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UMS Internal Reporting

Discoverer Installation


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Steps to Install and Connect to Discoverer 1) Prior to starting the installation process you should: a) Adjust your browsers pop-up blocker settings so Discoverers web address is an
allowed site. i. If Internet Explorer is your preferred browser select Tools > Pop-up Blocker > Pop-up Blocker Settings from the browser menu. Enter in the Address of Web site to allow field and click . ii. If Mozilla Firefox is your preferred browser select Tools > Options > Content from the browser menu. Click the button adjacent to Block Popup Windows and enter in the Address of web site field and click . b) Make certain the security settings set for your default browser allow Active X controls and plug-ins to run. i. From Internet Explorers browser menu select Tools > Internet Options > Security > Custom Level.

Select the radio button to enable the running of ActiveX controls and plug-ins.

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Discoverer Installation


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2) The web address to access the Discoverer Sign In page is a) You can also navigate to the Sign On page from the UMS web site ( following this path: Faculty/Staff > Internal Reporting > Discoverer Documentation > Discoverer 10g Sign In. b) You can also navigate to the Sign On page from the UMS Internal Reporting web site ( following this path: Discoverer Documentation > Discoverer 10g Sign In. In the Sign In box enter your assigned Discoverer User Name and Password.


a) Click

Changing your Discoverer Sign In Password Follow these steps to change your Discoverer Sign In password. The Id and Password you use to sign in to Discoverer are different than the Id and Password that are assigned for access to each of the databases such as GL, HR, Student and Advance. The procedure described here only changes the Password to Discoverer not the passwords to the databases.


Go to 2. Select the "My Profile" tab and enter your assigned Discoverer User Name and Password in the Sign In box. You will advance to the My Profile page. 3. From the blue bar located near the top of the page select "Change My Password" 4. Complete the "Single Sign-On Password" and "Password Reset" sections. Note: your password must contain at least one numeric character. 5. Click the "Submit" button. Disregard the "Application Passwords" section. The password change is immediate. Create a Connection Profile If this is your first time accessing Discoverer, you may not need this step. However, if you already have access to Discoverer and are granted access to another database, this step is necessary. If you are not sure please contact the ASUS help desk at

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Discoverer Installation


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You can create and save a Connection profile that will automatically connect you to a Discoverer database. Heres how:

1) On the Connect to Discoverer page click

The Create Connection page opens:

1) Enter the following information on the Create Connection page:

Connection Details Connect To If it does not already appear, select OracleBI Discoverer from the dropdown menu. Name Enter the name of the database you are creating a connection for: GLSNAP, FAST, CENSUS, HR or STUDENT. Description Enter additional information about the new connection. This information is displayed in the Description column on the Connections page, and it helps you choose a connection if more than one exists. Locale If it does already appear, select Locale retrieved from browser from the dropdown menu. Database Account Details

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Discoverer Installation


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You will be provided a separate user name and password for the each of the databases. This may be different from your Discoverer sign on user id and password. This will be provided to you in an email or directly from the ASDS staff. User Name : Enter your assigned Discoverer User Name for the Database. Password : Enter your assigned Discoverer password for the Database. Database : Select the appropriate database name from the table below. Reporting Database GLSNAP FAST, CENSUS HR STUDENT ADVANCE Database Name

2) When finished, click

or . a. If a required ActiveX control is not installed on your computer, the following message will appear at the top of your browser window:

Click on to install the j2re.exe file on your computer.

b. If the following Internet Explorer Security Warning appears, click


3) When the Java 2 Runtime Environment license agreement appears, select the
radio button then click .

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Discoverer Installation


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4) On the Setup Type page, select the

radio button.

Wait while the installation process progresses.

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Discoverer Installation


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5) When the Java 2 Runtime Environment installation process finishes, click


6) Check your desktop Status Bar for the following link:

a. Click on the link to maximize the following screen:

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Discoverer Installation


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b. Wait as the Loading Java Applet process progresses.

7) When the following security warning appears asking if you trust the Oracle security
certificate associated with the applet, click .

The Workbook Wizard screen appears.

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Discoverer Installation


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The next time you login to the Oracle Database, the connections you created will appear in the Choose Connection section of the page:


to view details about the Connection:

Note: Click

to apply changes to connection information. Click

to delete the connection.

8) Click on Connection name to initiate connection to Discoverer.

You are all set to use the Discoverer application. For more information please go to the following website:

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