. Mitosis
C. Crossing over
D. Independent assortment
E. Fertilization

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Topic: Meiosis

17. In animals, the cells that will eventually undergo meiosis to produce gametes are set aside early in
development. These are called
A. somatic cells.
B. germ-line cells.
C. sex cells.
D. gametophytes.
E. reproductive cells.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.01.02 Differentiate between life cycles based on timing of meiosis and fertilization.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis
18. What event occurs first during meiosis?
A. homologous chromosomes separate and are pulled to opposite poles of the cell
B. sister chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite poles of the cell
C. chromosomes decondense
D. synapsis of homologous chromosomes
E. pairs of homologous chromosomes align along the equatorial plate

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Meiosis

19. Chromosomes exchange genetic information by

A. fertilization.
B. mitosis.
C. syngamy.
D. DNA replication.
E. crossing over.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Meiosis

20. Crossing over between homologous chromosomes takes place during

A. prophase II.
B. prophase I.
C. interphase II.
D. interphase I.
E. metaphase II.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.01 Describe the consequences of how homologous chromosomes pair in prophase I.
Topic: Meiosis
21. The synaptonemal complex is
A. a cluster of microtubules at each pole of the cell.
B. a network of microtubules that forms the spindle apparatus.
C. a network of proteins that holds homologues together.
D. the area where microtubules attach to the centromere of each chromosome.
E. a region of highly coiled DNA.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Meiosis

22. At the end of meiosis II, each of the four resulting cells contains
A. one full set of chromosomes, each with 2 molecules of DNA.
B. two full sets of chromosomes, each with 2 molecules of DNA.
C. one full set of chromosomes, each with 1 molecule of DNA.
D. two full sets of chromosomes, each with 1 molecule of DNA.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.05 Describe the events of meiosis II.
Topic: Meiosis

23. Which best describes the process of independent assortment?

A. The way one pair of homologues lines up along the metaphase plate does not affect how any other pair lines
B. Segregation of chromosomes during meiosis I is independent of their segregation during meiosis II.
C. During synapsis, chromosomes pair up at random.
D. Crossing over along one pair of chromosomes is independent of crossing over along the other pairs.
E. During synapsis, homologues pair independently of each other.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.02 Explain the importance of monopolar attachment of homologue pairs at metaphase I.
Topic: Meiosis

In plants and animals, the zygote develops into an embryo by what process?

A. mitosis
B. meiosis
C. syngamy
D. synapsis
E. reduction division

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.01.02 Differentiate between life cycles based on timing of meiosis and fertilization.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis

25. The pairing of homologous chromosomes is called

A. syngamy.
B. synapsis.
C. alignment.
D. independent assortment.
E. crossing over.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Meiosis

26. Which best explains the process of meiosis?

A. The cells that result from meiosis I are haploid, and each chromosome consists of 1 chromatid.
B. The cells that result from meiosis I are haploid, and each chromosome consists of 2 chromatids.
C. The cells that result from meiosis II are haploid, and each chromosome consists of 2 chromatids.
D. The cells that result from meiosis I are diploid, and each chromosome consists of 2 chromatids.
E. The cells that result from meiosis I are diploid, and each chromosome consists of 1 chromatid.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.04 Identify the key event that occurs during telophase I.
Topic: Meiosis
27. During meiosis, sister chromatids are held together by
A. a common centromere and kinetochore microtubules.
B. a common centromere and chiasmata.
C. a common centromere and polar microtubules.
D. a common centromere and a cohesin protein complex.
E. the kinetochores and a cohesin protein complex.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.03 Compare the loss of cohesion between sister chromatids at the centromere and on the arms at anaphase I.
Topic: Meiosis

28. What immediately follows meiosis I?

A. DNA Replication
B. Prophase II
C. Metaphase II
D. Synapsis of homologues
E. Crossing over of homologues

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.05 Describe the events of meiosis II.
Topic: Meiosis

29. What events normally contribute to genetic variation?

A. Crossing over during meiosis II.
B. Fusion of a random egg and sperm to generate a zygote.
C. Independent assortment of homologous chromosomes during mitosis.
D. Cytokinesis during mitosis.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.05.01 Explain the ways in which meiosis increases genetic variability, and why this is important.
Section: 11.05 Genetic Variation Is the Evolutionary Consequence of Sex
Topic: Meiosis
30. One of a pair of chromosomes with similar genetic information and from different sources like the sperm
and egg.
A. chiasma
B. homologue
C. kinetochore
D. synapsis
E. synaptonemal

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.02 Explain the importance of monopolar attachment of homologue pairs at metaphase I.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis

31. Which structures indicate where crossing over has occurred.

A. Chiasmata
B. Centromeres
C. Kinetochores
D. Centrioles
E. Spindle fibers

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Meiosis

32. Which structure holds two homologous chromosomes together?

A. Centromere
B. Kinetochore
C. Polar microtubules
D. Spindle apparatus
E. Synaptonemal complex

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Meiosis
33. During anaphase I, which best represents segregation of the chromatids that make up one pair of
homologues? (M represents a maternal chromatid and P represents a paternal chromatid. Assume no crossing
over occurs.)
A. M and M to one pole; P and P to the other pole.
B. M and P to one pole; M and P to the other pole.
C. M to one pole; P to the other pole.
D. half of M and half of P to each pole.
E. the segregation of these chromatids is completely random.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.03 Compare the loss of cohesion between sister chromatids at the centromere and on the arms at anaphase I.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis

34. You are studying meiosis in an organism where 2n= 28. How many chromosomes will be present in each
cell after meiosis I is complete but before meiosis II begins?
A. 7
B. 14
C. 28
D. 56

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.04 Identify the key event that occurs during telophase I.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

35. You are studying meiosis in an organism where 2n=24. How many chromosomes will each nucleus have
after meiosis II is complete?
A. 24
B. 12
C. 6
D. 48

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.05 Describe the events of meiosis II.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning
36. You are comparing the events of meiosis I in cells from several different organisms. You come across one
species in which you do not observe any chiasmata. The best conclusion to make is
A. there is no crossing over between non-sister chromatids.
B. kinetochores of sister chromatids do not fuse.
C. the chromosome pairs will not assort independently.
D. chiasmata will form during meiosis II.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing.
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication
Topic: Meiosis

37. When do homologous chromosomes separate from each other during meiosis?
A. Prophase I
B. Metaphase I
C. Anaphase I
D. Metaphase II
E. Anaphase II

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.03 Compare the loss of cohesion between sister chromatids at the centromere and on the arms at anaphase I.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis

38. The Rec8 protein holds sister chromatids together during meiosis. If an individual has a mutation that
prevents degradation of Rec8, this would most likely prevent
A. normal segregation during meiosis I.
B. normal segregation during meiosis II.
C. synapsis of homologous chromosomes.
D. crossing over during prophase I.

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.05 Describe the events of meiosis II.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis
39. What is likely to occur if cyclin B were prevented from associating with its cyclin-dependent kinase near
the end of meiosis I?
A. failure to maintain sister chromatid cohesion at the centromere.
B. failure to form initiation complexes necessary for DNA replication to proceed.
C. suppression of DNA replication.
D. activation of DNA replication.

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.04.01 Discuss the molecular mechanisms responsible for the four distinct features of meiosis.
Section: 11.04 Meiosis has Four Distinct Features
Topic: Meiosis

40. If it were possible to prevent crossing over, what would be the result of inhibiting this event?
A. Sister chromatids would not have cohesion during metaphase I.
B. Sister chromatids would not segregate properly during mitosis.
C. Homologous chromosomes would not align properly during metaphase I.
D. Homologous chromosomes would not segregate properly during mitosis.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.01 Describe the consequences of how homologous chromosomes pair in prophase I.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis

41. Some organisms have a life cycle that is NOT an alternation between haploid and diploid stages. What is
an example of an organism that has a life cycle that is NOT an alternation between diploid and haploid
chromosome numbers?
A. Dogs
B. The bacterium E. coli
C. Alfalfa plants
D. The mold N. crassa

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.01.02 Differentiate between life cycles based on timing of meiosis and fertilization.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis
42. In 95% of cases of Down's syndrome, there is one extra chromosome (number 21) in every cell. This
aneuploid condition is most likely the result of
A. failure to suppress DNA replication between meiosis I and meiosis II.
B. failure of the chromosomes to assort independently during meiosis.
C. failure of 1 homologous pair to segregate during meiosis.
D. failure of 2 homologous pairs to segregate during meiosis.
E. failure of the cytoplasm to divide at the end of meiosis II.

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.03 Compare the loss of cohesion between sister chromatids at the centromere and on the arms at anaphase I.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis

43. Why does sexual reproduction require both meiosis and syngamy?
A. The process of meiosis results in the production of gametes in which the number of chromosomes remains
the same. During syngamy, two gametes fuse to form a new cell, and the number of chromosomes is restored to
the full amount. Therefore, by coupling meiosis and syngamy, the organism ensures that the proper number of
chromosomes will be maintained.
B. The process of meiosis results in the production of gametes in which the number of chromosomes is reduced
by half. During syngamy, two gametes fuse to form a new cell, and the number of chromosomes is restored to
the full amount. Therefore, by coupling meiosis and syngamy, the organism ensures that the proper number of
chromosomes will be maintained.
C. The process of meiosis results in the production of gametes in which the number of chromosomes is doubled.
During syngamy, gametes are reduced by half, and the number of chromosomes is restored to the full amount.
Therefore, by coupling meiosis and syngamy, the organism ensures that the proper number of chromosomes
will be maintained.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.01.02 Differentiate between life cycles based on timing of meiosis and fertilization.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis

44. Which cells never divide by meiosis? (Check all that apply.)
__X__ Haploid cells
_____ Diploid cells
__X__ Somatic cells
_____ Germ-line cells
__X__ Zygotes

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.01.02 Differentiate between life cycles based on timing of meiosis and fertilization.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis
45. A cell biologist examines a skin cell from a lizard during metaphase of mitosis and determines that 20
chromatids are present. The role of meiosis in this species is to (Check all that apply)
__X__ Produce 4 daughter cells that are genetically different from each other.
__X__ Produce 4 daughter cells that are genetically different from the original parental cell.
__X__ Reduce the number of chromosomes per cell from 10 to 5.
_____ Reduce the number of chromosomes per cell from 20 to 10.

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.05.01 Explain the ways in which meiosis increases genetic variability, and why this is important.
Section: 11.05 Genetic Variation is the Evolutionary Consequence of Sex
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

46. A cell biologist examines a leaf cell from an alfalfa plant during metaphase of mitosis and determines that
32 chromatids are present. The role of fertilization in this species is to (Check all that apply)
__X__ Produce a new cell that has a combination of chromosomes from 2 different parents.
_____ Increase the number of chromosomes per cell from 16 to 32.
__X__ Increase the number of chromosomes per cell from 8 to 16.
__X__ Combine the chromosomes from 2 haploid cells into a single diploid cell.

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.01.02 Differentiate between life cycles based on timing of meiosis and fertilization.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

47. The most common form of gene therapy involves inserting a normal gene into cells that contain a defective
version of the gene. In order to use gene therapy to prevent a man from passing a defective gene on to future
generations, you should try to insert normal copies of the gene into
A. blood cells.
B. germ-line cells.
C. somatic cells in the testes.
D. bone marrow cells.

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.01.01 Compare the number of chromosomes in gametes and zygotes.
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis
48. If a germ-line cell from an owl contains 8 picograms of DNA during G1 of interphase, how many
picograms of DNA would be present in each cell during prophase I of meiosis? (Enter the number only, not the

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.01 Describe the consequences of how homologous chromosomes pair in prophase I.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

49. If a somatic cell from a cat contains 40 picograms of DNA during G2 of interphase, how many picograms
of DNA would be present in each cell during metaphase II of meiosis? (Enter the number only, not the units.)

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.05 Describe the events of meiosis II.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

50. If a germ-line cell from a salamander contains 10 picograms of DNA during G1 of interphase, how many
picograms of DNA would be present in each gamete produced by this species? (Enter the number only, not the

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.05 Describe the events of meiosis II.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

51. How many tetrads are present in a single elephant cell (2n=56) during metaphase I of meiosis?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.02 Explain the importance of monopolar attachment of homologue pairs at metaphase I.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning
52. A geneticist examines a somatic cell from a fly during metaphase of mitosis and determines that 16
chromatids are present. If a germ-line cell from this species divides by meiosis, then at the end of meiosis I
(including the first cytokinesis) each cell will contain
A. 8 chromosomes with 8 DNA molecules.
B. 8 chromosomes with 16 DNA molecules.
C. 4 chromosomes with 4 DNA molecules.
D. 4 chromosomes with 8 DNA molecules.

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.04 Identify the key event that occurs during telophase I.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

53. Nondisjunction is the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate during meiosis I, or the failure of
sister chromatids to separate during meiosis II or mitosis. As a result, both homologous chromosomes or both
sister chromatids migrate to the same pole of the cell. This produces daughter cells with an imbalance of
chromosomes. A cell biologist examines the final products of meiosis in an earthworm (2n=36) and finds 2
cells with 20 chromosomes, and 2 cells with 16 chromosomes. Most likely this was because
A. 2 pairs of sister chromatids failed to separate during meiosis II.
B. 1 pair of sister chromatids failed to separate during meiosis II.
C. 2 pairs of homologous chromosomes failed to separate during meiosis I.
D. 1 pair of homologous chromosomes failed to separate during meiosis I.

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.03 Compare the loss of cohesion between sister chromatids at the centromere and on the arms at anaphase I.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

54. Nondisjunction is the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate during meiosis I, or the failure of
sister chromatids to separate during meiosis II or mitosis. As a result, both homologous chromosomes or both
sister chromatids migrate to the same pole of the cell. This produces daughter cells with an imbalance of
chromosomes. If 18 pairs of sister chromatids segregate normally during meiosis II in cats (n=19) but we have
nondisjunction of 1 pair, then at the end of meiosis II we will have
A. 3 cells with 20 chromosomes and 1 cell with 18.
B. 2 cells with 20 chromosomes and 2 cells with 18.
C. 2 cells with 19 chromosomes, 1 with 20, and 1 with 18.
D. 3 cells with 18 chromosomes and 1 cell with 20.

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.05 Describe the events of meiosis II.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning
55. A cell biologist examines a diploid cell from a particular species of during metaphase of mitosis and
determines that 8 centromeres are present. Based on this finding, how many centromeres should be present in a
single cell from this species during anaphase II of meiosis?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.05 Describe the events of meiosis II.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

56. A cell biologist examines a diploid cell from a particular species of butterfly during prometaphase of
mitosis and determines that 10 centromeres are present. Based on this finding, how many chromatids should be
present in a single cell from this species in metaphase I of meiosis?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.05 Describe the events of meiosis II.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

57. Meiosis results in a reassortment of maternal chromosomes (inherited from the mother) and paternal
chromosomes (inherited from the father.) If n=4 for a given species, and ignoring the effects of crossing over,
what is the probability that a gamete will receive only paternal chromosomes?
A. 1/2
B. 1/4
C. 1/8
D. 1/16

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.05.01 Explain the ways in which meiosis increases genetic variability, and why this is important.
Section: 11.05 Genetic Variation is the Evolutionary Consequence of Sex
Topic: Meiosis
Type: Quantitative Reasoning
58. A cell in G2 before meiosis begins, compared with one of the four cells produced at the end of meiosis II,
A. twice as much DNA and twice as many chromosomes.
B. four times as much DNA and twice as many chromosomes.
C. twice as much DNA but the same number of chromosomes.
D. four times as much DNA and four times as many chromosomes.
E. twice as much DNA and half as many chromosomes.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.05 Describe the events of meiosis II.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis

59. In meiosis, sister kinetochores are attached to the same pole of the cell during meiosis I, and sister
chromatid cohesion is released during anaphase II. What would be the likely result if sister kinetochores were
attached to different poles of the cell during meiosis I and sister chromatid cohesion was released during
anaphase I?
A. Sister chromatids would migrate to opposite poles during anaphase I.
B. Sister chromatids would migrate to opposite poles during anaphase II.
C. Sister chromatids would migrate to the same pole during anaphase I.
D. Sister chromatids would migrate to the same pole during anaphase II.

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.03.02 Explain the importance of monopolar attachment of homologue pairs at metaphase I.
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues
Topic: Meiosis

60. Sister chromatids move to opposite poles of the cell during (Check all that apply.)
_____ anaphase I of meiosis.
_____ metaphase I of meiosis.
__X__ anaphase II of meiosis.
__X__ anaphase of mitosis.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 11.04.01 Discuss the molecular mechanisms responsible for the four distinct features of meiosis.
Section: 11.04 Meiosis has Four Distinct Features
Topic: Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Topic: Meiosis
Chapter 11 Test Bank: Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis Summary

Category # of Questions
Blooms Level: 1. Remember 26
Blooms Level: 2. Understand 14
Blooms Level: 3. Apply 6
Blooms Level: 4. Analyze 14
Gradable: automatic 51
LO: 11.01.01 Compare the number of chromosomes in gametes and zygotes. 6
LO: 11.01.02 Differentiate between life cycles based on timing of meiosis and fertilization. 10
LO: 11.02.01 Describe the process of homologous pairing. 13
LO: 11.03.01 Describe the consequences of how homologous chromosomes pair in prophase I. 4
LO: 11.03.02 Explain the importance of monopolar attachment of homologue pairs at metaphase I. 4
LO: 11.03.03 Compare the loss of cohesion between sister chromatids at the centromere and on the arms at anaphase I. 5
LO: 11.03.04 Identify the key event that occurs during telophase I. 3
LO: 11.03.05 Describe the events of meiosis II. 10
LO: 11.04.01 Discuss the molecular mechanisms responsible for the four distinct features of meiosis. 2
LO: 11.05.01 Explain the ways in which meiosis increases genetic variability, and why this is important. 3
Section: 11.01 Sexual Reproduction Requires Meiosis 16
Section: 11.02 Meiosis Features Two Divisions with One Round of DNA Replication 13
Section: 11.03 The Process of Meiosis Involves Intimate Interactions between Homologues 19
Section: 11.04 Meiosis has Four Distinct Features 2
Section: 11.05 Genetic Variation Is the Evolutionary Consequence of Sex 1
Section: 11.05 Genetic Variation is the Evolutionary Consequence of Sex 2
Topic: Cell Cycle and Mitosis 2
Topic: Meiosis 59
Type: Quantitative Reasoning 14
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The resolutions of 1798 will be found in the book devoted to
political platforms. So highly were these esteemed by the
Republicans of that day, and by the interests whose support they so
shrewdly invited, that they more than counterbalanced the
popularity acquired by the Federals in their resistance to France, and
by 1800 they caused a rupture in the Cabinet of Adams.
In the Presidential election of 1800 John Adams was the nominee
for President and C. C. Pinckney for Vice-President. A
“Congressional Convention” of Republicans, held in Philadelphia,
nominated Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr as candidates for these
offices. On the election which followed the Republicans chose 73
electors and the Federalists 65. Each elector voted for two persons,
and the Republicans so voted that they unwisely gave Jefferson and
Burr each 73 votes. Neither being highest, it was not legally
determined which should be President or Vice-President, and the
election had to go to the House. The Federalists threw 65 votes to
Adams and 64 to Pinckney. The Republicans could have done the
same, but Burr’s intrigue and ambition prevented this, and the result
was a protracted contest in the House, and one which put the
country in great peril, but which plainly pointed out some of the
imperfections of the electoral features of the Constitution. The
Federalists proposed to confess the inability of the House to agree
through the vote by States, but to this proposition the Republicans
threatened armed resistance. The Federalists next attempted a
combination with the friends of Aaron Burr, but this specimen of
bargaining to deprive a nominee of the place to which it was the plain
intention of his party to elect him, really contributed to Jefferson’s
popularity, if not in that Congress, certainly before the people. He
was elected on the 36th ballot.
The bitterness of this strife, and the dangers which similar ones
threatened, led to an abandonment of the system of each Elector
voting for two, the highest to be President, the next highest Vice-
President, and an amendment was offered to the Constitution, and
fully ratified by September 25, 1804, requiring the electors to ballot
separately for President and Vice-President.
Jefferson was the first candidate nominated by a Congressional
caucus. It convened in 1800 at Philadelphia, and nominated
Jefferson for President and Burr for Vice-President. Adams and
Pinckney were not nominated, but ran and were accepted as natural
leaders of their party, just as Washington and Adams were before
Downfall of the Federal Party.

This contest broke the power of the Federal party. It had before
relied upon the rare sagacity and ability of its leaders, but the contest
in the House developed such attempts at intrigue as disgusted many
and caused all to quarrel, Hamilton having early showed his dislike
to Adams. As a party the Federal had been peculiarly brave at times
when high bravery was needed. It had framed the Federal
Government and stood by the powers given it until they were too
firmly planted for even newer and triumphant partisans to recklessly
trifle with. It stood for non-interference with foreign nations against
the eloquence of adventurers, the mad impulses of mobs, the
generosity of new-born freemen, the harangues of demagogues, and
best of all against those who sought to fan these popular breezes to
their own comfort, It provided for the payment of the debt, had the
courage to raise revenues both from internal and external sources,
and to increase expenditures, as the growth of the country
demanded. Though it passed out of power in a cloud of intrigue and
in a vain grasp at the “flesh-pots,” it yet had a glorious history, and
one which none untinctured with the better prejudices of that day,
can avoid admiring.
The defeat of Adams was not unexpected by him, yet it was greatly
regretted by his friends, for he was justly regarded as second to no
other civilian in the establishment of the liberties of the colonies. He
was eloquent to a rare degree, possessed natural eloquence, and
made the most famous speech in advocacy of the Declaration.
Though the proceedings of the Revolutionary Congress were secret,
and what was said never printed, yet Webster gives his version of the
noted speech of Adams, and we reproduce it in Book III. of this
volume as one of the great speeches of noted American orators.
Mr. Jefferson was inaugurated the third President, in the new
capitol at Washington, on the 4th of March, 1801, and Vice-President
Burr took his seat in the Senate the same day. Though Burr distinctly
disavowed any participancy in the House contest, he was distrusted
by Jefferson’s warm friends, and jealousies rapidly cropped out.
Jefferson endeavored through his inaugural to smooth factious and
party asperities, and so well were his words chosen that the
Federalists indulged, the hope that they would not be removed from
office because of their political views.
Early in June, however, the first question of civil service was
raised. Mr. Jefferson then removed Elizur Goodrich, a Federalist,
from the Collectorship of New Haven, and appointed Samuel Bishop,
a Republican, to the place. The citizens remonstrated, saying that
Goodrich was prompt, reliable and able, and showed that his
successor was 78 years old, and too infirm for the duties of the office.
To these remonstrances Mr. Jefferson, under date of July 12th,
replied in language which did not then, as he did later on, plainly
assert the right of every administration to have its friends in office.
We quote the following:
“Declarations by myself, in favor of political tolerance,
exhortations to harmony and affection in social intercourse, and
respect for the equal rights of the minority, have, on certain
occasions, been quoted and misconstrued into assurances that the
tenure of office was not to be disturbed. But could candor apply such
a construction? When it is considered that, during the late
administration, those who were not of a particular sect of politics
were excluded from all office; when, by a steady pursuit of this
measure, nearly the whole offices of the United States were
monopolized by that sect; when the public sentiment at length
declared itself, and burst open the doors of honor and confidence to
those whose opinions they approved; was it to be imagined that this
monopoly of office was to be continued in the hands of the minority?
Does it violate their equal rights to assert some rights in the majority
also? Is it political intolerance to claim a proportionate share in the
direction of the public affairs? If a due participation of office is a
matter of right, how are vacancies to be obtained? Those by death are
few, by resignation none. Can any other mode than that of removal
be proposed? This is a painful office; but it is made my duty, and I
meet it as such. I proceed in the operation with deliberation and
inquiry, that it may injure the best men least, and effect the purposes
of justice and public utility with the least private distress, that it may
be thrown as much as possible on delinquency, on oppression, on
intolerance, on ante-revolutionary adherence to our enemies.
“I lament sincerely that unessential differences of opinion should
ever have been deemed sufficient to interdict half the society from
the rights and the blessings of self-government, to proscribe them as
unworthy of every trust. It would have been to me a circumstance of
great relief, had I found a moderate participation of office in the
hands of the majority. I would gladly have left to time and accident to
raise them to their just share. But their total exclusion calls for
prompter corrections. I shall correct the procedure; but that done,
return with joy to that state of things when the only questions
concerning a candidate shall be: Is he honest? Is he capable? Is he
faithful to the constitution?”
Mr. Adams had made few removals, and none because of the
political views held by the incumbents, nearly all of whom had been
appointed by Washington and continued through good behavior. At
the date of the appointment of most of them, Jefferson’s Republican
party had no existence; so that the reasons given in the quotation do
not comport with the facts. Washington’s rule was integrity and
capacity, for he could have no regard for politics where political lines
had been obliterated in his own selection. Doubtless these office-
holders were human, and adhered with warmth to the
administration which they served, and this fact, and this alone, must
have angered the Republicans and furnished them with arguments
for a change.
Mr. Jefferson’s position, however, made his later conduct natural.
He was the acknowledged leader of his party, its founder indeed, and
that party had carried him into power. He desired to keep it intact, to
strengthen its lines with whatever patronage he had at his disposal,
and he evidently regarded the cause of Adams in not rewarding his
friends as a mistake. It was, therefore, Jefferson, and not Jackson,
who was the author of the theory that “to the victors belong the
spoils.” Jackson gave it a sharp and perfectly defined shape by the
use of these words, but the spirit and principle were conceived by
Jefferson, who throughout his life showed far greater originality in
politics than any of the early patriots. It was his acute sense of just
what was right for a growing political party to do, which led him to
turn the thoughts of his followers into new and popular directions.
Seeing that they were at grave disadvantage when opposing the
attitude of the government in its policy with foreign nations;
realizing that the work of the Federalists in strengthening the power
of the new government, in providing revenues and ways and means
for the payment of the debt, were good, he changed the character of
the opposition by selecting only notoriously arbitrary measures for
assault—and changed it even more radically than this. He early saw
that simple opposition was not progress, and that it was both wise
and popular to be progressive, and in all his later political papers he
sought to make his party the party favoring personal freedom, the
one of liberal ideas, the one which, instead of shirking, should
anticipate every change calculated to enlarge the liberties and the
opportunities of citizens. These things were not inconsistent with his
strong views in favor of local self-government; indeed, in many
particulars they seemed to support that theory, and by the union of
the two ideas he shrewdly arrayed political enthusiasm by the side of
political interest. Political sagacity more profound than this it is
difficult to imagine. It has not since been equalled in the history of
our land, nor do we believe in the history of any other.
After the New Haven episode, so jealous was Jefferson of his good
name, that while he confided all new appointments to the hands of
his political friends, he made few removals, and these for apparent
cause. The mere statement of his position had proved an invitation to
the Federalists in office to join his earlier friends in the support of his
administration. Many of them did it, so many that the clamorings of
truer friends could not be hushed. With a view to create a new
excuse, Jefferson declared that all appointments made by Adams
after February 14th, when the House began its ballotings for
President, were void, these appointments belonging of right to him,
and from this act of Adams we date the political legacies which some
of our Presidents have since handed down to their successors. One of
the magistrates whose commission had been made out under Adams,
sought to compel Jefferson to sign it by a writ of mandamus before
the Supreme Court, but a “profound investigation of constitutional
law” induced the court not to grant the motion. All commissions
signed by Adams after the date named were suppressed.
Jefferson’s apparent bitterness against the Federalists is mainly
traceable to the contest in the House, and his belief that at one time
they sought a coalition with Burr. This coalition he regarded as a
violation of the understanding when he was nominated, and a
supposed effort to appoint a provisional office he regarded as an
usurpation in fact. In a letter to James Monroe, dated February 15th,
speaking of this contest, he says:
“Four days of balloting have produced not a single change of a
vote. Yet it is confidently believed that to-morrow there is to be a
coalition. I know of no foundation for this belief. If they could have
been permitted to pass a law for putting the government in the hands
of an officer, they would certainly have prevented an election. But we
thought it best to declare openly and firmly, one and all, that the day
such an act passed, the Middle States would arm, and that no such
usurpation, even for a single day, should be submitted to.”
It is but fair to say that the Federalists denied all such intentions,
and that James A. Bayard, of Delaware, April 3, 1806, made formal
oath to this denial. In this he says that three States, representing
Federalist votes, offered to withdraw their opposition if John
Nicholas, of Virginia, and the personal friend of Jefferson, would
secure pledges that the public credit should be supported, the navy
maintained, and that subordinate public officers, employed only in
the execution of details, established by law, should not be removed
from office on the ground of their public character, nor without
complaint against their conduct. The Federalists then went so far as
to admit that officers of “high discretion and confidence,” such as
members of the cabinet and foreign ministers, should be known
friends of the administration. This proposition goes to show that
there is nothing very new in what are called our modern politics; that
the elder Bayard, as early as 1800, made a formal proposal to
bargain. Mr. Nicholas offered his assurance that these things would
prove acceptable to and govern the conduct of Jefferson’s
administration, but he declined to consult with Jefferson on the
points. General Smith subsequently engaged to do it, and Jefferson
replied that the points given corresponded with his views and
intentions, and that Mr. Bayard and his friends might confide in him
accordingly. The opposition of Vermont, Maryland and Delaware
was then immediately withdrawn, and Mr. Jefferson was made
President. Gen’l Smith, twelve days later, made an affidavit which
substantially confirmed that of Bayard. Latimer, the collector of the
port of Philadelphia, and M’Lane, collector of Wilmington, (Bayard’s
special friend) were retained in office. He had cited these two as
examples of his opposition to any change, and Jefferson seemed to
regard the pledges as not sacred beyond the parties actually named
in Bayard’s negotiations with Gen’l Smith.
This misunderstanding or misconstruction of what in these days
would be plainly called a bargain, led to considerable political
criticism, and Jefferson felt it necessary to defend his cause. This he
did in letters to friends which both then and since found their way
into the public prints. One of these letters, written to Col. Monroe,
March 7th, shows in every word and line the natural politician. In
this he says:
“Some (removals) I know must be made. They must be as few as
possible, done gradually, and bottomed on some malversation or
inherent disqualification. Where we shall draw the line between all
and none, is not yet settled, and will not be till we get our
administration together; and perhaps even then we shall proceed ā
talons, balancing our measures according to the impression we
perceive them to make. This may give you a general view of our
A little later on, March 28, he wrote to Elbridge Gerry:
“Officers who have been guilty of gross abuses of office, such as
marshals packing juries, etc., I shall now remove, as my predecessor
ought in justice to have done. The instances will be few, and
governed by strict rule, not party passion. The right of opinion shall
suffer no invasion from me.”
Jefferson evidently tired of this subject, and gradually modified his
views, as shown in his letter to Levi Lincoln, July 11, wherein he says:
“I am satisfied that the heaping of abuse on me personally, has
been with the design and the hope of provoking me to make a general
sweep of all Federalists out of office. But as I have carried no passion
into the execution of this disagreeable duty, I shall suffer none to be
excited. The clamor which has been raised will not provoke me to
remove one more, nor deter me from removing one less, than if not a
word had been said on the subject. In the course of the summer, all
which is necessary will be done; and we may hope that, this cause of
offence being at an end, the measures we shall pursue and propose
for the amelioration of the public affairs, will be so confessedly
salutary as to unite all men not monarchists in principle.” In the
same letter he warmly berates the monarchical federalists, saying,
“they are incurables, to be taken care of in a madhouse if necessary,
and on motives of charity.”
The seventh Congress assembled. Political parties were at first
nearly equally divided in the Senate, but eventually there was a
majority for the administration. Jefferson then discontinued the
custom established by Washington of delivering in person his
message to Congress. The change was greatly for the better, as it
afforded relief from the requirement of immediate answers on the
subjects contained in the message. It has ever since been followed.
The seventh session of Congress, pursuant to the recommendation
of President Jefferson, established a uniform system of
naturalization, and so modified the law as to make the required
residence of aliens five years, instead of fourteen, as in the act of
1798, and to permit a declaration of intention to become a citizen at
the expiration of three years. By his recommendation also was
established the first sinking fund for the redemption of the public
debt. It required the setting apart annually for this purpose the sum
of seven millions and three hundred thousand dollars. Other
measures, more partisan in their character, were proposed, but
Congress showed an aversion to undoing what had been wisely done.
A favorite law of the Federalists establishing circuit courts alone was
repealed, and this only after a sharp debate, and a close vote. The
provisional army had been disbanded by a law of the previous
Congress. A proposition to abolish the naval department was
defeated, as was that to discontinue the mint establishment.
At this session the first law in relation to the slave trade was
passed. It was to prevent the importation of negroes, mulattoes and
other persons of color into any port of the United States within a
state which had prohibited by law the admission of any such person.
The penalty was one thousand dollars and the forfeiture of the vessel.
The slave trade was not then prohibited by the constitution, nor was
the subject then generally agitated, though it had been as early as
1793, when, as previously stated, an exciting sectional debate
followed the presentation of a petition from Pennsylvania to abolish
the slave trade.
Probably the most important occurrence under the first
administration of Jefferson was that relating to the purchase and
admission of Louisiana. There had been apprehensions of a war with
Spain, and with a view to be ready Congress had passed an act
authorizing the President to call upon the executives of such of the
states as he might deem expedient, for detachments of militia not
exceeding eighty thousand, or to accept the services of volunteers for
a term of twelve months. The disagreement arose over the
southwestern boundary line and the right of navigating the
Mississippi. Our government learned in the spring of 1802, that
Spain had by a secret treaty made in October, 1800, actually ceded
Louisiana to France. Our government had in 1795 made a treaty with
Spain which gave us the right of deposit at New Orleans for three
years, but in October, 1802, the Spanish authorities gave notice by
proclamation that this right was withdrawn. Excitement followed all
along the valley of the Mississippi, and it was increased by the belief
that the withdrawal of the privilege was made at the suggestion of
France, though Spain still retained the territory, as the formalities of
ceding it had not been gone through with. Jefferson promptly took
the ground that if France took possession of New Orleans, the United
States would immediately become allies of England, but suggested to
Minister Livingston at Paris that France might be induced to cede the
island of New Orleans and the Floridas to the United States. It was
his belief, though a mistaken one, that France had also acquired the
Floridas. Louisiana then comprised much of the territory west of the
Mississippi and south of the Missouri.
The Federalists in Congress seized upon this question as one upon
which they could make an aggressive war against Jefferson’s
administration, and resolutions were introduced asking information
on the subject. Jefferson, however, wisely avoided all entangling
suggestions, and sent Monroe to aid Livingston in effecting a
purchase. The treaty was formed in April, 1803, and submitted by
Jefferson to the Senate in October following. The Republicans rallied
in favor of this scheme of annexation, and claimed that it was a
constitutional right in the government to acquire territory—a
doctrine widely at variance with their previous position, but
occasions are rare where parties quarrel with their administrations
on pivotal measures. There was also some latitude here for
endorsement, as the direct question of territorial acquisition had not
before been presented, but only hypothetically stated in the
constitutional disputations then in great fashion. Jefferson would not
go so far as to say that the constitution warranted the acquisition to
foreign territory, but the scheme was nevertheless his, and he stood
in with his friends in the political battle which followed.
The Federalists claimed that we had no power to acquire territory,
and that the acquirement of Louisiana would give the South a
preponderance which would “continue for all time (poor prophets
they!), since southern would be more rapid than northern
development;” that states created west of the Mississippi would
injure the commerce of New England, and they even went so far as to
say that the “admission of the Western World into the Union would
compel the Eastern States to establish an eastern empire.” Doubts
were also raised as to the right of Louisianians, when admitted to
citizenship under our laws, as their lineage, language and religion
were different from our own. Its inhabitants were French and
descendants of French, with some Spanish creoles, Americans,
English and Germans—in all about 90,000, including 40,000 slaves.
There were many Indians of course, in a territory then exceeding a
million of square miles—a territory which, in the language of First
Consul Napoleon, “strengthens forever the power of the United
States, and which will give to England a maritime rival that will
sooner or later humble her pride”—a military view of the change fully
justified by subsequent history. Napoleon sold because of needed
preparations for war with England, and while he had previously
expressed a willingness to take fifty million francs for it, he got sixty
through the shrewd diplomacy of his ministers, who hid for the time
their fear of the capture of the port of New Orleans by the English

Little chance was afforded the Federalists for adverse criticism in

Congress, for the purchase proved so popular that the people greatly
increased the majority in both branches of the eighth Congress, and
Jefferson called it together earlier for the purpose of ratification. The
Senate ratified the treaty on the 20th of October, 1803, by a vote of
24 to 7, while the House adopted a resolution for carrying the treaty
into effect by a vote of 90 to 25. Eleven million dollars of the
purchase money was appropriated, the remaining four millions being
reserved for the indemnity of American citizens who had sustained
losses by French assaults upon our commerce—from which fact
subsequently came what is known as the French Spoliation Bill.

Impeachment trials were first attempted before the eighth

Congress in 1803. Judge Pickering, of the district court of the United
States for New Hampshire, was impeached for occasional
drunkenness, and dismissed from office. Judge Chase of the U. S.
Supreme Court, and Judge Peters of the district court of
Pennsylvania, both Federalists, were charged by articles proposed in
the House with illegal and arbitrary conduct in the trial of parties
charged with political offenses. The Federalists took alarm at these
proceedings, and so vehement were their charges against the
Republicans of a desire to destroy the judiciary that their
impeachments were finally abandoned.
The Republicans closed their first national administration with
high prestige. They had met several congressional reverses on
questions where defeat proved good fortune, for the Federalists kept
a watchful defence, and were not always wrong. The latter suffered
numerically, and many of their best leaders had fallen in the
congressional contest of 1800 and 1802, while the Republicans
maintained their own additions in talent and number.
In 1804, the candidates of both parties were nominated by
congressional caucuses. Jefferson and Clinton were the Republican
nominees; Charles C. Pinckney and Rufus King, the nominees of the
Federalists, but they only received 14 out of 176 electoral votes.
The struggle of Napoleon in Europe with the allied powers now
gave Jefferson an opportunity to inaugurate a foreign policy.
England had forbidden all trade with the French and their allies, and
France had in return forbidden all commerce with England and her
colonies. Both of these decrees violated our neutral rights, and were
calculated to destroy our commerce, which by this time had become
quite imposing.
Congress acted promptly, and on the 21st of December passed
what is known as the Embargo Act, under the inspiration of the
Republican party, which claimed that the only choice of the people
lay between the embargo and war, and that there was no other way to
obtain redress from England and France. But the promised effects of
the measure were not realized, and so soon as any dissatisfaction was
manifested by the people, the Federalists made the question a
political issue. They declared it unconstitutional because it was not
limited as to time; that it helped England as against France (a
cunning assertion in view of the early love of the Republicans for the
cause of the French), and that it laid violent hands on our home
commerce and industries. Political agitation increased the
discontent, and public opinion at one time turned so strongly against
the law that it was openly resisted on the eastern coast, and treated
with almost as open contempt on the Canadian border. The bill had
passed the House by 87 to 35, the Senate by 19 to 9. In January,
1809, the then closing administration of Jefferson had to change
front on the question, and the law was repealed on the 18th of
March. The Republicans when they changed, went all the way over,
and advocated full protection by the use of a navy, of all our rights on
the high seas. If the Federals could have recalled their old leaders, or
retained even a considerable portion of their power, the opportunity
presented by the embargo issue could have brought them back to full
political power, but lacking these leaders, the opportunity passed.
Democrats and Federals.

During the ninth Congress, which assembled on the second of

December, 1805, the Republicans dropped their name and accepted
that of “Democrats.” In all their earlier strifes they had been charged
by their opponents with desiring to run to the extremes of the
democratic or “mob rule,” and fear of too general a belief in the truth
of the charge led them to denials and rejection of a name which the
father of their party had ever shown a fondness for. The earlier
dangers which had threatened their organization, and the
recollection of defeats suffered in their attempts to establish a
government anti-federal and confederate in their composition, had
been greatly modified by later successes, and with a characteristic
cuteness peculiar to Americans they accepted an epithet and sought
to turn it to the best account. In this they imitated the patriots who
accepted the epithets in the British satirical song of “Yankee Doodle,”
and called themselves Yankees. From the ninth Congress the
Jeffersonian Republicans called themselves Democrats, and the word
Republican passed into disuse until later on in the history of our
political parties, the opponents of the Democracy accepted it as a
name which well filled the meaning of their attitude in the politics of
the country.
Mr. Randolph of Roanoke, made the first schism in the Republican
party under Jefferson, when he and three of his friends voted against
the embargo act. He resisted its passage with his usual earnestness,
and all attempts at reconciling him to the measure were unavailing.
Self-willed, strong in argument and sarcasm, it is believed that his
cause made it even more desirable for the Republicans to change
name in the hope of recalling some of the more wayward
“Democrats” who had advocated Jacobin democracy in the years
gone by. The politicians of that day were never short of expedients,
and no man so abounded in them as Jefferson himself.
Randolph improved his opportunities by getting most of the
Virginia members to act with him against the foreign policy of the
administration, but he was careful not to join the Federalists, and
quickly denied any leaning that way. The first fruit of this faction was
to bring forth Monroe as a candidate for President against Madison—
a movement which proved to be quite popular in Virginia, but which
Jefferson flanked by bringing about a reconciliation between Monroe
and Madison. The now usual Congressional caucus followed at
Washington, and although the Virginia Legislature in its caucus
previously held had been unable to decide between Madison and
Monroe, the Congressional body chose Madison by 83 to 11, the
minority being divided between Clinton and Monroe, though the
latter could by that time hardly be considered as a candidate. This
action broke up Randolph’s faction in Virginia, but left so much
bitterness behind it that a large portion attached themselves to the
Federalists. In the election which followed Madison received 122
electoral votes against 47 for C. C. Pinckney, of South Carolina, and 6
for Geo. Clinton of New York.
Before Jefferson’s administration closed he recommended the
passage of an act to prohibit the African slave trade after January 1st,
1808, and it was passed accordingly. He had also rejected the form of
a treaty received from the British minister Erskine, and did this
without the formality of submitting it to the Senate—first, because it
contained no provision on the objectionable practice of impressing
our seamen; second,[2] “because it was accompanied by a note from
the British ministers, by which the British government reserved to
itself the right of releasing itself from the stipulations in favor of
neutral rights, if the United States submitted to the British decree, or
other invasion of those rights by France.” This rejection of the treaty
by Jefferson caused public excitement, and the Federalists sought to
arouse the commercial community against his action, and cited the
fact that his own trusted friends, Monroe and Pinckney had
negotiated it. The President’s party stood by him, and they agreed
that submission to the Senate was immaterial, as its advice could not
bind him. This refusal to consider the treaty was the first step leading
to the war of 1812, for embargoes followed, and Britain openly
claimed the right to search American vessels for her deserting
seamen. In 1807 this question was brought to issue by the desertion
of five British seamen from the Halifax, and their enlistment on the
U. S. frigate Chesapeake. Four separate demands were made for
these men, but all of the commanders, knowing the firm attitude of
Jefferson’s administration against the practice, refused, as did the
Secretary of State refuse a fifth demand on the part of the British
minister. On the 23d of June following, while the Chesapeake was
near the capes of Virginia, Capt. Humphreys of the British ship
Leopard attempted to search her for deserters. Capt. Barron denied
the right of search, but on being fired into, lowered his flag,
Humphreys then took four men from the Chesapeake, three of whom
had previously entered the British service, but were Americans by
birth, and had been formally demanded by Washington. The act was
a direct violation of the international law, for a nation’s ship at sea
like its territory is inviolable. The British government disavowed the
act of its officer and offered apology and reparation, which were
accepted. This event, however, strengthened Jefferson’s rejection of
the Monroe-Pinckney treaty, and quickly stopped adverse political
criticism at home, Foreign affairs remained, however, in a
complicated state, owing to the wars between England and the then
successful Napoleon, but they in no wise shook the firm hold which
Jefferson had upon the people, nor the prestige of his party. He
stands in history as one of the best politicians our land has ever seen,
and then as now no one could successfully draw the line between the
really able politician and the statesman. He was accepted as both.
His administration closed on the 3d of March, 1809, when he
expressed great gratification at being able to retire to private life.
Mr. Madison succeeded at a time when the country, through fears
of foreign aggression and violence, was exceedingly gloomy and
despondent—a feeling not encouraged in the least by the statements
of the Federalists, some of whom then thought political criticism in
hours of danger not unpatriotic. They described our agriculture as
discouraged, our fisheries abandoned, our commerce restrained, our
navy dismantled, our revenues destroyed at a time when war was at
any moment probable with either France, England or Spain.
Madison, representing as he did the same party, from the first
resolved to follow the policy of Jefferson, a fact about which there
was no misunderstanding. He desired to avert war as long as possible
with England, and sought by skilful diplomacy to avert the dangers
presented by both France and England in their attitude with
neutrals. England had declared that a man who was once a subject
always remained a subject, and on this plea based her determination
to impress again into her service all deserters from her navy. France,
because of refusal to accede to claims equally at war with our rights,
had authorized the seizure of all American vessels entering the ports
of France. In May, 1810, when the non-intercourse act had expired,
Madison caused proposals to be made to both belligerents, that if
either would revoke its hostile edict, the non-intercourse act should
be revived and enforced against the other nation. This act had been
passed by the tenth Congress as a substitute for the embargo. France
quickly accepted Madison’s proposal, and received the benefits of the
act, and the direct result was to increase the growing hostility of
England. From this time forward the negotiations had more the
character of a diplomatic contest than an attempt to maintain peace.
Both countries were upon their mettle, and early in 1811, Mr.
Pinckney, the American minister to Great Britain, was recalled, and a
year later a formal declaration of war was made by the United States.
Just prior to this the old issue, made by the Republicans against
Hamilton’s scheme for a National Bank, was revived by the fact that
the charter of the bank ceased on the 4th of March, 1811, and an
attempt was made to re-charter it. A bill for this purpose was
introduced into Congress, but on the 11th of January, 1811, it was
indefinitely postponed in the House, by a vote of 65 to 64, while in
the Senate it was rejected by the casting vote of the Vice-President,
Geo. Clinton, on the 5th of February, 1811—this notwithstanding its
provisions had been framed or approved by Gallatin, the Secretary of
the Treasury. The Federalists were all strong advocates of the
measure, and it was so strong that it divided some of the Democrats
who enjoyed a loose rein in the contest so far as the administration
was concerned, the President not specially caring for political
quarrels at a time when war was threatened with a powerful foreign
nation. The views of the Federalists on this question descended to
the Whigs some years later, and this fact led to the charges that the
Whigs were but Federalists in disguise.
The eleventh Congress continued the large Democratic majority, as
did the twelfth, which met on the 4th of November, 1811, Henry Clay,
then an ardent supporter of the policy of Madison, succeeding to the
House speakership. He had previously served two short sessions in
the U. S. Senate, and had already acquired a high reputation as an
able and fluent debater. He preferred the House, at that period of
life, believing his powers better calculated to win fame in the more
popular representative hall. Calhoun was also in the House at this
time, and already noted for the boldness of his views and their
In this Congress jealousies arose against the political power of
Virginia, which had already named three of the four Presidents, each
for two terms, and De Witt Clinton, the well-known Governor of New
York, sought through these jealousies to create a division which
would carry him into the Presidency. His efforts were for a time
warmly seconded by several northern and southern states. A few
months later the Legislature of New York formally opened the ball by
nominating DeWitt Clinton for the Presidency. An address was
issued by his friends, August 17th, 1812, which has since become
known as the Clintonian platform, and his followers were known as
Clintonian Democrats. The address contained the first public protest
against the nomination of Presidential candidates by Congressional
caucuses. There was likewise declared opposition to that “official
regency which prescribed tenets of political faith.” The efforts of
particular states to monopolize the principal offices was denounced,
as was the continuance of public men for long periods in office.
Madison was nominated for a second term by a Congressional
caucus held at Washington, in May, 1812. John Langdon was
nominated for Vice-President, but as he declined on account of age,
Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, took his place. In September of the
same year a convention of the opposition, representing eleven states,
was held in the city of New York, which nominated De Witt Clinton,
with Jared Ingersoll for Vice-President. This was the first national
convention, partisan in character, and the Federalists have the credit
of originating and carrying out the idea. The election resulted in the
success of Madison, who received 128 electoral votes to 89 for
Though factious strife had been somewhat rife, less attention was
paid to politics than to the approaching war. There were new
Democratic leaders in the lower House, and none were more
prominent than Clay of Kentucky, Calhoun, Cheves and Lowndes, all
of South Carolina. The policy of Jefferson in reducing the army and
navy was now greatly deplored, and the defenceless condition in
which it left the country was the partial cause, at least a stated cause
of the factious feuds which followed. Madison sought to change this
policy, and he did it at the earnest solicitation of Clay, Calhoun and
Lowndes, who were the recognized leaders of the war party. They
had early determined that Madison should be directly identified with
them, and before his second nomination had won him over to their
more decided views in favor of war with England. He had held back,
hoping that diplomacy might avert a contest, but when once
convinced that war was inevitable and even desirable under the
circumstances, his official utterances were bold and free. In the June
following the caucus which renominated him, he declared in a
message that our flag was continually insulted on the high seas; that
the right of searching American vessels for British seamen was still in
practice, and that thousands of American citizens had in this way
been impressed in service on foreign ships; that peaceful efforts at
adjustment of the difficulties had proved abortive, and that the
British ministry and British emissaries had actually been intriguing
for the dismemberment of the Union.
The act declaring war was approved by the President on the 18th of
June, 1812, and is remarkably short and comprehensive. It was
drawn by the attorney-general of the United States, William
Pinckney, and is in the words following:—
“An act declaring war between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland, and the dependencies thereof, and the United States of America and their
“Be it enacted, &c. That war be, and the same is hereby declared to exist between
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the dependencies thereof,
and the United States of America, and their territories; and that the President of
the United States is hereby authorized to use the whole land and naval force of the
United States to carry the same into effect, and to issue to private armed vessels of
the United States commissions, or letters of marque and general reprisal, in such
form as he shall think proper, and under the seal of the United States, against the
vessels, goods, and effects, of the government of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland and the subjects thereof.”
This was a soul-stirring message, but it did not rally all the people
as it should have done. Political jealousies were very great, and the
frequent defeats of the Federalists, while they tended to greatly
reduce their numbers and weaken their power, seemed to strengthen
their animosity, and they could see nothing good in any act of the
administration. They held, especially in the New England states, that
the war had been declared by a political party simply, and not by the
nation, though nearly all of the Middle, and all of the Southern and
Western States, warmly supported it. Clay estimated that nine-tenths
of the people were in favor of the war, and under the inspiration of
his eloquence and the strong state papers of Madison, they doubtless
were at first. Throughout they felt their political strength, and they
just as heartily returned the bitterness manifested by those of the
Federalists who opposed the war, branding them as enemies of the
republic, and monarchists who preferred the reign of Britain.
Four Federalist representatives in Congress went so far as to issue
an address, opposing the war, the way in which it had been declared,
and denouncing it as unjust. Some of the New England states refused
the order of the President to support it with their militia, and
Massachusetts sent peace memorials to Congress.
A peace party was formed with a view to array the religious
sentiment of the country against the war, and societies with similar
objects were organized by the more radical of the Federalists. To
such an extreme was this opposition carried, that some of the
citizens of New London, Conn., made a practice of giving
information to the enemy, by means of blue lights, of the departure
of American vessels.

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