Chemistry PYQs (2016-2022)

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WBCHSE 2016 Full Marks: 70 Time: 3h 15min

Special credit will be given for answers which are briefand to the polnt. Marks will be deducted for
spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting. Figures in margln indicates full marks for the questions.

SECTIONI 11. In which of the following compound chiral C-atom is

Answer the following multiple choice questions: 1x14 14 present?
1. Number of total electrons in n -th orbit of an atom is-
n n2 2n2 n-1 © CH,CH(OH)COOH
2. The bond order of He2+ jon is
0.5 1.5
12. Which one is most acidicamong the given
3. Which is not paramagnetic of the following? compounds?
13. The compound produced after the ozonolysis of benzene
Surface tension of water with increase of temperature
A increase decrease glyoxal © methanal
ethanal O hexanal
remnain same show irregular behaviour 14. Which one of the following is not a green house gas?
5.Which one of the following relation shows
spontaneity? CFC ammonia
AH = TAS © AH> TAS © carbon dioxide D methane
6. For which of the SECTION
following chemical equation has

C(s) +2H,0(8) ’ 2H,(g) +CO,(8) Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted):
PCI,(g)’ PCI,(g) +Cl,(8) 1x4=4
© 2C0(8) +0,(g)-2C0,(8) 1. How many electrons are present in l millimol of methane?
Or, 2.7 gram of a metal after reaction with excess acid
H,(g)+ Br,(g) = 2HBr(g)
produces 3.36 litre of H, at NTP. What is the equivalent
1. PCl,(g) PCl,(g) +Cl,(g). For this reaction at the weight of the metal?
chemical equilibrium condition which of the following
2. Determine the position of an element in long form of
relation is correct?
periodic table if its electronic configuration is [hgAr]
K =Ke K = Ky x RT 3dl04$2.
1 Or, Mention the name and position of two elements, one
O K, = K x RT of which is most electronegative and other is most
8. Cause of different colour of the flame in flame test is electropositive in periodic table.
low ionisation potential 3. Write the definition of
low melting point © maleability 4. Write the name and structural formula of A in the
presence of oneelectron in the outermost orbit Ag dust, 250°C
reaction: H,=CH, +O2
9. Which of the following alkaline earth metal sulphate is
most soluble in water? GROUP B
O CaSO, Srso, © BaSO4 Answer the followtngquestions (Alternatives are to be noted):
MgSO4 Zxj= 10
10. If in an organic comfound both N and s elements are 5. In two compounds of hydrogen and oxygen, hydrogen
present, in Lassaigne's test which ion may be found?
present is «42.9% and 27.3% respectively. Show that the
CN s2 SCN data support the law of multiple proportions.
Previous Years' Question Papers 573

Mention Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Calculate the 14, If the standard formation-enthalpy of CS,, CO, and SO,
uncertainty of velocity of an electron which have an
are l17 kJ· mol-,-393 kJ ·mol-l and -297 kJ · mol-l
uncertainty in position of lA. respectively, calculate the standard reaction enthalpy of
Or. If the energy of lst Bohr's orbit is -13.58 eV ofa H
otom, calculate energy of third Bohr's orbit of that atom. CS, +302 ’ CO,+ 2SO,
1.Bxplain with reason : SnCl, is a solid ionic compound Or, (i)State Hess's Law. (i) Judge the spontaneity of the
whereas SnCl, is a covalent liquid. following reaction at 298 K temperature and at a
Or, Explain the phenomenon: "When phenolphthalein is particular pressure: Br,() + CL, (&)’2BrCl(g) Given:
added to aqueous solution of borax the colour of the
AH = 29.3 kJ mol-B and AS = 104.1 J· K-l mol-l142
solution changed to pink which is again turn colourless if
glycerol is added to it." 15. (i) Mention the oxidation number of two chlorine atoms
in Ca(0CI) Cl molecule.
8.Between CH,COOH and HCOOH which one is most
acidic and why? (i) Balance the chemical equation by oxidation numnber
method: P+NaOH+ H,0 ’ PH, +NaH,PO2
Or, Name IUPAC name of the following:
Or, (i) What is the oxidation number of N atomn is NaN
() HOH,C-CHOHCH,OH molecule?
(ü) CH,CCi,-CH,--COOH 1+1
(iü) Balance the equation by ion electron method:
9. What is BOD? Write one harmful efect of it.
Mn0+ (CO0)3+Ht ’ Mn+ +Co, + H,0 1+2
GROUPC 16. (i) A water sample contains l millimol of Mg+ ion per
Answer the followingquestions (Alternatives are to be noted): litre. Calculate the hardness of the water sample in
ppm unit. (ii) What do you understand by 'Trailing of
10. () State Hund's rule. (ii) Between two ions Fe2+ && Fe3+, Mercury'? 2+1
which one is more stable and why? 1+2
17. (1) Why do most of the lithium salts are present as
1.(1) Which of the following two elements have a diagonal hydrated one?
relationship? Li, Be, Al and Si. (i1) Which of the alkaline earth metal hydroxides are
(ü) Between oCu and 1K which one has higher amphoteric in nature? 2+1

ionisation enthalpy and why? 1+2 Or, (i) What is hydrolith? (ii) Why does BF, behave as Lewis
Or, (i) Why does electron affinity of chlorine is higher than acid? 1+2

that of fluorine? 18. Write with equation what happens when? (i) Water is
(i) Arrange the following oxides according to their added to calcium carbide. (ii) Ethyl alcohol is heated with
increase of acidity Li0, Be0, B,O, and CO, 2+1 concentrated H,S0, at 180°Ctemperature. 1+2

12. (i) Arrange the following compounds according to their Or, (i) By which property the stability of (CH),C+ ion could
be explained?
increase of melting point : NaCl, MgCl,, AlClg
() Why methane could not be prepared by Wurtz
(i) Between NH, and NF, which one is more polar and reaction? 1+2
why? 1+2
Or, (1) Why does the PCI, exist but NCI, does not? (i) Why
does BaSO, is not soluble in water? 2+1 Answer the followingquestions (Alternatives are to be noted):
13. (1) For which property of the liquid the shape of a liquid 19. (1) State law of mass action (ii) For the reaction
drop is spherical?
(i) In a 10litre volumetric flask contains1 gram He, and
Ng +3H, 2NH equilibrium constant is K, and that of
for the reaction NH, N,+H, is K,. (ü) Then
6.4 gram 0, at 27°C temperature. If that total
pressure of the mixture is 1.107 atmosphere, then what calculate the relation between K, and K,. (ii) 'Calculate
is the partial pressre of He and O, ? 1+2 the pH of 0.01 (M) CH,COOH at 25°C. 1+2+2
Achaya Chemistry (XI) Part-I -
Or, (1) What is buffer solution? Give one example of acidic
(ii) Acetylene from Methane ose
buffer. In which case of acidic buffer pH = pKa? (iii) Toluene from Benzene 2+241
(iü) Why does dissociation rate of H,S is decreased in
presence of HCI in aqueous solution? (1+1+1)+2
20. (1) What is inorganic benzene? How does it prepare? State
with conditions and equation. SECTION
(ii) Why graphite is conductive to electricity but diamond 7. ©
1. 4. 10. O 13.
is not?
(1+2)+2 2. 5. 8. 11. © 14.
21. (i) Why Friedel-Crafts acylation of benzene is favourable 3. 6. 9. 12. 13
than that of Friedel-Crafts alkylation? 2
(ii) Write the structural formula of the SECTION
compounds of A to
PdCl, +H,0 Zn-Hg B 1. See the answer of Q.No. 20, Pg. 92 (Part-I)
(a) CH,=CH,
CuCl,/O, Conc.HcI Or, See the answer of Q. No. 21, Pg. 92 (Part-I)
(b) CH,C= CH (i)Na +Liq. NH, 1%Hgs0, 2. See the answer of Q.No. 28, Pg. 304 (Part-I)
(ü) CH,I 20%H,s0 Or, See the answer of Q. No. 29, Pg. 304 (Part-1)
Na 3. See article no. 6.24.
(c) CH,CH=CH, HBr Eary Bther 4. See the answer of Q. No. 42, Pg. 472 (Part-II)
Or, Do the following conversions:
For detailed solutions of Group- , and ©, see the
(i) Ethanol from Ethylene 'Solved WBCHSE Scanner' portion of respective units.

WBCHSE 2017 Full Marks: 70 Time: 3h 15min


Special credit will be given for answers which are brief andto the point. Marks will be deducted for
spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting,Figures in margin indicates full marks forthe questions.

SECTION 6. For which of the following reactions, AS> 0?

Answer the following multiple choice questions: 1×14=14 H,(g) +L,(g) 2HI(g) N
Choose the correct answver: HCI(g) +NH,(g) NH,Cl(s)
1. Maximum how many number of electrons of Cl-atom
follow the relation n+l= 3?
O NH, NO,(9) N,o(g) +2H,0(8)
3 8 10 O 16 Mg0(s) +H,(g) Mg(s) +H,O(8)
2. Which has the smallest bond-length? 7. In which of the following cases chemical reaction goes to
completion in highest extent?
3. What is the hybridisation state of central I-atom in I,? K= 106 ® K= 10-6 K= 10-8
8. Maximum how many number of H -bonds can be formed A
sp dsp2
4, Which of the following is the unit of van der Waals gas by asingle H,0 molecule?
constant b? 2 © 3 O 4
L2.mol L·mol- © L·mol Lmol-l 9. What is the pH of 10-7(M)HCI solution?
5, At 25°C which of the following has enthalpy of formation 7 6.79 6.12 O 7.1
zero? 10. Which of the following compounds contains bridge-bond?
HCI(g) 0,(8) O NO(g)
Water ait Inorganic benzene
Phenol Diborane
Previous Years' Question Papers 575

Which of the following compounds

is formed when a and
7. Which one is more basic between H,C CHs
nitrogenous organic compound is heated with metallic
Sodium nitrate Sodium nitrite H,s siH, and why?
Sodium amide Sodium cyanide Or, What are the hybridisation states of the
central atoms
Which of thefollowing is the stablest carbocation? Predict their structures.
of the following two compounds?
(a) H,c H,ICH, (b) H,sí SiH,
(CH),C siH,
folowing compounds:
13. Which of the following is insoluble in dil. H,SO,? 8. Explain the order of basicity of the
(b) CH,-CH=NH
(a) CH,-CH,-NH,
(c) CH,-CH,CN
,CH,MgBr’P(gaseous product)
© CH,-CH,-CH,-C=CH
Identify P with reason.
14. Which compound is responsible for hole formation in 9. Write short notes on Eutrophication.
stratosphere of ozone layer? GROUP C
CH,CI, © CCl,F, are to be noted):
Answer the following questions (Alternatives 3x9= 27

SECTION 1 10. (i) State Pauli's exclusion principle.

present in one
(ii) How many number of electrons are
GROUP A) 1+2
HCI0, molecule?
Answer the followingquestions (Alternatives are to be noted):
1X4=4 11. () What is the oxidation state of TI in the compound
Calculate the TII, ?(ü) Which is stronger oxidising agent between
1. A metallic oxide contains 60% of metal. 1+2
Co, and PbO, and why?
equivalent weight of the metal.
Or, (i) Which one is more stable between BCl, and TICl,
Or, Calculate the equivalent weight of phosphate radical. and why?
2. Arrange the following ions in ascending order of radius: (iü) Whatisthe oxidation state of Zn in Zn-Hg? 24+1
Nat, F, 02-, Mg2+ 12. (i) Calculate the bond order of [He-H]+ from
Or, Is the electronegativity of Sn+ and Sn4+ equal or molecular orbital theory.
different? Explain. (ü) What will be the order of viscosity of the following? 2+1
3. State the third law of thermodynamics.
4. Draw the structure of an aromatic compound having CH-OH CH,-OH
molecular formula C0g (a)
(b) H,OH (C) CH,-CH,-OH
Or, (i) Both Br,(g) and NO,(g) are reddish brown gaseous
Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted): substances. How will you chemically distinguish
2X5 =10
between them?
5, Apolymer contains 0.16% of sulfur by weight. What is the
(ii) What will be the order of covalent character of the
minimum molecular weight of the polymer? follwing compounds?
6. Calculate the wavelengths of H, and H, lines in Balmer (a) LiF (b)LiCI (c) LiBr (d) LiI 2+1
13. (i) Write dowm van der Waals gas equation.
Or, When an electron jumps down from 5th Bohr orbit to
3rd Bohr orbit in H-atom, then how many numbers of (iü) What will be the ratio of rate of diffusion ofUF. and
spectral lines will be formed? 238UF? 1+2
576 chhaya Chemistry (xi) Part-I[
14. Heat of combustion of benzene is xJ-mol-,Heat of Or, (1) Is aqueous solution of Borax basic? Explain.
formation of carbon dioxide and water are y J-mol-l and (1) Calculate the pH of 0.05(M)H,SO, solution.
zJ-mol-l respectively. Calculate the heat of formation of (ii) What is the formula of conjugate base of
benzene. 3
[AI(H,0),Jr? 2+-2+1
Or, (i) State the second law of thermodynamics on the basis 20. (1) SiCi, undergoes hydrolysis, but CCi, does not-
of entropy. (iü) Boiling point of ethanol is 78.4°C. explain. (ii) What happens when boric acid solution is
Change in enthalpy during vaporisation of ethanol is mixed with KHF, solution? Give equation. (ii) Draw
96 J·mol-!, Calculate the change in entropy of
one canonical structure of CO,.
vaporisation of ethanol. 1+2 2+2+1
15. (i) Calculate the oxidation state of sulfur in H,S0,. Conc. HNO, +Conc. H,SO,

(ii) P, +3NaOH +3H,0 ’ PH, +3NaH,PO2

21. (1) 50°C-60°C
Write down the mechanism of the above reaction.
What is the equivalent weight of P, in the above
reaction? 1+2
(iüi) Draw structural formula of compounds from A to F.
Or, (i) What is the oxidation state of Cr in CrO,? anhydrous A
(a) CH,CH,CH,-CH AICl, (major
(iü) Balance the equation by ion-electron method:
(b) CH,CH=CH--CgH, +HOCI ’ B
MnO, +SO, +H,0’ Mn2+ + so +H* 1+2
16. () BaO, is a peroxide, but MnO, is not a peroxide (C Mg D,0 ’D(organic compound)
Explain. (ii) What is Calgon?2+1 dry ether
17. (1) What will be the order of reducing power of the Ag dust Ni+
(a) CHCL, heat ’ F(a non-aromatic 2+3
following elements? compound)
(a) Li (b) Na (c) K () Rb (e) Cs Or, Convert:

(ü) What happens when LiNO, is strongly heated? Write ) 2- propanol l-propanol
down the equation. 1+2 (iü) 2- butene ’ ethane (ii) Phenol ’ Benzene 2+2+1
Or, (i) Which two alkaline earth metals cannot be identifed
by flame test? (ii) Write down the preparation of Plaster
of Paris with equation. 1+2
18. (i) A compound having molecular formula CHg can SECTION
form only one monobromo derivative. Draw the 1. ) 4. O 7. 10. 13.
structure of the compound. (i) ls 2 -hydroxypropanoic 2. 5. 8. O 11. O 14. ©
acid optically active? Explain. 2+1 3. 6. © 9. 12. O
Or, (i) Which one has higher boiling point between
and and why? SECTION|
(ii) What happens when Br-H,C+CH,-Br reacts with GROUP A
Na and dry ether? CH,Br 1+2 1. See the answer of Q.No. 23, Pg. 92 (Part-I)
GROUP D Or, See the answer of Q. No. 24, Pg. 92 (Part-I)
Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted): 2. Mg?* <Nat <F-<02
5×3 =15 Or, See the answer of Q. No. 32, Pg. 304 (Part-I)
19. (i) 20 g of NaOH is present in 250 mL of H,0. 3. See article no. 6.27
Calculate the active mass of the solution.
(i) State Le Chatelief's principle with example.
(iiü) N,(8) +3H,(g) 2NH,(g) 4.

Total pressure of the system is P and mole-fraction of

NH, is x. Express K, of thereaction with respect to x For detailed solutions of Group- , and , see
and P,where value of x is very smnall. units.
1+2+2 'Solved WBCHSE Scanner portion ofirespective
DAWBCHSE 2018 Full Marks: 70 Time: 3h 15min
Special credit willbe given for answers which are brlefand to the polnt. Marks will be deducted for
enelling mistakes; uitidiness and bad handwriting. Figures ln margin indlcates full marks for the questions.
8. Which one of the following elements show diagonal
relationship with magnesium?
Luuer thefollowing multiple choice questions:
1×14= 14
Na Li © Be D Ca
Asethe correct 9. Sodium is preserved in which of the following líquids?
Which of the following is the ground state electronic A Water Ethanol
configuration of Cr? (Atomic number of Cr is 24) Methanol
Kerosene oil
12s2p°3s23pi3d482 10. Which of the following is a carbanion?
12s2pô3s3p63 d54s! CH,0e CH,CH}
1s22s2p3s23p®3do CH,C00 CçH,0
1s2s2pô3s3p$3d'4sl4p! 11. In the Lassaigne test for the detection of nitrogen in an
2 The state of hybridisation of the central atom of which of organic compound, with which of the following metals the
the following is sp³d²? organic compound is fused?
Li Mg Na D Zn
SF4 PCI, SF6 so 12. Which of the following compounds does not produce a
3. Which of the following is the correct order of repulsive inter white precipitate on treatment with ammoniacal silver
action of lone pair (p) and bond pair (bp) ofelectrons? nitrate solution?
lp-lp > Ip- bp> bp- bp Acetylene Methyl acetylene
Ip- bp > lp-lp> bp- bp © Ethyl acetylene O Dimethyl acetylene
© bp- bp > lp-Ip> lp- bp 13. In which of the following reactions the product is not
ip-ip> bp- bp > ip- bp formed according to Markowmikoff's rule?
4. The cause of spherical shape of water drops is CH,CH=CH, + HCI
viscosity surface tension Peroxide
© hydrogen bond © CH,CH=CH, +HCI
O high critical temperature of H,0 vapour © CH,CH=CH,+ HBr
5. An amount of work w is done by a system andq amount
of heat is supplied to the system. By which of the following CH,CH=CH,+ HBr
relations the change in internal energy of the system can 14. Which of the following gases emitted by motor vehicles is
be expressed? responsible for the formation of photochemical smog?
AU = q- W AU= q+ w Co © NO
AU =q D AU= w-q
6. Which one of the following indicates a spontaneous SECTION||
Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted):
AG>0 O AG<0 1x4=4:
1. The relation between K, and K, for the following 1. The empirical formula of an organigeOmpound is CH,0
reaction: 2SO,(g) +O,g) 2s0,(8) is and its molecular weight is 180, What is the molecular
Ky =Kç formula of the compound? (H = 1,C = 12, O= 16)
© K, = K,(RT)
© K, = K RT 2. Arrange the following elements in the increasing order of
© K, = K,(RT)² their first ionisation enthalpy: Li, Be, Na, Mg
e1.1% . ,in(577)
Achhaya Chemistry cx) Part-1
Or, Arrange the following elements in the decreasing (11) Why is boiling point of H,0 greater than that of H.s?
order of their electronegativity: Si, N, CI
3. What is meant by an isolated system in thermodynamics? 2+1
13. State Gay Lussac's law related to pressure and
Or, Write the SI unit of entropy. temperature
of a gas. 3.2g of sulphur when vaporised the sulbhiur
4. What reagent can be used for the following conversion?
vapour occupies a volume off 280.2 mL at STP.
HC=CH’H,C=CH, the molecular formula of sulphur vapour under this Determine
GROUP B condition. (S = 32)
Or, Determine the volume of 2.2g of carbon dioxide at
Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted):
27°C and 570mmHg presSure. 3
. (
5. How many neutrons are present in 5× 10- moles of 14. (1) State Hess's law.
(i) For the following reaction at 298K, 2X +Y’Z.
Or, Determine the mass percentage composition of water.
(H = 1,0 = 16) AH =300 kJ · mol-l and AS = 0.2kJK-1. mo-1
6. State Heisenberg uncertainty principle. What is the shape At what temperature will the reaction become
of s orbital? spontaneous considering AH and AS to be constant
over the temperature range? 142
7. Explain why SiCI, undergoes hydrolysis readily.
15. (1) What is the oxidation number of Mn in K,MnO,?
Or, Why is aqueous solution of borax alkaline?
(ii) Balance the following chemical equation by ion
8. Which reagent is called an electrophile in organic electron method:
reaction? Write with an example? Cr,0+ Fe2t + Ht+Cr3t + Fed+ + H,0
Or, Write the IUPAC names of the compounds Or, (1) Balance the following chemical equation by oxidation
CH,=CHCH,CH, C=CH &CH,CH=CHCH,C=CH. number method:
9. Mention two causes of soil pollution.
Or, How does the increase in the amount of CO, in the NaNO, +Zn +NaOH’NH, +Na,ZnO, +H,0
(iü) What is the oxidation number ofS in S ? 241
atmosphere lead to global warming?
16. (i) What is heavy water?
(ii) With balanced chemical equation, give an example of .
Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted):
3x9= 27 reducing property of H,O2 1+2

10. (i) Write with an example the condition for two atoms to 17. Write the principle, with balanced chemical equations, of
be considered as isobars. preparation of sodium carbonate by Solvay process. 3

(ii) Why is Fe3+ more stable than Fe2+? 2+1 18. Show two canonicals of benzene by drawing, Benzene is
Or, (1) What are the quantum numbers by which an electron stored in a bottle. Is there existence of the two canonicals
in the benzene of the bottle? Answer with reason. 241
in an atom can be designated?
Or, Between (CH),C-CI and CH,Cl whicn
(ii) What is the maximum number of quantum numbers compound undergoes heterolytic fission readily in water!
that may be the same for two electrons of an atomn? 2+1 Why? 1+2
11. (1) The outermost electronic configuration of the atom of GROUP D
an element is 3s23p³. Mention the position of the Answer the followingquestions (Alternatives are to be notea):
element in the long periodic table. 5X3=15
(ii) Why is electron gain enthalpy of oxygen less than that 19. (1) State the law of mass action.
of sulphur? 1+2 (ii) What is a buffer solution? Give example of an aciaae
12. Show by drawing its molecular orbital diagram why O, is buffer solution.
paramagnetic. 3 (iüü) If the concentrations of ammmonia and ammonium
Or, () Draw the canonicals of Co?-. chloride in a buffer solution of
Previous Years' Question Papers 579
chloride are 0.2M and 0.3 M respectively, determine
the pH of the buffer solution. (a)
(Given: K,(NH;) = 1.76 x 10-5) 1+2+2
Dr. (i) Determine the pH of 0.1 M acetic acid solution. (pK, (c) CH,CH,»CH,CH,OH
of acetic acid is 4.75) Is there any OH- ion present in
this solution of acetic acid? Answer with reason. SOLUTION
(i) Why does rate of dissociation of H,S in
2 aqueous
at solution decrease in the presence of HCI? 3+2 SECTION
1 20. (1) Why is CO toxic? (iü) Write with balanced chemical
equation what happens when aluminium is heated 1. © 4. 7. 10. 13.
with concentrated aqueous solution of caustic potash. 2. © 5. A 8. 11. 14.
(iii) Write one use of each of Silicones & Zeolite. 1+2+2
3. 6. 9. © 12.

1. (i) Two isomeric compounds A and B having the SECTION

molecular formula C,H,Br form the same compound
nt C on dehydrobromination. Con ozonolysis produces GROUP A)
+2 acetaldehyde and formaldehyde. Identify A, B and C. 1. See the answer of Q.No. 26, Pg. 92 (Part-I)
(ii) How would youconvert? 2. Na < Li< Mg <Be Or, F> Cl> N>Si
n 3. See article no. 6.2.2
(a) CH, =CH,-HC=CH (b) -Cl3+2 Or, SI unit of entropy is J mol-l K-l,
+2 Or, (i) Write the mechanism of the following reaction:
Diffused 4. H,/Pd-CaCO,
on CH, + Cl, sunlight CH,Cl + HCI For detailed solutions of Group- ®,
(iü) How would you convert? and O, see the
'Solved WBCHSE Scanner portion of respective units.
WBCHSE 2019 Full Marks: 70 Time: 3h 15min
Specialcredit will be given for answers which are briefand to the point. Marks will be deducted for
spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting. Figures in margin indicates full marks for the questions.

11. Which of the following alkanes when mixed with chlorine

SECTIONI in l:1 ratio and then reacted with ultraviolet radiation,
Answer thefollowing multiple choice questions:
1×14= 14
produces only one chlorine-substituted compound?
1. If radius of hydrogen atom is 0.53, then radius of Propane Pentane

Li2* ion will be approximately- © Isopentane O Neopentane

0.99Å¢ 0.17 1.27¢ O 0.53¢ 20% H,S0,, HgSO, ’A
12. CH,--C= CH 60°-80C
2. In the compound CH,-CH=C=CH-CH,,
hybridization of C, and Cz carbons respectively are The compound A produced in the above reaction is
sp², sp² ® sp, sp³ © sp, sp sp², sp propanol propanone
© propanal propan-2-ol
3. Which of the following has the shortest bond length?
13. Ozonolysis of but-2-ene produces
glyoxal dimethyl glyoxal
4. Atwhich temperature surface tension of a liquid becomes © acetaldehyde O acetone
14. Which of the following elements, present in the ink of
A At critical temperature newspaper is harmful for human body?
At absolute zero temperature D Ni
Hg ® Pb Ca
© Above critical temperature
O Above absolute zero temperature
5. Which of the following is not an extensive property of a SECTION |
6 Density GROUP A
Internal energy O Temperatue Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted):
6. In which of the following standard enthalpy of formation 1x4=4

(AH?) is zero? 1. How many hydrogen atoms are present in 32 amu of

Br,(8) © H,0(0) Cl,le) methane?

7. For the following reaction: Or,What is the equivalent weight of sulphate radical?
NH,CO0NH, (S) 2NH,(8)+ CO,(8) 2. Arrange in the ascending order of first ionisation potential:
if the total pressure of the system at equilibrium is 3 atm, Na, Mg, Al, Si
then the value of K,will be- Or, Write down the general electronic configuration of
transition elements.
A 27 atm3 B 4 atm3 atm3 3atm3
27 3. Give examples of two such processes where change in
8. Which of the following alkali metal halides is soluble in
entropy is zero.
4. What happens when methane is heated at 1000°C?
9. Thermal stability of which of the following carbonate GROUP B
compounds is the lowest? Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted):
2x5= 10
Na,co, ®K,Co, © BaCO3 Li,co3
0. In the first step of Kjeldahl method for estimation of
5. Equivalent weights of two metals A and B are same; but
nitrogen in organic compounds, nitrogen is converted atomic mass of A is 1.5 times of that of B. How can you
into explain this?
© HN0, Or, If the ratio of masses of CH, and N, in a gaseous
N, mixture is l:4,then what will be the ratio of number of
©(NH),sO4 O:NO,
molecules of them in the mixture?
590 Qchhaya Chemistry (XI) Part-I1
6. Findout the wavelength of the second Balmer line of Het 15. Balance by ion-electron method:
MnO, + Fe2t + Ht’ Fe3t +Mn2+ + H.0
7. How can straight chain silicone be produced from
dimethyl silicon chloride? Write with reactions involved. If atomic masses of K and Mn are 39 and 55
Or, Although borane always exists as a dimer but the respectively, then according to the above reaction what 2f.(
dimer is also a compound with a typical structure. Explain. will be equivalent weightof KMn0,? 2+1
8. Why the compound CH,CN can act both as nucleophile Or. (i) Indicate the oxidation numbers of two N atoms of (
and electrophile? NH,NO,.
Or, Which one is more acidic between acetic acid and (ii) Balance the following chemical equation by oxidation
monochloroacetic acid and why? number method:
9. What do you mean by biodegradation?
Or, How do detergents pollute water? KMnO, +H,0, +H,SO,
K,SO, +MnSO, +O, +H,0 1+2
Answer the followingquestions (Alternatives are to be noted): 16. (i) Why paste of BaO, is used in laboratory preparation
3x9= 27 of H,0,?
10. (i) Establish the mathematical expression of de Broglie (ii) What do you mean by interstitial hydride? 2+1
wavelength about dual nature of electrons. 17. () Which hydroxide of an alkaline earth metal is present
(ii) What is the number of nodes in 3d orbital? 2+1 in bordeaux mixture?

Or, (i) Prove with the help of postulate of Bohr's theory that (ii) Among the alkali metals why all other metals except Li
the velocity of an electron revolving in the first orbit of and Na can form super oxides? 1+2

a hydrogen-like atom or ion is double of that revolving

in the second orbit.
18. (1) Which one between CH, =CH-CH, and 10nS
(ii) What is number of unpaired electrons in y³t ion? 2+1
11. (i) Discuss the reason for Lanthanide contraction. is more stable and why?
(i) Why is Cu a transition element but Zn is not although (ii) What do you mean by resonance energy? 2+1 1.
Or, Discuss the reaction mechanisms with diferences in 2.
both of them are d -block elements? 2+1
12. (i) why does He, molecule never form? them when CH,Cl and (CH,),CCI are separately
reacted with aqueous NaOH. 3
(ii) Why does ice float on water?
Or, () Which one has greater bond angle between Cl,Oand GROUP D
F,0 and why? Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted):
(iü) Why difference in dipole moment is found in cis - and 5x3=15 1
trans - isomers of 1, 2-dichloroethene? 2+1
19. (i) PCI,(g) PCl,(g) +Cl,(g)What effects on

13. (i) Find out the ratio of rateof diffusion of H, and SO,. equilibrium of the reaction will be observed when (a)
(S = 32) chlorine gas and (b) nitrogen gas are added separately at
(ii) Write down the van der Waals' equation for n moles of constant pressure and constant volume at equilibrium at a
real gas. 2+1 constant temperature?
14. (i) For a reaction at constant temperature derive the (ii) During preparation of table salt, HCI gas is passed
relation between heat of reactoin at constant pressure through sea water after evaporation to a particular
(AH) and heat of reaction at constant volume (AU) concentration. Explain the phenomenon.
[considering ideal gas]. Or, (i) State Ostwald's dilution law and establish 118
(iü) At STP if latentheat of fusion of ice is 6kJ· mol-,then mathematical expression.
find out the entropy change of fusion of ice. 2+1 (ii) Write down the relation between K, and K of the
Or, (i) Discuss the conditions for spontaneity of a process. reaction H,(g) +L,(g)2HI(g).
(ii) Show by an example that the ratio of two extensive (ii) What will be the acidic or alkaline nature of aqueous
property is always an intensive property. 2+1 solution of sodium acetate?
a puff when heated?
20.() Whyis borax swelled like
(H) How can you identify a copper salt by borax bead test?
Explain the related reactions with chemical equations.
1. (i) Why is it difficult to limit Friedel-Crafts alkylation
reaction of benzene to monoalkylation step?
(ii) Write the structural formula of thecompounds A to F:

Conc. H,SO4
CzH,OH 170°C
(A) Br,/CalA, (B)
KOH/alcohol A
Zn - Hg 20% H,SO,, 1% Hg Cu tube
(E) (E) (C)
Conc. HCI 60°C - 80°C ’ (D)

Or, How can you convert?

(i) Chloroform acetylene
(iü) Ethylene Ethanol
(ii) Benzene ’ Ethyl benzene 1+2+2

WBCHSE 2022 Full Marks: 70 Time: 3h 15min
Special credit will be given for answers which are briefand to the point. Marks will be deducted for
aeling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting. Figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
SECTION I 11. Which one is the strongest nucleophile?
Jsaerthefollowing multiple choice questions: 1x14= 14
. Which of the following is not applicable to Bohr's atomic
A CI B) Br OH C,H0
12.Which of the following reagents can convert carbonyl
compounds into alkanes?
H B Het © Lit Li2+
A P/H ® K,Cr,0,/conc. H,So,
e Which of the following compounds shows maximum
covalent character? © LiAlH, Zn-Hg/conc. HCI
A LiCI BeCl, 13. By which of the following reactions, methane can be
ind Which one has maximum dipole moment?
A Kolbe's electrolytic method
NH, NF3 © CH, BeH2 ) Reduction by H,
The condition at which a gas at temperature T and
pressure P can be liquefied is © Decarboxylation Wurtzreaction
14. Number of electrons present in 1 millimole of NH, gas
tify @T= T,, P<Pe B T<T, P> Pe is
nc. © T>T, P> Pe O T> T,,P<Pe 6.022 x 1023 B 6.022 × 1022
5, In isothermal expansion of ideal gas, the value of AH is © 6.022 x 1021 D 6.022 x 1020
A zero B negative positive D infinite
6. If the enthalpy of the two reactions SECTION

H,(g)+0, (e) ’ H,0 (g) and GROUP A

Answer the followingquestions (Alternatives are to be noted):
H, ()+0, (s) ’ H,0(), are AH, and AH, then
1. Ifatomic mass of M is 18 in the compound M,0,

which of the following relations is correct? What is

its equivalent weight?
AH, =AH, AH, > AH, Or, Calculate the number of C-atoms present in 90g of
©AH, >AH, O AH,+AH, =0 glucose.
1, CO (g) +H,0 8) CO, (g) + H, (g) In this reaction, 2. Write general electronic configuration of transition
Inwhich of the following cases amount of CO, will be elements.
Increased at equilibrium at constant temperature? Or, Why lanthanide elements occupy same position in
8 On addition of an appropriate catalyst periodic table although their atomic numbers are different?
By decreasing the volume of container 3. What do you mean by free energy?
By increasing the amount of CO Or, How does the value of enthalpy of reaction change in
9 By adding an the two directions of a reversible reaction?
inert gas
. Which nof the following compounds is most stable?
4. Arrange the following ions in the ascending order of basic
LiBr D Lil
LiCI oxides does not react with NaOH? () (-)
. Which of fthe following strength: CH,CH,, CH=C, CH,=CH
® Ca © BeO B,03 GROUP B
. Which of the following compounds participates in Sy2 Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted):
reaction? 5. Agaseous hydrocarbon contains 75% of carbon. Mass of
2x5 s 10

-Br Me,C--Br 100ccof this gas at STP is 0.0715g. Find the formula of the
Me,C-CH,Br hydrocarbon.
chhaya Chemistry (xi) Part-II
Or, Mass of 350mL of a diatomic gaseous element at 0°C (i) Show that, the heat absorbed in an isochoric prOcess is
temperature and 2atm prossure is lg. Find out mass of an equal to internalenergy change. 2+1
atom of it. 15. (i) Balance by ion-electron method:
6. Which one is more stable and why between Fe2+ and
K,Cr,0, + FeSO, + H,S0,
Fe3+ ions?
7. CCI, does not hydrolyse but SiCl, hydrolyses easily. K,S0, +Cr,(SO4,+ Fe,(SO4), +H,0
Bxplain. (ii)) What are the oxidation numbers of the two Cl atoms in
Or, What is inorganic benzene? How is it prepared? bleaching powder? 2+1
8. Which one is more acidic and why between formic acid
Or, (i) What do you mean by disproportionation reaction?
and acetic acid? (ii) Balance by oxidation-number method:
Or, (1) Write IUPAC name:
(ii) Draw structural formula: N -methyl-propan-2 -amine.
P, + NaOH + H,0PH, + NaH,PO, 1+2

9. An alkene on 0zonolysis reaction gives lmole 16. (i) What do you mean by Merck's perhydrol?
acetaldehyde and lmole acetone. ldentify the alkene and (ii) Mention an use of heavy water. 2+1

write equation for the reaction. 1+1 17. (i) Write conditions and equation in the preparation of
Or, State Markownikoff rule with an example. 1+1 Plaster of Paris from gypsum.
(ii) Mention an important role of Mg2+ ion in human
body. 2+1
Answer the followingquestions (Alternatives are to be noted): 18. (i) Write with the chemical equation what happens to
10. (i) Write down the values of the four quantum numbers of 1-chloropropane in presence of anhydrous AICI, at
the valence electron of sodium. 300°C.
(ii) State Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. 2+1 (ii) Which anion willbe found in the extract of Lassaigne's
Or, (i) Explain Hund's rule in connection with the electronic test when both nitrogen and sulphur are present in an
configuration of oxygen. organic compound? 2+1

(ii) What is the number of unpaired electrons in Mn2+ Or, () Mention how many isomers are possible in 2 -butene
ions? 2+1 with structural formula. What is the type of isomerism
shown by them?
11. (i) Why electron affinity of chlorine is greater than that of
fluorine? (ii) Write name and formula of an electrophile. 2+1

(ii) Why cation is smaller than atom of an element? 2+1 GROUP D

12. (1) Explain why all the C-0 bonds in Co?- ion are Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted):
same with the structural formula. Sx3=15
(ii) Why N,O is polar molecule, though it is linear? 2+1 19. (i) In the reaction N,o,,(g)2NO,(g), if the degree
Or, N, molecule is diamagnetic, but O, is paramagnetic. of dissociation (a) of N,0,(g) at 318K temperature
Explain. 2atm total pressure is 28%, then find out K, and K, of
13. (1) Explain the relation among total pressure, mole fraction the reaction.
andpartial pressure of mixture of non-reacting gases. Kp
(ii) Write the units of van der Waals constants'a' and'b' (ii) What is the value of in case of the reaction

14. If enthalpy of hydrogenation of C,H,(8), enthalpy of co(g) +0,(8) co,(g)?

combustion of C,H;(g) and enthalpy of combustion of 3+1+1
-32kJmol-! -1562kJmol-! and
(iii) Write down Le Chatelier's principle.
H,(g) are
20. (i) Why does BF, from but not BH,?
-286kJmol-!, then find out enthalpy of combustion of
3 (11) Why concentrated nitric acid can be stored n
Or, () Explain whether the entropy of a real crystal is higher aluminium container?
or lower than that of an ideal crystal. 2+2+1
(ii) How is CO, produced in baking powder?
i_ Or,() Boric. acid is a weak acid; but in presence of polyhydric
alcohol it behaves as a strong acid. Why?
(H) Why does BCl, exist as monomer but AlCI, as
(iü) Which compound(s) is/are present in the transparent
bead produced at first in borax bead test? 2+2+1
M() How can you distinguish by a chemical test: Ethylene
and Acetylene?.
(H) Convert: Acetylene> Acetaldehyde.
(iü) Why is preparation of propane difficult in Wurtz
reaction? 2+1+2
Or, (i) Explain acidity of acetylene.
(ii) Write down formula of the compounds from A to F:
of (3) H,C=CH, Br,/CCl,, [AJ KOH/C,H,OH’ [B]

2 moles
[C] NaNH2
lan CH,I liq. NH3
CH,COCI ’[E] Zn-Hg
to ) Conc. HCI
[F] 2+3
anhydrous AlCl,


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