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María Pérez Sánchez

What is an essay?

A short piece of writing on a particular thing or topic.
A short piece of writing in which we express our opinion on a particular

We should let the reader know our viewpoint from the very beginning
(Introduction). Then, we will include different reasons and/or examples to
support our point of view (body). And we will conclude with our clear
opinion at the end (conclusion).
1. INTRODUCTION. Paragraph 1 1. State your topic and let the reader know about your poi
nt of view.

Tips 1. The most difficult part is to get started. Sometimes we don't know how to start writing. If that's
the case, start by comparing the current situation with the same thing in the past or even check if
there's been an evolution or important change.
o Nowadays, … however things were different in the past.

2. Avoid the overuse of the expression 'I think that'. It only shows a lack of vocabulary.

3. Use intensifiers. "I completely agree" (totally, utterly, quite, really...)

4. A QUESTION could be a good option and an original way to start an essay if we know how to
Tips properly write it or if within the essay we clearly explain our arguments accordingly.

Topic of the opinion essay 'Technology is making communication easier nowadays, do you agree?
Can you imagine a world without cell phones or computers? Well, I can't.

5. Include a thesis statement. A sentence at the end of your introduction where you very
clearly say what you are going to be talking about.
As a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic, students all over the world have had to attend
online lessons from home. In this essay, I will discuss why this is not the best option.
Usually 2 to 3 Here it's where we'll state our ideas plus the reasons why we
2. BODY paragraphs
conceive them that way.

Paragraph 2 – Viewpoint 1 supported by your reasons.

Paragraph 3 – Viewpoint 2 supported by your reasons.

Paragraph 4 -- (Optional) A contrary idea (viewpoint) than the one you've got 'contrary argument' with
the reason why you think it's not believable or doesn't convince yourself.
1. Use one different idea per paragraph and support it with arguments
Tips accordingly.
2.Avail yourself of linking words (connectors) to indicate clearly the relation
between the paragraphs and the different ideas.
As a consequence of/ Therefore— To indicate a consequence.
First of all/Firstly/To begin with/To start with --- To establish the beginning of the development of ideas.
Besides/Moreover/Furthermore/In addition to this/Secondly -- To add another idea.
On the other hand/ However/ Nevertheless --- To add a contrary argument (paragraph 4)
Last but not least --- To mention the last of your ideas but not the least important one. It means that it is not less
important than the previous ideas despite being mentioned in the last place.
Restate your opinion using different words. We will rephrase ourselves.
3. CONCLUSION Last paragraph

Tips 1. Avoid the expression 'In conclusion'. Use one of these instead: To sum up/All in all/All
things considered/ In short/ With all this in mind/ To conclude/ Taking everything into
2. Be coherent. Do not use 'in short' and then include a big paragraph. Be brief!

You only have to write between 150 and 200 words. Use a variety of vocabulary and do not repeat yourself!

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