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Subject: Discipline and Ideas in Social Science

Grade: Grade 11

Objective: Trace the historical foundations and social contexts that led to the
development of each discipline

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics: Explore the historical foundations of mathematics and its social
contexts, such as the development of number systems and mathematical theories.
Discuss how mathematics has contributed to various fields like engineering,
economics, and physics.
2) Science: Investigate the historical foundations and social contexts of scientific
disciplines like physics, chemistry, and biology. Examine how scientific discoveries
and advancements have shaped our understanding of the natural world and
influenced technological innovations.
3) Literature: Analyze the historical foundations and social contexts of literary works,
including the cultural, political, and societal influences that shaped the development
of different literary movements and genres.

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Character cards, props

1) Idea - Divide the students into groups and assign each group a specific discipline,
such as mathematics, science, or literature. Ask them to create a role-play scenario
where they portray key figures in the historical development of their respective
disciplines. The students will research and present the social contexts that
influenced their discipline's development.
2) Idea - Conduct a debate where students argue about the most significant
historical event or social context that led to the development of a specific discipline.
Provide them with research materials and encourage critical thinking and persuasive
communication skills.

Activity 1: Timeline Creation

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Large chart paper, markers, post-it notes

Significance: Students will collaboratively create a timeline highlighting the historical

foundations and social contexts of various disciplines.

1) Divide the class into small groups.
2) Provide each group with a large chart paper and markers.
3) Assign each group a different discipline (e.g., mathematics, science, literature).
4) In their groups, students will research and identify key historical events and social
contexts related to their assigned discipline.
5) They will create a timeline on the chart paper, placing the events and contexts in
chronological order.
6) Students will present their timelines to the class, explaining the significance of
each event and context.

- Accuracy of timeline: 15 pts
- Clear presentation of events and contexts: 10 pts
- Explanation of significance: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) How did the historical events and social influence the development of the
assigned discipline?
2) Which event social context do you the most influential? Justify your answer.
3 How does the timeline demonstrate the interconnectedness of disciplines?

Activity 2: Study Analysis

Te Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Case study

Significance: will analyze real-life case studies and explore the historical
foundations and social contexts that influenced the disciplines involved.

1) Provide each student with a case study scenario related to a specific discipline,
such as mathematics, science, or literature.
2) Students will read and analyze the case study, identifying the historical
foundations and social contexts that played a role in the development of the
3) In small groups, students will discuss their findings and compare the similarities
and differences between the case studies.
4) Each group will present their analysis to the class, highlighting the historical and
social factors that influenced the discipline in their respective case study.

- Analysis of historical foundations and social contexts: 15 pts
- Comparison of case studies: 10 pts
- Clarity of presentation: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) How did the historical foundations and social contexts contribute to the
development of the discipline in the case study?
2) What similarities and differences did you observe between the case studies
regarding the historical and social factors that influenced the disciplines?
3) How can the analysis of case studies help us understand the role of historical and
social contexts in the development of different disciplines?

Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion
1) The teacher will provide a lecture on the historical foundations and social contexts
that led to the development of different disciplines, emphasizing key events,
influential figures, and societal factors.
2) During the lecture, the teacher will engage the students in discussions,
encouraging them to ask questions and share their thoughts on the significance of
historical and social contexts in shaping disciplines.

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Create a Multimedia Presentation

Task 2: Conduct a Field Study

Students will choose a specific discipline and research its historical foundations and
social contexts. For Task 1, they will create a multimedia presentation (e.g., video,
PowerPoint) that highlights the key historical events and social factors that
influenced the discipline's development. For Task 2, students will conduct a field
study, visiting relevant institutions or locations that played a significant role in the
discipline's history. They will document their observations and reflections in a report
or journal.

Teaching Strategy: Concept Mapping and Discussion

Instructional Materials: Concept mapping templates

Question 1: Create a concept map that illustrates the historical foundations and
social contexts that led to the development of your chosen discipline. Discuss your
concept map with a partner and explain the connections between the different

Question 2: Choose a specific historical event or social context that you believe had
a profound impact on the development of a discipline. Justify your choice and
discuss the implications of this event or context on the discipline.

Question 3: How can an understanding of the historical foundations and social

contexts of different disciplines contribute to our knowledge and appreciation of their
significance in society?

Assignment 1: Research Paper

Overview: Students will write a research paper exploring the historical foundations
and social contexts of a specific discipline, providing an in-depth analysis of its
Assessment Question: Choose a discipline and discuss how its historical
foundations and social contexts have shaped its development, providing specific
examples and evidence to support your arguments.

Assignment 2: Oral Presentation

Overview: Students will prepare an oral presentation on a discipline of their choice,

focusing on the historical foundations and social contexts that led to its development.
They will present their findings to the class.

Assessment Question: Present the key historical events and social factors that
influenced the development of your chosen discipline, explaining their significance
and impact.

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