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Prepared by: Prof. Catherine Padullon

7. Based on Lomboso’s works, he classified
1. Those who failed five (5) times whether criminal as; the born criminal, the habitual, the
consecutive or cumulative in the criminologist licensure passionate and the criminaloid. Which of the following
examination, must present a certification issued by a statements describe a criminaloid?
reputable institution duly recognized by the CHED that a. the morally insane and hysteric criminal
such applicant has satisfactorily completed _______ in b. the impulsive and cruel criminal
criminology. c. the “weak natures” susceptible to bad
a. Remedial Course examples
b. Transcript of Record d. the primitive and atavist
c. Refresher’s Course
d. Revalidate course 8. Refers to the pleasure principle that the main
purpose of the life is to maximize pleasure while
2. What is the effect of Republic Act 11131? minimizing the pain.
a. It partially amended Republic Act 6506 a. Hedonism
b. It overhauled Republic Act 6506 b. Hedonist
c. It amended Republic Act 6506 c. Utilitarianism
d. It repealed Republic Act 6506 d. Felicific

3. A division of Criminology which attempts to 9. The purpose of penalty in the positivism

provide scientific analysis of the causes of crime. school of criminology.
a. Criminal Etiology a. retribution
b. Penology b. rejection
c. Victimology c. reformation
d. Sociology of Law d. restoration

4. A division of criminology which attempts to 10. He proposed that criminology can never
offer scientific analysis of the conditions under which become a science said that criminology cannot possibly
the penal or criminal laws develop as a process of become a science due to lack of universal proposition
formal social control. of crime and scientific studies of criminal behavior is
a. Sociology of Law impossible.
b. Criminal Etiology a. George Wilder
c. Penology b. George Welcker
d. Victimology c. George Welker
d. George Wilker
5. Crimes committed by persons who usually
occupy key positions, maintains prestige and high 11. Based on etiology of crimes, a person who
social are referred to as________. violates the criminal law because of the impulse of
a. Blue Collar crimes the moment, fit of passion, sudden burst of
b. Organized crimes angers or spell of jealousy is referred to as
c. Economic Crimes a. Accidental criminal
d. White collar b. Ordinary criminal
c. Acute criminal
6. In general, Crime exists when these three d. Chronic criminal
elements are present at the same time and place for a
crime to happen. 12. The study of Criminology involves the use of
I. Environment IV. Instrumentalities knowledge and concept of other sciences and field of
II. Opportunities V. Motives study which makes the study of criminology:
III. Heredity VI. Behavior a. Dynamic
b. Nationalistic
a. I, II, III c. Social science
b. IV, V, VI d. An applied science
c. II, IV, V
d. I, III, VI 13. The following are the characteristics of the
Classical School of Criminology.
I. The basis of criminal liability is human free will and
the purpose of the penalty is retribution.
II. Man is essentially a moral creature with an absolute
free will to choose between right and wrong.

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III. Criminals are distinguishable from non-criminals c. Criminologist
because of their physical deviation. (Positivists) d. Special Investigator
IV. That every man is therefore responsible for his
actions. 22. Who was an Italian authority in criminology
that developed a concept of natural crime and defined
a. I, II, III are correct it as a violation of the prevalent sentiments of pity and
b. I, III, IV are correct probity?
c. II, III, IV are correct a. Ferri
d. I, II, IV are correct b. Lombroso
c. Garofalo
14. They are those who continue to commit d. Sutherland
criminal acts for a diverse reason due to deficiency of
intelligence and lack of self-control. 23. It is a mental disorder in which the subject
a. Accidental thinks himself great or exalted.
b. Neophyte a. Dipsomania - drunkard or alcoholic
c. Habitual b. Megalomania
d. Professional c. Erotomania - a type of delusional belief where a
person believes that another person is in love with
15. These are those who commit crimes in an them,
impulsive manner usually due to the aggressive d. Nymphomania - excessive sexual desire by a female.
behavior of the offender.
a. Active Aggressive 24. What approach to crime causation explains
b. Passive Inadequate that the mental disease of the persons in the reason
c. Habitual Delinquent why he infringed the existing norms and laws of the
d. Socialized Violator land?
a. Physiology
16. Those who commit crimes because they are b. Psychoanalysis
pushed to it by inducement, by reward or promise c. Psychiatric
without consideration its consequence. d. Psychological
a. Active Aggressive
b. Passive Inadequate 25. He is best known Lombroso’s associate,
c. Habitual Delinquent brilliant lawyer, accomplished editor, scholar and public
d. Socialized Violator lecturer and a great parliamentarian and of the Holy
Three in the study of Criminology.
17. What is the study of the relationship between a. Bentham
criminality and population? b. Garofalo
a. Criminal anthropology - physical constitution of men. c. Ferri
b. Criminal Demography d. Sutherland
c. Criminal Ecology - spatial distribution in a community
d. Criminal Sociology - investigates the social causes of 26. They are skinny and slender with lean, slightly
criminal behavior in an effort to ultimately end them built and narrow shoulders. They are prone to commit
fraud and theft.
18. Who was an English Statistician who studied a. Asthenic
the case history of 2000 convicts and found that b. Pyknic -mataba
heredity is more influential than environment as c. Athletic -macho or maganda ang pangangatawan
determinant of Criminal Behavior? d. Romotonic
a. Cesare Beccaria
b. John Howard 27. What crime is committed when a person does
c. Cesare Lombroso not know the nature and quality of his act on account
d. Charles Goring of the disease of his mind?
a. Extinctive
19. Who advocated the theory of b. Irrational
feeblemindedness inherited as Mendelian unit, causes c. Acquisitive
crime for the reason of the inability of the feebleminded d. Rational
person to appreciate the consequences of his behavior
or appreciate the meaning of law? 28. It is the study of formation of the skull in
a. Bonger relation to the behavior of the criminal.
b. Maurer a. Entomology
c. Goddard b. Penology
d. Rentzel c. Phrenology
d. Criminology
20. Who is a trained person in the application of
sciences, instruments and methods in the detection of 29. The study of Criminology involves the use of
crime? knowledge and concept of other sciences and field of
a. Criminalist study which makes the study of criminology:
b. Police Officer a. Dynamic
c. Criminologist b. Nationalistic
d. Special Investigator c. Social science
d. An applied science
21. It refers to any person who is a graduate of
BS Criminology, has passed the Criminologist Licensure 30. There are crimes that are committed within a
Examination and registered in the Professional certain length of time. What crime is committed by a
Regulation Commission. series of acts in a lengthy space of time?
a. Criminalist a. static crime
b. Police Officer b. instant crime

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c. situational crime b. Richard Dugdale
d. episodical crime c. Thorsten Sellin
d. Edwin Sutherland
31. Crimes such as theft, shoplifting, and others
that are committed to maintaining one’s livelihood 40. He developed a system of classifying criminals
or as a means for a living are what crimes? according to bodily measurements, his method of
a. Rational crimes identification centered on the fact that no two
b. Irrational crimes individuals are alike in all dimensions.
c. Blue-collar crimes a. Dr. Charles Goring
d. White collar crimes b. Alphonse Bertillon
c. RH Goddard
32. It involves the measurement of facial and d. John Howard
other body characteristics as indicative of human
personality. 41. It assumes that all human actions are
a. Physiology calculated in accordance with their likelihood of
b. Somatotype bringing happiness or unhappiness.
c. Physiognomy a. Utilitarianism
d. Palmistry b. Altruism
c. Hedonism
33. An attempt to determine intelligence and d. Atavism
personality on the basis of the size and shape of the
skull. Note: Hedonism holds that physical pleasure for one
a. Physiognomy self is the only good thing, and more is always better.
b. Palmistry Utilitarianism holds that the action that produces the
c. Craniology most utility is the only good thing, and utility may be
d. Somatotype defined as greatest amount of pleasure for the
greatest number of people, not just one self.
34. According to Lombroso, these are physical
characteristics that distinguish born criminals from the 42. Sheldon noted that this type of physique has
general population and are throwbacks to animals or relatively predominant muscles, bone and motor
primitive people. organs of the body.
a. Physical deviations a. Endomorphic
b. Distinguishable traits b. Mesomorphic
c. Atavistic stigmata c. Ectomorph
d. Ape-like appearance d. Viscerotonic

35. A term that is used to describe motorists who 43. The government and private sector spent an
assault each other. enormous amount of money for crime detection,
a. road rage prosecution, correction and presentation.
b. predation a. Crime is destructive
c. hate crime b. Crime is Expensive
d. serial murder c. Crime is Progressive
d. Crime is Pervasive
36. The theory states that attachment,
connection and link to society will determine whether 44. The approach that is using the perspective of
a person shall commit a crime or not: heredity in explaining the cause of crime.
a. social control a. geographical approach
b. social disorganization b. biological approach
c. social bond c. psychiatric application
d. social learning d. psychological application

37. His study focused on the Kallikak family tree 45. It is the scientific study of human behavior
and he concluded that feeblemindedness is inherited or man’s external manifestation in relation to
and related to deviant behavior and poverty. He was criminality.
the first person to use the term “moron”. a. Epidemiology
a. Robert Dugdale b. Criminal Psychiatry
b. Henry Goddard c. Criminal psychology
c. Ernest Hooton d. Physical anthropology
d. Charles Goring
46. Crime is a function of learning, upbringing and
38. He was the one who introduced the following control parents, peers and teachers influence behavior.
definition of criminology: “It is the entire body of a. Ecological Forces
knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon. It b. Economic and political forces
includes within its scope the process of making laws, c. Socialization forces
of breaking laws and of reacting towards the breaking d. Multiple forces
of the laws”:
a. Raffaele Garofalo 47. Acts of violence or intimidations designed to
b. Edwin Sutherland frighten people considered undesirable because
c. Cesare Beccaria religion, sexual orientation, ethnic origin or race.
d. Paul Topinard a. Hate crimes
b. discriminatory crimes
39. He was regarded as the Dean of American c. Class crimes
Criminology and founded the Theory on Differential d. Oppressive crimes
a. Henry Goddard

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48. The killing of a large number of people over 57. Stated that criminality is a result of emotional
time by an under who seeks to escape detection. immaturity
a. Road rage a. Healy
b. Hate crime b. Cyril Burt
c. Continuing crime c. Bromberg
d. Serial Murder d. Abrahamsen

49. Crimes that violate the moral order in which 58. Stated that the cause of delinquency is the
there is no formal target and society as a whole is faulty development of the child of the first few years of
considered the victim. his life.
a. Hate crimes a. Aichorn
b. Serial crimes b. Bromberg
c. Violent crimes c. Healy
d. Victimless crimes d. Abrahamsen

50. Crimes that is committed when members of a 59. Complete loss of consciousness and general
group are prevented from achieving their fullest contraction of the muscles.
potential because of status bias. a. Seizures
a. Hate crimes b. Petit mal
b. Crimes of repression c. Grand mal
c. Violent crimes d. Jacksonian type
d. Discriminative crimes
60. Refers to the balance of “gain and loss” that
51. This school on crime causation emphasized a person may experience if he commits a given crime.
economic determinism and concentrated on the need a. Situational crime potential
for equality among all citizens. They provided statistical b. Contact with reality
data which claimed to show that variations in crimes c. Potential satisfaction
rates are associated with variations in economic d. Need frustration
a. Carthographic School 61. Extent to which a person can learn from his
b. Socialist School past experiences, especially his mistakes, to the extent
c. Psychiatric School to which he can evaluate accurately the present
d. Sociological and Social-Psychological School situation and foresee the consequences of his action to
the future.
52. Claimed that the shape of the head of a. Situational crime potential
criminals is different from that of non-criminals. b. Contact with reality
a. Lavater c. Potential satisfaction
b. Cesare Becarria d. d. Need frustration
c. Cesare Lombroso
d. Franz Joseph Gall 62. A statement which says we have no crime if
we have no criminal law.
53. Temperament of persons characterized a. Ignorantia legis
generally by relaxation of the body, loves luxury and b. Dura lex sed lex
comfort. c. Logomacy
a. Romotonic d. None of the foregoing
b. Mesomorphic
c. Cerebrotonic 63. According to criminologist, crimes exist when:
d. Viscerotonic a. A person has been convicted in court of felony
b. It is committed by a certain person
c. When police authorities are informed in
54. According to Kretchmer, this type of physique such commission
is generally stout with round bodies. Persons of this d. All of the above
type commit deception, fraud and violence.
a. Pyknic type 64. American authority in criminology who first
b. Asthenic type considered criminology as a science.
c. Athletic type a. R. Garofalo
d. d. Mixed type b. Edwin H. Sutherland
c. W.A. Bonger
55. Claimed that crime is an expression of the d. George L. Wilker
mental content of an individual.
a. Healy 65. It refers to crimes, which occur with sufficient
b. Cyril Burt regularity, and is used as the basis in determining the
c. Bromberg peace and order situation in a particular locality.
d. d. Abrahamsen a. Simple crimes
b. Index crimes
56. Coined in the formula “Criminal behavior c. Complex crimes
equals criminalistic tendencies plus crime inducing d. Non-index crimes
situation, divided by the person’s mental or emotional
resistance to temptation. 66. Its narrower sense, criminology is the
a. Healy scientific study crimes and criminals. Which among the
b. Cyril Burt following is not considered part of its extended
c. Bromberg scientific study?
d. Abrahamsen a. Investigation of the nature of criminal law and its
b. Analysis of the causation of crimes

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c. Crime prevention b. political crime
d. Control and rehabilitation of offenders c. public order crime
d. conventional crime
67. When the offender has used his free will and
intended to commit a certain crime while being sane, 77. It refers to the study of human society, its
he has committed what type of crime? origin structure, functions and direction.
a. Rational crime a. criminology
b. Irrational crime b. sociology
c. Instant crime c. psychology
d. Blue collar crime d. anthropology

68. According to the type of offenders, crimes 78. The field of criminology is a multi-disciplinary
may be duly classified. If a pharmacist has adulterated science. One of its aspects is the study of crime focused
the production of certain drugs not within the on the group of people and society which is known
standards set by BFAD, what crime did he commit? today as:
a. Professional crime a. Criminal Psychology
b. White collar crime b. Criminal Sociology
c. Blue collar crime c. Criminal Psychiatry
d. Rational crime d. Criminal Etiology

69. It contends that the exploitation of the 79. Science concerned with improving the quality
working class would eventually lead to class conflict at of offspring.
the end of the capitalist system. a. criminology
a. Chicago School b. eugenics
b. Conflict Criminology c. genetics
c. Radical Criminology d. heredity
d. Positivist Criminology
80. It is the scientific study of human behavior or
70. Crime is a function of learning, upbringing and man’s external manifestation in relation to criminality.
control parents, peers and teachers influence behavior. a Epidiomology
a. Ecological Forces b Criminal Psychiatry
b. Economic and political forces c Criminal psychology
c. Socialization forces d Physical anthropology
d. Multiple forces

71. Crime is a function of competition for limited 81. This theory contested the findings of
power and sources. Class conflict produces crimes. Beccaria’s Free Will Study, stating that its absence
a. Ecological Forces among mentally retardate persons or those with some
b. Economic and political forces psychological imbalances and personality disorders or
c. Socialization forces physical disabilities, could likewise lead to violation of
d. Multiple forces laws thereby citing said theory as one of crime
72. It is a sub area component of criminology a. Classical Criminology
which concerned with the role social forces plays in b. Positivist Criminology
shaping criminal law and the role of criminal law in c. Neoclassical Criminology
shaping the society. d. Social Structure Theory
a. Social science
b. Sociology of law 82. He invoked that only justified rationale for
c. Criminal Etiology laws and punishment is the principle of the greatest
d. Penology happiness shared by the greatest number of people.
a. Utilitarianism
73. It is the breakdown of social order as a result b. Jeremy Bentham
of the loss of order in a society. c. Felicific Calculus
a. Synomie d. Cesare Beccaria
b. Anarchy
c. Anomie 83. Refers to the study of human mind a relation
d. Chaos to criminality.
a. Criminal epidemiology
74. His great contributions to criminology were b. Criminal psychiatry
the principle of utilitarianism and the felicific calculus. c. Criminal etiology
a. Cesare Beccaria d. Criminal ecology
b. Jeremy Bentham
c. Cesare Lombroso 84. It is defined as an act committed or omitted
d. Emile Durkheim in violation of a public law forbidding or commanding
75. His key ideas are concentrated on the a. Felony
principle of “Survival of the Fittest” as a behavioral b. Delinquency
science. He advocated the “Somatotyping Theory”. c. Crime
a. W Sheldon d. Offense
b. R Merton
c. E Sutherland 85. Transmission of physical characteristics,
d. Ivan Nye mental traits, tendency to disease from parents to
76. Commonly known as victimless crime: a. DNA
a. Occasional crime b. Heredity

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c. Inheritance
d. All of the foregoing 94. This new branch in criminology opposes the
theoretical perspective and proposes the involvement
86. Explains that the person before committing a of all stakeholders in the use of non-violent solutions
crime ready to feel unhappy, resentful and unsatisfied. a. Peacemaking Criminology
a. Need frustration b. Sociology of Law
b. External inhibition c. Restorative Justice
c. Internal inhibition D. Non-violent Criminological Hypothesis
d. Contact with reality
95. This school of thought denied individual
87. Mild or incomplete loss of consciousness and responsibility and reflected on essentially non-punitive
contraction of the muscles. reaction to crime and criminality. The adherents of this
a. Seizures school maintained that a crime, as other act, is a
b. Petit mal natural phenomenon, just like any natural calamity.
c. Grand mal What is being referred to?
d. Jacksonian type a. Classical School
b. Positivist School
88. The following are not the elements of c. Neo-classical School
hedonistic calculus except one. d. Mohammedan School
a. Man is subdued occasionally by a strange and
morbid phenomenon, which conditions him to do 96. Criminals are said not to be responsible for
wrong despite, or contrary to his own volition their acts hence, they should not be punished is one of
b. Basis of criminal responsibility is his dreadfulness or the major theories under –
dangerous state. a. Classical School
c. Person’s choice of criminal solutions may be b. Modern School
controlled by his or her fear of punishment. c. Positive School
d. Human behavior is a function of internal and external d. Neo-classical School
forces, some of these are social or other forces are
more personal and psychological 97. Sutherlands explains that criminal behavior is
not an invention by the criminal himself but developed
89. Cesare Lombroso was an Italian physician in the process of association with others. This
who spent much of his career nurturing the medical theory presents:
needs of men incarcerated in military prisons, the a. That criminal behavior is learned
following are his major theories except one. b. That criminal behavior is instinctive in the person
a. He applied the concepts of Atavism for his ideas c. That criminal behavior is hereditary
about the evolution of crimes d. none of the above
b. He conducted thousands of postmortem exams of
criminals and concluded that in effect criminals are a 98. Who is the father of the Criminal Statistics?
subhuman species. a. Quetelet
c. He started the reoriented thinking to the b. Lombroso
study of criminology by focusing on the offense c. Comte
to treat its nature (Edwin Sutherland) d. Bonger
d. None of the above
99. According to Karl Marx, the emergence of
90. A core principle of classical school and rational capitalist produces inequality in which the proletariat
choice theories which states that crime can be are exploited by the bourgeoisie. The word bourgeoisie
controlled through the use of punishment that combine means?
the proper degrees of certainty, severity and celerity? a. Capital
a. Deterrence b. Worker
b. Treatment c. Slave
c. Punishment d. Capitalist
d. Rehabilitation
100. Explains human behavior and the experiences
91. The term criminology was originally derived which helps determine the nature of a personality as a
from Italian word _______? reacting mechanism.
a. Crimen a. Giandell index to criminality
b. Criminologia b. Criminogenic process
c. Criminologo c. Crime rate
d. Criminologie- d. Human behavior

92. Crimes which occur per 100,000 population THEORIES OF CRIME CAUSATION
per month. It is the theoretical basis which determines
the peace and order situation.
a. Index crimes 1. Freudian theory traces behavior as a
b. Crime rate deviation to the representation of basic
c. Non-index crimes drives. A person seeks release from conflict
d. Crime statistics either by some mental substitute or by overt
compensatory behavior, which may be
93. It is the process by which individual reduce
criminalistic in nature. In this scenario, crime
the frequency of their offending behavior as the age
increases. is seen as----
a. Doing gender a. Heredity is one of the causes
b. Aging out b. A behavior influenced by environment
c. Chivalry hypothesis c. A deprivation in the human needs
d. feminist theory

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d. An unconscious effort to solve an
emotional problem 9. Select an internal force of the psychoanalytic
theory which states that all psychoanalytic
2. The Freudian theory emphasizes ______? positions form the psychodynamic approach
a. Delinquency is formed in the few years of that views humans as biologically driven to
a child’s life get what they want when they want it unless
b. On frustration and unconsciousness they are held in check by internal and
c. Bad neighborhood external forces.
d. Ecological and sociological determinants a. Behavior
b. Conscience
3. The Differential Association Theory provides c. Personality
a good illustration of a social learning d. Heredity
approach perspective in criminology.
Criminal behavior according to this theory is 10. This theory reflects the way people react to
a. A result of an emotional disturbance a given situation based on the social
b. an inmate quality of goodness or badness influences they acquired from other people
c. learned and not inherited that practically determine their behaviors.
d. an excess of wisdom This theory likewise serves as the learning
process of delinquent behaviors and
4. This theory holds that people learn criminal considered as one of the most important
attitudes and behavior while in their theory in crime causation.
adolescence from close and trusted friends a. Social Disorganization theory
and/or relatives. b. Culture Conflict theory
a. Neutralization theory c. Differential Association Theory
b. Culture conflict theory d. Social Reaction Theory
c. Theory of Anomie
d. Differential Association theory 11. What is another term for labeling theory?
a. Social reaction theory
5. Under the social control theory, these are b. Social learning theory
factors of attachment, commitment, c. Social process theory
involvement and belief. These are called d. Social control theory
_______ and the stronger these are, the less
likelihood of delinquency.
12. The theory of criminal law which is based on
a. Social Learning
human free will and the purpose of the
b. Subculture
c. Behavioral Models penalty is retribution is referred to as the?
d. Social bonds a. Classical Theory
b. Positivist Theory - Reformation
6. The Magdalo soldiers were generally c. Neo Classical Theory
disaffected with the government and have d. Neo-Positivist Theory
rejected goal achievement and the socially
acceptable means by which to achieve said 13. Which theory proposes that people learn
goals as a viable route to success is by attitudes and techniques conducive to crime
rebellion. The mode of adoption best in both social and non-social situations from
explains: positive reinforcement and negative
a. Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory reinforcement that result from their own
b. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory on Crime behavior, whether that behavior is law
c. Sheldon’s Somatotyping Theory abiding or criminal?
d. Merton’s Strain Theory
a. Differential Identification
b. Social Structure
7. A branch of criminology that examines
c. Differential Association
change in criminal career over the life course.
d. Social Learning
a. Strain theory
b. Developmental theory
c. Differential Association theory
d. Biosocial theory 14. This theory views crime and delinquency as
a result of the frustration and anger
8. He introduced the theory of imitation which people experience over their inability to
states that the individuals copy behavior achieve legitimate social and financial
patterns of other individuals, and that those success.
with weaker personalities tend to get a. Strain theory
influenced easier by those with stronger b. Psychological theories
c. Differential association
d. Labeling theory
a. Emile Durkheim
b. Adolphe Quetelet
c. Gabriel Tarde
d. None of these

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15. This theory suggest that females and males modern criminology” to develop the theory of
are becoming equal in society in terms of atavism.
family, politics, and education a. Cesare Lombroso
b. Charles Goring
a. Feminist Theory
c. Cesare Beccaria
b. Paternalism
d. Charles Darwin
c. Liberation Theory
d. Life Course Theory
23. It states that individuals are deviant mainly
16. This theory believes that society is divided because they have been labeled as deviant
into two groups with competing values the by social agencies and others. The notion of
upper class and lower class. deviance is not inherent in the act itself, but
a. Class Theory rather in the reaction and stigma attached to
b. Differential Opportunity the actor.
c. Conflict Theory a. Containment Theory
d. Consensus Theory b. Theory of Imitation
c. Social Process Theory
17. In this theory of crime causation, mankind is d. Social Reaction theory
viewed as manifestations of basically evil
human nature reflecting either with the 24. Classical Theory states that individuals have
prince of darkness or an expression of divine freewill. It is focused on an individual's choice
wrath. as to whether or not he will commit a crime
a. Classical theory and the purpose of Classical Theory in giving
b. Positivist theory punishment is________________.
c. Demonological theory a. Restoration
d. Neo-classical theory b. Treatment
c. Retribution
18. This theory contested the findings of d. Deterrence
Beccaria’s Free Will Study, stating that its
absence among mentally retardate persons
25. Crime is a product of traditional
or those with some psychological imbalances
neighborhoods and manifest social
and personality disorders or physical
disorganization and value conflict.
disabilities, could likewise lead to violation of
a. Concentric zone theory
laws thereby citing said theory as one of b. Social ecology theory
crime causation. c. General strain theory
a. Classical Criminology d. Anomie theory
b. Positivist Criminology
c. Neoclassical Criminology 26. A group of theories based on the beliefs in
d. Social Structure Theory
demons, witches, evil spirits and God.
a. Supernatural theory
19. This theory argues that intelligence is largely b. Classical theory
determined genetically; that ancestry c. Utilitarian principle
determines IQ; and, that low intelligence as d. Freewill
demonstrated by low IQ is linked to behavior
including criminal behavior: 27. Who proposed the theory of capitalism and
a. Nature Theory invoked communism as a remedy?
b. Psychological theory a. George Vold
c. Strain Theory b. Karl Marx
d. Labeling theory c. Emile Durkheim
d. Max Weber
20. This asserts that strong self-image protects
the youth from the influence and pressure of 28. This theory reflects the way people react to
criminogenic pulls in his environment. a given situation based on the social
a. Rational Choice theory influences they acquired from other people
b. Conflict theory that practically determine their behaviors.
c. Label theory This theory likewise serves as the learning
d. Containment theory
process of delinquent behaviors and
considered as one of the most important
21. This is a theory by Robert Merton which
theory in crime causation.
assumes that people are law abiding but
a Social Disorganization theory
under great pressure, they will resort to b Culture Conflict theory
crime. c Differential Association Theory
a. Strain theory d Social Reaction Theory
b. Social learning
c. Cultural deviance 29. This theory focuses on the development of
d. Anomie
high crime areas associated with the
disintegration of conventional values caused
22. He propounded the theory of evolution by rapid industrialization, increased
that inspired the now known “Father of
migration and urbanization.

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a. Cultural Deviance Theory b. Clinical theory
b. Differential Association Theory c. Rational theory
c. Social Disorganization Theory d. Modern theory
d. Strain Theory

36. According to Freud it is the ability to learn

30. One sunny afternoon, Mark announced to his
about the consequences of one’s action
friends that he is the wealthiest person who
through experience.
lived in their area, always displays his
a. Reality principle
properties in vulnerability to the would-be
b. Pain principle
perpetrators. Mark so confident that no one
c. Pleasure principle
would ever touch him since he has a high
d. d. All of the foregoing
confidence towards the law enforcers, but he
didn’t know he was already observed by the
perpetrators and followed his schedule
37. A branch of criminology that examines
change in criminal career over the life course.
closely. Mario was killed and robbed by
a. Strain theory
showing his susceptibility of his daily life
b. Differential association theory
practice. Which theory fit this scene?
c. Developmental theory
a. Functionalist theory
b. Drift theory d. Biosocial theory
c. Routine Activity Theory
d. Social Control Theory 38. This specific theory of criminal law argues
that crime is essentially a morbid and mental
31. What theory considered crime as a natural phenomenon and as such cannot be solely
phenomenon? treated by the application of abstract
a.Somatotyping theory principles of jurisprudence.
b.Differential Association Theory a. Classical theory
c.Anomie theory
b. Positive theory
d.Positivist theory
c. Neo-classical theory
d. Modern theory
32. This theory suggest that people break the
law because they are not sufficiently
governing by the social norms and mores of 39. This theory in the causes of crime states that
the society crime may cause by one or more factors,
a. Functional theory while in other instances caused by another
b. Rational choice theory set of factors.
c. Anomie theory a. Single theory
d. Control Conflict theory b. Multiple factor theory
c. Unitary cause theory
33. It was advocated by Karl Marx, William d. Eclectic theory
Bonger, George Vold and Ralf Dahrendorf the
year 1848. It centers on the view that 40. It was maintained that a person pursues a
capitalist system emphasizes competition criminal behavior to the extent that he
and wealth and produces and economic and identifies himself with a real or imaginary
social environment in which crime is person from whose perspective his criminal
inevitable. behavior seems acceptable.
a. Classical theory a. Differential identification theory
b. Conflict theory b. Imitation suggestion theory
c. Positivist theory c. Differential social disorganization
d. Sociological theory d. Conflict of culture theory

34. The sociological theory which started in the 41. Argues that delinquency and crime patterns
year 1897 contends that: are learned adopted.
a. people choose to commit crime after a. Differential identification theory
weighing the benefits and costs of their b. Imitation suggestion theory
actions. c. Differential social disorganization
b. Crime is a function of class struggle. d. Conflict of culture theory
c. Some people have biological and mental
traits that make them crime prone. 42. High crimes and delinquency rates is
d. person’s place in the social explained by exposure to diverse and
structure determines his/her incongruent standards and code.
behavior. a. Differential identification theory
b. Imitation suggestion theory
35. Holds that offenders adhere to conventional c. Differential social disorganization
values while taking into periods of illegal d. Conflict of culture theory
behavior, in order to drift; they overcome
moral and legal values.
a. Neutralization theory

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43. The theory of criminal law which is based on 50. _____ theories of criminology believe that
human free will and the purpose of the society influences a person to become a
penalty is retribution is referred to was the? criminal.
a. Classical theory a. Sociological
b. Positivist theory b. Learning
c. Neo classical theory c. Conflict
d. Neo-Positivist theory d. Criminology

44. Refers to the conscience of man. 51. A police officer’s frustration in the realization
a. Ego of his ambition and goals in life both as an
b. Super ego officer of the law, and as a private citizen,
c. Id can push him to a life of crime, as pointed
d. Spirit out in this particular theory.
a. Disorganization Theory
45. It behaves only in terms of the pleasure b. Culture Conflict Theory
c. Differential Association Theory
d. Strain Theory
a. Ego
b. Super ego
52. Culture Conflict Theory was thorough studied
c. Id
by ____ wherein he concluded that the main
d. d. Spirit
difference between a criminal and a non-
criminal is that each is responding to
different sets of conduct norms.
46. What criminological school of thoughts that a. Emile Durkheim
b. Andre Michael Guerry
proposed the mitigating circumstances that
c. Thorsten Sellin
modified the classical doctrine where D. Abraham Maslow
children and lunatics should not be punished
in the same manners as other ordinary 53. This theory focuses on the development of
criminals? high crime areas associated with the
a. Positivist disintegration of conventional values caused
b. Ecological
by rapid industrialization, increased
c. Neoclassical
d. Classic migration and urbanization.
a. Cultural Deviance Theory
b. Differential Association Theory
47. A doctrine which criminals were seen as
c. Social Disorganization Theory
distinct types of humans who could be d. Strain Theory
distinguished from non-criminals by certain
physical traits. 54. Under this theory, it states that men is said
a. Theory of biological inferiority to have surrendered some of their natural
b. Theory of differential association
liberties in return for security that the
c. Theory of natural selection
d. Theory of Evolutions government could provide them against their
social acts.
48. French Sociologist who founded “anomie a. Social process theory
theory. He used the term to explain norm b. Strain theory
less or the breakdown of the social order in c. Social conflict theory
his treatise, "Suicide" d. Social contract theory
a. Emile Durkheim
b. Redford White
c. John Dewey 55. The exemption of Freudian theory of
d. Robert Duran criminology
a. Criminal behavior is a form of compulsive
49. Geno attends a town hall meeting to ask his neuroses
local politician what steps can be taken to b. Crime is a result of the compulsive need
address the rising crime in the area. Geno for punishment to alleviate guilt
explains that he believes deeply that nobody c. Criminal behavior is a means of obtaining
is born a criminal; he thinks instead that gratification of need
circumstances in the community helped lead d. None of them
to this rise in crime. Which of the following e. Crime is a result of the compulsive
theories is George most likely to agree with? need for punishment to alleviate
a. Social Learning Theory guilt
b. Development Failure Theory
c. Individual Problem Theory Sigmund Freud in his “Psychoanalytical Theory”
d. Psychological theory maintains that:

• Criminal behavior is a form of compulsive


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• Crime is a result of the compulsive need for they can better accomplish their goals
punishment to alleviate guilt without turning to illegal means would likely
• Criminal behavior is a means of obtaining be based on____?
a. Subculture theory
gratification of need
b. Strain theory
• Criminal conducts represent a displace c. Psychodynamic theory
hostility. Criminality is essentially a d. Peacemaking theory
representation of psychological conflict e.

56. A crime reduction program that assists young 64. Classicalschool on doctrine on crime was
people in acquiring an education so they can maintained by the neo-classical school but
better accomplish their goals without turning place an opposing theory of matters of
to illegal means would likely be based on punishment especially upon children. What
a. Subculture theory theory of punishment did neo-classical
b. Strain theory introduce?
c. Psychodynamic theory
d. Peacemaking theory
a. Exempted from criminal liability
b. Exempted from arrest
57. A person who chooses to commit crime after c. Exempted from punishment
strategically assessing the risks and rewards d. Exempted from civil liability
is best described by
a. Rational Choice Theory
b. Psychodynamic Theory
65. The theory believes that punishment should
c. Life Course Theory fit the person and not the crime committed.
d. Social Disorganization Theory a. Classical Theory
b. Positivist theory
58. According to Freud, which unconscious c. Demonological Theory
mental process is the moral compass? d. Differential Association Theory
a. The id
b. The ego
66. It is a theory which introduced the idea that
c. The superego
d. The moral self the failure of man to achieve a higher status
of life caused them to commit crimes in order
59. Twelve-year-old Molly is allowed to drink for that status or goal to be attained.
alcohol at home with her parents. Learning a. Sub-culture Theory of Delinquency
from these experiences, Molly then drinks b. Social Class Conflict Theory
when at her friends' houses. Which theory c. Strain Theory
best explains her drinking behaviors? d. Neutralization Theory
A. Differential Association Theory
B. Neutralization Theory
C. Social Control Theory 67. It is defined as the breakdown of social order
D. Strain Theory as a result of the loss of standards and
values, as in cases of famine, war and other
60. Boston has recently had a high turnover of civil disturbances.
residents who lack bonds to the community. a. Delinquency
Which theory assumes this will lead to crime b. Labeling theory
in the area? c. Culture Conflict theory
a. Social disorganization theory
d. Anomie
b. Strain theory
c. Delinquent subculture theory
d. Integrated theory 68. This school on crime causation in primarily
concerned with the distributions of crimes in
61. Brittany has a poor relationship with her certain areas both social and geographical.
parents, has no goals for the future, and a. Cartographic School
participates in few extracurricular activities. b. Socialist School
Which theory assumes this can lead to c. Psychiatric School
d. Sociological and social-psychological
A. Labeling theory
B. Self-control theory School
C. Social control theory
D. Conflict theory 69. Crime is any other act as a natural
phenomenon and is comparable to calamity
62. Which conflict theory would endorse a or disaster. This theory of Lombroso is found
campaign for equal rights and equal pay in what school of thought?
for women for the sake of reducing a. Phenomenal Theory
b. Italian Theory
a. Marxist criminology
b. Peacemaking criminology c. Neo-classical Theory
c. Paternal criminology d. Classical Theory
d. Feminist criminology

63. A crime reduction program that assists

young people in acquiring an education so

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70. Generally, these theories are encompassing 77. This emphasizes that crime-ridden environs
the social process, EXCEP? as those in which residents are uninterested
a. Social learning theory in community matters, therefore, the
b. Social control theory common sources of control in terms of
c. Social reaction theory family, school or church are weak and mess
d. Social response theory up, what theory are we referring top?
a. Social disorganization theory
b. Developmental theory
71. Based on utilitarian philosophy developed in c. Social learning theory
the 18th century, this argues that d. Cultural deviance theory
a. That people have free will to choose how to 78. What is this theory of TRAVIS HIRSCHI
act. states that members in society from bonds
b. Deterrence is based upon the notion of the with other members in society or institution
human being as a sick person when in society such as parents, pro-social friends,
committing a crime must be treated churches, schools, teachers and sports
individually. team?
c. Punishment of sufficient severity can a. Social control Theory
deter people from crime as the cost b. Interactional Theory
(penalties) outweigh benefits and that c. Self- Control Theory
the severity of punishment should be d. Self-derogation Theory
proportionate to the crime.
d. The swifter and more certain the punishment,
the more effective it is in deterring criminal
79. The study of criminality in relation to
physical constitution of men refers to___
a. Criminal Etiology
b. Criminal physical Anthropology
72. When someone is tagged as criminal, he or c. Criminal Ecology
she may reject it or accept it and go on to
d. Criminal Epidiomology
commit crime.
a. Rational Choice Theory
b. Control Theories 80. Patrolman Sakalam was born from a criminal
c. Labelling Theory family and he was always looking for a
d. Social Disorganization Theory pleasure in life but do not take any want risk
and avoids pain. Patrolman Sakalam is a
great representation of a ____
73. He stated that crime is normal in a society.
a. rational calculator
a. Emile Durkheim
b. hedonist
b. Sigmund Freud
c. atavistic
c. A.H. Maslow
d. criminaloid
d. Thorsten Sellin

74. The Classical School of thoughts in 81. It explains how juvenile delinquents can
Criminology is based on the principle of free hold both conventional and deviant values
will. The positivist thoughts on the other and attitudes. The theory claims that
hand are focused on the principle of: delinquents use techniques of neutralization
a. Darwinism to rationalize their delinquent and/or deviant
b. Determinism behaviors.
c. Cognitive Functioning a. Victimology Theory
d. Conceptual Thinking b. Containment Theory
c. Drift Theory
d. Conflict of Culture Theory
75. It is referred as the amount of pleasure
received in the commission of a crime or an
illegal act. 82. Who was the advocate of Imitation-
a. Advantage Suggestion Theory?
b. Benefits of the Crime a. Daniel Classer
c. Awards b. Emile Durkheim
d. Punishment c. Thorsten Sellin
d. Gabriel Tarde
76. It posits that female criminals receive more
lenient treatment in the criminal justice
system and in news coverage of their crimes 83. It is a theory that asserts that there are
than their male counterparts. situations that victims initiate actions leading
a. Masculinity Hypothesis to their harm or death.
b. Leniency Hypothesis a. Routine Activity Theory
c. Chivalry Hypothesis b. Victim Precipitation Theory
d. All of the above c. Theory of Evolution
d. Peer Group Theory

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and mess up, what theory are we referring
84. It is one of the key components of social top?
bonds which means the more time the a. Social Disorganization theory
individual spends engaging in law abiding b. Developmental theory
behaviour, the less time he/she has to c. Social learning theory
engage in law breaking behaviour.
d. Cultural deviance theory
a. Attachment
b. Commitment 92. What is this principal division of criminology
c. Involvement that deals with the reformation of criminal
d. Belief adult offender, youthful offenders polishing
their behaviour for their return in the
mainstream of the society?
85. It is also one of the key components of social
bonds that relates to upbringing. If an a. Criminal Sociology
individual has been brought up to be law b. Sociology of Law
abiding, they are less likely to become c. Criminal Etiology
involved in crime. d. Penology
a. Attachment
b. Commitment
93. What deals primarily with the study of
c. Involvement
d. Belief
a. criminal Etiology
b. criminal ecology
86. Under the theory, the public will avoid
committing crimes from fear of the strict
c. criminal epidiomology
consequences. d. criminal physical anthropology
a. Rational Choice Theory
b. Routine Activities Theory 94. Which study of criminality in relation to the
c. General Deterrence Theory spatial distribution in a community?
d. Specific Deterrence Theory a. criminal ecology
87. It is the practice or advocacy of improving b. criminal epidiomology
the human species by selectively mating c. etiology
people with specific desirable hereditary
d. physical anthropology

a. Biogenic
b. Eugenics 95. Among the following choices, this describes
c. Genetics a radical criminological approach to the
d. heredity explanation of crime that sees the conflict
and inequality present in society as being
88. He was considered the father of Sociology.
based primarily on gender.
a. Adolphe Quetelet
a. peacemaking criminology
b. August Comte
b. radical criminology
c. Charles Darwin
c. left-realist criminology
d. Karl Max
d. feminist criminology
89. This idea believes that becoming criminal is
a discovering occurrence in which potential
felons master techniques that enables them
96. The followings belong to social structure
theories; except
to counterbalance conventional values and
a. Differential Association Theory
drift back and forth between illegitimate
b. Social Disorganization Theory
and conventional behavior. c. Strain Theory
a. differential reinforcement theory d. Cultural Deviance Theory
b. neutralization theory
c. containment theory 97. Karl Max viewed the emergence of capitalism
d. differential association theory produces economic inequality in which the
90. The study of the human skull in relation to workers are exploited by the capitalist. This
exploitation creates poverty and is the root
of other social problems.
a. phrenology a. Economic Theory
b. sociology b. Capitalist Theory
c. physiology c. Marxist Theory
d. physiognomy d. All of the foregoing
91. This emphasizes that crime-ridden 98. This theory views criminality as a dynamic
process influenced by a multitude of
environs as those in which residents are
individual characteristics, traits and social
uninterested in community matters, experiences.
therefore, the common sources of control in a. Life Course Theory
terms of family, school or church are weak b. Latent Trait Theory
c. Life Trait Theory
d. Latent Course Theory

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99. It refers to the lowest form of criminal 11. Science concerned with improving the quality of
human off springs.
careers. They engage only in typical crimes
A. Genetics B. Eugenics
which require limited skill. They lack
C. Criminology D. Heredity
organization to avoid arrest and conviction.
a. Professional criminals 12. Scientific approach based upon mental processes
b. Organized criminals and characteristics.
c. Ordinary criminals A. psychogenic determinism B. emotional
d. Criminaloids determinism
C. biological determinism D. criminological
100. It contends that crime is not a determinism
product of a single cause or factor but a
combination of numerous factors. 13. The principle that events, including criminal
a. Single or Unitary behaviour have sufficient causes.
b. Eclectic Theory A. Positivism B. Determinism
C. Atavism D. Nazism
c. Multiple Factor Theory
d. Numerous Factor Theory 14. Criminals who acted under the impulse of
uncontrolled emotion on occasion during otherwise
VICTIMOLOGY A. seasonal criminals B. criminals of passion
C. occasional criminals D. born criminals
1. The sum total of man’s reaction to his environment
15. It is the most basic social institution and is the most
or the way human beings act.
potentially effective agency of social control.
A. Human beings B. Human behavior
a. Barangay b. Community
C. Attitude D. Psychology
c. Family d. School
2. The society's prime instrument for making known
16. A sub-discipline of criminology which focuses on
what acts are crimes and what sanctions may be
victims of crime.
applied to those who commit acts defined as crimes.
A. Penology B. Criminal psychology
A. Ethics B. Law
C. Criminal profiling D. Victimology
C. Conduct D. Justice
17. An irrational fear which is fixed, intense,
3. A social norm providing guidance for people in their
uncontrollable and often has no reasonable foundation.
dealings with one another, as a standard against which
A. Phobia B. Delusions
actions are evaluated, and as a prescription or
C. Regression D. Anxiety
requirement that people act justly.
A. Law B. Justice
18. The principle which states that man by nature,
C. Ethics D. conduct
always tries to maximize pleasure and avoid pain.
A. Utopia B. Hedonism
4. It is the study of human society, its origin, structure,
C. Socialism D. Atavism
functions and direction.
A. Psychology B. Criminology
19. The mental capacity to distinguish right from
C. Sociology D. Anthropology
A Discernment B. Morality
5. A person who has violated the penal law and has
C. Ethics D. Imbecility
been found guilty by the court.
A. Accused B. Parolee
20. It has the power to define and punish crimes.
C. Suspect D. Criminal
A. Church B. State
C. Judiciary D. Police
6. A body of knowledge regarding crime as a social
21. Which of the following is not a victimless crime?
A. criminal psychology B. criminal sociology
A. Vagrancy B. illegal gambling
C. criminal law D. criminology
C. illegal detention D. illegal possession of
prohibited drugs
7. The reduction or elimination of the desire and
opportunity to commit a crime.
22. The purpose of penalty in the Positivist School of
A. law enforcement B. crime prevention
C. protection of rights D. order maintenance
A. Retribution - Classical B. Reformation
C. Rejection d. Restitution
8. The primary advocate of the Positivist School in
23. A doctrine which criminals were seen as distinct
A. Cesare Beccaria B. Cesare Lombroso
types of humans who could be distinguished from non-
C. Henry Goddard D. Auguste Comte
criminals by certain physical traits.
A. theory of biological inferiority
9. The science of classifying human physical
B. theory of natural selection
C. theory of differential association
a. Determinism b. Somatology
D. theory of evolution
c. Positivism d. Atavism
24. Referred to as dementia praecox, this is a form of
10. Reacting to events with alertness and vigilance and
psychosis characterized by thinking disturbance and
a feeling of persecution.
a. Dementia praecox b. Hallucination
A. Schizophrenia B. manic
c. paranoia d. depression

Amici Review Center Page 14

C. paranoia D. psychopathy 37. This defense in a criminal case is based on the claim
that the act was the result, not of any intent on the
25. According to psychoanalysis, this refers to the part of the accused, but of threats of loss of fife, limb
conscience of man. or a loved one.
A. Ego B. Id A. defense of instigation B. defense of consent
C. Super ego D. spirit C. defense of alibi D. defense of duress

26. A type of crime in which the end result is 38. The society's primary instrument for making known
destructive. what acts are crimes and what sanctions may be
A. acquisitive crime – acquire something applied to those who commit acts defined as crimes.
B. extinctive crime A Law B. Ethics
C. seasonal crime C. Media D. Conduct
D. static crime
39. It occurs when someone has to choose between
27. Study of criminality in relation to spatial distribution undesirable things, such as telling someone an
in a community. uncomfortable truth, or living with a lie.
A. Criminal epidemiology B. Criminal demography
C. Criminal psychology D. Criminal determinism A. approach-approach conflict ( + + )
B. avoidance-avoidance conflict (_ _ )
Correct Answer: Criminal Ecology C. approach-avoidance conflict ( + _ )
D. All of the foregoing
28. The taking of a person into custody in order that
he may be bound to answer for the commission of an 40. A claim by the accused that he or she was in
offense. another place when the crime occurred and therefore
A. Search B. Seizure could not have committed it.
C. Detention D. Arrest A. defense of instigation
B. defense of alibi
29. A valid warrantless arrest. C. defense of consent
A citizen's arrest B. void arrest D. defense of duress
C. illegal arrest D. juridical arrest
41. It is the ability to withstand obstacles and stressful
30. The authority of the court to hear or determine a situations.
case. A. Coping Mechanism
A. venue B. jurisdiction B. Frustration Tolerance
C. hearing D. decision C. Defense Mechanism
D. Displacement
31. A component or pillar of the Criminal Justice
System which is involved in the administration of 42. An ego defense in which apparent logical reasons
appropriate sanctions in keeping with the sentence are given to justify behavior that is motivated by
handed down. unconscious instinctual impulses.
A. Corrections B. Prosecutions A. Displacement
C. law enforcement D. court B. Projection
C. Denial
32. The reading of charges against the accused in the D. Rationalization
open court and the declaration of his plea of guilty or
not guilty. 43. It is a defense mechanism proposed by Anna
A. Charging B. Sentencing Freud whereby the ego reverts to an earlier stage of
C. Arraignment D. Trial development usually in response to stressful
33. The rnajor function of the PROSECUTION A. Suppression
component of the Criminal Justice System. B. Repression
A To enforce the laws of the land C. Regression
B. To rehabilitate prisoners D. Sublimation
C. To represent the government in criminal
cases 44. It refers to anti-social act which deviates from
D. All of these normal pattern of rules and regulation.
A Recidivism
34. The supreme law of the Land. B. Reiteration
A Bible C. Delinquency
B. Constitution D. Crime
C. PNP Law
D. Common Law 45. This refers to a lack of significant deviation from
the average. It is any behavior or condition which is
35. The machinery of the State designed to enforce the usual, expected, typical, or conforms to a pre-existing
law by arresting, prosecuting and adjudicating those standard.
accused of violating it and by applying the proper A. Normal Behavior
sanctions to those found guilty. B. abnormal behavior
A. Court B. Government C. Irrational Behavior
C. Criminal Justice System D. Due D. B and C
Process of Law
46. A severe mental illness characterized by loss of
36. A law enforcement function in order to preserve contact with reality and relationship with other
social and public order. people causing social maladaptation.
A. Protection B. crowd control A. Neurosis
C. order maintenance D. crime prevention B. Schizoid

Amici Review Center Page 15

C. Psychosis 57. It is a disorder in which people have recurring,
D. Schizotypal unwanted thoughts, ideas or sensations that make
them feel driven to do something repetitively.
47. A local government together with society of A. Obsession
individuals or institutions. B. Obsessive-Compulsive
A. Family C. Compulsion
B. Community D. Impulsion
C. Religion
D. Prison 58. It is a method whereby an organized group or party
seeks to achieve its avowed aims chiefly through the
48. Corrective damages; those that imposed by way of systematic use of violence.
example or correction for the public good, in addition A conventional warfare
to the moral, temperate, liquidated or compensatory B. insurrection
damages C. terrorism
D. insurgency
A. Liquidated Damages
B. Exemplary Damages 59.It is characterized by a sustained period of
C. Temperate Damages abnormally elevated or irritable mood, intense energy,
D. Nominal Damages racing thoughts, and other extreme and exaggerated
49. It is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease A. Phobia B. Manic Episode
about something with an uncertain outcome. C. Character Disorder D. Anxiety Disorder
A. Apathy B. Compulsion
C. Depression D. Anxiety 60. It is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the
brain normally organizes and interprets sensory
50. It is a result of a perpetration of crime that went stimulation.
wrong and the criminals were trapped or cornered by A. Delusion B. False Belief
law enforcers. In many cases, hostage taking is violent C. Illusion D. Hallucination
and unplanned.
A. Criminal Siege 61. A mentally unstable person especially: a person
B. Criminal Psychology having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked
C. Criminal Psychiatry by a lack of remorse for one's actions, an absence of
D. Criminal Behavior empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies.
A Sociopath B. Psychopath
51. It is characterized by a long-standing pattern of C. Psychic D. Both A and B
attention seeking behavior and extreme emotionality.
A. Histrionic Personality Disorder 62. Yin and Miya are siblings who fell in love with each
B. Narcissistic Personality other. Their relationship is prohibited by law because
C. Anti-Social Personality there is an abnormality involving.
D. Borderline Personality A. Incest B. Family
52. Phenomena in a hostage situation where the C. Necrophilia D. Coprolalia
hostages become sympathetic to the hostage takers.
A. Oslo Syndrome 63. Ascribes the distinction and variation and
B. Stockholm Syndrome delinquency pattern to social structures.
C. Lima Syndrome A Biogenic Approach B. Sociogenic Approach
D. Helsinki Syndrome C. Psychogenic Approach D. All of these

53. It is a personality disorder with an enduring pattern 64. It refers to knowledge of stimulus.
of behavior related to social inhibition, feelings of A Sensation
inadequacy, and sensitivity to rejection that causes B. All of these
problems in work situations and relationships. C. Awareness
A. Schizotypal Personality D. Perception
B. Schizoid Personality
C. Avoidant personality disorder 65. Characterized by emotional instability, immaturity
D. Paranoid Personality and dramatization.
A. Anti-Social Personality
54. It is a criminal act that is modelled after or inspired B. Histrionic Personality
by a previous crime. C. Borderline Personality
A. Xerox Crimes D. Personality Disorder
B. Copycat Crimes
C. Victimless Crimes 66. This behavior is manifested by instability in drastic
D. None of the Above and other behavioral problems.
A. Anti-Social Personality
55. It is a sexual deviancy and a practice of dressing in B. Histrionic Personality
a manner traditionally associated with the C. Borderline Personality
opposite sex. D. Personality Disorder
A. Homosexuality
B. Voyeurism 67. It refers to the mental processes of criminals in
C. Transvestism action.
D. Paraphilia A Criminogenic process B. Criminal Behavior
C. Human Behavior D. criminal psychodynamics
56. It is a fear of crowds.
A. Gynophobia B. Homophobia 68. A feeling of deep sadness for no obvious reason.
C. Arachnophobia D. agoraphobia A. Melancholia B. Depression

Amici Review Center Page 16

C. Illusion A. chain of command B. command
D. Erotomania responsibility
C. responsibility of post D. command by
69. Refers to the morbid propensity to make love. discipline
A. de Clérambault syndrome B. Erotomania
C. both a and b D. dipsomania 79. The courage to endure without yielding.
A Perseverance
70. Compulsive desire to set fire. B. Endurance
A. Dipsomania B. Kleptomania C. Fortitude
C. Pyromania D. Homophobia D. Prudence

71. A mental or moral training that makes a man willing 80. It refers to the origin or cause of a victimization;
to be subject to controls and regulations for the good the constellation of variables which caused a
or the entire group or which he is a member. victimization to occur.
A. Courtesy a. Victimology b. Victimogenesis
B. Discipline c. Victimization d. Victim Precipitation
C. Loyalty
D. Morale 81. A stage during which the victim formulates
psychological defenses and deals with conflicting
72. The view that human experience and behaviour emotions of guilt, anger, acceptance, and desire of
can be best explained from the predominant or even revenge (said to last three to eight months).
exclusive perspective of the brain. A. Reorganization Stage
A. Neurological View B. Stage of Impact & Disorganization
B. Behavioral View C. Hedonism
C. Cognitive View D. Stage of Recoil
D. Humanistic View
82. A judicial tribunal designed to administer justice.
73. The doing either through ignorance, inattention or A. Office of the Ombudsman B. Jury
malice, of that which the police officer had no legal C. Court D.
right to do at all, as where he acts without any Department of Justice
authority whatsoever or exceeds, ignores or abuses his
powers. 83. It is a formal process for face-to-face meetings in
A. Incompetence the presence of a trained mediator between a victim of
B. Dishonesty a crime and his/her offender who committed that
C. Misconduct crime.
D. Neglect of duty a. Restorative justice
b. Victim Offender Mediation
74. The omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, c.victim-offender reconciliation
to perform an act or duty, which is the officer's Iegal d. All of the Above
obligation to perform.
A. Incompetence 84. A person who is held as a security for the fulfilment
B. Misconduct of certain demands or terms.
C. Neglect of duty A. Victim
D. Bribery B. Hostage
C. Negotiator
75. As a general rule, police officers are not permitted D. Coordinator
or allowed to engage in any other business or calling.
A. bribery 85. He coined the word “Victimology” in a French
B. Moonlighting Journal.
C. Neglect of duty A. None of these B. Benjamin Mendelsohn
D. Misconduct C. Von Hentig D. Cesare lombroso

Moonlighting –have a second job in addition to 86. One which consists of several parts that interacts
one's regular employment. with each other to produce some results, serve some
functions or meet some objectives.
76. It refers to an event where persons, communities A. Justice
and institutions are damaged or injured in a significant B. System
way. Those persons who are impacted by persons or C. Feedback
events suffer a violation of rights or significant D. Environment
disruption of their well-being.
a. Victimology 87.A stage which entails the degree and duration of
b. Victimogenesis personal and social disorganization following
c. Victimization victimization.
d. Victim Precipitation A. Pre-impact B. Impact
C. Post-impact D. Behavioural outcome
77. A voice of reason bidding oneself to avoid evil and
do good. 88. The recital of the rights of a suspect during
A. Virtue custodial investigation.
B. Value A. RA 7438 B. Miranda Warning
C. Dignity C. Code of Ethics D. Policeman’s Code
D. Conscience
89. This type of physique has relatively predominant
78. Authority of a person he exercised over his muscles, bones and motor organs of the body.
subordinates. A. Viscerotonic B. Mesomorphic
C. Endomorphic D. Ectomorphic

Amici Review Center Page 17

90. The author of “ Origin of Species” and “ The Lonesome -same to the acquisitive type of victim, by
Descent of Man”. virtue of wanting of companionship or affection
A. Lombroso B. Darwin
C. Beccaria D. Garofalo Heartbroken -hearaches and pain

91. He is the primary advocate of the “Theory of Tormentor -often from his own family or friends
Differential Association”.
A. Lombroso B. Sutherland
C. Beccaria D. Garofalo
92. The author of “On Crimes and Punishment” and the
primary advocate of the Classical School of 1. These are forbidden acts involving misuse of office
Criminology. or authority for personal gain.
A. Lombroso B. Sutherland a. corruption c. immorality
C. Beccaria D. Garofalo a. deviance d. brutality
2. It is the unreasonable, unnecessary and excessive
93. A principle that we would have no crime if we have use of force in the conduct of police operations which
no criminal law and that we can eliminate crimes by does not support a legitimate police function.
merely abolishing criminal law. a. cruelty c. torture
A. Logomancy B. Logomacy b. police brutality d. battery
C. Individuality D. Constancy
3.An example of police immorality is :
94. When an individual experience tension and anxiety a. going to the office not in uniform
increases making him/her helpless, thus he experience b. living with a woman not his wife
negative feelings called C. smoking while patrolling
A. Crisis B. Frustration d. always absent from his post
C. Conflict D. Hallucination
4. Considered as the highest form of love in the PNP
95. Among the following, who is the most vulnerable hierarchy of police values.
group to abuse and suffer threats? a. love of women c. love of God
A. police B. parents b. selfless love of people d. love of power
C. children D. old age
5. The character of the police requires adherence to
96. The compensation awarded to a person’s physical the rule on merit and fitness system.
suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety, a. civilian C. social
besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, moral b. authoritarian d. democratic
shock, social humiliation, and similar injury.
6. Giving unfair breaks to friends and relatives.
A. Actual or Compensatory Damages a. deviance c. misconduct
B. Nominal Damages b. nepotism d. corruption
C. Temperate Damages
D. Moral Damages 7. PNP members are expected to by the public not to
seek political influence nor get "padrino" on matters
97. This model was developed to explain the coping pertaining to assignment, award, training and
behaviour of victims of natural disaster. promotion. This means that all PNP members are
A. Victims of Crime Model discouraged to resort to:
B. Impact & Disorganization a. political patronage c. influence peddling
C. Behavioural outcome b. partisan politics d. political corruption
D. Disaster Victim’s Model
8. The legislative act which provides for the rights of
98. Who defined White-collar crime as a criminal act the person arrested, detained or under custodial
committed by a person of respectability and high social investigation.
status in the course of his or her occupation? a. R.A. 3019 c.R.A. 7610
A. E. Sutherland B. R. Quinney b. R.A. 7438 d. R.A. 9165
C. E. Durkheim D. C. Darwin
9. Any public officer who agrees to perform an act
99. He is a European defense attorney, created his own constituting a crime, in connection with the
classification of victim types. This includes: The performance of his official duties, in consideration of
completely innocent victim, The victim with minor guilt, any offer, promise, gift or present received by such
The guilty victim, guilty offender etc. officer personally or through the mediation of another
A. None of these B. Benjamin Mendelsohn shall be liable for
C. Von Hentig D. Cesare lombroso a. direct bribery c. malversation
b. indirect bribery d. illegal exaction
100.One of the Psychological Types of Victims is a
submissive person by virtue of emotional condition. 10. Insp. Garcia's word is his bond, he stand by it and
A. The depressed B. The Aquisitive commit to uphold it. Inspector Garcia therefore has:
C. Greedy D. Wanton a. delicadeza c. word of honor
b. camaraderie d. honor code
Acquisitive or Greedy – the value or act of wanting
more propels such individuals into victimization 11. Reason why a police officer must always wear his
uniform securely buttoned.
Wanton or Overly Sensual – those ruled by passion a. loose clothing is shabby
and thoughtlessly seeking pleasure b. a complete uniform gets women's attention
c. it is a minor offense
d. a neat appearance will command respect

Amici Review Center Page 18

12. Which of this statement is FALSE? 26. Otherwise known as the "Anti-Plunder Act".
a. Religion in advance societies tends to the collective a. R.A. 3019 b. R.A. 6713
or group experience. c. R.A. 7080 d. R.A. 3719
b. Participation in organized religious activity is higher
among women, especially widows. 27. It the ability to moderate or to avoid something.
c. Come religions are attractive to the deprived a. prudence b. fortitude
because they promise rewards in the other world. c. temperance d. justice
d. Religion has served as a functional
alternative to political extremism. 28. Excessive use of force or police brutality is a
violation of the ethical standards. PNP members shall
13. PNP members shall conduct themselves properly at exercise proper and use of authority in the
all times in keeping with the rules and regulations of performance of duty.
the organization. This commitment to police a. effective c. proportionate
professional conduct is simply known as b. legitimate d. responsible
a. discipline C. devotion to duty
b. delicadeza d. dedication to work 29. Imports the act of cruelty, severity, unlawful
execution, domination or excessive use of authority
14. A manifestation of love of country with a pledge of a. dishonesty b. disloyalty
allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend the c. incompetency d. oppression
Constitution. 30. Otherwise known as the "Code of Ethics of Public
a. nationalism c. heroism Officials or Employees"
b. patriotism d. valor a. 3019 b. R.A. 7080
c .R.A. 6713 d. R.A. 7438
15. It is the ability to last.
a. endurance b. patience 31. In cases of eviction or demolition of squatter's
c. perseverance d. fortitude dwellings, which of the following should the police do?
a. exercise maximum tolerance while giving
16. Insp. Garcia's word is his bond, he stand by it and security assistance
commit to uphold it. Inspector Garcia therefore has: b. exercise limited force
a. delicadeza c. word of honor c. participate in actual demolition
b. camaraderie d. honor code d. exercise maximum force in dealing with squatter

17. The concept that the manner in which the police 32. Under this ethical standard, the PNP member shall
were viewed was likely to influence the degree of take legitimate means to achieve goals despite of
cooperation they were to receive was espoused by: internal of external and internal difficulties.
a) Sir Robert Peel b) Friedrich Taylor a. integrity c. orderliness
c) Max Weber d) Edwin Sutherland b. humidity d. perseverance

18. It means courage to endure without yielding. 33. All PNP members must have the moral courage to
a. prudence b. fortitude sacrifice self-interest in keeping with the time-honored
c. temperance d. justice principle of_
a. Delicadeza c. Amor propio
19. A moral courage to sacrifice self-interest. b. Pride d. Pakikisama
a. Esprit de corps c. valor
b. Camaraderie d. delicadeza 34. What is the complete title of the PNP Code of
20. It means "love for the country” a. PNP Code of Ethical Standards and Professional
a. patriotism b. nationalism Conduct
C. valor d. bravery b. PNP Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical
21. What Executive Order provides for the c. PNP Code of Conduct and Standards
institutionalization of the Doctrine of Command d. PNP Ethical Standards
Responsibility in all law enforcement agencies
particularly in the PNP? 35. A police community relations program must provide
a. E.O. 266 b. E.O. 226 opportunities for the police and the citizens
c. E.O. 227 d. E.O. 236 a. talk with each other b. talk for each other
c. talk through each other d. talk to each other
22. The ability to go on despite obstacles or
oppositions. 36. PO1 Juan Alba governs and disciplines himself by
a. patience b. perseverance means of reason and sound judgment. What virtue
c. endurance d. prudence does he practice?
a. endurance c. prudence
23. The "Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act". b. courtesy d. patriotism
a. R.A. 7080 b . R.A. 3019
c.R.A.7438 d. R.A. 8294 37. It is an omission or refusal, without sufficient
excuse, to perform an act or duty which is the police
24. The police officers use of offensive and obscene officer's legal obligation to perform.
languages is known as police a. nonfeasance b. misfeasance
a. brutality b. profanity c. malfeasance d. corruption
c. perjury d. gratuity
38. No PNP member shall engage in any activity which
25. It is the ability to be calm in enduring situations. shall be in conflict with their duties as public servant.
a. patience b. perseverance a. malingering b. moonlighting
c. endurance d. prudence c. loyalty to the service d. delicadeza

Amici Review Center Page 19

39. What is the primary purpose of a public relation 50. A police-community relations programs must have
program? the following objectives, EXCEPT:
a. to develop mutual understanding between a. to enforce the law and arrest violators
the police and public b. to obtain public cooperation and assistance
b. To plan for a community relation program; c. to create broader understanding and sympathy with
c. To recruit new members for community relations; the problems and needs of the police
d. To train police officers in community relations. d. to maintain and develop the goodwill and confidence
of the community
40. What program is concerned with creating a
favourable public image of the police? 51. The best relation a law enforcement organization
a. police relations c. Press relations can give to the community is:
b. Community relations d. Public relations a good and credible performance
b. frequent media coverage of police work
41. What changes must occur given an effective police c. good public press relations
community relations program? d. community visitations
a. Attitudinal and behavioral changes in
policemen 52. In launching a police community program, to attain
b. Political and social changes in policemen. a sound degree of success, link or ugnayan" should be
c. Attitudinal and mental changes in policemen. made first with:
d. Social and economic Changes in policemen a. Community Civic organization b. Local
prominent residents
42. The key to professionalism is the implementation c. local ladies club d. Barangay
of a program which includes the equitable distribution officials
of recruitment, fair promotion, and rationalized 53. To develop public good will, a policeman on duty
approach in assignment, skills development, grant of must do the following, EXCEPT:
awards and reward and decent living upon retirement. a. be selective of people to serve
a. Human resource dev't c. System and b. be courteous and fair
Procedure c. be quick to assist individuals in their problem
b. Organizational dev't d. compensation d. perform job with dedication and efficiency

43. The binding spirit that enhances teamwork and 54. It refers to the conceptual policy laid down for the
cooperation in the police organization observance of all law enforcement personnel to
a. loyalty c. patriotism exercise utmost restraint and self-control in the
b. camaraderie d. valor performance of their official functions.
a. command responsibility c. reasonable
44. The authority to make decisions without reference force
to the specific rules or facts, using instead one's own b.rules of engagement d. maximum
judgment. tolerance
a. Discretion c. Negotiation
b. prudence d. conviction 55. The primary purpose of police is to enlighten the
members of the police service of
45. What is the most important supervisory principle in a. what is right and what is wrong
order to improve the morale of staff? b. the right attitude
a. Be fair and just c. Be strict on c. what behavior is really acceptable
attendance d. the right thing to do
b. Be kind and respectful d. Be forgiving
56. It is a habit which inclines a man to act in a way
46. It refers to the planned use of mass communication that harmonizes with his nature.
for public purpose: a. ethics c. virtue
a. Press release c. advertisement b. right d. conscience
b. Publication d. Propaganda
57. An authority a person lawfully exercises over
47. The best measure for the competence of police subordinates by virtue of his rank and assignment or
officer is _ position.
a. High morale of his men a. command c. orders
b. Ability of his men to prepare reports b. responsibility d. memorandum
c. Good command of words 58. Police officers should have a feeling of devotion,
d. High level of education among his men duty or attachment to the PNP organization. Such
attitude is an example of
48. This particular program makes the policemen a a integrity c. honesty
friend and partner of the people as well as their b. loyalty to the service d. obedience to
defender. In short, this program makes the police a superior
part of, and not apart from society.
a. Civic Action Program b. Public information 59. The police officer's relations with the officers and
Program men of his own department, his supervisor, the station
c. Public relation Program d. Mass Communication commander, as well as the city or municipal mayor
Program where he is assigned is an example of:
a. intra-departmental relations c. professional
49. It is the sum total of all the dealings of the police relation
with the people it serves and whose goodwill and b. good relation d. inter-
cooperation the police needs for the greatest possible departmental relation
efficiency in public service.
a. Police Community Relations b. Human 60. Each police officer is allowed a great deal of
relations deciding what to do while on beat especially when
c. Police Public relation d. Public relations encountering citizens in conflict with the law.

Amici Review Center Page 20

a maximum tolerance c. responsibility a. annoy or inconvenience any law abiding
b. discretion d. power citizen
61. PNP members must promote a living that is b. perform his job with dedication
acceptable and respectable in the eyes of the public. c. project an honest image
They must promote simple yet credible lives. d. be courteous
a. police lifestyle b. delicadeza
c. human rights d. image 74. Considered as the highest form of love in the PNP
hierarchy of police values.
62. A part of the PNP's ceremony where the flag is a. love of women c. love of God
raised in the middle of the pole in difference to c. selfless love of people d. love of power
deceased member of the command or unit.
a. flag raising b . half- mast 75. Your subordinate told you that when you were
c. flag retreat d. funeral service absent, your supervisor issued orders not in agreement
with standing orders you have issued to your men in
63. PNP members shall provide service to everyone your section. What shall you do?
without discrimination regardless of party affiliation in a. discuss the new order with your staff
accordance with existing rules and regulations. b. tell your staff to promulgate their own rules
a. political patronage c. non-partisanship c. discuss the matter with your supervisor
b. commitment to democracy d. social awareness d. instruct your staff to follow your orders

64. Each police officer is allowed a great deal of_ in 76. Police Community relation is:
deciding what to do while on beat especially when a. The honest effort of both the police and the
encountering citizen in conflict with laws. public to understand one another.
a. discretion c. responsibility b. A pet project of the DILG
b. power d. authority c. Building confidence
d. On its way out
65. PNP members shall not allow themselves to be
victims of corruption and dishonest practices. 77. The sum total of the dealings between the police
a. integrity b. honesty and the people it serves, and whose goodwill and
c. clean living d. corrupt cooperation it craves, for the greatest possible
efficiency in the service.
66. It is the ability to be calm in enduring situations. a. police community relations c. police public
a. patience b. perseverance relations
c. endurance d. prudence b. human relation d. community
67. The misuse of police authority which involves
violations of the rules and regulations of the police 78. An established usage or social practices carried on
organization. by tradition that has obtained the force of the law.
a. police profanity c. police corruption a. customs c. traditions
b. police misconduct d. police deviance b. mores d. values

68. These are material favor or gifts in return for 79. It is the doing either through ignorance, inattention
service. or malice, of that which the officer had no legal right
a. bribe b. kickback to do.
c. gratuity d. extortion a, nonfeasance b. misfeasance
c. malfeasance d. oppression
69. All PNP officers shall follow logical procedures in
accomplishing task assigned to them to minimize waste 80. When police officers are taught how to deal with
in the use of time, money and efforts. This refers to people in a warm and friendly manner, they are trained
a. perseverance c. humility in
b. orderliness d. integrity a. Public information c. international relations
b. Media relations d. human relations
70. PO1 Sakalam frequently assumes that he is the
master of the people, perform his duties with 81. Under this ethical standard, all PNP members shall
arrogance and feel that he is invincible and not an follow logical procedures in accomplishing their duties
ordinary mortal s invincible and not an ordinary mortal. to minimize waste of time, money and efforts.
PO1 Habagat violated the ethical act of: a. Perseverance c. Humility
a. perseverance c. humility b. Justice d. Orderliness
b. integrity d. morality
82. Which of the following nearly expresses the
71. PO3 Perez refrains himself from patronizing houses meaning of ridicule?
of ill-refute and always faithful to his lawfully wedded a. Anger c. Resentment
wife. PO3 Perez practices the ethical act of: b. to make fun d. disgust
a. integrity c. loyalty
b. morality d. temperance 83. All the members of the PNP shall guard the
confidentiality of classified information against
72. The act of extending hospitality to visiting _______ disclosure including aspects of official
personnel who pays respect to the command or unit business, special order, communications and other
a. courtesy c. exit call documents.
b. courtesy of the post d. turn over a. Authorized c. unauthorized
ceremony b. Approved d. discriminately

73. To develop good will, a policeman on duty should 84. Which of the following does NOT belong to the
do the following, EXCEPT: group?
a. Non-partitianship c. Humility

Amici Review Center Page 21

b. Morality d. Perseverance b. Creed d. Ethics

85. Which of the following nearly expresses the 97. Refers to the conceptual policy laid down for
meaning of animosity? observance of law enforcement personnel to exercise
a. Resentment b. Anger utmost restraint and self-control in the performance of
c. Disgust d . Bribe their official functions.
a. Maximum tolerance c. police discretion
86. PNP members should always bear in mind that they b. Command responsibility d. police ethics
are public servants and not masters of the people; they
must perform their duties without arrogance. 98.It is the transfer of title or disposal of interest in
a. Orderliness c. Integrity property by voluntarily, completely and actually
b. Humility d. Perseverance depriving or dispossessing oneself of his right or title to
it in favor of a person or persons other than his spouse
87. Under this police professional conduct, PNP and relatives as defined in this Act.
members including their families must encourage to be a. Retirement b. Investment
actively involved in religious, social and civic activities c. AWOL d. Divestment
to enhance the image of the organization without
affecting their official duties. 99. A practical science that treats the principle of
a. Happy Hours c. Police Lifestyle human morality and duty as applied to law
b. Social Gatherings d. None of these enforcement
a. Ethics c. command responsibility
88. In consonance with the requirements of honor and b. Police service d. police ethics
integrity in the PNP, all members must have the moral
courage to sacrifice self interest in keeping the time 100. The police officer performed an act under the law
honored principle of delicadeza. This statement is: but committed a mistake in the execution of such act:
a. Definitely false c. sometimes a. nonfeasance c. malfeasance
b. Definitely true d. maybe b. misfeasance d. none of these

89. The code of professional coduct and ethical

standards for public employee is known as:
a. RA 6713 b . RA 6448
c. RA 6975 d. RA 8551 1. These are act or omission which may not be
punishable if committed by an adult but becomes
90. The police do NOT operate in a vacuum. This unlawful when they are committed by a child or a
means : person of tender year or one who is in need of
a. Should try to treat all people with respect supervision or assistance.
b. Something has to treat people harshly a. crime c. delinquency
c. Should be more alert for problems in the slum area b. status offense d. felonies
d. They must rely upon community for support
2. This may be attributed to the school proximity
91. "Judicious use of Authority means: to place of vices, unattractive school life, failing grades
a. Respect for Human Rights and unreasonable mentors. This is described as?
b. Legitimate use authority a. Cheating
c. Practical use of government resources c. This refers to Lying
d. Logical procedures b. Stealing
d. Truancy
92. Under this professional conduct, PNP personal shall
perform their duties with dedication, thoroughness, 3. Which one is used to describing a large
efficiency, enthusiasm and manifest concern for public number of disapproved behaviors of children and
welfare. youths?
a. Respect for human rights c. Orderliness a. Anti-social behaviors
b. Police lifestyle d. None of these b. Juvenile delinquency
c. Young offenders
93. Public confidence in a police organization is directly d. Youthful offenders
related to the image that citizen sympathized with
policeman. This statement is: 4. The penchant for not telling the truth clearly
a. Maybe true c. definitely manifest that the following are lacking: love, security,
true attention, respect, acceptance, praise and happiness.
b. Sometimes false d. definitely false This is referred as what?
a. Cheating c. Lying
94. PNP members shall provide service and assistance b. Vagrancy d. Stealing
to everyone without discrimination regardless of party
affiliation. 5. To be declared as an abandoned child, a child
a. Morality c. social-awareness whose parents and guardians have deserted him for at
b. Political patronage d. non-partisanship least…….?
a. 3 months – as provided under R.A. 9523
95. What will be result of inequality of police service? (prevailing law susundin)
a. Boost the morale of personnel b. 1 month
b. All of these c. 9 months
c. Harmonious relationship among members d. 6 months - as provided under RA 934
d. Inefficiency and lack of team work
6. What Police unit handles causes involving
96. What is known as the capacity to use wise women and children?
judgement or decide on a given situation? a. Department of Social Welfare and
a. Canons c. Discretion Development

Amici Review Center Page 22

b. Child and youth Relation Unit
c. Women’s and Children’s Desk 16. It is referred to the inherited propensities
d. Women and Children Halfway Center which cannot be considered a criminal act unless there
is a probability that a crime will be committed.
7. What social institution has the responsibility in a. Predisposing factor
the augmentation of spiritual and moral development c. Biologic factor
of children? b. Precipitating factor
a. T.V. and other forms of media d. Environmental factor
b. School
c. Church
d. Police 17. An Act Strengthening the Juvenile Justice
System in the Philippines.
8. Which of the following will not exempt the a. RA 9344 c. RA 10627
child from criminal liability? b. RA 10630 d. RA 8960
a. A child is 15 years and below who acted
without discernment 18. The act of being responsible for enforcing
b. A child is above 15 years but below 18 child support obligations is known as
years who acted without discernment a. Child’s Care c. Child at risk
c. A child is above 15 years but below 18 b. Parental Guidance d. Child support
years who acted with discernment
d. A child is above 18 but below 21 years 19. Ms. Kyla is absent from her class for more
than 20 school days without justifiable cause. What is
9. Children below fifteen ( 15) years of age shall referred to her act?
not be employed, except: a. Vices c. Undesirable behavior
a. When the employment endangers his life b. Truancy d. Attractive nuisance
and morals
b. When employment impairs the child’s 20. Otherwise known as the Child and Youth
normal development Welfare Code?
c. When there is work permit from DOLE a. PD 603
secured by the employer c. PD 1081
d. When employment is with a contract from b. PD 968
parents but against the will of the child d. PD 1602

10. What is referred to a child deserted with no 21. It is an institution or person assuming the
proper care from his parents or guardian? care, custody, protection and maintenance of children
a. Abandoned child for placement in any child caring institution or home or
c. Dependent child under the care and custody of any person or persons
b. Neglected child for purposes of adoption, guardianship or foster care?
d. All of these a. Shelter home
b. Child placing agency
11. What is the age of the majority under the c. Child caring institution
Philippine Law? d. Detention home
a. 18 c. 20
b. 19 d. 21 22. If the youth offender is ______ while inside
the training institution or administration office, he is
12. A twenty four hour child caring institution that brought to court for the pronouncement of his
provide short term resident care for youthful offenders. sentence.
a. Shelter care Institution a. helpful
c. Foster Home b. disobedient
b. Nursery c. physical disable
d. Detention home d. incorrigible

13. The father and the mother shall exercise 23. When was PD 603 enacted?
jointly just and reasonable parental authority and a. December 10, 1974
responsibility over their legitimate children and to their c. December 12, 1974
adopted children. The statement is…? b. December 11, 1974
a. True c. Partly true d. December 13, 1974
b. False d. Partly false
24. Who are those with any behavioral disorder,
14. This cause of behavioral disorder of the youth whether functional or organic, which of such a degree
is a result of factors such as personal problems, of severity as to require professional help or
ignorance and curiosity? hospitalization?
a. Predisposing factor a. Mentally Ill Children
c. Biologic factor b. Physically Handicapped Children
b. Precipitating factor c. Emotional Disturbed Children
d. Environmental factor d. Retarded at Maturity – low IQ

15. A child in conflict with the law who is under 25. Aside from the child, who may file a
fifteen years of age (exempted) shall be turned over to complaint against any violation of R.A. 7610?
the ________________ by the police for the a. Parents or guardians
determination of appropriate program: b. Ascendants or collateral relatives within the 3rd
a. nearest police station c. local DSWSD degree of consanguinity
b. family d. court c. Barangay Chairman Officer or DSWD or at least any
three responsible citizen
Note: all exempt d. All of the choices

Amici Review Center Page 23

26. Mentally retarded children classified as those 36. The chairman of the Juvenile Justice and
belonging to the low normal group have an I.Q of? Welfare Council under the law is:
a. 25 a. The undersecretary of the DOJ
c. 50-75 b. The undersecretary of DepEd
b. 50 c. The undersecretary of the DILG
d. 75-89 d. The undersecretary of the DSWD

27. To be declared as an abandoned child, a child 37. Refers to children who, although not afflicted
whose parents and guardians have deserted him for at with insanity or mental defect, are unable to maintain
least…….? normal social relations with others and the community
a. 3 months in general due to emotional problems or complexes?
c. 9 months a. Mentally ill
b. 6 months b. Emotionally disturbed
d. None of the above c. Handicapped
d. Custodial group
28. This may include the presence of both parents
who are irresponsible that children experience constant 38. It is known as the act of establishing a
quarrels in the home. comprehensive juvenile justice and welfare system,
a. Separated Home c. Broken Home creating the juvenile justice and welfare council under
b. Delinquent Home d. United Home the Department of Justice, appropriating funds,
therefore, and for other purposes.
29. Instances of deviant conduct of children a. R.A. 603 c. R.A 9344
attributed to the school inadequacy are as follows, b. P.D. 603 d. R.A 9434
a. Vices 39. Mrs. A was abandoned by her husband and
b. Truancy family. She is pregnant. Mrs. A stayed in a place whose
c. Membership in fraternities and sororities primary function is to give shelter and care to pregnant
d. Lack of facilities for curricular and extra- women and their infants. What is referred to the place?
curricular activities a. Lying in clinic c. Rehabilitation center
b. Maternity home d. Hospital
30. Delinquency prevention programs are
intended primarily to: 40. Which is not belonging to the group?
a. streamline juvenile court process a. To give the child affection, companionship,
b. prevent young people from getting into and understanding.
trouble with the law b. To extend to the child the benefits of moral
c. make the people more effective in dealing with guidance, self-discipline and religious instruction.
juveniles c. To supervise the child’s activities, including
d. rehabilitate young people who are drug users his recreation.
d. To conceals or abandons the child with intent
31. What is referred to the period of history to make such child lose his civil status.
which is sometimes known as the beginning of
humanism and reason? 41. It is referred as the basic unit of the society?
a. The enlightenment a. Family
c. The innovation c. Church
b. The urbanization b. Community
d. The industrialization d. School

32. Juvenile crime is also known as? 42. The process in which a child is given the same
a. Child offender status and rights as a legitimate child, both in relation
c. Juvenile delinquent to the parents and to the relative of the latter is called
b. Minor lawbreaker –
d. Juvenile delinquency a. adoption
b. Legitimate
33. Children that are regarded as mentally c. marriage
immature and incompetent in terms of their social d. Emancipation
relationships are considered as
a. mentally ill c. mentally retarded 43. The following person is liable for child
b. emotionally disturbed d. Physically prostitution, EXCEPT:
handicapped a. those who act as procurers of a child prostitute
b. children recruited as prostitutes
34. Governments are under an obligation to make c. managers or owners of the establishment where the
public education accessible to all young persons. This prostitution takes place
statement is….? d. clients of a child prostitute
a. True
c. Partly true 44. It generally refers the youth behavior which is
b. False against the norm and regulation of the society, which
d. Partly false if left unchecked would give rise to criminality.
a. Delinquency
c. Truancy
35. What is referred to as the misbehavior that is b. Status offense
related to fear reactions, temper tantrums, and d. None of these
jealousy reactions?
a. Neurotic c. Emotional disorder 45. This is utilized as a temporary home for
b. Psychogenic approach d. Biogenic minors who are waiting for final disposition of their
cases by the court.

Amici Review Center Page 24

a. detention center c. Unfair parent
b. child placement agency d. Parental neglect
c. rehabilitation center
d. receiving home 54. The civil personality of the child is deemed to
have been commenced upon:
46. This is the highest group of mentally retarded, a.birth of the child
with IQs from about 75 to about 89? b.when the child celebrates his first birthday
a. Trainable group c. Borderline group c. from the time of his conception
b. Educable group d. Custodial group d.upon reaching the age of majority

47. A legal relationship between two people not 55. Refers to the totality of the circumstances
biologically related, usually terminating the rights of which are most beneficial for the child.
biological parents, and usually with a trial “live in “ a. child as the zone of peace
period. Once it is finalized, the records are sealed and b. nation building
only the most compelling interest will enable the c. best interest of the child
disclosure of documents. d. presumption of minority
a. Adoption
b. Foster Parenting 56. All but one, are the reason why a child will
c. Common Law Relationship become truant.
d. Brotherhood a. unattractive school life
b. reasonable mentors
48. The youth misdeed may be attributed to their c. family problems
learning process cultured in on youth gangs, d. domestic problems
stigmatizing contacts with governmental and social
control agencies and other similar variables. What is 57. When the child is brought to the police station
referred to this? for proper disposition, what unit/office of the said
a. Sociogenic approach station caters the child?
c. Psychogenic approach a. Desk section
b. Biogenic approach b. Investigation section
d. None of these c. Operation Section
49. Which is referred to the culture, norms, and
behavior of the child’s surroundings that may very well 58. Vincent was charged with vandalism on her
influence the upbringing of the child, especially 18th birthday when she painted her neighbor’s walls
throughout their formative years? with a greeting to herself. How will you classify Vincent
a. Family as an offender?
c. Church a. juvenile offender
b. School b. habitual offender
d. Environment c. adult offender
d. none
50. Maltreatment of a child is considered
a. child misuse 59. It is the psychological, emotional and
b. child delinquency behavioral reactions and deficits of women victims and
c. child defect their inability to respond to repeated physical and
d. child abuse psychological violence?
a. Battered Woman Syndrome
51. Mario who dislikes following school rules and b. Battered Wife
regulation manifests? c. Abused Woman
a. Delinquency d. Rape trauma syndrome
c. Anti-social behavior
b. Status offense 60. Child in conflict with the law may undergo a
d. Truancy diversion program without necessity of court
intervention on the following:
a. Where the imposable penalty for the
52. It represents the instrument for the training crime committee is not more than six (6) years
of young people which should provide goals, values, imprisonment;
and academic growth which will be necessary to b. Where the imposable penalty for the crime
transform the raw mind of the child. What is referred committed exceeds six (6) years imprisonment;
to this? c. Where the imposable penalty for the crime
a. Family committed exceeds six (6) years but not more than 12
c. Church years imprisonment;
b. School d. Where the imposable penalty for the crime
d. Environment committed does not exceeds 12 years imprisonment.

53. Parental Discipline appears in relation to 61. Once the court, after trial finds that a child in
delinquency. Harsh discipline in the home may result in conflict with the law is guilty of the crime charged, the
more delinquencies than consistent and reasoning court shall:
forms of discipline. Aside from this, screaming at the a. Pronounce its judgment;
child, calling the child insulting names, excessively b. Wait for the application for suspension of sentence
criticizing or generally ignoring the child is also of the child and order his turn over to DSWD.
contributory to delinquency. These actions simply c. Automatically place the child in conflict with
refers to – law under suspension of sentence
a. Physical Abuse d. Determine the civil liability and order the final
c. Emotional Abuse discharge of the child in conflict with the law.

Amici Review Center Page 25

62. A child born inside a marriage where either 71. A child in conflict with the law is exempted
party is suffering from an impediment. from _____:
a. illegitimate child a. both criminal and civil liability
b. legitimated child b. neither criminal nor civil liability
c. legitimate child c. criminal liability only
d. adopted child d. civil Liability only

63. This refers to the apprehension or taking into 72. Refers to a program organized by travel
custody of a child who committed an offense by the establishments and individuals which consist of
law enforcement officer: packages or activities, utilizing and offering escort and
a. initial contact with the child sexual services as enticement for tourists.
b. preliminary investigation a. prostitution
c. initial investigation b. exploitation
d. inquest proceedings c. sex tourism
d. pornography
64. This common procedure applied when
arresting an offender shall NOT be employed when the 73. Refers to an intentional act committed by a
person who is the subject of apprehension is a child. person who knowingly and without lawful justification
a. informing the suspect is a child follows the woman or her child or places the woman or
b. stating the reason for the arrest her child under surveillance directly or indirectly.
c. employing reasonable force a. stalking
d. use of handcuffs b. economic abuse
c. battery
65. In case of a child in conflict with the law his d. sexual violence
age shall be determined. In the absence of proof what
principle shall be observed? 74. This refers to the use, hiring, employment and
a. He is presumed to be minor coercing of children as actors or models in printed
b. He should prove his age pornographic materials:
c. The Birth certificate should be produced a. indecent shows
pending such issuance he should be hold. b. child prostitution
d. The testimony of the child should be enough c. obscene publication
to prove his age. d. child exploitation

66. A working child over fifteen but under 75. All records pertaining to the case of the child
eighteen may work but his work hours must not exceed in conflict with the law shall remain _______ and
____ hours: ______:
a. Eight a. Privileged and confidential
b. seven b. classified and confidential
c. ten c. privileged and restricted
d. six d. secret and confidential

67. A working child who is below eighteen but 76. The diversion proceedings must be completed
over fifteen years old may be allowed to work between within ____ days:
the hours of: a. thirty
a. six to eight o’clock pm b. forty-five
b. seven to eight o’clock pm c. sixty
c. six to ten o’clock pm d. twenty
d. seven to ten o’clock pm
77. If the court finds that the child in conflict with
68. It means failure to provide, for reasons other the law is guilty of the crime he is accused of doing,
than poverty, the basic needs of the child, such as the ____________ of the sentence shall automatically
food, clothing, medical care, shelter and basic be suspended:
education a. imposition
a. sexual abuse b. determination
b. physical neglect c. execution
c. psychological abuse d. discharge
d. emotional neglect
78. A delinquent child who internalizes his
69. Refers to acts that make or attempt to make conflicts and becomes preoccupied with his feelings is
a woman financially dependent. a:
a. Stalking a. Social delinquent
b. economic abused b. Accidental delinquent
d. sexual violence c. Asocial delinquent
d. Neurotic delinquent
70. Discernment is the determining factor if the
CICL is over fifteen years old. The decision as to 79. Family home type which provide temporary
whether the child acted with or without discernment is shelter from 10 to 20 days for children under
made initially by the _______: observation by the DSWD.
a. social worker a. Receiving homes
b. Maternity homes
b. CICL c. Nursery
c. law enforcer d. Shelter care institution
d. judge
80. His delinquent act has a cold, brutal, vicious
quality for which the youth feels no remorse.

Amici Review Center Page 26

a. Asocial
b. Neurotic 88. Refers to a person appointed by the court to
c. Accidental act as the legal guardian of the child even though the
d. Social Aggressive youth parents of the child are still alive when the best interest
of the said child so require.
81. It refers to a series of activities, which are a. adopter
designed to address issues that caused the child to b. loco parentis
commit an offense. It may take the form of an c. guardian ad litem
individualized treatment program, which may include d. temporary guardian
counseling, skills training, education, and other
activities that will enhance his/her psychological, 89. In what year was the New York House of
emotional and psychosocial well-being. Refuge, the first to segregate juvenile offenders and
a. Diversion adult criminals established?
b. Rehabilitation a. 1845
c. Probation b. 1824
d. Intervention c. 1899
d. 1812
82. If children, whether male or female, who for
money, profit or any other consideration or due to the 90. In case of separation between parents of the
coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or group, child, a child of such age is given by the court the
are indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct preference to choose between either parent.
it is known as… a. under 9 years of age
a. Child Abuse b. 7 years of age
b. Child Trafficking c. 10 years of age
c. Child Prostitution d. 5 years of age
d. Child Exploitation
91. A child whose basic needs have been
83. What refers to an anti-social act or behavior deliberately unattended.
which deviates from the normal pattern of rules and a. abandoned child
regulations, customs and culture that society does not b. dependent child
accept and which, therefore, justifies some kind of c. abusive child
corrective measures in the public interest and is being d. neglected child
committed by minors?
a. Juvenile Delinquency 92. In employing children, the employment
b. Minor Delinquency contract must be signed:
c. Child Delinquency a. by the Department of Labor and Employment
d. Youth Delinquency b. in the presence of the family’s lawyer
c. by the child’s parent or guardian
84. It refers to a principle, which requires a d. and notarized by a Notary Public
process of resolving conflicts with the maximum
involvement of the victim, the offender and the 93. It is the best evidence to prove the age of the
community. It seeks to obtain reparation for the victim; child in conflict with the law:
reconciliation of the offender, the offended and the a. testimony of the parents of the child
community; and reassurance to the offender that b. testimony of the child
he/she can be reintegrated into society. It also c. certificate of birth
enhances public safety by activating the offender, the d. school records
victim and the community in prevention strategies.
a. Restorative Justice 94. The apprehension or taking into custody of a
b. Rehabilitative Justice child in conflict with the law by law enforcement
c. Reformative Justice officers or private citizens is termed as:
d. Reintegrative Justice a. Arrest
b. Initial contact
85. A place of residence whose primary function c. Child custody
is to give shelter and care to pregnant women and their d. All of the above
a. Maternity home 95. If the penalty for the crime committed by the
b. Hospital CICL is imprisonment of more than six years, diversion
c. Rehabilitation center will be within the jurisdiction of the ____________:
d. Foster homes – place for adoptees a. barangay
86. Teachers, administrators, and babysitters c. police
who are viewed as having some temporary parental d. court
rights & obligations are considered_____________.
a. Guardian Ad litem 96. Preliminary investigation shall only be
b. In Loco parentis conducted when the:
c. Parens Patriae a. CICL is over fifteen but under eighteen
d. None of these b. CICL is disqualified for diversion
c. CICL acted with discernment
87. The law that provides special protection of d. victim filed the complaint
children against child abuse, exploitation and
discrimination. 97. Being an orphan, Karl Marco, roams the street
a. R.A. 7610 24 hours a day with no place to go, surviving on foods
b. R.A. 9208 given by kindhearted people with no one to supervise
c. R.A. 9344 him at his young age of nine (9). How do you
d. P.D. 603 categorize Pedro as a child?

Amici Review Center Page 27

a. neglected child d. Fight
b. independent child
c. Abandoned child 6. It is an approach that is critical of modernism,
d. dependent child with a mistrust of grand theories and ideologies.
a. Feminist Theory
98. Refers to a child raise to the status of b. Postmodern Theory
legitimate child by subsequent marriage of his/her c. Queer Theory
parents. d. Conflict Theory
a. illegitimate
b. legitimated 7. The Information obtained through mediation
c. legitimate proceedings shall be subject to the following principles
d. adopted and guidelines: except
I. Information obtained through mediation shall be
99. In this period is considered the beginning of privileged and confidential.
humanism and the reason of treatment of child. II. A party, a mediator, or a non-party participant may
a. 17th Century refuse to disclose and may prevent any other person
b. 19th Century from disclosing a mediation communication.
c. 16th century III. Confidential Information shall not be subject to
d. 18th century discovery and shall be inadmissible if any adversarial
proceeding, whether judicial or quasi-judicial,
100. It refers to the programs provided in a However, evidence or information that is otherwise
community setting developed for purposes of admissible or subject to discovery does not become
intervention and diversion, as well as rehabilitation of inadmissible or protected from discovery solely by
the child in conflict with the law, for reintegration into reason of its use in mediation.
his/her family and/or community. IV. In such an adversarial proceeding, the following
a. Community Juvenile Programs persons involved or previously involved in a mediation
b. Community Rehabilitation Programs may not be compelled to disclose confidential
c. Community Outreach Programs information obtained during mediation: (1) the parties
d. Community - Based Program to the dispute; (2) the mediator or mediators; (3) the
counsel for the parties; (4) the nonparty participants;
DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND CRISIS/INCIDENT (5) any persons hired or engaged in connection with
MANAGEMENT the mediation as secretary, stenographer, clerk or
assistant; and (6) any other person who obtains or
1. This act shall be known as the "Alternative possesses confidential information by reason of his/her
Dispute Resolution Act of 2004”. profession.
a. RA 9285 V. The protections of this Act shall continue to apply
b. RA 10121 even of a mediator is found to have failed to act
c. RA 6506 impartially.
d. RA 11131 VI. A mediator may be called to testify to provide
information gathered in mediation. A mediator who is
2. This is conceptualized as the methods and wrongfully subpoenaed shall be reimbursed the full
processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of cost of his attorney's fees and related expenses.
conflict and retribution. a. I and II
a. Agreement b. III
b. Mediation c. VI
c. Conflict Resolution d. V and VI
d. Dispute Solution
7. The following are the Conflict Resolution
3. It means any process or procedure used to Strategies developed by Thomas and Kilmann.
resolve a dispute or controversy, other than by a. Avoiding; Competing; Accommodating;
adjudication of a presiding judge of a court or an officer Collaborating; Compromising
of a government agency, as defined in this Act, in b. Avoiding; Competing; Accommodating;
which a neutral third party participates to assist in the Collaborating; Controlling
resolution of issues, which includes arbitration, c. Avoiding; Competing; Accommodating;
mediation, conciliation, early neutral evaluation, mini- Considering; Controlling
trial, or any combination thereof. d. Competing, Eluding, Accommodating;
a. Alternative Dispute Resolution System Considering; Controlling
b. ADR Provider
c. Arbitration 8. It means a list of persons qualified to provide
d. Confidential information ADR services as neutrals or to serve as arbitrators.
a. Rooster
4. It is a valued-based approach focused on b. Record
determining harm resulting from crime, what need to c. Proceedings
be done to repair the harm, and who is responsible for d. None of the Above
repairing the harm.
a. Retributive 9. It means a foreign arbitral award made in a
b. Restorative state, which is not a Convention State.
c. Transformative a. Non-Convention State
d. All of the Above b. New York Convention
c. Non-Convention Award
5. It is a struggle between people; A natural d. Convention Award
disagreement arising between two or more people.
a. Argument 10. It means a voluntary dispute resolution
b. Conflict process in which one or more arbitrators, appointed in
c. Problem

Amici Review Center Page 28

accordance with the agreement of the parties or these c. Involved parties
rules, a dispute by rendering an award. d. Next-of-kin
a. Litigation
b. Mediation 19. The amicable settlement and arbitration
c. Arbitration award may be enforced by execution by the lupon ____
d. Conciliation from the date of the settlement.
a. 30 days
11. Within how many days from the receipt of the b. Within 30 days
award, unless another period of time has been agreed c. 60 days
upon by the parties, a party may with notice to the d. Within 60 days
other party, request the arbitral tribunal to correct in
the award any errors in computations, any clerical or 20. Who shall transmit the settlement or the
typographical errors of similar nature. arbitration award to the appropriate city or municipal
a. 10 days court within five (5) days from the date of the award
b. 25 days from the lapse of the ten-day period repudiating the
c. 30 days settlement ?
d. 45 days a. Lupon
b. Lupon Chairman
12. The Katarungang Pambarangay Law c. Lupon Secretary
a. RA 1508 d. Lupon Treasurer
b. PD 1508
c. RA 7160 21. It is the place where the case is to be heard
d. PD 7160 and decided. It can be agreed upon by the parties,
a. Jurisdiction
13. It is the body that comprises the barangay b. Venue
justice system and on it sit the barangay captain and c. Court
10 to 20 members. d. Barangay
a. Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo
b. Lupong Tgapamayapa 22. It is a community-based dispute settlement
c. Barangay Judicial System mechanism that is administered by the basic political
d. A and B unit of the country.
a. Katarungang Pambarangay
14. Where is the venue of the amicable b. Barangay Justice System
settlement if the complainant/s and respondent/s are c. Dispute Resolution
residing in different barangays. d. Both A and B
a. It shall be brought before the the lupon of the
complainant’s barangay. 23. The following are the forms of settlement
b. It shall be brought before the the lupon mandated under the amicable settlement at the
of the Respondent’s barangay. barangay level; except
c. It shall be brought before the the lupon of a. Negotiation
either the complainant’s or respondent’s barangay. b. Mediation
d. It shall be brought before the the lupon of any c. Conciliation
barangay. d. Arbitration

15. How many days can any of the involved 24. It is the power of courts or quasi-judicial
parties file a certificate of repudiation when any of the agencies to decide cases filed before them and falling
parties feel that the amicable settlement was affected within their jurisdiction.
by fraud, violence and intimidation? a. Amicable Settlement
a. 10 days b. Arbitration Award
b. 25 days c. Habeas Corpus
c. 30 days d. Adjudication
d. 45 days
25. It is an individual who is a relative or a
16. The pangkat shall convene _____ from its responsible friend with whom the minor or incompetent
constitution, on the day and hour set by the lupon lives.
chairman, to hear both parties and their witnesses, a. Parent
simplify issues, and explore all possibilities for amicable b. Minor
settlement. c. Next of Kin
a. 10 days d. Heir
b. Not later than 3 days
c. 3 days 26. The different instances where the parties may
d. After 3 days go directly to the court; except
a. Where the accused is under detention.
17. The pangkat shall arrive at a settlement or b. Where a person has otherwise been deprived
resolution of the dispute within _____ from the day it of personal liberty calling for habeas corpus
convenes in accordance with this section. proceedings.
a. 10 days c. Where actions are coupled with provisional
b. 15 days remedies such as preliminary injunction, attachment,
c. 3 days delivery of personal property, and support pendente
d. 60 days lite.
d. Where a certificate to file action has
18. In all Katarungang Pambarangay been issued.
proceedings, who are allowed to appear in person? e. Where the action may otherwise be barred by
a. Counsel the statute of limitations.
b. Representative

Amici Review Center Page 29

27. It is when people just ignore or withdraw from c. Common Criminals
the conflict. They choose this method when the d. Prisoner
discomfort of confrontation exceeds the potential
reward of resolution of the conflict. 36. A type of terrorism which is meant to incite
a. Avoiding the government to repression.
b. Competing a. organizational terrorism
c. Accommodating b. provocative terrorism
d. Collaborating c. symbolic terrorism
e. Compromising d. Narco-terrorism

28. Any person who seizes or detains and 37. A type of terrorism which is aimed at a victim
threatens to kill, to injure or to continue to detain who symbolizes the State.
another person, in order to compel a third party, a. symbolic terrorism
namely the state, an international organization, a b. organizational terrorism
natural juridical person or a group of persons, to do or c. allegiance terrorism
abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit d. provocative terrorism
condition for the release of the hostages.
a. Kidnapping 38. It is a stage where a crisis occurs despite the
b. Terrorist pro-active effort, the organization concerned must
c. Captor prepare to perform the crisis management in
d. Hostages accordance with their plan.
a. Pro-active Phase
29. includes any controversy concerning terms, b. Pre-Active Phase
tenure or conditions of employment, or concerning the c. Reactive Phase
association or representation of persons in negotiating, d. Reaction Phase
fixing, maintaining, changing, or seeking to arrange
terms or conditions of employment, regardless of 39. It is a set of opinions or beliefs of a group or
whether the disputants stand in the proximate relation an individual. Very often it refers to a set of political
of employer and employee. beliefs or a set of ideas that characterize a particular
a. Strike culture.
b. Lockout a. Custom
c. Labor Dispute b. Tradition
d. Conflict Resolution c. Religion
d. Ideology
30. This comprises of three (3) members coming
from the Lupon, and chosen by the parties concerned. 40. In this approach, negotiation is viewed in
a. Lupong Tagapagkasundo terms of an exchange or distribution of resources.
b. Pangkat tagapagkasundo a. Bargaining Negotiation Approach
c. Lupong Tagapamayapa b. Expressive Negotiation Approach
d. Pangkat tagapamayapa c. Communication-based negotiation approach
d. Surrender Approach
31. The issuance of this certificate means that the
complainant may already bring his case to the court or 41. In responding to the hostage taking incident
other government office for adjudication. the following shall be done by the first responder;
a. Certificate to file Action EXCEPT
b. Certificate or Repudiation a. Isolate
c. Arbitration Award b. Contain
d. Agreement c. Evaluate
d. Negotiate
32. The pangkat shall be constituted every 3
years. 42. Who is recommended to be employed when
a. True negotiations break down and none of the mentioned
b. False methods work and the negotiator finds himself/herself
c. Partly true in a deadlock?
d. Partly false a. Secretary negotiator
b. Mediator
33. It is an unexpected or sudden condition or c. Third negotiator
state of affairs calling for immediate action. d. Intermediary
a. Crisis
b. Emergency 43. Who is the designated Chairman of the Anti-
c. Disaster Terrorism Council (ATC) of the Philippines?
d. Pandemic a. The President of the Philippines
b. The National Security Adviser
34. The following are examples of Natural crises, c. The Secretary of National Defense
except: d. The Executive Secretary
a. Droughts
b. Earthquakes 44. What is the key word in any negotiation which
c. Arson meant that those concerned must be willing to concede
d. Tornado to each other's request or demands, to give in and to
give up certain things to come up with agreement
35. A category of hostage taker people who take agreed by consensuses?
hostages during a period of prolonged frustration, a. Conditional
despair and problems. b. Winning
a. Person in Crisis c. Compromise
b. Psychotics d. Surrender

Amici Review Center Page 30

45. The following acts constitute terrorism under 54. The following are short range terrorists’ goal except
the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020, EXCEPT?________. one
a. Acts intended to cause extensive damage or a. obtain money, weapon or equipment
destruction to a government or public facility, public b. cause dramatic change in the
place or private property or damage or destruction to government
critical infrastructure c. satisfy vengeance
b. acts intended to cause death or serious d. free prisoners
bodily injury to any person or to endanger a
person's life where psychological satisfaction to 55. According to Frederick Hacker, these are terrorists
the perpetrators is gained who are using terrorism to change society.
c. releasing of dangerous substances, or causing a. Crusaders
fire floods or explosions to create havoc or panic sow b. Crazies
fear or chaos to the community c. Criminals
d. developing, manufacturing possessing d. Mercenaries
acquiring transporting, supplying, or using weapons or
explosives intended to cause a disproportionate 56. Which of the following is considered least among
amount of damage. terroristic tactic?
a. noise barrage
46. Which of the following items does not belong b. assassination
to the group? c. bombing
a. Prostitution d. kidnapping
b. Assassination
c. Sabotage 57. The effective planning, formulation of policies,
d. Bombing procedures and techniques for dealing with sudden
violent acts of terrorists.
47. What is considered the oldest terroristic a. Threat Analysis
attack? b. Crisis Management
a. Ambush c. Stress Management
b. Hijacking d. Hostage Negotiation
c. Assassination
d. Kidnapping 58. It is a method whereby an organized group or party
seeks to achieve its avowed aims chiefly through the
48. The most important person in a hostage systematic use of violence.
situation: a. conventional warfare
a. Hostage taker b. insurrection
b. Captive c. terrorism
c. Commander d. insurgency
d. Negotiator
59. The most important consideration in a hostage
49. Containment in a hostage taking situation taking situation.
refers a. protection of life
a. A police handling of the situation b. media coverage
b. Negotiation c. protection of property
c. Contact d. capture of the hostage taker
d. Control of Area and People 60. In dealing with the hostage taker, the negotiator
should not:
50. The following are guidelines for police negotiators, a. give his name
except one. b. give his rank and designation
a. Don’t raise the aspirations or expectations of c. give in to all demands
the hostage takers d. look friendly or accommodating
b. Give in to all of the terrorists’ demands
c. Conserve your concession 61. In a hostage situation, this is a non-negotiable
d. Make sure you get something in return for a item.
concession a. Food
b. media access
51. The following are qualities which must be c. telephone
possessed by a police negotiator except one: d. firearm
a. Flexible
b. Irrational 62. The highest ranking field commander should not
c. Patient also be the chief negotiator because
d. knows psychology a. hostage takers will be afraid
b. he is not authorized to grant concessions
52. Phenomena in a hostage situation where the c. of conflict of interest as mediator and
hostages become sympathetic to the hostage takers. decision maker
a. Oslo Syndrome d. hostage takers will not trust him
b. Stockholm Syndrome
c. Hostage Syndrome 63. It means to arrange by conferring or discussing.
d. Helsinki Syndrome a. validate
b. negotiate
53. The following are characteristics common to c. extricate
terrorists, except one d. congregate
a. operate openly
b. highly mobile 64. The last option in a hostage situation.
c. promote fear a. Negotiation
d. possess limited resources b. crowd control

Amici Review Center Page 31

c. assault operation 74. No public assembly with a permit shall be
d. giving in to demands dispersed. This statement is?
a. Yes
65. The first step in a hostage situation. b. True
a. Assault c. No
b. Control d. False
c. crowd control
d. negotiation 75. These Crises are caused by human application of
science and technology.
66. Motivation is classified under 28 needs. The need a. Crises of malevolence
to assault or injure is: b. Crises of Organizational Deeds
a. need deference c. Confrontation Crises
b. need aggression d. Technological Crises
c. need recognition
d. need order 76. A morbid insanity characterized by a deep and
morbid sense of religious feeling.
67. Which of the following is not a theory of crisis a. Mania Fanatica
management b. Psychosis
a. contain and negotiate c. Autism
b. allow passage of time so that the response d. Schizophrenia
force can evaluate the situation, gather information,
explore alternatives and formulate a plan of action 77. In hostage situation, non-verbal communication
c. protect the innocent from harm which indicates openness and willingness to listen can
d. Rush the time be shown by
a. a posture of folded arms in a dominant
68. It is a set of circumstances wherein a suspected position
law violator is holding a person captive with the use b. calmly repeating words of comfort and
and threat of violence while the law enforcement assurance
officers are in close contact with the suspect and his c. by not attempting to to trick or lie
captive. d. keeping in arm open and with a gesture
a. hostage situation that you are willing to negotiate
b. hostage negotiation
c. hostage drama 78. All but one are negotiable items during hostage
d. hostage re-enactment taking________.
a. Firearm
69. What is the most important element of hostage b. Water
negotiation? c. Escape Car
a. Hostage Negotiator d. Money
b. Rapport
c. Time 79. It is a comprehensive plan which delineates
d. All of the above responsibilities and specific actions to be taken when a
bomb threat or bombing occurs.
70. Crisis management has four (4) P’s. The P under a. Floor plan
reactive phase stands for: b. Bomb threat plan
a. Plan c. Drill
b. Predict d. Contingency plan
c. Prepare
d. Performance 80. During peaceful protests, police officers are
required to exercise ____ that requires the avoidance
71. The size and number of people conducting public of the use of force.
assembly that cannot be normally suppressed by Civil a. discretion
Disturbance Management security forces that may b. minimum tolerance
escalate into bloody violence and general chaos. c. maximum tolerance
a. Critical Incident d. wise judgment
b. Crisis
c. Critical Mass Rally 81. This is one of terrorism tactics where the victim is
d. Criminality normally confined in a secret hideouts and suspects
make material demands.
72. It refers to increase, often sudden, number of cases a. Hostage Taking
of infectious diseases above what is normally expected b. Ambush
in a given population in a specific area. c. Hijacking
a. Lockdown d. Kidnapping
b. Pandemic
c. Outbreak 82. This stage is the most traumatic and dangerous. In
d. Epidemic the alarm stage, the emotion of the hostage taker is
exceedingly in its highest peak, his rationalization and
73.It means a structured dispute resolution method in proper thinking is low, He may be extremely aggressive
which the merits of a case are argued before a panel in his reaction to any perceived threat.
comprising senior decision makers with or without the a. Alarm Stage
presence of a neutral third person after which the b. Crisis Stage
parties seek a negotiated settlement. c. Accommodation Stage
a. Model Law d. Resolution Stage
b. Mini-Trial
c. Mediation Party 83. This kind of behaviour of a hostage taker is
d. New York Convention characterized by their attempt to display power.

Amici Review Center Page 32

a. Instrumental behaviour 91. The following are instances where parties may file
b. Expressive Behavior a case directly to the court; except
c. Impressive behavior a. Where the accused is under detention
d. Abnormal behavior
c. Where a person has otherwise been deprived
84. It Is defined as a technique used to identify the of personal liberty calling for habeas corpus
perpetrator of a violent crime by identifying the proceedings;
personality and behavioural characteristics of the d. Where the action may otherwise be barred by
offender based upon an analysis of the crime the statute of limitations.
committed. e. Where both parties reside in the same
a. Criminal Profiling barangay and have misunderstandings in the
b. Criminal Psychology neighbourhood.
c. Psychiatric Criminology
d. Psychological Criminology 92. It means a list of persons qualified to provide ADR
services as neutrals or to serve as arbitrators.
85. The following statements is true when it comes to a. Roster
hostage negotiation, except? b. Record
a. All lines of communication between c. Proceedings
parties should be closed. d. None of the Above
b. In all negotiations, always look beyond what
the other party is openly demanding. Oftentimes, their 93. The amicable settlement and arbitration award may
real needs and wants are hidden behind their words be enforced by execution by the lupon ____ from the
and actions. date of the settlement.
c. A good negotiation fosters stronger working a. 30 days
relationship between people or groups and promotes b. Within 30 days
mutual understanding among the concerned c. 60 days
individuals/groups, especially after reaching an d. Within 60 days
d. Negotiation involves an exchange of ideas 94. Any person who seizes or detains and threatens to
between individuals. Its success depends on the kill, to injure or to continue to detain another person,
participants’ understanding of human nature and the in order to compel a third party, namely the state, an
ability to empathize with and anticipate each other’s international organization, a natural juridical person or
needs. a group of persons, to do or abstain from doing any act
as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the
86. Negotiations are not going well if: hostages.
a. No one has been killed since the negotiations a. Kidnapping
started. b. Care-taker
b. The number of emotional incidents and c. Captives
verbal threats have risen. d. Hostage-Taker
c. The length of each conversation increases
and tone is conversational. 95. How many days can any of the involved
d. Deadlines have passed without any violent parties file a certificate of repudiation when any of the
incident. parties feel that the amicable settlement was affected
by fraud, violence and intimidation?
88. Suggested techniques in communicating with a. 10 days
hostage-takers; except b. 25 days
a. Due to stressed and pressured, speak c. 30 days
fast and loudly and avoid slow speech d. 45 days
b. Mention the presence of colleagues and give
their names. 96. It is a set of opinions or beliefs of a group or
c. Choose your words, tone and manner an individual. Very often it refers to a set of political
carefully. beliefs or a set of ideas that characterize a particular
d. Consider the perpetrators’ education and culture.
vocabulary. a. Custom
b. Tradition
89. In negotiating for the release of a hostage, the c. Religion
_____________ will always be paramount. d. Ideology
a. of the negotiator
b. security of the hostage 97. Which of the following items does not belong
c. security of the hostage taker to the group?
d. none of the above a. Extortion
b. Sabotage
90. The following are instances where amicable c. Bombing
settlements are not appropriate; except d. Gambling
a. Where one party is the government, or any
subdivision or instrumentality thereof; 98. It is a strategy where one party gives in to the
b. Where one party is a public officer or wishes or demands of another. They’re being
employee, and the dispute relates to the performance cooperative but not assertive. This may appear to be a
of his official functions; gracious way to give in when one figures out s/he has
c. Offenses where there is no private offended been wrong about an argument.
party; a. Avoiding
d. Disputes between or among persons b. Competing
actually residing in the same barangay shall be c. Accommodating
brought for amicable settlement before the d. Collaborating
Lupon of said barangay. e. Compromising

Amici Review Center Page 33

99. Terrorism associated with the trade in illicit 11. This is one ethical consideration in research which
drugs is to remain faithful to one’s commitment which
a. organizational terrorism includes keeping promises and maintaining
b. provocative terrorism confidentiality.
c. symbolic terrorism a. Privacy c. Confidentiality
d. Narco-terrorism b. Veracity d. Fidelity

100. This Act shall be known as the Philippine 12. The format use in writing a research.
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010. a. APA c. Old Format
a. RA No. 12101 b. Chicago d. Latin Citations
b. RA No. 10121
c. RA No. 11131 13. One of the following is not an example of source of
d. RA. No. 6506 information.
a. Related Literatures c. Related Studies
CRIMINOLOGICAL RESEARCH 1 AND 2 b. Related readings d. Physical Evidence

1.It is a careful and systematic study in the field of 14. Curriculum Vitae is an example of
knowledge that is undertaken to discover or establish a. End Matters c. Contents
facts or principles. b. Preliminary Matters d. Introduction
a. Research c. Social Science
b. Scientific method d. Criminological Research 15. Acknowledgement and Abstract is a classic example
of ___ in thesis writing.
2. It is a careful and systematic study in the field of a. End Matters c. Historical Research
knowledge that is undertaken to discover or establish b. Preliminary Matters d. Evaluation Research
facts or principles in law enforcement field.
a. Research c. Social Science 16. A research which is investigating documents and
b. Scientific method d. Criminological other sources that contains facts that existed on the
Research past.
a. Pure Research c. Quantitative Research
3.This is/are condition/s or characteristics that the b.Applied Research d. Historical Research
researcher manipulates, controls and observes.
a. variables c. Population 17. A research which is to develop solutions to
b. paradigm d. Hypothesis problems and relevant application for criminological
4. It means “wise guess”. a. Pure research c. Quantitative
a. variables c. Population b. Applied research d. Qualitative
b. paradigm d. Hypothesis
18. There are three reasons for conducting
5. . Its purpose is to understand criminal behavior as criminological research.
well as explain and prevent criminal behavior and its a. Find, Locate, search
societal patterns. b. Exploration, Description, Explanation
a. synthesis c. Identify, give, solutions
b. patrol d. Findings, conclusion
c. criminological research
d. psychology 19. It means search for knowledge.
a. Research c. Investigation
6. It refers to the synopsis of a thesis. b. Criminological d. Education
a. Acknowledgment
b. Recommendation 20. This is the kind of research which intends to
c. Abstract develop theory and expand the knowledge base.
d. Introduction a. Pure Research c. Quantitative Research
b. Applied Research d. Qualitative Research
7. It is a form of research that uses statistical data as
the main source of knowledge. 21. The verb search means
a. Qualitative a. To locate c. To test
b. Quantitative b. To define d. To examine
c. Qualitative and Quantitative
d. Scientific 22. Dictionary defines the prefix Re with the meaning.
a. above c. Regard
8. The group to which the statement where the b. below d. Again
researcher would like the results of a study to be
generalized. 23. The word research is composed of ___ syllables.
a. Whole Group c. Ratio a. 1 c. 2
b. Population d. One Group b. 3 d. 4

9. Is a summative rating scale used to ascertain 24. Criminological research falls under what division of
opinions or attitudes. Science.
a. Statistics c. Likert a. Physical Science c. Social Science
b. Inferential d. Sampling b. Biological Science d. Political Science

10. This statistical methods which summarize, organize 25. When criminologists study variables, they focus on
and describe data. a. Attributes c. Characteristics
a. Statistics c. Descriptive b. People d. Relationships
b. Inferential d. Sampling

Amici Review Center Page 34

26. Which of the following is example of Nominal 39. The subject for a research study selected from the
measures. population constitutes the ____.
a. Gender c. Political Affiliation a. Variables c. Respondents
b. Religious Affiliation d. All of the Above b. Sample d. Contact Sampling

27. Which of the following describe the analysis of 40. A general type research that involves in seeking
more than two variables? new approaches/techniques/methods through
a. Experimental Designs scientific investigations.
b. Quasi-Experimental Designs a. Phenomenological research
c. Qualitative Evaluations b. Pure Research
d. Multivariate Analysis c. Applied research
d. Pragmatic Research
28. Specifying exactly what one to measure before
assigning a value to variable is called 41. When a research undertaking makes use of
a. Validity c. Reliability instruments such as test, questionnaires, rating scales
b. Operational Value d. Objectivity to arrive to scientific and meaningful results, this
characteristic falls under ____
29. The descriptive statistics represent the value a. Measurability
occurring midway in a series of numbers is called b. Attainability
a. Median c. Norm c. Realistic
b. Mode d. Mean d. Time Bound

30. The quality consistency in measurement is known 42. This refers to the schematic diagram which shows
as the variables included in the study.
a. Spuriousness c. Objectivity a. Theoretical c. Research Model
b. Reliability d. Validity b. Conceptual Framework d. Research
31. Measuring what one intends to measure is the
quality of measurement known as 43. Laws, memoranda, circulars, orders are major
a. Reliability c. Validity sources of information classified under
b. Operationalization d. Objectivity a. Related Literatures c. Related Studies
b. Related Readings d. Any of the Choices
32. A state of personal neutrality in conducting
research is known as 44. The variable “Level of Satisfaction” is considered as
a. Subjective interpretation a. Moderator Variable c. Independent Variable
b. Objectivity b. Dependent Variable d. Controlled Variable
c. A control Variable
d. Validity 45. After an intensive investigation, his superior asks
him to divulge the names of the inmates. If he will
33. A ____ is a systematic plan for conducting research comply, what ethical issues involved
a. Hypothesis a. Confidentiality c. Fidelity
b. B. Research Method b. Deception d. All of the choices
c. Sample
d. Replication 46. In presenting research outputs, it is appropriate to
do it in
34. An unverified statement of a relationship between a. Graphical Mode c. Tabular Mode
variables is a b. Textual Mode d. All of these
a. Logical Deduction c. Logical Induction
b. Hypothesis d. Theory 47. ____ is an example of probability sampling
a. Accidental Sample c. Quota Sample
35. Which research method is exploratory and is b. Purposive Sample d. Cluster
usually used to test hypothesis Sample
a. The survey c. The experiment
b. Participant Observation d. Existing sources 48. What division of knowledge will you categorize the
science of criminology?
36. A disadvantage of the interview type of survey is a. Biological c. Sociological
that b. Physical d. Behavioral
a. It does not permit follow-up question
b. The subject’s answer cannot be clarified 49. The two foundations of science are
c. a person is less likely to complete a survey if a. Tradition and Observation
contacted personally b. Observation and Logic
d. The researcher may inadvertently influence c. Realisitc
the subject d. Theory and Observation

37. A type of sampling in which the researcher starts 50. Science . . . .

out with people he knows and asks them to suggest a. Deals with what should be and not with what is
others to know us. b. Can settle debates on value
a. Residual Sampling c. Consensus Sampling c. Has to do with disproving philosophical beliefs
b. Snowball Sampling d. Contact Sampling d. Has to do with how things are and why

38. The first step in research process is identification 51. ___ is the Science of Knowing
of the ____. a. Intelligence c. Epistemology
a. Data c. Hypothesis b. Exam taking d. Relationship
b. Method d. Problem 52. Professor Ruel examined the following categories
of marital status of inmates: married, never married,

Amici Review Center Page 35

widowed, separated, and divorced. These categories b. Placed after the analysis of data
are known c. Placed after corroboration from related literature
a. Variables c. Variable Categories d. Placed anywhere as a matter of style in writing
b. Attributes d. Units of Analysis
66. In research _____ is based on the belief that what
53. In Criminological research, the process of coming people do depends on what they perceive or what goes
to an agreement about what terms mean is on their mind.
a. Hypothesizing a. Psychology c. Interview
b. Variable Determination b. Sociology d. Phenomenology
c. Conceptualization
d. Operationalization 67. In conducting the literature review, a researcher
54. A level of measurement describing a variable whose a. Select and narrow the research topic until you come
attributes are rank-ordered and have equal distances up with the central idea
between adjacent attributed are ___ measures. b. Zero in your research questions which can also
a. Ratio c. Nominal narrow down the focus of research
b. Interval d. Ordinal c. Choose the search strategy and organized the
research based on the plan
55. The process of converting data to numerical format d. All the Choices
is called
a. Feminist Research c. Quantification 68. When a researcher uses a scale representing a
b. Qualification d. None of These polar-opposite items, he/she is applying
a. The Likert Scale
56. The ____ is an average computed by summing the b. The semantic differential scale
values of several observations and dividing by the c. The interval Scale
number of observations d. Pictorial/Graphic Scales
a. Frequency c. Median
b. Mean d. Mode 69. The research conducted in the field of criminology
a. Political Research
57. Which of the following are aimed to explanation b. Social Science
a. Multivariate Analysis c. Univariate Analysis c. Criminological Research
b. Bivariate Analysis d. Both A and B d. Scientific Method

58. The multivariate techniques can serve as powerful 70. Are conditions or characteristics that the researcher
tools for manipulates, controls or observes
a. Predicting Behavior a. Variables c. Population
b. Diagnosing Social Problems b. Paradigm d. Hypothesis
c. Reacting to issues
d. All of the Above 71. It means “wise guess”
a. Assumption c. Judgment
59. ____ evidence is information we can verify with our b. Hypothesis d. Thesis
a. Consensual c. Intra Psychic 72. It is the study process and procedures for the
b. Common Sense d. Empirical improvement of a system
a. Evaluation Research c. Pure Research
60. Measuring what one intends to measure is the b. Historical Research d. Applied research
quality of measurement known as
a. Reliability c. Validity 73. A research process starts with
b. Operationalization d. Objectivity a. Identifying the problem c. Collect Data
b. Formulation of hypothesis d. None
61. A change in subject’s behavior caused simply by
the awareness of being studied refers to 74. The group to which the researcher would like the
a. Hawthorne Effect c. Androcentricity results of a study to be generalized
b. The Paranoid d. Plasticity a. Population c. Whole Group
b. Ratio d. one group
62. Philip Zimbardo’s prison study is used in the text to
illustrate which of the research design 75. This page contains the statement where the
a. Participant Observation researcher is extending his gratitude
b. Survey using questionnaires a. Cover Page c. Acknowledgement
c. Survey using interviews b. Abstract d. Recommendations
d. The experiment
76. It refers to the method of choosing subjects in a
63. ____ analysis is a research method in which a particular study.
researcher uses data collected by others a. Statistics c. Descriptive
a. Secondary c. Marginal b. Inferential d. Sampling
b. Residual d. Ethnographic
77. It refers to synopsis of a thesis
64. The ___ is a small-scale model of the research a. Acknowledgement c. Abstract
project which is carried out in order to test and improve b. Recommendation d. Introduction
the research plan
a. Research Proposal c. Sample 78. Is a summative rating scale used to ascertain
b. Pilot Study d. Related Literature opinions or attitudes?
65. For better analysis and interpretation of data, a. Treatment of Data c. Likert
implication of research finding should be b. Statistics d. Sampling
a. Placed before the analysis of data

Amici Review Center Page 36

79. This statistical methods which summarize, organize 91. It is defined as a market research method that
and describe data focuses on obtaining data through open-ended and
a. Statistics c. Descriptive conversational communication.
b. Inferential d. Sampling a. Quantitative Research
b. Qualitative Research
80. A summary of research report c. Both A and B
a. Plot c. Case d. None of the Above
b. Abstract d. Section
92. It is a systematic investigation of phenomena by
81. A group that is convenient to the researchers and gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical,
representative of the target population mathematical, or computational techniques.
a. People c. Accessible Population a. Quantitative Research
b. Congregation d. Society b. Qualitative Research
c. Both A and B
82. A research that describes what will be d. None of the Above
a. Descriptive Research
b. Experimental Research 93. It is a sampling method where there is no system
c. Historical Research of selection.
d. Action Research a. Quota Sampling
b. Convenience
83. It is an act of incorporating into one’s work of c. Pure Random Sampling
another without indicating the source; An act wherein d. Accidental Sampling
one uses ideas of others without giving due credit.
a. Copyright Infringement 94. It emphasizes verbal descriptions of human
b. Piracy behavior and practices in an attempt to understand
c. Plagiarism how the units or members of the study population
d. Inspiration experience or explain their own world.
a. Quantitative Research
84. It is a self –Evident Truth which is based upon b. Qualitative Research
known fact or phenomenon. c. Non- Quantitative Research
a. Assumption c. Judgment d. None of the Above
b. Hypothesis d. Thesis
95. The format use in writing a research.
85. The data and information is collected from those a. Latin Citations c. Old Format
knowledgeable of the subject matter. b. Chicago d. APA
a. Researcher Instrument
b. Subject Instrument 96. There are three reasons for conducting
c. Research Instrument criminological research.
d. Informant Instrument a. Find, Locate, search
b. Identify, give, solutions
86. These are options provided in multiple choices c. Exploration, Description, Explanation
based on rating scales given. d. Findings, conclusion
a. Open-Ended
b. Closed-Ended 97. It is a type of research that is used to describe the
c. Open-Closed characteristics of a population.
d. Interview a. Statistics c. Descriptive
b. Inferential d. Sampling
87. The following areas belong to Chapter 3 of the
research writing, except 98. It is considered as the most fundamental part of
a. Research Method the research.
b. Presentation and Data Interpretation a. Title Making
c. Description of the respondents b. Conclusion
d. Research Instrument c. Identification of the Problem
d. RRL
88. It is also called as informal or non-directive in which
respondents are free to express their opinions. 99. What is the Chapter II of research writing?
a. Interview a. Related Literatures and Studies
b. Structure Interview b. The Problem and the Setting
c. Unstructured Interview c. Methods of Research and Procedures
d. Observation d. Summary

89. It is the integration of existing knowledge and 100. It is a systematic, controlled, empirical and critical
research findings pertinent to an issue. investigation of hypothetical proposition about the
a. Local Literature presumed relations among natural phenomena.
b. Synthesis a. Prognostic Research
c. Foreign Studies b. Directive Research
d. Local Studies c. Research
d. Illuminative Research
90. It is written without any numerals and should be
based on the findings.
a. Conclusions
b. Summary
c. Recommendations
d. Acknowledgement

Amici Review Center Page 37

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