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Roll No. Set No.

Candidate must write the Set No. on
the title page of the Answer Book.


Time Allowed: 2Hours Maximum Marks: 50
General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully.
2. This question paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.
3. Section-A has Objective Type Questions whereas Section B contains Subjective Type Questions.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16) = 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10=) 15 questions in the allotted
(maximum) time of 2 hours.
5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
6. Section-A: Objective Type Questions (24 marks)
i. This Section has 05 questions.
ii. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question /part.
iii. There is no negative marking.
iv. Do as per the instructions given.
7. Section-B: Subjective Type Questions (26 Marks)
i. This Section has 16 questions.
ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions.
iii. Do as per the instructions given.
iv. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question /part.

(Objective Type Questions)

1. Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills. 4x1=4

(i) Managing stress is about making a plan to be able to cope effectively with daily pressures. Always keep in
mind the ABC of stress management. The acronym ABC stands for.
a) Ability, Burden, Concise c) Adversity, Beliefs, Consequences
b) Adore, Belief, Cause d) Adapt, Balance, Cooperate
(ii) High expectations from self can leave one with chronic anxiety and stress, thus leading to ____ stress.
a. Physical b. Emotional c. Mental d. Financial
(iii) _____________ provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks, jobs or
programs to run simultaneously.
a. Multi-tasking c. Multi-processing
b. Multi-threading d. Multi-computing
(iv) A named area on a disk that is used to store related sub folders and files is called as a ________
a. Desktop b. Folder c. Menu d. Window
(v) State whether the following statements in True or False.
a. Leadership qualities are not mandatory for a successful leader.
(vi) How can entrepreneur can get the work done from his/her team?
a. By creating a spirit of teamwork c. Using harsh words and actions
b. By motivation d. Both (a) and (b)
2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. 5x1=5
(i) In a document, ______________ is used to apply a style to many different areas quickly without having
to go back to the Styles and Formatting window and double click every time.
a. Fill format mode c. Painter mode
b. Formatting window d. Text wrapping
(ii) We can underline the text by _____________.
a. Ctrl + B b. Ctrl + I c. Ctrl + U d. None of these
(iii) Which tab of writer contains the Mail Merge Wizard?
a. View b. Tools c. Edit d. Format
(iv) Tany explained his class that to apply an existing style, except for ______, position the insertion point
in the paragraph, frame or page and then double-click on the name of the style in one of these lists.
a. Window style c. Paragraph style
b. Character style d. Cell style
(v) Two other toolbars can be opened from Picture Toolbar are : the ________ and __________.
a. Edit picture, Color picture c. Graphic Filter toolbar, Color toolbar
b. Format, drawing d. Floating toolbar, Color toolbar
(vi) Which feature contains ready to use objects like arrows, bullets and sounds that can be inserted in a
3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. 5x1=5
(i) Arguments passed to a macro from Calc are always _____________.
a. Strings b. References c. Numbers d. Values
(ii) It refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and can be used to find the values or data that you
want formula to calculate.
a. Row b. Column c. Autosum d. Cell reference
(iii) Raj has created a worksheet where he has added all the information of his employees. He wants every
employee to go through the worksheet and update their address and phone number, if required. He also
would like to know the changes done by his employees. Which feature of spreadsheet he should enable
to see the changes made by his employees?
a. Macro b. Link workbook c. Change worksheet d. Track changes
(iv) A_____ refers to a cell or a range of cells on a Worksheet and can be used to find the values or data that
you want formula to calculate.
a. Cell reference b. block c. sheet reference d. autofill
(v) Rohan has ₹ 50, 000 that he wants to invest in two mutual funds for one year. Fund A is a low-risk
fund with 18% interest rate and Fund B is a higher risk fund with 21% interest rate. Which
feature of spreadsheet (Calc) will be help him to decide?
a. Solver b. Subtotal c. Linking sheets d. Macros
(vi) In Calc, using the Subtotals dialog box, you can select arrays and then choose a statistical function to
apply to them. For efficiency, you can choose up to ____ groups of array to which to apply a function.
a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five
4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. 5x1=5
(i) A database that contains tables linked by common fields is called a
a. Centralised database c. Relational database
b. Flat file database d. None of the above
(ii) Key field is a unique identifier for each record. It is defined in the form of
a. Rows b. Columns c. Tree d. Query
(iii) When you define a field for a table, which of the following parameters do access always consider
a. Field Name b. Data Type c. Field Size d. Description
(iv) The default data type for a field is
a. Number b. Auto Number c. Currency d. Text
(v) Which of the following fields will not make a suitable primary key?
a. A cutomer’s account number c. An auto number field
b. A date-field d. A student’s admission number
(vi) Which of the following is not a data type?
a. Picture/Graphic b. Date/Time c. Text d. Number
5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. 5x1=5
(i) A web page is located using a
a. Universal Record Linking c. Universal Record Locator
b. Uniform Resource Locator d. Uniformly Reachable Links
(ii) Which of the following is an application based instant messaging software?
a. Google Talk b. eBuddy c. Meebo d. MSN Web Messenger
(iii) __________ is the act of posting content on the blog.
a. Edublog b. Posting c. Blogging d. Blogger
(iv) Which of the following offers a blog service?
a. Drupal b. Joomla c. d. All of these
(v) Which of the following websites is used for booking train tickets?
a. Nykaa b. IRCTC c. RedBus d. Myntra
(vi) You should conduct regular fire drills in order to
a. Eliminate workspace hazards c. Carry out the risk assessment
b. Prepare for emergencies d. None of these

(Subjective Type Questions)
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills 3x2=6
6. What are the four areas of self-awareness that you should continuously develop? (2)
7. What happens during meditation that makes it a useful technique for managing stress? (2)
8. What are the common signs of a virus attack? (2)
9. Give any two advantages of entrepreneurship as a career. (2)
10. Explain the risk taking quality of an entrepreneur. (2)
Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20-30 words each. 4x2=8
11. What is mail merge? . (2)
12. Ram wants to resize the image. Write the steps through which he can do so. (2)
13. Define absolute and relative hyperlinks as used in Calc. (2)
14. What is Referential Integrity? Explain its two (any) purposes. (2)
15. What are the benefits of online shopping? (2)
16. (a) Name two web browsers of online shopping? (2)
(b) Mr. Lal owns a factory which manufactures automobiles spare parts. Suggest him the advantages of
having a web page for his factory
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50-80 words each. (3 x 4 = 12)
17. Tanmay is a class X student. He has learnt Mail Merge option of a Word processor in his computer period.
But he is confused with few terms used to merger documents. (4)
Explain the following briefly, which will help Tanmay better understand the Mail Merge options.
(i) Merge Field (iii) Data Source
(ii) Main Document (iv) Mention two types of data on which Mail Merger can be applied.
18. Explain the scenario tool of a spreadsheet software. (4)
19. Discuss the components of a database. (4)
20. (a) What do you mean by UPDATE command? (4)
(b) Write SQL commands for the questions from (i) to (ii) on the basis of table SHOP

S_NO P_Name S_Name Qty Cost City

S1 Biscuit Priyagold 120 12.00 Delhi
S2 Bread Britannia 200 25.00 Mumbai
S3 Chocolate Cadbury 350 40.00 Mumbai
S4 Sauce Kissan 400 45.00 Chennai

(i) Display all products whose quantity in between 100 and 400.
(ii) To list S_Name, P_Name, Cost for all the products whose quantity is less than 300.
21. (a) Why do we use instant messaging? 4
(b) How many techniques are used for transmitting data across network?


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