Automated Pet Water and Feeder Thesis

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Automatic Pet Water and Feeding System

A Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of the College of Engineering

University of Cebu – Banilad Campus

Gov. Cuenco, Banilad, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor

of Science in Electronics Engineering, BSECE


Trocio, Joshua

Pilapil, Jirho Jade

Villaver, John Lloyd

May 2023


a) Introduction

Rationale 1

Conceptual Framework 4

b) The Problem 6

Statement of the Problem 6

Significance of Study 7

Scope and Limitations of Study 8

c) Research Methodology 9

Research Method 9

Research Environment 11

Research Design 14

Bill of Materials 16

d) Definition of Terms 18



Hardware 33

Software 39


Activity Timetable 51
Test and Results 56


Summary 60

Findings 62

Conclusions 65

Recommendations 66



Appendix A-Proposal Letter 70

Appendix B-Documentation 71

Appendix C-Curriculum Vitae 74

Appendix D-Data Sheet 77


This design project entitled “Automatic Pet Water and Feeding System” are
prepared by Jirho Jade Pilapil, Joshua Xavier Trocio and John Llyod Villaver in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in Bachelor of Science in
Electronics Engineering has been examined and is recommended for the
acceptance and the approval for an oral defense.

Engr. Rogelio A. Lansa



Engr. Rogelio A. Lansa Engr. Dennis A. Rosillo

Member Member

Engr. Niño A. Leyte Engr. Kenneth Carpina

Member Member

Accepted and approve in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree

of Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering.

Engr. Rogelio A. Lansa

Chairperson, Department of Electronics Engineering

December 19,2022
Date of Oral Defense

The improvement of water distribution and food distribution is the

main reason for creating the Automatic Pet Water and Feeding
System. Since water is an essential part of the environment and it is
getting wasted by a lot of establishments including home and private
and public enterprises it needs to be controlled in terms of water
consumption, the Automatic Pet Water and Feeding System is suited
to this task.

The Automatic Pet Water and Feeding system consists of Arduino

UNO, ultrasonic sensor, 5v water pump, RTC timer module, wooden
planks, 5v single relay switch, 5v battery, plastic containers, tubes,
wires, and switch. The researchers are making the water distribution
and food distribution to the pets much more efficient, cleaner, and at
the same time less hassle to the pet owners. The researchers used a
water pump that is used to supply the water and move it from one point
to another, an ultrasonic sensor is used to keep the water refilled, and
a plastic container in which the water and food will be placed. The
researchers also connected tubes to control how much water is being
refilled and how the water flow from one point to another.

The Automatic Pet Water and Feeding System has multiple

functionalities. Firstly, it provides cleaner water for the pets to be
healthier. Secondly, it uses the sensor to determine the right amount
of water that is needed and eliminate stagnantly or wastewater in the
process. Lastly, it provides a timer to automatically feed the pet when
the owner is not present.





A society where providing an efficient and environmentally friendly

solution is always been the staple of technology. Water is getting scarce each

year and it is an essential part of living. Homes, private and public enterprises

produce a lot of water pollution and water waste in the environment that could

affect livelihood and water scarcity. Therefore, pet owners should have

cleaner water and cleaner food, to keep pets effectively healthy and lessen

stagnant, spoiled food and wastewater in the process.

A person who cares for and is accountable for one or more pets,

including dogs, cats, or any other sort of domesticated animal maintained as

a companion, is referred to as a pet owner. Location sized for these kinds of

homes can be fairly large or small depending on the pet owner. Consequently,

pet owners need a lot of maintenance like keeping the water and food in check

for the pets. Which requires a person to keep in check at most times. However,

it could be an inconvenience and costs a lot of manual labor. To address the

limitations and inconvenience the researchers carried out this study.


Water is a resource that all living species need. It is therefore very

precious and has to be used with moderation to be preserved for the

generations to come. Agriculture is an industry that uses a lot of water. Most

of the time, this resource is not used efficiently and substantial amounts of

water are wasted. Shortly, these wastes will represent a large sum of money

(Raju 2017).

The urgent need to save water and food is an essential part of the

economy and it is been applied to small or big establishments. With the recent

advancement of technology, it is been a necessity to provide cleaner water and

food in our current environment. At the same time, making it is also beneficial

to humans, animals, and pets.

The researchers developed an idea to provide cleaner water and food

for the pets and lessen the manual labor for maintenance. Also, lessen the

water and food wasted. The researchers implemented a device that is called

Automatic Pet Water and Feeding System. Furthermore, the device is using

an Arduino-based controller and an ultrasonic sensor to smartly detect the

water consumption and food required needed to be supplied. It has its


own container and the water pump are tightly soldered to make sure the water

and food are contained properly.


Conceptual Framework


• Most pet container gets contaminated due to being stagnant or

left outside for quite some time.
• Current pet container requires manually changing water and
food for most time.
• Requires more time to check the water and food.


• The ultrasonic sensor and water pump refills the water that is
• The RTC timer and servo motor automatically provides food
that is needed and can be set up anytime.
• It provides cleaner water and food, less manual labor and
saves time.


Automatic Pet Water and Feeding System

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1.1 illustrates the conceptual framework of the device. The
conceptual framework is consisting of Input, Process, and Output. This
explains the main reason how and why the researchers created this device in
the first place.

The Input explains how most container for pets works but it is
inefficient because they could get contaminated, manually changing and
providing it from time to time requires a lot of checking whether the water
and food is clean.

The Process shows how the ultrasonic sensor determines when will the
water gets refilled, it is communicating with the water pump to determine the
water level. The water pump also is the one responsible for pumping the water
and replacing the water container when it is needed. It lessens the manual
labor required to refill the water and at the same time provides cleaner water
for the pets.

Lastly, the Output shows how the researchers create a more efficient
water container for the pets. It also shows the Automatic Pet Water and
Feeding System sensor’s important key features and shows the functionality
of the area that is mentioned in the study.


Statement of the Problem

The study aims to design an automatic pet water and feeding system
that provide clean water and food to the pets, to lessen water waste and food
getting spoiled.

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1. How may this project be helpful to pet owners?

2. How does the ultrasonic sensor know the right amount of water refilled?

3. What types of pets are suited for automatic pet water and feeding system?

4. How does the installation process work?

5. How to know the amount of food consumed by the pet?

6. What is the role of the single switch relay module in this project?


This research will make an efficient way to provide clean water and
food to pet owners without the hassle of doing it manually. This study also
focuses on the convenience of pet owners who are away at their homes for a
couple of hours or days.

This project also provides a cleaner environment because it eliminates

wasted food and stagnant water. With that said, it could also make the pets
healthier due to the clean water and food that are provided.

The results of this analysis are beneficial to the following:

Farms. This project could be for farm owners who are busy and they
don’t have the time to provide clean water and food. This also could be useful
not just for pets but other farm animals that need clean water and food.

Business Owners. This project has the potential to be commercialized

and could be useful for farm animals and pet owners. This project could also
save farm businesses money in the long run. It doesn’t require much manual
workforce because it only needs to be refilled with water and food.

Home Owners. It could also be for pet owners and owners who own a
pet breeder. It is also ideal because it does not need much maintenance for it
to make it work.

Future Researchers. This could be used for further studies and

possibly improve further down the line. This project could also be used as a
source of information and the model presented here could be the basis for
future researchers.



The automatic pet water and feeding system is consisting of different

parts which are two Arduino UNO, two ultrasonic sensors, a servomotor, an
RTC time module, a 5V water pump, a 5V single relay switch, a 5V battery,
two plastic containers, tubes, wires and switch. A 5V water pump is used to
supply the water and move it from one point to another, a water sensor is used
to keep the water in check which keeps the water refilled, and a plastic
container in which the water will be placed. A 5V battery is used to power all
the necessary components and for it to work properly. When all can be
detected by the ultrasonic sensor, it produces the right amount of water to be
refilled by the water pump. For the 5V relay switch, the relay is controlling a
5V DC supply to the water pump. Tubes will be connected to the water pump,
to control where the water will flow. This water will be then put into the bowl
to provide it to the pets. The servo motor and RTC module provide the right
amount of food for the pets.


However, a limitation is present in this study. The automatic pet water

and feeding system is only capable of specific pets such as dogs and cats, it is
only useful in homes. The automatic pet water and feeding system is only
capable of accommodating 1 liter of water which leaving it for a couple of
days with no refilling would not be ideal. Lastly, the device requires manually
refilling the water and food when both of the plastic containers are empty.


Research Method

The study was carried out using applied research methodologies which
is specifically chosen by the researchers. This method addresses a specific
problem for homes, farms, agricultural offices, and local farm businesses. The
research application is said to anticipate improved quality of life for pet
owners, lessen food waste and provide cleaner water for the pets to be healthy.
The investigation begins with careful examination, observation, accurate
problem formulation, and conceptualization of the problem structure and
proper use of equipment collection, as well as precise software programming

By the time the researchers created the hardware device it involves a

lot of testing and errors. Until it develops a stable device through tweaking
and exchanging parts of the hardware. The process of properly handling both
hardware and software components is required to make the device work
properly. Especially, the ultrasonic sensor, RTC timer module, servo motor,
and water pump should be in sync with the same output as what we
anticipated. To reduce the errors of testing, the researchers made sure that the
tubes connected to the water pump are properly secured and also to avoid
water leakage. The researchers also accommodate a place that is suitable for
this device.

The researchers finished the last preparation by making sure the wires
are all connected and cable managed. By also making sure the wires are safely
away from the water container to avoid incidents. This research will also
provide future researchers with detailed information on how the Automatic
Pet Water and Feeding System works. Finally, it shares how it innovates
existing devices and how it is beneficiary to society.


Figure 1.1 Location Map of the University of Cebu – Banilad Campus

Figure 1.1 shows the location map of the University of Cebu –

Banilad Campus

Figure 1.2 Floor Plan of the University of Cebu – Banilad Campus

Figure 1.2 shows the floor plan of the University of Cebu – Banilad
Campus 6th floor.

Figure 1.3 Location Map of Sto. Niño Village Mandaue Cebu City

Figure 1.1 shows the location map of the Sto. Niño Village Mandaue
Cebu City

Figure 1.4 Block Diagram

Figure 1.4 shows the block diagram of the study. The block diagram
illustrates the parts used. These are the two Arduino Uno, a 5V battery, a 5V
single channel relay module with an optocoupler, two Ultrasonic sensors, a
servomotor, a 5V water pump, two plastic containers, and an RTC time

The device is situated on a home which is attached and placed to the

floor. The Arduino Uno serves as the main controller that makes the ultrasonic
sensors, servomotor, RTC time module, and single-channel relay work
synchronously. Ultrasonic sensor controls and detect the amount of water that
is needed to be replaced by the water pump. The water pump serves to push

out the water that is needed. The single-channel relay is the one that controls
the water pump, servomotor, and RTC time module. Lastly, both the RTC

time module and Servomotor are the ones responsible for the food coming out
or not depending on the set time.


Table 1.5: Final Bill of Materials

Quantity Component Unit Price Total Price

2pcs Arduino Uno 750.00 1500.00
2pcs 4x6 Transparent PVC 50.00 100.00
Tube/ PVC Pipe
1pc RTC time module 250.00 250.00
1pc 5v Single channel relay 75.00 75.00
2pcs Wooden Plank 250.00 500.00
2pc 5v Battery 150.00 300.00
1pc 5v Water pump 325.00 325.00
2pcs Plastic Container 65.00 130.00
2pcs Ultrasonic sensor 350.00 700.00
1pc Servomotor 200.00 200.00
5pcs 20cm Male to Female 58.00 290.00
Dupont Line
TOTAL: 4,370.00

Table 1.5 shows the total cost of the materials. The components
and prices shown in the table are being used by the researchers. The value of
the prices used is the local currency which is the Philippine peso. Two pieces
of Arduino Uno used for the main controller cost about ₱1500.00. Two pieces
of 4x6 Transparent PVC Tube for making the water move costs around
₱100.00. One RTC time module for setting the time ₱250.00. One 5V Single

relay channel module for controlling the water pump cost around ₱75.00. Two
pieces of wooden plank cost ₱250.00 use to build the foundation of the
project. Two 5v Batteries used to power all the devices cost ₱300.00. One 5v
Water pump used for pushing out the water that is needed costs ₱325.00. Two
Plastic Containers cost ₱130.00 used for storing water and food. Two
ultrasonic sensors used to detect the amount of water that is needed to be
replaced by the water pump cost ₱700.00. One piece of a servomotor for
controlling or refilling the food cost around ₱200.00. Five pieces of 20cm
Male to Female Dupont Line to connect all the hardware cost ₱290.00. The
bottom part of the chart shows the total amount that is spent on the
components which is ₱4,370.00. It is an approximate price since prices are
different depending on stocks or stores.


This part introduces the technical jargon used in this study in an easy-
to-understand manner.

RTC Time Module. It is a module in which that sets the time. It sets a
specific time when will the servomotor mechanism trigger.

Arduino Uno. It is an open-source electronics platform or board and

the software that is used to program it. Used to power all the hardware
synchronously via software codes.

Battery. A device that is used to store and power the device. It is small
and compact which is ideal for this project.

Dupont Line. It is an electrical wire used to connect the devices in the

project such as the servo motor, ultrasonic sensors, Arduino Uno, and relay

Transparent Polyvinyl chloride tube (PVC tube). It is a transparent

plastic tube/pipe to connect the water pump to make the water flow.

Single Channel Relay Module. It is a compact board for controlling,

high current loads on the ultrasonic sensors, water pump, and servomotor. It
is made to work with Arduino.

Ultrasonic Sensor. It is used as a sensor to identify the amount of water

that is needed to refill and triggers the water pump when to turn on and off.

Servomotor. It is used as a mechanism to refill the amount of food

required and needs an RTC module to when will the refill be available.



This chapter accommodates published sources and articles that are

related to this study. The data and information gathered by the researchers

would serve as guidelines in the process of this study. This chapter includes

the following related research and works of literature:

Automatic Water Tank Filling System Controlled Using Arduino

Based Sensor for Home Application. According to Prima, Munifaha, Salam,

Aziz, and Suryani (2016), water supply is the most important thing in daily

home activities especially for washing, cleaning, and taking a bath. The

Indonesian villagers commonly supply the water by pumping the groundwater

to fill a water tank. However, the utilization of a non-automated switch used

to turn on and turn off a pumping machine sometimes causes either water

spills or wasteful electrical consumption. The previous works reported the

utilizations of Arduino TM-based sensors for plant watering systems, water

tank overflow control, and automated irrigation system. In this work,

an automated water tank filling system will be proposed. The system is


designed by applying an ultrasonic sensor, an automatic switch

module, a water-flow sensor, an Arduino TM microcontroller, and a pumping

machine to automatically switch the water filling. By

applying an ultrasonic sensor, an ultrasonic transmitter is mounted on the top

of the tank and transmits an ultrasonic pulse down into the tank.

This pulse which travels at the speed of sound will be reflected to the

transmitter from the liquid surface. The time delay measurement

between transmitted and received signals enables the device to calculate the

distance to the surface. The transmitter is programmed to

automatically determine the liquid level and switch the pumping machine. The

dynamics of water flow and liquid level during filling and

draining the water tank will be reported. We hope to this system, people will

enjoy supplying water without their worries related to water spills

and wasteful electrical consumption.

Water monitoring system using Arduino with LabVIEW. As stated

by Taru and Karwankar (2018), although the availability of potable water is a

problem in many parts of the world because it is contaminated, certain basic

qualitative assessments can rapidly establish if water is unsafe to drink. The

first step in preventing pollution is to identify the contaminant. This system


is designed to create, implement, monitor, and control water parameters such

as pH, temperature, and turbidity. Low-cost sensors are utilized to control and

monitor the parameters in this system. LabVIEW interface for Arduino UNO.

Water Quality Monitoring System Based on IOT. According to

Daigavane and Dr. Gaikwad (2017), water pollution is one of the biggest fears

of green globalization. To ensure the safe supply of drinking water the quality

needs to be monitored in real time. In this paper, we present a design and

development of a low-cost system for real-time monitoring of the water

quality in IOT (Internet of Things). The system consists of several sensors

used to measure the physical and chemical parameters of the water. The

parameters such as temperature, PH, turbidity, and flow sensor of the water

can be measured. The measured values from the sensors can be processed by

the core controller. The Arduino model can be used as a core controller.

Finally, the sensor data can be viewed on the internet using a WI-FI system.

Automatic Water Tank Level and Pump Control System. As stated

by Premi and Malakar (2019), scarcity of water is one of the biggest issues

revolving across the globe and the water crisis is reaching an alarming level

day by day. So, water conservation in one or another way is gaining a


significant importance. Mostly, nowadays in urban as well as rural areas water

tank system is available. The biggest disadvantage of this system is the

overflow of water from the overhead tank and overrunning of the water pump.

Hence, in this work, it is tried to design an automatic water tank level and

pump control system, which ensures several benefits. The sensor devices used

in our system detect and control the water level in the overhead tank and even

in the pump. As per the level of water present in the overhead tank, the sensor

senses the levels and sends different signals to the Arduino, and the signals

are used for switching ON and OFF the motor pump as per requirements. The

Arduino will control the pump by preventing it from dry running. A buzzer is

attached to the circuit, which will ring when the water reaches the critical level

in the overhead tank.

Automatic sensing and switching the water pump: A new

approach. In this paper, we introduce the design of an electronic system for

automatic control of water pump motors that are used at homes to fill the

overhead tanks with municipal water (piped water) as stated by Uday and

Aravind (2020). The electric signals generated by the water flow sensor and

water detector are fed to the microcontroller. Microcontroller process these


detected signals to confirm whether water is present in the pipe and calculate

the water flow rate, to activate the relay that controls the switching of the

water pump motor. The motor is switched ON if the water is detected in the

pipe and its flow rate is greater than the critical flow rate if any one of the two

conditions is not met then the motor is switched OFF. This work will be very

helpful for people who rely on municipal water. As municipal water comes at

random times of the day (in India), this work helps them to make their life

easier (Uday and Aravind 2020).

Real-Time DC Water Tank Level Control using Arduino Mega

2560. As stated by Sheng (2019), control engineering is an interdisciplinary

field requiring knowledge of math and physics, circuits, sensors, actuators,

and microcontrollers (for digital control implementation). It also provides

users with experiences in testing, simulation, and real-time implementation.

This paper presents a real-time level control of a laboratory water tank plant

demonstrating the essence of control engineering. The objective is to design

and apply a PID controller to maintain the water level in a cylinder tank by

using Arduino microcontrollers. After plant modeling and device testing,

controllers are designed, and the closed-loop system is simulated. Refined

controllers are then implemented through Arduino Mega 2560. By comparing


the simulation and experimental closed-loop system performances, the

difference caused by plant-model mismatch is discussed. The importance of

integrating math, physics, and circuits with Arduino programming in

embedded control systems is highlighted.

Smart farm monitoring using Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

According to Jindarat and Wuttidittachotti (2015), This study aimed to

investigate an establishment using an Intelligent System which employed an

Embedded System and Smart Phone for chicken farming management and

problem-solving using Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno. An experiment and

comparative analysis of the intelligent system were applied in a sample

chicken farm in this study. The findings of this study found that the system

could monitor surrounding weather conditions including humidity,

temperature, climate quality, and also the filter fan switch control in the

chicken farm. The system was found to be comfortable for farmers to use as

they could effectively control the farm anywhere at any time, resulting in cost

reduction, asset saving, and product management in chicken farming.


Arduino-based Farm Feeder Helper. As stated by As’ad and Razali

(2021), Farmed domestic animals usually live in cramped and filthy

conditions with insufficient food and drinks in enclosed areas. Instead of

treating them as living beings, the modern industrial way in which this

industry produces dairy and other animal products has turned them into mere

production units. In this project, the animal will get its food based on the preset

time in the programming. Other than that, it will ensure that animals on the

farm will be kept hydrated by providing enough water all the time inside the

farm. Additionally, this project also ensures that the air inside the farm will

remain fresh and clean from any unpleasant smells that have been produced

by the animals inside the farm. As a result, animals on the farm will live a

good life and act as the base for generating quality products in the future, as

well as helping farm owners to control feeding time. This project utilizes the

use of an Arduino microcontroller to control the conditions in the farm by

controlling the proper ventilation system, feeding water level, and appropriate

feeding time. Both motor servo and exhaust fan are used to supply water and

expel smelly odors respectively to achieve the optimal condition on the farm.

Necessary information is displayed on the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) unit.


Sensor-based water quality monitoring system. According to Human

Rights Watch, twenty million people in our country are still drinking water

contaminated with arsenic. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also

stated this crisis as “the largest mass poisoning of a population in history”. To

reduce water-related diseases and prevent water population, we have to

measure water parameters such as ph., turbidity, conductivity, temperature,

etc. According to Bishwajit (2018), the traditional methodology of water

monitoring requires collecting data from various sources manually.

Afterward, samples will be sent to the laboratory for testing and analysis. To

save time consumption and decrease manual effort my testing equipment will

be placed in any water source. As a result, this model can detect pollution

remotely and take necessary actions. The main goal of this paper is to build a

Sensor-based Water Quality Monitoring System. Arduino Mega 2560 acts as

a base station and data from sensor nodes will be sent to it. For academic

purposes, this paper presents a small prototype of sensor networks consisting

of temperature, water level, flow, and ph. Then ph and temperature sensor

values were sent cloud platform (ARTIK cloud) and displayed as a graphical

representation on a local PC. Moreover, the GSM shield is connected to

Arduino Mega which compares sensor values.


threshold values and sends a text alert to the agent if the obtained value is

above or below the threshold value. The results of this project are discussed

in the result section of the paper. We tested three water samples from three

different water sources (such as industrial water, tap water, and swimming

pool water). Three water samples were collected from three different

swimming pools. (Except one sample) Ph values found in the rest of the

samples were in the normal range of temperature values between 26-27’C

(Bishwajit, 2018).

Investigation on Water Level Regulation Using Floating Sensor

and Arduino Uno. According to A. Susheel and S. Selvendran (2019), a

technique is implemented to regulate the water level in the overhead tank

using a mechanical sensor. The sensor senses the physical parameter (water

level) and sends it as a different voltage level to Arduino Atmega328p. With

the use of a wide range of sensed data and Arduino process, different

customized functionality has been performed. The functionalities include

indicating the status of the water level to the user and turning off the motor

switch when the tank is full. The mechanical sensor is far better than

Capacitive, Photoelectric, and Proximity sensors.




The conceptualization of this project comprises the system hardware

and software components. This chapter covers technological design,

schematic diagram, and flow chart as it lays the foundation for the

development of the project.

The researchers have conducted numerous tests that the device would

operate and function as expected. Firstly, the researchers used two Ultrasonic

sensors for both container 1 and container 2, but it is inefficient since the pets

might keep disturbing the sensor in container 2 and at the same time in

container 1 the sensor will not stop supplying water since the sensor is only

to detect the pet. Unless the pet walks away, the sensor in container 1 will stop

supplying the water. Other components are added to the device to be fully

functional. The equipment RTC time module has been placed in container 2

and removed the sensor has to make the food drop at the set time. Meanwhile,

container 1 has now two Ultrasonic sensors which determining


the pet and the sensor to know the amount of water that has been refilled. The

5V Servomotor and 5V water pump is connected to the 5V single relay

channel module to supply current and power efficiency.




Figure 3.1 Schematic Diagram of Arduino to water pump and servomotor

Figure 3.1 shows the schematic diagram of the Arduino to water pump
and servomotor. The diagram illustrates the parts used and how it is connected
for the device to work. These are the 2 Arduino Uno, 5V battery, 5V single
channel relay module with an optocoupler, 2 Ultrasonic sensors, servomotor,
5V water pump, and RTC time module. The device uses a total number of 9

To activate the device, the battery must be attached to the device for it

to turn on. The ultrasonic sensors are connected to the Arduino while the 5V

single relay channel module is connected to the water pump to have the on

and off switch functionality of the water pump. It is also connected to Arduino

UNO. Meanwhile, the second Arduino UNO is to supply the power and

functionality for the second ultrasonic sensor, RTC module, and servomotor.

RTC module functionality is to toggle off and on switch communication with

the servomotor. The second ultrasonic sensor is to sense the water distance if

it’s full or empty.

The two Arduino Uno are the prime controller of the system. The first

Arduino UNO receives and communicates with pins 5 and 4 to control the

ultrasonic sensor. The ground pins of the ultrasonic sensors are being

grounded with the common ground. Pin 5 and Pin 4 identify the distance of

the pet. Pin 4 and pin 5 correlate with each other simultaneously and

functionality-wise. The second Arduino UNO receives and communicates

with pins 9, pin 5, and pin 4. It is to control both the ultrasonic sensor, RTC

time module, and servo motor. Pin 9 activates the RTC time module which is

responsible for setting the time. Pin 5 activates the distance of water and pin

4 is to activate the servo motors. Pin 9 and pin 4 work synchronously which

makes pin 9 the toggle switch when will pin 4 works. Meanwhile, pin 5

measures the amount of water to identify whether it is full or empty in the

bowl or container. Arduino UNO connects to the ultrasonic sensors, RTC time

module, and servomotor are connected to the ground pin for common ground.



This section provides and illustrates thorough explanations of the

operation of the hardware used in the research.

Hardware Components

a. Arduino Uno

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller

board based on the ATmega328P. It

comprises 14 digital input/output pins (6

ports used as analog inputs), a 16 MHz

resonator, a USB connection, a power jack,

Figure 3.2 Arduino Uno
an in-circuit system programming (ICSP)

header, and a reset button.

The Arduino Uno serves as the principal controller of the device.


b. RTC Time module

The RTC Time module is a

microcontroller that runs a firmware to

keep track of time. It includes RTC chip,

crystal oscillator and a CMOS battery. It

communicates with a serial interface such Figure 3.3 RTC Time module

as Arduino UNO, I2C and SPI. It can be set

as trigger at specific time.

The device is used as a controller to the servo motor.

c. 5V Single channel relay module

The 5V single channel relay

module is an electronic device that is to

control high power devices or circuits

using low power signals. It contains an

electromagnetic switch known as relay Figure 3.4 5V Single channel

relay module
that control LEDS, motors and sensors. It

operates on a 5V DC power supply.


The 5V Single channel relay module is used as a control switch

with the water pump and servo motor.

d. 5V DC Battery

The 5V DC Battery is a type of

battery that powers a direct current

(DC) output of 5V. This battery is used

to power small electronic devices such

as microcontrollers, sensors, small

motors and low-powered devices. The

Figure 3.5 5V DC Battery

capacity of the battery determines how

long it can be power the device before

needing to charge or replaced.

The 5V DC battery is used to power the Arduino UNO, servo

motor, ultrasonic sensor and RTC time module.


e. 5V Water pump

The 5V water pump is a

mechanical device designed to move

water or other liquids from one

location to another. It is a compact

device designed to operate with low-

Figure 3.6 5V Water pump
voltage systems such as water vending

machine, DIY cooling systems and

The 5V water pump is used to move and supply water when it

is required. Connected with Arduino UNO, relay switch and ultrasonic


f. Ultrasonic sensor
The ultrasonic sensor is a device

that uses sound waves. It measures

distance by emitting a short burst of

ultrasonic waves. It could also be used

in distance measurement, object Figure 3.7 Ultrasonic sensor

detection and level sensing.

The ultrasonic sensor is used to identify if the distance of the animal

is nearby and the distance of water level. Connected via Arduino UNO.

g. Servomotor
The servomotor is a rotary

actuator that enables precise control of

angular or rotational motion. It is widely

used in various applications, including

robotics, industrial automation, remote-

controlled vehicles, and aerospace Figure 3.7 Servomotor

systems. Controlling a servomotor

involves sending pulse width

modulation (PWM).
The servomotor is used to trigger motion by opening the container.

Connected with RTC time module and Arduino UNO.

h. Dupont Line
The Dupont line or jumper wires

are type of electronic connectors used

in Arduino projects and other

prototyping applications. Consist of Figure 3.8 Dupont Line

stranded wire and plastic housing.

The Dupont lines or wires are used to connect all hardware

devices and electronic components in Arduino.



This section provides definitions of the software used in the research

and illustrates the designated codes used in the study.

Software Component

a. Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE is a software application used for programming and

developing projects with Arduino boards. It provides a user-friendly

interface and a set of tools and features to write, compile, and upload

code to Arduino microcontrollers.

The Arduino IDE is used by researchers to write and upload

necessary code and programs to the Arduino Uno. The software is also

used for hardware and software debugging.


#define trigger 5

#define echo 4

#define Relay 6

int long time;

int distance;

//float time=0,distance=0;

void setup()






void loop()










void measure_distance()










#define trigger 9

#define echo 12

#define Relay 8

int long time;

int distance;

//float time=0,distance=0;

void setup()







void loop()










void measure_distance()










#include <DS1302.h>

#include <Servo.h>

Time t;

Servo myservo;

int Hour;

int Min;

int Sec;

// Init the DS1302

DS1302 rtc(2, 3, 4);

void setup()






//set date and time to rtc


rtc.setTime(8, 59, 50);

rtc.setDate(5, 01, 2023);

void loop()


t = rtc.getTime();

Hour = t.hour;

Min = t.min;

Sec = t.sec;

//set the time for pet

if ((Hour== 6 && Min== 0 && Sec== 0)||(Hour== 6 && Min== 0 &&

Sec== 0)) {


delay (300);


delay (300);}



The diagrammatic algorithms and process sequence of the Automatic

Pet Water and Feeding System, which operates the servo motor and ultrasonic

sensors, are shown in the figure.

Figure 3.9 Flowchart of the Automatic Pet

Water and Feeding System

Figure 3.9 shows the flowchart of the Automatic Pet Water and Feeding

System. The system starts by turning on the battery and once it is on, it starts

launching the Arduino codes through the sensors and servo motor for it to

work. The ultrasonic sensors are the ones responsible if the pet is detected. If

the pet is detected it starts feeding and dispensing water. If the pet is not

detected or not present it proceeds to be on stand-by mode.




The findings of the tests that were carried out for the study are tabulated

in this chapter, and the desired and expected outcomes are contrasted with the

study’s actual output.


The researchers were able to plan, carry out, and complete the findings

of the numerous activities during the course of 10 months.

February March April May June

Activities no. of weeks no. of weeks no. of weeks no. of weeks no. of weeks
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Proposed Title
Statement of
the Problem
Significance of
the Study
Scope and
Proposed Bill
of Materials
Definition of
Review of

Block Diagram
Preparation for
Oral Presentation
Presentation of
the Thesis
Figure 4.1 Gantt Chart of the Thesis Proposal

Chart 4.1 shows the various activities that took place from February

2022 to June 2022. These are the initial activities for the thesis proposal. In

the 3rd and 4th weeks of February, the researchers were able to decide on the

title for the thesis proposal. Then in the last week of February and 1st week of

March, the researchers were able to formulate the statement of the problem.

The significance of the study was constructed from 1st week of March to 3rd

week of March. The Rationale was devised from the 3rd week of March to the

1st week of April. The scope and limitations and the research methodology

were done by 1st to 3rd week of April.

On the 3rd to 4th week of April, the proposed bill of materials was

computed and formulated. Definition of terms was finished by the last week

of April and the 1st week of May. The researchers finalized the review of

related literature on 1st week to 3rd week of May. Both the schematic diagram

and block diagram were made from the 3rd week of May to the 1st week of

June. The conceptual framework was formulated between the 4th week of May

and the 1st week of June. Before the semester ended, preparation for the oral

presentation was 1st week and 2nd week of June. Lastly, the 3rd week of June

was the presentation of the thesis proposal.

August September October November December

Activities no. of weeks no. of weeks no. of weeks no. of weeks no. of weeks
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Canvassed of
Finalized the
Purchased the
Measuring the
size of the
Arranging the
Cutting of Wood
Finalizing the
general design
Assembling the
Planning where to
set the
servomotor and
ultrasonic sensor
The setting of the
relay module and
water pump
Planning where to
put the water
The setting of the
The setting of the
The setting of the
The setting of the
The setting of the
ultrasonic sensor
Cable Managing
the Wires
Oral defense

Figure 4.2 Gantt Chart of Thesis Implementation

Chart 4.2 shows the various activities that took place from August 2022

to December 2022. These are the initial activities for the thesis

implementation. In the 4th week of August, the researchers were able to decide

on the implementation, canvassed materials, and finalized the materials. Then

on the 1st to 3rd week of October, the researchers were able to finalize and

purchased the needed materials. Measuring the prototype was done from 3 rd

week of September to 1st week of October. Arranging the component,


cutting of wood plank and finalizing the general design was constructed from

the 2nd week of October to the 4th week of October. Assembling the

components and planning where to set the servomotor & ultrasonic sensor was

being made from the 1st to 3rd week of November. Setting up the relay module

and water pump was done on 3rd week of November until the 1st week of

December. Planning where to put the water pump, setting the battery, and

setting of Arduino was done by 1st to 2nd week of December. Lastly, Arduino

programming, setting of the relay, setting of the servomotor, setting of the

ultrasonic sensor, cable managing the wires, and Oral defense was being

constructed and presented on the 3rd week of December.



The tabulations of the tests and improvements made during the device

installation are provided in this section. The researchers were also able to

successfully make the ultrasonic sensors, RTC time module, and servo motor

work with the Arduino UNO.

Table 4.3 Test and Results

Servomotor Grams of Dry Output Result
Food/ RTC 6 hrs.
setup set

10 seconds open 96 grams every 6 Too much food. Trial 1 Not OK

Trial 2 Not Ok

5 seconds open 55 grams every 6 Decrease the Trial 1 Not OK

hrs. marginal amount of
food. Pet was able Trial 2 OK
to eat normally.
3 seconds open 26 grams every 6 Pet does not have Trial 1 Not OK

hrs. enough food. Pet

Trial 2 Not OK
asks for more food.

Figure 4.3a shows the servomotor setup and RTC time set every 6

In the servomotor setup, the researchers first set it at 10 seconds to open

and it manages to have 96 grams of dry food, and the RTC time module is set

every 6 hours. Since the test subject pet is a 19lbs. cat and with the help of

veterinarian expertise most adult cats ranging 15lbs. and above are eating

every 6 hours. The 10 seconds open servomotor manages to fail since it is too

much food and it is as expected. The second trial failed as well due to the

overloading of food. The 5 seconds open servomotor manages to fail at the

first trial due to the servomotor being stuck by the food, but on the second

trial, it manages to work successfully making the pet satisfied and at the same

time less food wasted. The 3 seconds open servomotor at the first trial failed

due to servomotor malfunctioning and at the second trial it manages to work

but only less food was being supplied.

During the first servomotor setup, the servomotor keeps the dry food

stuck in the container. The researchers found out that it is because of the

insufficient space of the PVC pipe and it causes the servomotor to

malfunction. The problem was addressed by cutting more space to the PVC

pipe to make the servomotor move without any obstacles or food getting


Sensor distance Output Result


10 cm The range is too Trial 1 Not OK

Trial 2 Not Ok

5 cm Works in the range Trial 1 OK

but incidental
detection is too
often. Trial 2 NOT OK

2.5 cm The ideal range to Trial 1 OK

detect pets without

Trial 2 OK

Figure 4.3b shows the ultrasonic sensor setup

In the ultrasonic sensor setup, the researchers first set it at 10 cm and it

manages to fail since it is too far and incidental detection happens a lot. The

second trial failed as well due to the ultrasonic sensor malfunctioning. The 5

cm works on the first trial without any issues, but on the second trial, it does

not work due to incidental detection. The 2.5 cm first trial works flawlessly

able to provide water to the pet without any issues and the second trial works

without any problems or complications.


During the first ultrasonic setup, the ultrasonic sensor keeps the water

flowing if the pet does not leave or the pet interferes with the sensor. The

researchers found out that it is because of the lack of ultrasonic sensors and it

causes to keep the water pump flowing the water. The problem was addressed

by adding one more ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance of the water in

order not to overflow the water inside the bowl. At the same time, the second

ultrasonic sensor is used to trigger a stopping mechanism to the water pump

if it reaches the water distance.





Automatic Pet Water and Feeding System’s primary objective of

enhancing convenience and well-being for pets. This innovative system aims

to alleviate the daily responsibilities of pet owners by automating the process

of providing water and food to their pets. The Automatic Pet Water and

Feeding system consists of Arduino UNO, ultrasonic sensor, 5v water pump,

RTC timer module, wooden planks, 5v single relay switch, 5v battery, plastic

containers, tubes, wires, and switch which will be mostly placed on private

homes. The implementation phase involves the assembly and connection of

hardware components, including the water container and the food container.

Along with the integration of scheduling and control mechanisms possible

through Arduino UNO, RTC time module, servomotor, water pump, and

ultrasonic sensors. The equipment is mounted on a home that is attached to

the ground and placed inside. The primary controller for the servomotor,

single channel relay, RTC time module, and ultrasonic sensors is the Arduino

Uno. The amount of water that has to be refilled by the water pump is

controlled and detected by an ultrasonic sensor. The purpose of the water

pump is to pump the required amount of water. The single-channel relay is in

charge of operating the RTC time module, servomotor, and water pump.

Finally, based on the set time, the food will either come out or not depending

on the RTC time module and Servomotor. The researchers discovered that the

PVC pipe's lack of space is what causes the servomotor to malfunction. The

issue was solved by adding more space to the PVC pipe so that the servomotor

could travel freely without any food or objects becoming stuck. The lack of

an ultrasonic sensor results in the water pump continuing to run, the

researchers also discovered. To prevent the water inside the bowl from

overflowing, the issue was solved by installing another ultrasonic sensor to

measure the distance of the water. In addition, the second ultrasonic sensor

also detects water distance, and a stopping mechanism for the water pump is

activated. After thorough research and consideration, the system had

undergone tests and refinements.



The project underwent several tests and iterations during which the

researchers made the following improvements:

1. The automatic pet water and feeding system offers pet owners increased

convenience, time savings, consistent hydration and nutrition,

improved well-being, peace of mind, and cleanliness. It ultimately

enhances the overall pet ownership experience by streamlining daily

care tasks and ensuring pets' needs are met efficiently and reliably.

2. In an automatic pet water system utilizing an ultrasonic sensor, the

sensor is responsible for determining the right amount of water to be

refilled. The ultrasonic sensor is placed in the water tank or bowl of the

system. It emits high-frequency sound waves, usually in the ultrasonic

range, and measures the time it takes for the sound waves to bounce

back after hitting the water’s surface. Based on the calibrated water

level, the system can determine when to initiate the refilling process. If

the measured water level falls below the desired threshold, indicating

that more water is needed, the system can activate the refilling


3. It's important to consider the specific needs and requirements of each

pet species when using automatic pet water and feeding systems. For

example, some pets may have dietary restrictions or portion control

needs, and the system should be adjusted accordingly. Additionally, if

a pet requires specialized care or monitoring, it's essential to consult

with a veterinarian to ensure the system is suitable for their specific

situation. Automatic pet water and feeding systems can be beneficial

for various pets, offering convenience, consistent feeding schedules,

and adequate hydration.

4. The process of properly handling both hardware and software

components is required to make the device work properly. Installation

requires the needed hardware Arduino UNO, RTC time module,

servomotor, water pump, and ultrasonic sensors. It can be installed

inside the house or on private property.

5. It knows by monitoring the pet's weight, overall health, and body

condition is crucial in determining whether the current portion size is

suitable. Adjustments may be necessary based on the pet's requirements

and any recommendations provided by the veterinarian. By employing

these methods and regularly assessing a pet's food


consumption, the researchers can ensure the pet is receiving the

appropriate amount of food.

6. The single switch relay module plays a vital role in the automatic pet

water and feeding system project. It serves as a control mechanism for

activating and deactivating various components of the system. The

single switch relay module acts as a control hub for the automatic pet

water and feeding system. It receives signals from the scheduling

servomotor, ultrasonic sensors, Arduino UNO, and water pump and it

triggers the activation or deactivation of the water and food dispensers

accordingly. This allows for the precise and automated functioning of

the system, ensuring that the pet's water and feeding needs are met

efficiently and reliably.



The Automatic Pet Water and Feeding System is a project that was

successfully designed to simplify pet care, provide consistent and appropriate

nutrition and hydration, and enhance the overall welfare of pets while offering

convenience and peace of mind to their owners.

After conducting trials and further refinements of the ultrasonic sensors

and servo motor the researchers were able to create the device more efficiently

by automating the process of providing water and food, the system offers

convenience to pet owners, saving them time and effort, especially for those

with busy schedules. It eliminates the need for manual feeding and watering

multiple times a day, ensuring that pets receive their meals and access to fresh

water consistently and on schedule. The system also facilitates portion

control, allowing owners to dispense precise amounts of food and manage

portion sizes for their pets. This helps promote a healthy diet, prevent

overeating or underfeeding, and maintain optimal weight.



Based on the Automatic Pet Water and Feeding System, here are some

recommendations for its implementation and improvement:

1. They should consider regular maintenance and cleaning. To ensure

optimal performance. Clean and disinfect the system regularly,

including the water tank, food dispensers, and any associated

components. This helps prevent bacterial growth and ensures a clean

and safe environment for your pet.

2. They should add the integration of smart technology. Incorporate

smart technology features into the system, allowing pet owners to

remotely monitor and control the feeding and watering process

through mobile applications or connected devices. This would

enable real-time updates, feeding customization, and the ability to

track consumption patterns.

3. They should improve sensor technology: Invest in research and

development to enhance sensor technology, such as more accurate

water level sensors, weight sensors for food monitoring, or


advanced sensors to detect specific pet behaviors or health

indicators related to feeding and hydration.



Book/Electronic Book

Prima, E., Munifaha S., Salam S., Aziz, M., Suryani, A. (2017) Automatic
Water Tank Filling System Controlled Using ArduinoTM Based
Sensor for Home Application. Retrieved fromhttps://www.

Taru, Y.K., Karwankar A. (2017) Water monitoring system using Arduino

with LabVIEW. Retrieved from /abstract/

Daigavane, V., Dr. Gaikwad, M.A. (2017) Water Quality Monitoring System
Based on IOT. Retrieved from

M.S. Premi, G., Malakar, J. (2019) Automatic Water Tank Level and Pump
Control System. Retrieved from
abstract/document / 9065438/authors#authors

Uday, K., Aravind, C.S. (2020) Automatic sensing and switching the water
pump: A new approach. Retrieved from

Sheng, J. (2019) Real Time DC Water Tank Level Control using Arduino
Mega 2560. Retrieved from
Jindarat S., Wuttidittachotti, P. (2015) Smart farm monitoring using
Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Retrieved from

Bishwajit, P. (2018). Sensor based water quality monitoring system.

Retrieved from

Electronic Journals/Journals
As’ad, N. & Razali, N. (2021). Arduino-based Farm Feeder Helper.
International Jasin Multimedia & Computer Science Invention and
Innovation Exhibition, (Issued 2021), (59-62)

Research Papers
Susheel A. & Selvendran, S. (2019). Investigation on Water Level
Regulation Using Floating Sensor and Arduino Uno. Retrieved

Raju, B. V. (2017). An Automatic Form Monitoring System Using Arduino

and Wireless Sensor Networks. Retrieved fromhttps://discover 2021/03/318_IJIRSET_bvr.pdf
May 18, 2022

To: Engr. Rogelio A. Lansa


Thru: Engr. Dennis A. Rosillo


Dear Sir,

We the BSECE students are partaking in this subject to implement new ways of
improving or creating a technological project that might help people’s jobs to be more
efficient and at the same time make life easier with the reliance on technology. We would
like to propose a project entitled “Automatic Pet Water and Feeding System” to be
submitted on the date.

A person who cares for and is accountable for one or more pets, including dogs,
cats, or any other sort of domesticated animal maintained as a companion, is referred to as
a pet owner. Pet owners in modern times waste a lot of water and food which either could
be contaminated, improper waste consumption, or left stagnant or unclean which a cleaner
water and food could make a big difference. So, an efficient way of distributing water and
food to the pets is required.

The project focuses to minimize water and food waste for pet owners and provide
clean water and food for pets. Also, create an efficient way to provide water and food for
the pets without the owner’s presence for long periods.

We are hoping for your kind consideration and approval on this matter.

John Lloyd Villaver
Jirho Jade Pilapil
Joshua Trocio


Testing the servo motor and single relay channel module using Arduino and breadboard

Connecting water pump to single relay channel module and testing ultrasonic sensor

Cutting the wooden plank for the Automatic Pet Water and
foundation of the project Feeding System

Researchers together with the panelists after thesis proposal


Researchers together with the panelists after oral defense



Purok Carrots Dap-dap
Catarman Liloan, Cebu 6002

Father’s Name: Jerry Pilapil

Personal Data
Occupation: Driver
Gender: Male
Mother’s Name: Rose Pilapil
Birthdate: August 8,1999
Occupation: Cashier
Birth Place: Cebu City
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic

University of Cebu- Banilad
Campus Bachelor of Science in
Electronics Engineering
Banilad, Cebu City / June 2018-
Liloan National High School
Poblacion, Liloan, Cebu / June
Sta. Cruz Learning Center
Landing, Catarman, Liloan,
Cebu / June 2006-2012


37 Sitio Jasmin
Sto. Niño Village, Banilad
Mandaue City, Cebu 6000
Father’s Name: Jeremiah Wilbur L. Trocio
Personal Data Occupation: Accountant

Gender: Male Mother’s Name: Gilda G. Trocio

Birthdate: January 9,2001 Occupation: Abroad

Birth Place: Cebu City

Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic

University of Cebu- Banilad
Campus Bachelor of Science in
Electronics Engineering
Banilad, Cebu City / June 2019-
Samantabhadra Institute of Cebu
Gov. Kasambangan, Cebu city /
June 2013-2017
Samantabhadra Institute of Cebu
Gov. Kasambangan, Cebu city /
June 2007-2013


Cebu N Rd
Consolacion Cebu, Cebu 6001

Personal Data
Father’s Name: Joevanne H. Villaver
Gender: Male Occupation: Liason Officer
Birthdate: November 7, 1999 Mother’s Name: Nellie G. Villaver
Birth Place: Cebu City Occupation: Accountant
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic

University of Cebu - Banilad
Campus Bachelor of Science in
Electronics Engineering
Banilad, Cebu City / June 2018-
Consolacion National High
School Consolacion Cebu / June
Consolacion Central School
Consolacion Cebu/ June 2006-

Arduino UNO R3

RTC Time Module

DS3231 AT24C32

5V Single Relay
Module 10A

5V Mini Water Pump


Ultrasonic Ranging
Sensor HC-SR04

Servo Motor Pro 9g


The researchers would like to express their deepest appreciation to all

those who have supported them throughout the completion of this project.

Their dedication, patience, and insightful feedback have been instrumental in

shaping this research and enhancing my academic journey.

Firstly, we wanted to express our gratitude to the Almighty God for

providing us with everything we needed to complete this study.

Second, we are grateful to our family and friends for their continuous

encouragement and belief in our abilities. Their unwavering support, words

of encouragement, and understanding have kept us motivated throughout this

arduous journey.

We would like to thank Engr. Niño A. Leyte, for your guidance,

technical assistance, and advice during the entire process, which enabled us

to finish the study.

We would like to thank Engr. Dennis A. Rosillo, which imparted us his

wisdom and determination in making this study.

We are profoundly grateful to Engr. Rogelio A. Lansa for their

invaluable guidance and expertise.

Lastly, we would like to thank all the authors, researchers, and

academics whose works served as the foundation for this study. Their

contributions were crucial in forming the study’s understanding and

improving its methodology.

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