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Microwavo Enginearing (MU - Som7 ~ E87C) — Dil 5.1 INTRODUCTION: CAVITY | RESONATORS i Fg inosine © A resonator is energy storing device, imilar to 2 resonant Pores oa erence wing soso short circuited transmission lines or co-axial lines. ne renee nt ecm Te en tanec Talon ee penile pee ‘elements (such as inductances and capacitances) ‘connected Ce oe ee tal eo 2 ede fr de ee ya est a se a es igen Perea ed ois outing rope ct pomeeares «erin eran nie ey a aed os Soteceanoune eee ae ‘dimensions simplicity, remarkably high Q, and very high ‘impedance. 4 Seve it ee at inh Pe ea Segond pa Sees YW 5.1.1 Types of Cavity Resonators © There are three types of cavity esonators mostly used in practice. 1. The ectangulareavity esonator, 2. Thecylindsical cavity resonator, 3. Dietetic resonator, ‘YS 5.1.1(A) The Rectangular Cavity Resonator © Normally te frontend ofthe rectangular wave guide is used {o conect a source and the back end is for connecting the oad. + When the front and back ends ofthe waveguide are cosed ' Ib tele wale a hlow ntl beled 2 cavity 35 shown in Fig. 5.11, Fig, Sd : Rectangular eavity resonator eThe cavity shown bas height b, width a, and length te dimensions decides the resonant fequency. “¢The cavity is resonant at frequencies where lis a maki i FE. where isthe guide wavelength ofthe waves, “¢ When the cavity is properly excited, “the signal i contiquously back and forth in the cavity, and remains ex even inthe absence of he source, YW 5.1.1(B) The Cylindrical Cavity Resonator ‘© Similar to the rectangular cavity, the cyindicl cavity is obtained by shorting the top and bottom ends of te cslindrial waveguide as shown in Fig. 5.1.2. 2, ies | Ee LS : Fig, 5.1.2: Cylindrical cavity resonator © The cavity shown has radius a and length J these dimeasios decides the resonant frequency. © The cavity is esonant at frequencies where 1s amuliple! » 7 rWwhere isthe guide wavelength ofthe wavesuie. %B_5.1.1(C) Dielectric Resonator + Teams of slid loos, diese ise having 3 value of €,, typically 30 to 100. Page uaunars maps: Ihe esonancebchavlor i obaned by dhe lngo co the air dielectric interfaces, large reflections at ert “(typicaly 30 to 100) Fig 5:13 : Dielectric resonator eit tis nt aholow cavity like rectangular or cylinsical cavity resonator. Its solid stature. lends applications in band pass and band stop filters DW 5.2. RECTANGULAR CAVITY RESONATORS ‘When one end of the waveguide is terminated in a shoring plate there will be reflections and hence standing waves a5, shown in Fig. 52.1. taal. 0 zed i-—_— e oaraFig, 5.2. When another shorting plate is kept at a distance of a “ruhiple of 4/2" then the holiow space so formed can support a signal which bounces back and forth between the ‘wo shoring plats. ‘This rests in resonance and hence the hollow space i alled cavity andthe resonator as the cavity resonator. ‘The dimensions ofthe rectangular cavity resonator ae, wid istapeightis"b”, andthe length is “6”. (M 5.3 EXPRESSION FOR RESONANT | FREQUENCY IN RECTANGULAR i CAVITY RESONATOR” Fora rectangular waveguide 2 Ao Wis Prolveskek, see = (8) (8) For wave propagation , 1 = Shorr =i 6 (Cavity Resonators) ..Pago no. (S°3) w dhe = (@) (8) a% can The pe sin ost comeing Se ie wag a pa Be z ay rinabenontsn wt niet. 8 = Been pant x 2 Bed = pe pat Were, ia cont = 1, 2, 3p a Waruoeofeerelese or toga el alg he 2 Scion. = Legh of eso, Wer p= 2E, ve say dat cxiy rsonaes ping 0F@= 0 From Equation (53.1 one = oo &e oh a§ Geer mode of propagation in a cavity resonator is TEig (€ TM For both TE and TM the resonant frequency Is ‘the same ina rectangular cavity resonator. ——<—<—<—<— DAT 5.4. FIELD EXPRESSIONS FOR TMyp ‘MODES.IN.A RECTANGULAR CAVITY RESONATOR eee GQ. Derive the field expressions for TM modes in a 1 bal a ‘ (oo. 5.4.1 ForTM wave, H,=OandE,#0 ‘The wave equationis we, 7B, 2 Shia + dhe (MuNew Sylabus wf academic year 22-23) (67-68) TBbrecnteoPubications.A SACHIN SHAK Ventre Page 2 dns ws sau 2 ee Bate, ° (SAN) a Ha frotpe ' Lette solution of Equalion (54.1) be E,=X- ‘ eee Py ® Fora wave travelling in +z direction ra I8 yx a xY = 0 Accoan BE) (Bs) ee by (XY) and taking constant on one Lae : Be a © Fora wave travelling In ~ z direction ié 2 1 or ate Yat = B= A-C-sin(SE-x) sin (Ey) oc ot - 1 oo +642) | 6 — Weknow dhat when the wave propagates, ed 128 . Vege a G43) | 4” “Adding the fields of two travelling waves, i. one in postive 22 2 + “2 diretion and the other-in the negative ‘2’ dein we ae. obtain B= (Ate ta Mya. csin(E-x) in eRe Lette aun of Buaos 5.42) and 43) be X = Asn 3) +8225 (5-2) oo Y & Asin(ly-y)+D-c0s (ky-y)- Where , A’ I is the amplitude constant fr the at Then E, becomes, propagating in the postive z-direction and Ey [A sink -2)B cos yx) [Asia Gy -y)D 0 y-9)] A’ = It is the amplitude constant he sve °F Boundary conditions Propagating in the negative z-direction, ® E=Ofrys0ady=b,weget D=0 + Now from the boundary conditions the normal componet et G) E,=Oforx=Oandx=a,wegt Bao the electie field is continuous since the shor circuit is ple in direction of propagation, therefore "Applying first boundary condition E, = 0 for "3 Applying second boundary condition givesD=0 E, = Oforx=0,gives B=0 Trenton, E, becomes A Ci ea MC imac Bee AClatexsakyy + stein) any) © applying third boundary condition : ate ac i E, = Oaty=b, weget Fl. = Bs (22-3) sin (2-9) ‘ fs = AsCosinky xsinky-b ara 1a-€ is zero ‘This is zero if A* = A” = A’ 1 wep + Putin this in Bquation (5.64), i "Applying forth boundary conditions B= (veya) ac \ B= Ostneawe pe ssin(BE-x) xin(SE3) | Senne ee = Page 3 1B, = DAAC pan x) sin( y cose « rsin( 2-3) sn($2) “The second boundary condition is aE, Fe coatead FoR) an( } sna 4... +x) sin(2.y) sin gay=0 sinfd=0 or f= poe B= By = Fae-sin(@-x) in. pe vooe-(HE.2) oe + This field expression can be: used to find otber field ‘components by using Maxwell's equations as set on (Ex) ain) oF) BB an SEs a(S (F) Hoty tin(SE-3) ! | ‘MODES INA RECTANGULAR CAVITY; | -RESONATOR ze i DE RESONATOR + cos(Bz) = Bysin ‘This is possible i Weta, Vi, = -0 we H, 2 sng an puting 32 = ¥ aH, FH, ay Seegreta oy, oH, 2 ty H, the solution ofthis equation be, H, = XY = [Asin xx) +Beos 0-20] Iesin Gey-y)+ Deos y-y)] =jou OB, Re Seah a 2-@weH, =0 Weave Boundary conditions © B=oay=0 6) B,=Oatx=0 sy9 728 MATAR Git) B,=Oaty=b (iy) E,=Oax=a Applying 1* and 2" boundary condition, we get A 4H, = B-D-c0s (ky-)-c0s ky+y). Applying 3" and 4 boundary condition, we get he & and ky = n-peene( 2) en (3.3) c ‘The wave traveling in 42 direction HH, = B-D-om( Ms) oon (BE-y) 2 ‘The wave travelling in - z direction t= toem($s)n( Bs) 0 Let, AY and A” be the amplitnde constants. Then for a total wave ate = (wei Ps (Bs) co (3 “The boundary condon is H,=Ost2=Oand z= Hlpeg = (A+ AJ -c08(S8x)-cos (2-9) ‘This is equal to zeroif A” =~ A y= APE ols) ($83) ) a3) =(B2) es = AT ina cos (ME Hjbee = A’ 2s (8) -cos( ene Ln tom( 3) a(S) aC) ‘+ Remalning field components’ Ex, Ey, Hx, Hy can be evaluated by using Maxwells cul equations. do 5.6 DOMINANT MODE IN A RECTANGULAR CAVITY RESONATOR ‘The mode with the Jowest resonant frequency for 2 given cavity size is referred to as the dominant mode. The resonant frequency increases asthe onder of the mode becomes highs. {DM_5.7 SOLVED PROBLEMS Ex. 5.7.1 : Determine the dominant modes and thie frequencies {nan aicfilled rectangular cavity resonator for @arb>d Qard>b and@a=b=d, [Blrech.sen puhtratinne a cnc SHAH Venture Page 4 abe fellfistecare ea0 «tea ff" (Es G2) eae 000 ae = aver ie We 25. cavity vote (58.6) |, Tetime overage power loss pis the sum of the Tosses in all tie six walls and can be obtsined using the tangential component ofthe magnetic fed at cach wall. Therefore, od t ee eae tere] fiZooeel ure ot] Subsituing the expressions for the field components and evalotiog te integral, HE) [Bed] Putting Equations (5.8.6) and (5.8.7) in Equation (5.8.2), we ge SY a. ated PMR, ga@ +d) +20 +4) From the symmetry of Q in ‘a and ‘dit is seen that Q is ‘maximum fora square base cavity a=d, ttt (18) Now Quas increases with decrease in (a/b). oar Foran airfilled cic cavity a =b = 4, that 97 279 age: ‘bo 5.9. COUPLING MECHANISMS : PROBE, I LOOP, COUPLING TO A CAVITY = | i RESONATOR | The cavity resonator is a complete enclosure and the mensions oft decides the resonant frequency of Since it is complete enclosure, it requires a small opening for feeding energy into itor taking it out. The mechanism of feeding energy or taking outs refered to as coupling 4 Trecavity resonator ae energi used for waveguides. +The basié approach adopted for wavephie excitation isto creat an exciting element such as a probe, hole oF loop in a waveguide to prodace roughly the same field pate as that ofthe mode tobe excited. ‘The methods of coupling te energy oa cavity are: ee Oe (Gi) aperture, hoe, or sot coupling, in a manner similar to that 5.9.1 Probe Coupling ‘© The feeding device used in this method is a probe. + Afthe output from a microwave generator isin the form of coaxial cable then part ofthe inner conductor is made open and is used asa probe. The probe so formed behives as n electric dipole. «Each mode in the cavity resonator has a pasticular electic and magnetic fel pate, ‘© Approbe should be located so as to excite the electric field intensity of the mode, which in tura generates the desired magnetic field, ‘Suppose we want maximum electric field at the center of side 24s shown in Fig. 5.9.1. Then ahole is drilled at the top of a cavity resonator (as x = 2/2) and probe is inserted vertically int itas shown, The vertical probe will generate, vertical electric field with ‘the maxiowm atthe position of probe. El. Page 5 Fig. 591: Probe coupling 5.9.2 Loop Coupling # Thefeeding device wed in his method isa oop. We how that when the curent is passed in a loop, it produces a circular magnetic field in the direction perpendicular tothe plane ofthe lop, + So,the lop excites the desired magnetic field which in tara senerats the desired eleci field. +The Toop is formed by bending the inner conductor ofthe coal cable to form a lop by connecting the open end with the outer conductor magnetic field is horizontal. Then the loop is inserted from the side wall hole and is oriented vertically, 4 Thisloop orientation generates te horizontal magnet field Otter conductot* ls Fig. 59.2: Loop coupling YB 5.9.3 Aperture Coupling © Tn this case the microwave signal is available frog rectangular waveguide, : . The back end of tis waveguide i attached to the cea cavity, In order to ente the microwave signal into acy Tongtudnal apes dilled on the cavity, «The horizontal magnetic field in the waveguide enters iy the cavity Cough the aperture exciting the cavity, Fig. 593: Aperture coupling eee 2) 5.10 APPLICATIONS OF CAVITY Suppose we want a paticlar mode where te cla} RESONATORS () Astuned circuits “7 i) In UAE wbes, Kijstron amplifier / oscillators, cavity magneton, (Gi) In dopexers of radar: (iv) Covty wave meterin measurement of frequency es. Page 6

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