Group Assignment

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SMS60104 __Group Assignment

The objective of this group assignment is to deepen your understanding of probability distributions
and their practical applications in the context of mathematical expectation. Through this task, you will
gain a comprehensive understanding of various probability distributions and how they are used to
analyse and interpret data in different scenarios.

You are required to form a group consisting not more than 3 people to accomplish this task. Group of
4 or above are NOT allowed. Submit the pdf file via the 'Assignment' folder on MyGuru by the due
date shown below. Only ONE submission is required from each group.

Following all the instructions provided to complete the requirements for each section.

Due date 27 June 2023

Total marks 100
Weightage 50%

Ensure that your report contains the following components and details:

Front page

• State the title of your study.

• An Executive Summary. Your executive summary should:

✓ Be brief and punchy, readable, and comprehensive. It should brand the rest of the
report, summarize, and save the time for readers to digest it.
✓ State clearly your key finding(s), quantifying where possible, and very brief
description of any key problem(s) identified.

Introduction to Probability Distribution

• Provide a concise overview of probability distributions, their definition, and key properties.
• Explain the concept of random variables and their types.
• Discuss the importance of probability distributions in statistical analysis and decision-making.
• Provide examples of commonly used probability distributions.

Probability Distribution and their Applications

• Select *THREE probability distributions and describe their characteristics and applications.
*Option I : 1 discrete + 2 continuous random variables
*Option II: 1 continuous + 2 discrete random variables
• Discuss how each of the selected probability distributions is used in analysing *real-world data.
* Academic Research Papers / government websites / databank online / reference books
• Present examples or case studies where the selected distributions are applied to solve specific
• Explain the relevance of mathematical expectation and covariance within the context of the
chosen probability distributions.


• Summarize the key findings and insights from the group collaboration.
• Reflect on the importance of probability distributions, mathematical expectation, and
covariance in statistical analysis and decision-making.
• Discuss any challenges or limitations encountered during the research process and propose
potential areas for further exploration.

Back matter

Ensure proper citation and referencing of all sources used. Do collaborate effectively, dividing tasks
evenly, and promoting active participation from each member.

Additional Note:


Prepare a comprehensive presentation to deliver the findings and conclusions of the group
assignment. Use visual aids, such as charts, graphs, and examples, to enhance understanding and
engage the audience. Each group member should have an opportunity to present their respective
sections. (Week 13)

Evaluation Criteria:

The group assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

✓ Depth of understanding demonstrated in explaining probability distributions, mathematical

expectation, and covariance.
✓ Clarity and coherence of the written report and presentation.
✓ Application of concepts through relevant examples and problem-solving.
✓ Effective collaboration and equal participation from all group members.
✓ Correct use of citations and references to support arguments and findings.

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