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Subject: Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Grade Level: Grade 11

Objective: Value the role of interpersonal relations in Philippine culture

Learning across curriculum:

1) English Literature - Analyzing the theme of family and relationships in Filipino
literature and how it reflects the importance of interpersonal relations in Philippine
2) Biology - Exploring the concept of symbiotic relationships in nature and drawing
parallels to the importance of interpersonal relationships in Philippine culture.
3) History - Studying the role of interpersonal relationships in shaping Philippine
society during different historical periods.

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Character cards, props

1) Idea - Divide the students into pairs and assign them different roles within a
Filipino family. Each pair will act out a typical scenario that highlights the importance
of interpersonal relations, such as resolving or showing support for one another.
2) Idea - Conduct a K-W-L (Know-Want to Know-Learned) Chart activity where
students brainstorm and share what they already know about interpersonal relations
in Philippine culture, what they want to know, and what they learned by the end of
the lesson.

Activity 1: Family Tree Project

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Art supplies, large paper, markers

Sign: Students will create a family tree that showcases the different relationships
within their own families and how these relationships contribute to their overall well-

Instructions: Students will research and gather information about their family
members, including their roles, achievements, and contributions. They will then
create a visually appealing family tree that reflects the importance of interpersonal
relations in their own lives.

- Creativity and Presentation: 15 pts
- Accuracy and Completeness: 15 pts
- Reflection on the Role of Interpersonal Relations: 15 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) How does your family tree demonstrate the importance of interpersonal relations
in your life?
2) What did you learn about your family members' roles and contributions through
this activity?
3) How can you apply the concepts of interpersonal relations in Philippine culture to
strengthen your own family relationships?

Activity 2: Cultural Exchange Workshop

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Cultural artifacts, multimedia resources

Significance: Students will learn about different interpersonal relationships in

Philippine culture by participating in a workshop that focuses on different regions or
ethnic groups.

Instructions: Divide the students into groups and assign each group a specific
region or ethnic group in the Philippines. Each group will research and prepare a
presentation that highlights the interpersonal relationships, customs, and traditions of
their assigned region or ethnic group. They will also showcase cultural artifacts and
engage in discussions with their classmates.

- Content and Research: 15 pts
- Presentation Skills: 15 pts
- Collaboration and Participation: 15 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What did you learn about the different interpersonal relationships in Philippine
culture through the cultural exchange workshop?
2) How did the workshop enhance your understanding of the role of interpersonal
relations in shaping Philippine society?
3) How can you apply the knowledge gained from the workshop in your interactions
with people from different regions or ethnic groups in the Philippines?

Activity 3: Interview with Filipino Community Leaders

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Materials: Recording devices, interview questions

Significance: Students will gain insights into the role of interpersonal relations in
Philippine culture by conducting interviews with Filipino community leaders who have
made significant contributions to their respective fields.

Instructions: In pairs or small groups, students will identify and interview Filipino
community leaders, such as educators, entrepreneurs, or social activists. They will
prepare interview questions that explore the leaders' experiences and how
interpersonal relations have influenced their success and impact on society. The
interviews can be recorded or conducted live via video conferencing.
- Interview Questions: 10 pts- Listening and Interaction Skills: 10 pts
- Reflection on the Role of Interpersonal Relations: 15 pts

Assessment Questions:
1) What were the key insights you gained from the interviews with Filipino community
leaders regarding the role of interpersonal relations in their success?
2) How do the experiences of the community leaders align with the importance of
interpersonal relations in Philippine culture?
3) How can you apply the lessons learned from the interviews in your own personal
and professional relationships?

- Teaching the concept of the role of interpersonal relations in Philippine culture can
be done through a lecture that provides historical and cultural context, followed by
class discussions where students can share their insights, ask questions, and
engage in critical thinking.

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Task 1: Analyzing Interpersonal Relationships in Popular Filipino Films

Task 2: Conducting a Survey on Interpersonal Relations in the Local Community

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Assessment rubrics, worksheets

Question 1: How does the role of interpersonal relations contribute to the overall
well-being of individuals and communities in Philippine culture?

Question 2: How can the understanding and appreciation of interpersonal relations

in Philippine culture promote social harmony and unity?

Question 3: Discuss the significance of interpersonal relations in the context of

nation-building and development in the Philippines.

Assignment 1: Reflective Essay on Personal Interpersonal Relationships

Assignment 2: Cultural Immersion Project

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